• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2021


It's been a while, but I'm back home! Don't know when I'll write something for this site again, but enjoy my other stuff in the meantime!


Of Comets and Changelings · 12:27am Jun 20th, 2013

Well, my new story is out and published! Go read it!

[update] Oh, wait. It's still being read by the site moderators. Hold on a sec.

Okay, now you can go read it.

Report Shadowflame · 151 views ·

In relation to the latest chapter of BGO · 5:17pm May 31st, 2013

Okay, for anyone who wants to know why I'm posting this blog, just read the latest chapter of BGO. The explanation is in the author's note.

OC's and their owners (Links to the owners' page are on their names):

Darkened5ky (Sent in by Darkened5ky)
Lexus (Sorry, but he's my own OC. So feel free to follow me if you like. :D)
Ezekiel (Sent in by Tomfire10)

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Report Shadowflame · 210 views ·

GAH! I FREAKING HATE VIRUSES · 9:31pm May 10th, 2013

I hate viruses. My laptop, in fact, got another virus and now it won't even connect to the internet. I would completely reset the system, except it has a butt load of my families junk on there. That would take me forever to retrieve all of that stuff onto another device, so I'm stuck using my old, dinosaur computer... again. So, don't expect me to get new chapters released as quickly as I used to.

Anyways, see ya,
Suck less,

Report Shadowflame · 92 views ·

YES! Death to the viruses! · 7:21pm Apr 26th, 2013

Okay, I finally got all of the viruses off of my laptop that I usually use for writing! That means that I can begin writing again like I normally would, and that also means that I might get my next few chapters out and published sooner than I had expected. DEATH TO THE VIRUSES!

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Report Shadowflame · 95 views ·

Okay, Random stuff that should be known · 1:42am Apr 8th, 2013

So, as a few of you know, the chapter titles of BGO were just dates of when they were happening, just like a journal entry. But I've added a little extra to each chapter title. Just a heads up for a few of you guys.

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Report Shadowflame · 172 views ·

Awesome Octavia · 8:55pm Apr 5th, 2013

Ah, the many wonders of Flash Animation

Tell me, how would Octavia fair in a changeling fight if she was put in any of my stories?

Report Shadowflame · 127 views ·

Okay, the OC list can no longer be added to. · 9:24pm Mar 31st, 2013

Thank you all for the OC's that you've sent in for BGO, but I will no longer be accepting any more OC's.

But if you have been thinking about sending yours in, if you already haven't, then you should PM me. If I find your OC highly applicable to BGO, then I may find another spot in BGO where your OC will fit. But be warned: Any OC's that are sent to me, as of now, will most likely be turned down.

Thank you all for reading,

Report Shadowflame · 134 views ·

YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! · 4:43pm Mar 30th, 2013


Naractia's Nightmare-(Night) is finally finished!

So, to celebrate this momentous occasion, watch this video. This was actually on the news in Utah yesterday. Enjoy
(But for all of you who haven't read Naractia's Nightmare-(Night) yet, then go ahead and finish it.)

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Report Shadowflame · 99 views ·

Total OC's for BGO · 11:24pm Mar 7th, 2013

Okay, over the past few weeks, I've received a few OC's from my readers. Right now I'm going to list off all of the OC's that I've received, along with their weapons, their race, and who sent them in. Keep in mind, these are only in order of when they were sent it, not in order of when they will appear in the story.

1. Crossheart (Unicorn)- Hammer and shield (Sent in by thedams)
2. Violet Runner (Unicorn)- Sledgehammer (Sent in by Violet Runner)

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Report Shadowflame · 127 views ·

Haters... <sigh>... they are so clueless. · 11:54pm Mar 5th, 2013

Ah, man. I've got not one hater, but Two on my tail right now. One of them is at my school, but the other is one of my facebook friends. They're both pretty immature and arrogant, so I don't think they'll get bored of hating the show any time soon. I can stand their hating, but it is starting to get a bit annoying. Heh heh, but I'm gonna laugh at them the day they realize that the show is more awesome than they think. One of these days, I'm gonna get either one of them to watch a few

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Report Shadowflame · 130 views ·