• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 33,604 Views, 1,228 Comments

Living Nightmare - Autum Breeze

Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements. But a part of her remained, working til it could become whole again. But something went wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


“See ya, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle called as the two of us stood in the door, about to head out to school.

“Goodbye, girls. Have a good day at school,” Rarity’s voice called back from one of the rooms in the boutique, with a sing-song feel to it.

“Thank you for letting me stay, Rari—” I’m cut off by a yawn and put a hoof over my mouth.

“It was no problem, Stellar,” she called back kindly. “You were a wonderful house guest. You’re welcome any time.”

I nodded, just before remembering that she wouldn’t see it and went out the door with Sweetie Belle, closing it with my mane and we headed off towards school.

I kept my head down as we walked through town, trying to ignore the cold looks I got from several ponies. There were less cold stares than before, but still.

Last night hadn’t been as bad as it could have been. Yes, that had been a horrible nightmare, but Rarity had made me feel better and, when I went back to sleep, it had been dreamless.

Still, I was little bit tired, having woken up halfway through the night from that dream. I can’t even remember what the dream was about. It’s as if the dream fades away every time I try to think about it.

I can’t help wondering why I dreamt of a forest. It’s the only thing that stands out in what little of the dream remains in my mind. But, why a forest? I’ve never been in a forest before and I didn’t go into that forest beyond Sweet Apple Acres... or did I?

No, no I didn’t. I went inside, Granny Smith showed me to my room, I went to sleep and woke up at Rarity’s house late yesterday morning.


So, why do I feel like there was more to it than that?

“So, Stellar?”

Sweetie Belle’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at her. “Yeah?”

“Are you gonna be okay going back to school?” She looked really worried for me, which made me smile.

“I... I am a little scared,” I admitted, looking down. “But, I’m sure, as long as I have friends like you and Apple Bloom, I’ll be okay.”

It was Sweetie Belle’s turn to smile and she nodded. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Scootaloo will wanna be your friend too.”

It took a second for me to figure out who she was talking about. “Scootaloo’s that orange Pegasus filly with the scooter, right?” Wait. So her name is Scootaloo and she rides a scooter? Why did that sound so... I don’t know, to chancy, I guess?

Sweetie Belle nodded. “She’s really good at it too.”

“Riding her scooter?”

“Yeah. I’ll bet she’ll be a pro one day.”

I cocked an eyebrow. In TV shows I’d watch, pro meant you were so good it was your job and you got paid for being so good at it. Could you really be a pro for riding a scooter?

The school was in sight now and I could see several parents saying goodbye to their children and turning, about half of them giving me a look that clearly said, “You hurt my child and you will pay”, before leaving.

Those looks made me falter and consider going back to Rarity’s shop and staying there for the day, but a voice caught my attention.

“There she is, Mommy. That’s her!”

Oh no. Not more ponies hating me.

Still, that didn’t sound like Diamond Tiara. In fact, it sounded like...

I turned around, expecting to see a filly with her mother walking behind her, wearing an angry glare, but what I saw was Dinky Hooves, the filly who was going to be Diamond Tiara’s little sister. Behind her was a Pegasus mare that had to be her mother, with a light-grey coat and blonde man and tail. Her Cutie Mark was of six bubbles. But, her eyes were what caused me to cock an eyebrow.

While one was looking at me, the other was looking up at the sky, but it didn’t seem to bother her at all. Still, the oddness wasn’t what shocked me. Her eyes were filled with kindness and she was smiling at me, just as the little unicorn filly was as they came over to us.

“Hello, there,” she said, her voice light and gentle. “You must me Stellar Nova, am I right?”

I nodded, my mouth not working for some reason.

She nodded back, then reached into the bag strapped to her side and pulled a small white box out and handed it to me.

I took it with a stream of my mane, glanced at it, then back at her in confusion.

“Think of it as my way of saying thank you for standing up for Dinky,” she replied, closing her eyes, then reopening them and nuzzling the filly. “Have a good day, muffin.”

Dinky returned the nuzzle, saying, “Sure, Mommy. You too.”

Her mother nodded, extended her wings and took to the air.

