• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 10,150 Views, 305 Comments

Our Chaotic Melancholy - Edensola

When a lone baby draconequus happens to stumble into Cheerilee's class one day, the caring mare can't help but take it upon herself to attempt raising it.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Resistance (Revised + Edited)


And so it'd begun.

Eve's conjured sphere, and ultimately destructive spell, surged towards Twilight.

Twilight simply smirked from the other end of the hall. It was fleeting, as almost immediately after that smug expression appeared, it vanished. Twilight then looked to her friends with a serious look. "Get ready guys!" She said with utmost importance, stressing the severity of the situation.

Although Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy still felt quite conflicted with the entire thing, Rarity and Pinkie gave Twilight a nod of approval. It wasn't that hard for them to decide in those few seconds they had, whose side they were on. Eve had kidnapped Spike and Apple Bloom, she'd obviously lied to their faces according to Twilight, and now here she was attacking them, although she meant to only hit Twilight, it looked all the same to them. They knew Twilight for her studious personality, honest judgement, and insightful wisdom, and most importantly, she was their close friend. And to them, they had to give her the benefit of the doubt, because that's what friends do, who were they to claim they knew what was best, despite what it looked like, despite their feelings about all of this, they never studied draconequis, and Discord was the only one they knew and he was the master of chaos. Now they were under attack, so they would defend themselves.

Fluttershy was simply overwhelmed with shock. She still didn't want to do this, no matter what Twilight claimed to know, even though she was usually timid and submissive, this made her stomach churn, it all felt wrong to the shy mare. But still, she couldn't deny that by this point, it seemed Twilight might be right about all of this. Eve was now attacking them, although it was because she didn't want to be alone, it also sent a different message, that she was willing to risk all the ponies of Ponyville for her own self benefit in a way. Fluttershy still however, no matter how bad the situation looked, wanted to give the baby draconequus the benefit of the doubt as well. As the sphere continued surging towards them, Fluttershy didn't really have time to say much herself, but she managed to get off a pleading call to her close friend. "T-Twilight!"

Twilight ignored Fluttershy; as said, she cared for Fluttershy deeply but to her, Fluttershy was being no different than an immature filly whining about not getting what she wanted. "Not now Fluttershy!"

At this point, Rainbow Dash and Applejack didn't feel conflicted at all. Rainbow would always be loyal to her friends, no matter what, and to her, there wasn't even much to consider. Eve committed a crime, lied to their faces, and was now attacking them, how straightforward could it get? Applejack was dealing with something much more personal, this draconequus took her little sister, and now was attacking her friend, and she made a promise to Apple Bloom to ensure something like this wouldn't happen again. She'd stand by Twilight, there was no question in the matter.

And Twilight knew this, although she knew her friends might feel wrong at first, she knew she could show them that they were indeed in the right. To Twilight, this is what it meant to be a leader in such circumstances. You had to make the hard decisions, and even if they seemed cruel and unjust, you had to remain steadfast if you were certain this is what needed to be done. Twilight didn't feel wrong, but she couldn't deny she felt quite biased as well, why would she want to give the draconequus that caused her so much trouble a chance? The very same draconequus that made her friends upset with her, especially Fluttershy, and the very same draconequus that took her precious Spike. This was the same race that had nearly cost her all her friends, turning them against one another, and the race capable of filling the world with nothing but chaos. Nonetheless she'd also looked into draconequis, and although her knowledge on the matter was still hazy to everypony else, she knew in her heart that she was fighting for the greater good, she felt it. She'd show the Princess she knew how to handle situations such as this, and she'd make her proud, no matter what.

And so although it only lasted a few seconds for them all to make that split-second decision, they all of course sided with one another. They were friends who'd taken on impossible odds together, and they wouldn't let some draconequus change that.

Such was the power of friendship.

In that moment all of their elements lit up, giving off a shining vibrant glow as they prepared to attack.

Twilight lowered her frame as her crown was the focus of their powerful spell as usual. They all went through this process many times before, and to them it would all go perfectly once more. They'd counter the desperate attempt made by Eve, and defeat her with the elements, it was simple, nothing could go wrong.

Twilight snapped angrily. "You asked for this!"

And in that next moment, the elements activated, sending a powerful spell surging forward; straight towards Eve's.

