• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
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Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/


Your favorite scenes.... · 8:19pm Feb 25th, 2014

Hey, how are things?

Things are going well by my side, just having some troubles getting into the "100%focusedwriter" mode lately. (One of the reasons my update rhythm went down drastically..... Sorry about that btw...)

Anyway, I was trying to get to write something and then a few questions got in my head and wouldn't stop bothering me until I wrote them down, so here goes...

Among all the stories I have written so far, ...

A- What's your favorite "D'awwww!" scene?

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Happy Birthday Apple Scratch! · 6:24pm Feb 17th, 2014

Being busy and all, I didn't notice that the Apple Scratch Saga is now a YEAR and eleven days old!

Gosh the time flew as surely as Rainbow Dash (nice expression don't you think?)

Anyway, for the one year of an Apple Scratch toward the world, I'll finally order its book version at a printer ;)

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Help me decide ;) · 3:17pm Feb 8th, 2014

I started Onward to the equestrian games next chapter a few dozens of minutes ago, and I'm stuck at a dilemma....

What trial will be focused in this chapter? I have many suggestions to offer, and I'd like to hear what do you wish to see. (don't hesitate to classify them :p)

A) the "in-laws" Horse show battles... Vinyl VS her lover's brother... Alizée VS Maximus.... Apple VS Philharmonica... You get what's at stakes :p

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A picture of Vincenza Scratch from GTVS, and a little note writing rhythm lately. · 7:42pm Feb 1st, 2014

First of all,

ZantyARZ from DA, for those who know him, published a new Humanized Vinyl picture.

And When I saw it, it was exactly Vinyl from GTVS, so I thought I'll just share it with you all ;)

Think to give it a fav on DA if you like it ;)

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Scratchin' Thieves update coming right up. It's really starting... (+future update) · 12:41pm Jan 22nd, 2014

Well, Scratchin' thieves new chapter got sent to my faithful editors... It's only a matter of times before it's published. EDIT : It's up now!
If they have the time of course :p After all, each of us has something that takes away his pony time..... (Something's a jerk!)

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Dividing Thief Charming in a multi-chapter? Worth it, or not? [Mature story related] · 9:18am Jan 15th, 2014

Now, I've been asking that question for a while now, and, rereading it myself a couple of minutes ago, I decided to ask.

Would you like it better if Thief Charming was to be divided into 5 or 6 chapters instead of that really long unique chapter?

Thanks to the separations I made in text: the "...******..." The story's clearly structured to be divided in chapters.

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A new addition to the Apple Scratch Verse · 9:29pm Jan 5th, 2014

(For those of you who are in the group already, that blog is going to be redundant.)

Tigerswirl448 just got the approval on (his/her?) his side story for the Apple Scratch verse : The tales of Apple Scratch: Just another wild west story

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Happy New Year Everypony! · 12:04pm Jan 2nd, 2014


Hope you spent a good time on New Year's Eve.

Tradition would want me to get on about good resolutions or something like that...
Experience has shown me to not make too much important resolutions as I barely accomplish them by the end of the year in question :twilightsheepish:

Still, one of your last year's good resolution was to try my luck at writing fan fictions.... It turned out pretty good in the end :pinkiesmile:

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A Merry Christmas for everypony! · 6:04am Dec 24th, 2013

Howdy, my fellow bronies!

It's that time of the year when we all share insane amount of food after receiving presents, and before making joyful memories with our Kin!

Since I'll not have the opportunity to write that blog on the Christmas Eve or Day, I'm wishing all of you a Merry Christmas!

Now, I mentioned presents, and well, I have something for you....

A brand new Octa-Scratch One-shot (though no clop, I'll leave to imagination ;) )!

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Random Blog a bit before Christmas. · 10:13am Dec 11th, 2013

Hey there!

You probably noticed that I have finished Apple Scratch toward the World's rewrite.

Glad the rewrite was very well welcomed by you readers (even if some regretted a few past scenes like the Poker game in prison, or Chrysalis trying to impersonate Celestia.... Those concerned know I'm talking about them :p)

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