We all watched until she was out of sight. Her flying was a little wobbly, though I guess since she was seeing in two directions at once, you couldn’t expect her to be an expert flyer, and, having never flown myself, I can’t exactly judge her.

“Come on,” Dinky said, pointing at the box her mother had given me. “Open it.”

I do so using my mane and blink. Inside the box is a muffin, with yellow icing.

“It’s my mommy’s super secret special lemon muffin surprise!” Dinky chirped, smiling from ear to ear. “It’s her own recipe.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head, giggling. “Shoulda known Derpy would thank you with a muffin. She loves those things almost as much as she does Dinky.”

Said filly winked, stinking out her tongue. “She loves me more cos I’m sweeter.”

They both giggled as I lifted the muffin out of the box, glancing from it to Dinky. “Am I allowed to eat it?”

Dinky nodded and, hesitantly, I lifted the muffin to my mouth and took a bite. At once my mouth felt like it was having a party. The muffin was banana and, like Dinky had said, the icing was lemon flavoured. It was amazing and SO tasty!

I took another bite, a wide smile on my face as I chewed. The centre was a gooey chocolate ball. Guess that was the surprise. Dinky had a mum that could make the best muffins ever.

We headed to school together, walking in and heading for our class. I noticed that, like with the ponies we’d past on the way, the fillies and colts we past in the hallway giving me cold glares wasn’t as many as before.

As we reached our classroom I finished the last of the muffin Miss Derpy had given me and licked my lips, which had a little bit of chocolate on them.

As we entered the classroom I saw Diamond Tiara giving me a glare that could melt ice.

I tensed a little, before I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Rarity had told me that I shouldn’t let Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon get to me, to ignore them and pretend they weren’t there.

I opened my eyes and walked past the scowling filly and went to my desk, sat down and used my mane to move my stuff, ready for the school day.

Sweetie Belle was talking to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, whatever she was saying seeming to make Apple Bloom look relieved.

Miss Cheerilee walked in and everypony returned to their seats and class began. I noticed Miss Cheerilee give a bright smile when she saw me, which I returned.


“Oh, dear. It was that bad?” Fluttershy asked, concern appearing in her expression.

Rarity nodded, levitating the tea cup in front of her and delicately taking a sip, before lowering it back down to answer. “Yes. The poor dear. I think Princess Luna was right in that Nightmare can still get into Stellar’s dreams. I do hope you’ll have a much quieter night with her, Fluttershy. I think the atmosphere of your home will help her not to have any nightmares.”

Fluttershy nodded, looking down at her floor. “I hope she doesn’t feel like I don’t want her here.”

Rarity shook her head. Fluttershy was still the same as always, worrying about things that she didn’t need to. “I promise you, darling, she won’t feel that way at all. She didn’t when she stayed over last night, though that was most likely helped by Sweetie Belle.”

A smile came to Fluttershy’s face and she nodded. “I am glad Stellar’s made friends with your sister, Rarity. I hope she’ll be able to be friend with the other crusaders too.”
Rarity smiled. “Knowing Sweetie Belle, that won’t be a problem. I’m sure when you meet up with Stellar this afternoon she’ll be telling you all about the fun she had with the crusaders and maybe even some other fillies and colts.”

They remained silent for a few moments, just enjoying each other’s company and the tea.

“However,” Rarity said after a while, “I feel I must tell you something.”

Fluttershy looked up, worry entering her eyes.

“She had a little... accident before she woke up yesterday morning,” Rarity looked a little uncomfortable.

“Oh... my,” Fluttershy said, getting the hint. “Should I get some things for her, just in case it happens again?”

Rarity shook her head. “I don’t think it happens normally. She seemed really ashamed of it, as if it wasn’t something she was used to, meaning, before all this happened, Michael was able to go to bed without worrying about bed wetting. However, the change of body and... well, gender and species, has made her uncertain and that’s why it happened.”

“So.... what do I do?” Fluttershy now looked worried and confused.

Rarity gave a small smile and levitated something from her saddlebag. “Put these plastic sheets on her bed. If she does have another accident, it won’t be so hard to clean up.”