Eve was no fighter, and that spell she'd shot towards Twilight was probably her first real taste of destructive magic. She didn't know what to think seeing that frighteningly large blast heading straight for her, and of course she felt her little sphere wouldn't be able to make it past such a spell. Her eyes widened as an expression of dread overcame her, but she said nothing, there was nothing to say. She was simply overwhelmed with shock and fear. As the blast from the elements of harmony continued to come straight towards her, its bright lighting was almost blinding to the baby draconequus. But still she stared it down from the far end of the hall, and felt she couldn't take her eyes of it.

Then in that next moment, the Elements’ and Eve's own spell made contact, setting off a violent crackling reaction, creating a crashing noise which sounded like thunder and static going off in recurrence.

The mane six had their determined expressions, as they knew the elements wouldn't fail them, especially to something so meager. No, they weren't worried.

Then it happened.

The magical blast from the elements dispersed, as if powerless to withstand against Eve's spell.

Twilight's eyes snapped wide as did the others.

Twilight gasped. "WHAT!?"

The elements failed!? Impossible!

Even Eve was filled with shock and awe at the fact her little spell pushed through. She simply stared as now Twilight and the others were dangerously short on time to react. But of course, it could never be that easy.

Twilight had to snap back to her senses. She should've considered the possibility something could've gone wrong but this, how was this even possible? They were in the right weren't they? Eve took their friends and family, refused to listen, and even attacked them, everything made sense! But then it didn't. What was going on? Were they suddenly disconnected to the elements somehow? Or was the draconequus resistant to the power of the elements in some unique way? So many questions. Twilight squinted; no matter, in a way it wasn't surprising to consider Eve somehow managed to resist the elements, draconequis were clever, based off of Discord’s intelligence.

Either way they didn't need the elements to win this, and Twilight certainly was confident in the power of all of them working together. But still she couldn't lose sight of the fact she had to improvise now. She took a quick glance at all her friends who also wore shocked expressions. She called out to Rarity in specific. "Rarity!"

Rarity looked over to Twilight with a nod, still looking quite shocked but understood what the mare was implying. "R-Right!"

Rarity and Twilight then both lowered their frames as their horns started to glow in correspondence to their spell colors, even though they were currently working together for a specific spell. They had to act fast and in that next second as Eve's spell arrived at its destination, Twilight and Rarity summoned a transparent barrier, most likely a defensive spell. And as Eve's own spherical shaped attack smashed against this barrier, a small explosion then set off.

But it wasn't an explosion of fire, no, it was one of lightning and ice. Eve's spell summoned forth from it, small spires of crystal and shards of ice shimmering with lightning & electricity. A truly mesmerizing sight. The spell sent up a dust cloud, shrouding the mane six's location, the only thing visible was some of the destruction caused by Eve's spell.

The mane six's fate was unknown.

Eve simply blinked a bit, wide eyed as she looked upon the damage she'd caused. She stared in disbelief, before looking down at her claw as if fascinated by it. This is what she was capable of? This was the sort of power that dwelled within her all this time? She herself couldn't believe it, and she couldn't believe that she actually managed to use it in the heat of the moment. But as she looked down at her claw for a second, anger swelled up inside her, she didn't want this. She didn't want to be a monster capable of such magic. The thoughts of what she could accomplish frightened even her now. But she wanted to be with Cheerilee, even now she missed her terribly. But she wouldn't be able to dwell on these thoughts for long because of course, the mane six weren't finished with her yet.

Eve's eyes widened as she'd heard the shifting noises in the distance, then suddenly emerging from the shroud of dust and debris were three of the six. Rainbow burst forth on the right side with a mighty flap of her wings. Twilight charged down the middle. And Applejack was on Eve's far left as she trotted hurriedly down the hall. They all wore determined expressions and seemed to already have a set plan without even communicating with one another, or perhaps their teamwork was so solid that they had no need for words.

A shiver ran down Eve's spine as she barely knew how to react, as she was no fighter, but if she wanted to make it through this she had to stop being afraid and defend herself. She had to grow up and realize, that situations like this would inevitably occur for ones such as herself, even though she was so young, if she wanted the life she craved, unfortunately she'd have to fight for it, and prove her place, if that was even possible. At least this was what she felt was the only way. And even though she was afraid, even though she lacked any confidence that she could possibly win, the thought of being with Cheerilee spurred her on, motivating her.

Rainbow didn't have any trouble making it to the opposite end of the hall in an astoundingly short amount of time, speed being one of her greatest attributes. The rainbow maned mare was at Eve's right side, and almost immediately went into a counterattack. Rainbow was intending to finish this in one sweeping kick, nopony attacked her friends, and if this draconequus wanted to play rough, then she'd get it. So Rainbow did just that, appearing at Eve's side, she propelled herself in a full spin with a rotative flap of her wings, and swung her hind leg towards Eve's head in the hopes of making contact.

"Ah!" Eve's eyes widened as she let off a small shriek of fear at the sudden appearance of the rainbow maned mare at her side; not hesitating to attack. She was so inexperienced, cowardice could only be expected. But as Eve would soon learn, her powers would come to her aid when she needed them to. She flinched terribly at the sight of Rainbow's incoming hoof, she closed her eyes in fear and raised her arms in defense at the side of her head. And in that moment, chocolate, wood, and ice spires emerged from the ground at her side acting as shields.

Rainbow's kick landed against them as the mare gritted her teeth and cocked a brow. "W-What the heck?"

Twilight then called out to Rainbow. "Careful Rainbow! Remember what she's capable of!" And Twilight then teleported straight in front of the draconequus, an infuriated gleam in her eyes.

Eve's pupils dilated at the sight of the violet mare in front of her. Twilight seemed towering, frightening, powerful. And much like with Rainbow, Eve reacted on impulse, slinging up her arm in a desperate attempt to get a chaotic spell off and force Twilight away from her.

In some form, Twilight actually found it insulting this little draconequus expected to fight them off. Who did she think she was? She certainly wasn't Discord, yet. No, Twilight would show her just how pointless all of this really was. Her magic was chaotic, unpredictable, powerful yes, but ultimately she was unseasoned, and that'd cost her. Twilight never took her eyes off the baby draconequus, her horn then alit a vibrant purple color as she released a spell that shot straight for Eve's defensive arm, the one she was attempting to use to summon forth another of her spells and send her back.

As Twilight's spell made contact with Eve's right arm, the baby draconequus found that she couldn't move it. It was as if Twilight had frozen it in place, in time. "H-Huh?" Eve glanced at her arm wide eyed as she didn't really know what to think, it confused her. And her thoughts on the matter didn't last long.


Eve suddenly felt pain the likes of which she'd never felt before. It was almost indescribable, but thankfully it passed in a fleeting moment due to the circumstance of the situation. Her head forcefully turned, and she'd been kicked right in the jaw.

Behind Eve with her hind legs stretched out was a light brilliant gamboge mare with an angry expression and a tilted cowboy hat. Applejack had made her move.

Applejack's buck to the face caused the baby draconequus to fling forward from her original spot. Sending her body hurtling through the air and then crashing, tumbling and then skidding across the ground.

As the baby draconequus laid face down, she was limp and motionless. But her eyes were wide as her claw and paw twitched, she was still in quite a bit of shock from the sudden surge of pain in her jawbone area, so she simply laid there on the ground. She felt she lacked any strength to move, anything really.

As Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy emerged from the dust cloud coughing, Fluttershy gasped covering her mouth at the sight laid out before her.

Rarity continued coughing as she sighed heavily. "Uuugh, I swear, this place is absolutely dread-........oh my.."

Pinkie Pie simply blinked, then whispered to Rarity. "Is she sleeeping?"

Rainbow, Twilight and Applejack then regarded Eve laying in the middle of the hall with looks of pity.

Applejack sighed. "Stay down Sugarcube..."

Applejack then slowly began trotting towards Spike and Apple Bloom. To her this was already over, she was far from cocky but she couldn't deny a buck from her, especially after all of her apple bucking, certainly wasn't a pleasant surprise. And of course she wanted this over with fast. As she made it to the two, she was relieved to find they were alright, especially Apple Bloom. Applejack lowered her frame as she ran a hoof through Apple Bloom's mane affectionately, tears swelled up in her eyes as she did so. "H-Hey there lil'sis, everything's alright now ya hear? I told ya I'd come to get ya didn't I?"

Apple Bloom didn't reply seeing as she was passed out.

Twilight kept her eyes on Eve as she then glanced back at Applejack. "Applejack, is Spike alright?"

