• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/


Little announcements. · 10:18pm Dec 1st, 2013

I just finished the Epilogue of the Rewrite of Apple Scratch toward the world.
The chapter is between the careful hands of my editors (shouldn't be long now... Unless I fall asleep before they both finished their job.)

Which means that my incomplete stories will finally get the attention they all deserve, especially one that I left unattended since before I left in august.

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WOOOHOOOO SEASON 4 ROCKS!!! · 10:20pm Nov 23rd, 2013

I just managed to watch the starter episodes on youtube! (As Belgium doesn't have the Hub on TV sadly), and Boy, I was scared of where they were going to do, but I'm sure glad to find out it was for nothing!

So many questions answered (only a few but that's more than enough for me) and new questions have arrived...

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I'm back from London!!! · 2:51pm Nov 9th, 2013

After rather stressful days in London, I'm finally back in the warm, comforting embrace of my belgian home.

It was great, got to see a few things, even brought back a companion with me.

(excuse her bad mane, the train ride was dreadful for it) (I'm a bit pissed because they didn't have Vinyl or Octavia at the shop :fluttercry: )

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Pinkie! What does your scouter says about my views counter? · 7:25am Nov 4th, 2013

:pinkiesick: I'm not doing that!


Because it's been done too many times! Even I can see that's been long overdone! And I'm still going trick or treating at age of.....What's my age again?

Depends... Which story you're referring to?


A year younger than Fluttershy... That's all we know from Hasbro.

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Seriously, help me!!! :p · 12:09pm Oct 30th, 2013

For Halloween Night (more day, but whatever), my pals and I decided to start a game of Warhammer RPG (V2)

During my character's creation, which turned out to be a Bretonnian Knight Errant, a friend suggested me to name him Jacques in honor of my version of Applejack because I rolled massive fighting stats in Close Combats and Strength...

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Job announcement: PunyPony needs an editor · 3:33pm Oct 28th, 2013

My good friend, PunyPony, author of the Fashion Crush, (the sort of GTVS prequel) needs something that I can't really do. An editor that is!

I know there is a group for that, but I've seen many authors (myself included) not getting any response, so I'm calling for your assistance.

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Little things to know for today.... · 2:14pm Oct 26th, 2013

Hey, What's up?

For starters, GTVS's Nightmare Night update is coming along quite nicely, and should be ready for Halloween Night (belgium time (GMT+1))

Secondly, Swift-Blaze made a blog about his top Five Octa-Scratch and drew an awesome Fanart for GTVS

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Thanks you all for this year! · 1:48am Oct 25th, 2013

Howdy, partners!

I woke up this morning, and noticed it's exactly a year since I created this account!

Now, I'd like to thank you all for this amazing year ^^
Fimfiction is the first online community that lasted this long for me, and probably will continue for a while now ^_^!
Also a special thank you to ones who hooked me to my TTP (two true pairings) which in the long run lead me to start writing..

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two little requests, and a question to my followers · 5:30pm Oct 18th, 2013


How have you been ?

I've been great! Uni took a lot of my writing time away, but I'll try to have a GTVS update for this Sunday night, or Monday morning....

Anyway, I've been thinking and I was wondering if one of you, if they can and will of course, would like to help me getting a new avatar for Fimfiction..... In short drawing My Pony-Persona... (That would be awesome :rainbowkiss:)

details will be sent to pm :raritywink:

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GTVS side Fic/Prequel is on. · 2:41pm Oct 12th, 2013

Fashion Crush is on, don't hesitate on the critics and remark (it's his first attempt at writing ;) )
Rarijackers, feel free to comment on it (and same for the non-rarijackers ^^)


(PS: So many blog posts in less than 24H.... long!)

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