She levitated the plastic sheeting over to Fluttershy, who took them and nodded.

“We don’t want to make her worry about it.” Then, in a quieter voice the unicorn said, “She’s already had so much to worry about.”

Both nodded sadly. Keeping Stellar in the dark about what had happened wasn’t easy and made them feel horrible, but they knew they had to do it, for her own sake.


“I’m gonna get you!” Scootaloo shouted as she chased after the three of us.

It was recess and we were playing a game of tag. To makes things fair, I wasn’t allowed to use my mane or tail if I got tagged, but I was fast on my hooves and Apple Bloom and I were the only ones who hadn’t been tagged at least once yet.

Before Scootaloo it had been Sweetie Belle, who’d been tagged by Dinky. Scootaloo was determined to make sure Apple Bloom or I were the next to be tagged. She was barely chasing Sweetie or Dinky, her eyes targeting us and us alone.

Just as I missed being tagged again Scootaloo, I heard a pair of voices that I didn’t like.

“You know, a shrimp like you will never get anywhere in life.”

I skidded to a halt, Scootaloo being taken off guard by my sudden stop and crashing into me.

“Uh, does that count as “tagged”?” she asked as the girls helped us untangle ourselves from each other.

I didn’t answer, my head turned and eyes narrowed in the direction of the playground, where I could see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon at the bottom of the slide, facing the small colt with the British accent.

Dinky had told me his name was Pipsqueak and he used to live in a place called Trottingham.

I’d giggled when I realized she was talking about Equestria’s Nottingham and how it had been changed to meet ponies.

I watched as Diamond Tiara continued talking down to Pipsqueak, telling him horrible things and making fun of the fact that he was the smallest pony in our class.
While I will admit, she’s right that he is the smallest; he’s only a bit bigger than some of the kindergarteners, it doesn’t means he can make fun of him for it.

“Uh, Stellar?” Dinky asked, a bit nervous. “Is something wrong?”

I nodded and started towards where the two bullies were. The others quickly followed me. As we got nearer, we could hear ecatly what Tiara was saying.

“You know, ponies like you are never going to go anywhere.”

“Not true,” he said, though his eyes were tearing up a little. “I’m going to be a great explorer, one day. You’ll see.”

“An Explorer? As if,” Silver Spoon grinned.

“Little runts like you don’t become explorers,” Tiara sneered. “The only place you’re ever going to explore is your mom’s backyard. Why are you even in our class? They don’t let foals into school.”

“I-I’m not a foal!” he said, his voice cracking a little. “I’m just a slow grower.”

Silver chuckled, but not in a nice way. “Let me guess, mommy told you that, right?”

He nodded.

Tiara smirked. “Even your own mother knows you’ll never amount to anything. She just told you that to make you feel better.”

Pipsqueak looked down, letting the tears slid down his muzzle.

“Stop it.”

The two bullies titled their heads, then shook them.

“You’ll never be anything but a little runt and nothing more,” Tiara’s sneer was pure cruelty. “You know, I heard, back in the old days, they left runts to die. It was kinder than letting them live their lives as puny ponies.”

“Stop it.”

“Even the other Blank Flanks don’t hang around with you, you’re so pathetic. Why don't you go and join the other foals in the kindergarten, little baby?”

“Stop it!”

This time the two bullies turned at my voice, blinking in surprise.

Then Tiara scowled. “What do you want, Faker?”

I wilted a little. “Faker?”

She nodded, her sneer returning. “You’re faking everything. You’re not Nightmare Moon. You’re pathetic. I can’t believe I called you by that name. It’s an insult to Nightmare Moon to do so. So, you’re a faker and that's who you are, Faker.”

I flinched both times she said the name. Why was she so horrible?

“Now, go away, fake. We’re busy,” she waved a hoof, as if shooing me like I was a simple housefly.

They turned back to Pipsqueak, who hunched down, his ears flat.

Something sparked inside me. Something I’d felt when Tiara was about to hurt Dinky. Anger.

There was a flash of dark-blue and I was standing in front of the two fillies, my eyes narrowed.

