• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Lugh the Deer

Just your regular multiverse-traveling deer sharing what comes to my mind.

Search Statistics

Found 3 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 27,578
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Herbie the love bug, Hera the modern VW Beetle, and Horace the Hate Bug, are sent to equestria after a mysterious portal whisks away all 3 of them. What will happen to these 3 bugs? Find out in this story "Adventures of a Love Bug".

p.s. this is inspired by Auditore 117's story "Herbie and Friends in Equestria".
Since it seems he will never get to continuing it, I decided to do it myself. Please don't comment about me stealing his Idea, I'm just doing it my own way.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and her friends are transported to earth in the far past where they try to survive the worst maritime disaster in American history, and its not the Titanic.

Chapters (3)

After I save my consciousness in a computer, I live my life from then on. but then equestria is formed out of the former remains of earth.
(This story works off the theory that equestria is earth in the future.)
Act 1: Chapters 1-12
Act 2: 13-23
Act 3: 24-ongoing
Mini Act 1: 26-29
P.s. this story also involves a bit of romance.

Chapters (34)