Applejack then looked over Spike closely as she nodded, smirking at Twilight. "He's all good Twi!"

Twilight then smiled, sighing with relief. "Thank goodness..."

Rainbow couldn't help but look at Eve worriedly as she then looked back down at Twilight. "So uhm...what now Twilight?"

Twilight looked back towards Eve who was still motionless on the ground. "We don't have to do anything at this point, let's just go home."

Rainbow cocked a brow, raising her forehooves to the air. "What!? After all that trouble she gave us we're just going to leave her here? Shouldn't we take her back to the Princess or something? I mean, weren't you the one talking about ensuring she never does this again? How do we know she won't attack again? Or recover or something."

Twilight looked at Rainbow with a humored smile. "I think she gets it Rainbow, but maybe you're right, maybe we should take her to Canterlot and turn her over to the Princess. Either way she probably won't be causing anymore trouble in her condition."

Fluttershy then trotted straight towards Eve while glaring angrily at Twilight and Rainbow. "T-Twilight! Rainbow!...I-...I just....I-" Fluttershy looked infuriated, and she wanted to go off on them, she wanted to yell something at them but couldn't find any words. Tears swelled in her eyes as she simply glared at them for a bit, she felt ashamed, and found these acts despicable. The pale yellow mare simply looked away from them without saying any more. Then lowered her frame as she regarded Eve with a saddened expression, and as she turned the baby draconequus over, she couldn't help but feel like crying. Was there really an excuse for this? Fluttershy brought Eve into her forehooves as she laid on her side.

Eve simply eyed the mare with a tired expression with half closed eyes.

Well, at least she was like she imagined, just like at the schoolhouse that day, she accepted her for what she was.

Eve couldn't say anything to her, and a small amount of blood spatter decorated the side of her mouth, some of the red substance protruded from her lower lip. Her jaw was smashed, and disappointingly she'd lost the will to fight back. That was quite fast, and she felt pathetic because of it. She accomplished nothing, all she accomplished was a broken jaw. This certainly escalated further than she thought it would, but she still couldn't help but feel disappointed in herself. She had so many powers, and still she failed, and her resistance made no difference. It was childish, and it only worsened her reputation more. She reacted out of anger, and still she'd lose Cheerilee. I'm sorry momma......

Fluttershy then gritted her teeth, setting her piercing gaze towards Twilight and Rainbow once more.

Twilight however was now approaching the mare and draconequus with a saddened expression herself. "Listen Fluttershy, she attacked first. We realize that you're angry but you can't expect to blame us for defending ourselves. Either way, it's over, and we're going to probably want to keep her this way so she doesn't resist."

Fluttershy at that moment seemed like she'd snapped herself. Her eyes widened as she couldn't even believe what she was hearing. She loved them, Rainbow and Twilight of course, but, for some reason she couldn't find anything they were saying plausible. It all sounded like a big joke to her, and it wasn't funny, not one bit. It actually filled her with rage, and then it happened, she erupted at Twilight. "WHAT!?"

But Twilight had just about had it with Fluttershy as well; constantly thinking of her as evil. "You heard me!"

Rarity then cut in as she began trotting towards them, Pinkie followed. "H-Hey now; settle down you two!"

Rainbow then went to Twilight's defense, arguing against Fluttershy.

Applejack was still tending to her little sister and also fiddling with the weird sweet locks that bound them. But she couldn't help but overhear the arguing, which caused her expression to sink as she rolled her eyes then turned towards them. "What the hay is going on over there!?" Applejack then trotted on over to see what the commotion was about.

It was chaotic.

And Eve, wasn't even listening. As she laid there in Fluttershy's hooves, her world was deathly silent. She looked devoid of any emotion as she was lost in her own thoughts and concerns. She wondered if she'd ever get to say goodbye to Cheerilee, obviously by fighting back she ensured a more severe punishment than mere exile, she'd never met the Princess before, maybe she'd go easy on her. It was funny, the baby draconequus was finally growing up, but not in anyway she'd expected. She used to be so innocent, curious, full of life, but now it all seemed so bleak now. Life seemed so, uninteresting to her, and she felt too tired to even give that idea any deep thought. Cheerilee was the only thing that seemed to make it mean something, but she'd soon be gone too.

Then; another voice spoke out in Eve's head. It was feminine.

Your only limitation is your imagination you know. It's not over.