“Why do you have to pick on everypony?” I asked, my voice firm.

Tiara merely sneered. “It’s fun, why else?”

I shook my head. “That’s not a good answer. Why do you do it? What good comes from hurting other ponies.”

Oh, please. Do you have to be such a goodie-two shoes about it?

I blinked, my face contorting in confusion. Who’s voice was that, and why did I feel like I’d heard them before?

Tiara looked to Silver Spoon and grinned, nodding. Silver Spoon, however, looked uncertain. Tiara huffed and moved forward, pushing me in the chest.

Having been wondering about that voice, I wasn’t ready and fell to ground, gritting my teeth as my four knees skinned.

Oh, no. She did not just do that.

There it was again. Only, before it had sounded bored. Now it sounded angry.

If I’m stuck in this form the least you could do is act more respectable.

I shook my head and got up. Was I hearing things?

“Ah’m telling on ya, Diamond,” Apple Bloom said, hurrying off towards the classroom to get Miss Cheerilee, whilst Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Dinky hurried over, the former two help Pipsqueak up, Dinky helping me up.

“You never learn, do you, Tiara?” Scootaloo asked, glaring at the Earth Pony.

Tiara sniffed, looking away. “Don’t you talk to me. You’re the ones befriending the demon that tried to overtake our world.”

Oh, and you’re Miss Perfect?

Where the heck was that voice coming from, and how come the others weren’t looking around for it? Was I the only one who could hear it?

I shook it off and glared at Diamond Tiara. “I knew bullies like, back at my old school,” I said, pointing a hoof at her. “They didn’t have any real friends, just those who didn’t want them to bully them.”

Tiara smirked. “Like I care what you think happened in your fantasy world.”

A pony calling your world a fantasy. Oh, that’s rich.

“Come on,” Scootaloo said, walking away, and the rest of us followed. “They’re not worth it.”

We left them behind, myself wondering just what that voice had been.


“I don’t think my Cutie Mark has anything to do with waking up nocturnal animals,” I said as the four of us struggled towards the hose by the barn due to our being stuck together by tree sap.

School ended about two hours ago and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and I had been trying to figure out what would get them their Cutie Marks as well as what mine was about.

I would have told them about the voice, but it hadn't said a thing since our meeting with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I'd even tried asking it to talk to me, but gotten no response. Maybe it only spoke when ponies were being mean to me?

Our last try at getting the others' Cutie Marks and figuring out mine had been to wake several animals that sleep during the day and come out at night. Sweetie Belle and I had tried to tell Scootaloo that, even if that was my talent, it not only sounded lame, but it was still a while before the animals were meant to get up anyway and a really bad idea.

However, Scootaloo had pushed us on and we’d had to run from a horde of angry nocturnal animals who’d been woken up early, til we had found ourselves covered in tree sap and stuck together.

“Yeah, I guess not,” Scootaloo said a few moments later as we shook ourselves dry, having washed enough of the sap to stop us sticking together.

“Hey, girls?” They looked to me. “If the Cutie Mark Crusaders is a club for ponies without their Cutie Marks or who haven’t figured out their special talent, why aren’t Dinky or Pip crusaders?”

It was a pretty good question, really. During recess I’d talked with both ponies in question and found out they weren't crusaders, even though they didn’t have Cutie Marks yet either.

Scootaloo shrugged. “They don’t have time to be crusaders. Dinky’s always helping her dad or her mom and Pip likes going on adventures on his own. He’s kinda like Daring Do.”

I nodded. I’d been told a bit about Daring Do. She was a Pegasus mare like Rainbow Dash, surprisingly similar, but always preferred doing things alone.

“Whoa, look how late it is,” Apple Bloom said, pointing up at the sky.

We all looked and saw the sun was starting to come close to setting. We’d been crusading longer than I’d thought.

“Well, guess I’d better had back home,” Scootaloo said, cracking her neck. “If I come back after sunset sis’ll flip.”

I blinked, before grinning. “I guess Rainbow would worry about you, huh?”

Scootaloo looked at me with confusion. “Well, yeah, she does. But, I’m talking about Cheerilee.”

I blinked again. “Wait. