• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean


Another idea for Akula's F1 story · 12:47am May 16th, 2021

I think that test driver could replace the main drivers if they are being held back by the FIA (brain thinks of Oscura) or had a really nasty crash.

Some ideas for test drivers

Mercedes-AMG Petronas (The Crimson Arrows)
Starlight Glimmer (STA) No. 25 (sorry Akula)
Sunset Shimmer (SUN) No. 6

Scuderia Ferrari (The Prancing Speedfreaks)
Azura Dragonsfire (AZD) No. 136
Aria Blaze (ARB) No. 114
Midnight Skies (MID) No. 4

Red Bull-Aston Martin
Lolestra Maledicta (LOM) No. 113

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I don't know how I did this (Weird #2) · 1:32am May 15th, 2021

I was doing a race on NASCAR Heat 4 at Michigan Motor Speedway and what happened was on the last lap I think the #31 car give my #95 car a nudge on the exit of turn 4 and I tried to re-join on the circuit but that lead to a multi-car pile-up, but the weirdest part is that #95 car went airborne and landed on the roof and upside down on the #3 car and still finished 15th. I don't think I'll do that again if I tried

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Ideas for future F1 Equestria Radio Moments · 10:53pm May 11th, 2021

Scuderia Ferrari

"I just headbutted a bird!
"Copy that, Danger. I guess you're not the only one with a animal encounter.
"Fluttershy flat-spotted her tyres due a woodchuck on the circuit."
"I don't think animals should have F1 tickets."
"Haha. Copy that, Danger. That was funny.

Twilight Sparkle
Mercedes-AMG Petronas

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More information on the F1 Equestria follow-up + TBDC2 · 11:31pm May 10th, 2021

There's something else I forgot to mention in the blog post I made a few weeks ago about the F1 story follow-up, which is that the Equestrian drivers are in the first sprint race and then the DangerVerse in the second and the top 12 in each race with their fastest lap time will determine the place in the race.

Also on a more Danger City note, I'm open for more OCs (that aren't created by me) to join the train of Oscura torturing.

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A Danger-day is here · 1:35am May 8th, 2021

And when I say Danger-day, it means a birthday.

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Danger Advice · 12:22am Apr 24th, 2021

If you're going to post another chapter, make sure don't have about three consecutive writer's blocks in one go.

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Something I didn't realise · 12:44am Apr 20th, 2021

You know when Oscura said this during her speech:

“We live in changing world, Oscura City. But the change sometimes happens without us knowing.” Oscura continued. “But is there a time where WE make the change happen? The Legion of Speedfreaks didn’t want to make me do this. BUT THERE WILL BE SEVERAL VEHICLES DESTROYED. SKYSCRAPES COLLAPSING IN ON THEMSELVES. A SURGE OF POWER. A SURGE OF GLORY. WHEN THE CRIMSON SOLAR ECLIPSE RISES!”

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Drivers for the New Story Idea · 1:20am Apr 9th, 2021

There are as follows:
Midnight Skies (MID) No. 4 : Bugatti (Bugatti T252*)
Sunset Shimmer (SUN) No. 6 : Audi Sport (Audi R19 e-tron*)
Shadow Wings (SHA) No. 9 : Jaguar (Jaguar R6*)
Blazing 'Blazey' Lionfire (BLL) No. 11 : Chaparral (Chaparral 2Z-19*)
Sparkling 'Sparky' Lionfire (SPL) No. 12 : Chaparral (Chaparral 2Z-19*)
Inferno Tempest (INF) No. 16 : Nemesis (Nemesis NGP19*)
Diamond Rush (DIR) No. 18 : Bugatti (Bugatti T252*)
Celeste Flame (CEF) No. 20 : Toyota (Toyota TFSO-19*)

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New Story Idea. · 9:01pm Apr 7th, 2021

Hey guys, the only pegasus that has a Masters degree on Oscura torturing, DangerDean here and I have a idea for an upcoming story and it might be a follow-up to this story: F1 Equestria: Duels of the Century by Akula966 (one of my favourite, go and check it out if anyone hasn't already), you see I planning to have a race on the DangerDrive Motorsport Park (in the DangerVerse) but I'm not going to publish it until Akula's F1 story is finished, So that would give me some time to plan out the

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Random #15 · 12:03am Apr 7th, 2021

Another thing about my OC is that unlike Fluttershy, he actually likes dragons and he actually studies them when he's not torturing Oscura.

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