Eve couldn't help but respond to the question in her mind. My imagination?

Yes, you'd do anything to be with Momma wouldn't you?

What a question. Eve thought about it for a moment, but the answer was simple.

She closed her eyes as she felt her world going dark.
And a small tear rolled down her cheek. Y-Yes...

Suddenly as Twilight, Fluttershy, and the others were arguing, the very air around them began to grow heavy.

All of them noticed this almost immediately as Twilight seemed a bit fearful herself. "W-What?"

Fluttershy then looked down at Eve with concerned eyes, but found that the baby draconequus was fast asleep, or fainted.

The air around them only continued to grow denser, and soon began to shimmer and crack. Black sparks spread about the area surrounding them as they all regarded one another with worried glances.

Applejack looked to Twilight. "T-Twi...mind telling us what's going on here?"

And then, Twilight said that one dreadful thing none of them wanted to hear. "I...I don't know..."

Almost immediately after stating that, one by one, the mane six started dropping like flies.

First it was Pinkie Pie, getting dizzy, then falling to her side, passing out.

Rarity yelled at Pinkie. "Pinkie! Darling are you al-....right?" And then Rarity was the next to fall.

Rainbow blinked a bit before placing her forehooves on her head. "What the heck is going on!?" And not a moment later, Rainbow to got dizzy and fell to the floor passing out.

Applejack looked at the remaining two with a panicked expression. "T-Twi! This ain't good! We need to do somethin about this right now!"

Twilight shot her glance towards Fluttershy, but more specifically at Eve. "Give her to me Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy clutched the sleeping draconequus.

Twilight's eyes widened. "Fluttershy!"

Then Applejack dropped.

Only Fluttershy and Twilight remained.

Twilight then started getting dizzy herself as did Fluttershy. But not before giving each other a tired look did they pass out.

And so everypony laid on the ground, as if all in a comatose state.

Twilight soon slowly awoke, but not in anywhere she'd expect. The world around her was dark, and she seemed to be in a vast, empty room, the only light being above her, creating a perfect circle of light in the middle of this vast room. She staggered to her hooves before rubbing her head. "W-What...what's?..."

"Why hello there Twilight....-"

Suddenly a figure emerged before Twilight from the shadows. And who it was could only make her stare in wonder and confusion; she was speechless. The figure grinned.

"Or should I say, hello me."

The figure was revealed to be shade of Twilight, a doppelgänger in a sense.

As Pinkie awoke, she too found herself in a very similar position to Twilight. Standing in the middle of a dark room with nothing but herself and a doppelgänger. Pinkie's resembling her of course; except, her mane was straightened, as in a similar fashion to the times she was sad and unmotivated. This caused Pinkie to back away in fear, shaking her head.

Her doppelgänger simply peered at her with a disinterested expression. "You'll always be a weirdo..."

Rainbow Dash's situation was no different.

Her doppelgänger was dressed in a black wonderbolts uniform, smirking at her.

But Rainbow wasn't scared, she simply crossed her hooves. "Hah!"

Fluttershy trembled as she looked in the eyes of her's.

Her doppelgänger seemed to possess a certain sadistic manner to itself, grinning fiercely at the timid mare. "Clutzershy! Hah! What a big baby, little scaredy cat!"

And so was the same with Rarity and Applejack. Both being in their own vast room's as they were faced with doppelgängers of themselves. As the mane six were all disconnected and separated from one another, it didn't stop them from yelling the same thing in unison all the same time. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?"

As Eve awoke, she to was in a similar position as the mane six, but her room was a little different. Her's was more like an open labyrinth, and she stood atop a black circular disk floating in the middle of this vast labyrinth. The disk was abnormally large and had runic markings etched into its stainless steel surface. The world around her of course was dark as well, the only light being above her, allowing her to see anything that joined her on the disk, and inevitably, something soon did, touching down atop the surface of the disk with a smile.

Eve looked at the figure a little dumbfounded, of course like the others, she was just as confused.

Her doppelgänger simply smirked at her, but seemed more lively, possessing a totally unique personality of its own. "Hi Eve, it's good to finally see you in here with me, I'm looking forward to our talk."

Eve took a few steps back nervously. "U-Uhm...who are you?"

Her doppelgänger cocked a brow before giving her a soft smile and closing her eyes. "Just call me Eris...hehe.."