• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...


Random: Stuff for later in Mane 1 · 10:52am Sep 13th, 2020


MARES AND GENETLECOLTS...I PRESENT TO YOU... THE FIRST OF THE RE-EDITS!!! (Presented by Samsung's 16K TV's) · 4:26am Sep 11th, 2020

Yeah I'm just throwing blog updates around like it ain't shit...am I right?

Anyways as the title suggests, I've been working on the re-edits, despite me saying I would do after I finish Season 1. But two things changed my mind.

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Report The Masked Ghost · 53 views ·

Good news everyone!!! · 5:36am Sep 6th, 2020

Crises adverted, and we're all good.

Alright to quickly explain, they tried to dig shit up on me and dox me and all that shit, but from what I understand, they tried, but couldn't find shit. And then I got a few PM's with Autism, had a back and forth conversation and it seems to be that I am in the clear.

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In case of emergency, please panic... (A.K.A. Captain Autism)... · 4:11am Sep 5th, 2020

Yeah...as the title suggests, an emergency has come up. Well, maybe not an emergency, but more or less just trying to let you guys know to just be aware of a certain situation that is currently going on at the moment and in case you might see something. Or may not, who knows. I don't know what's going to happen as shit will probably get serious for me.

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Report The Masked Ghost · 88 views ·

Time for a hooky dooky update · 10:09am Aug 21st, 2020

Hello one and all, and you know what time it is? It's time to bomb Estonia, I mean update time!...

and bomb Estonia...

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List of Inner Circle members names for Ghost Saga · 10:40am Aug 14th, 2020

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List of Inner Circle Members names for Ghost Saga

Inner Circles members:

Turkey Taters


MAGA Brony

@_Abuata_ @_excrement

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Character Commentary Episode 23-3 Prologue · 11:20am Aug 5th, 2020

Episode 23-3 Prologue
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Character Commentary Episode 23-3 Prologue

BT = Bob Tom

K = Knight

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ok, I fixed it... · 6:02am Jul 30th, 2020

Ok I fixed the error. And when I mean by I fixed the error, I mean by it was a false alarm. I was looking over the episode earlier today and had the text to speech thing on, and as I was looking at it, I had thought there was an error that I missed since I do all of the editing and something is bound to be missed or messed up and get by me. So I kind of panicked a bit because to be fair, it's embarrassing to have put the episode up and then had a mistake like that be missed. But thankfully it

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Report The Masked Ghost · 73 views ·

Ah fuck me... · 8:34pm Jul 29th, 2020

I made an MISTAKE in the recent episode that I just noticed. Something happened during editing and I wasn't sure what it was, but I'd assume nothing went wrong, but it did, so I'm going to have to fix it as soon as possible. My apologizes everyone, I hate it when it happens, but sorry about that. Ill try to fix it as soon as possible...

And just so you know, the error was that towards the end, certain paragraphs are out of place, so once again, I apologize...

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Episode 23-3 Prologue Now Up! · 5:04am Jul 15th, 2020


Episode 23-3 Prologue

Yeah so here it is, I spent a lot of time trying to edit it. I kept falling asleep because of my dumbass not getting enough of sleep the night before.

But it's ok, it's all done. Just remember what I said, don't expect too much because it's a side episode. Its still worth your time though, you'll love it.

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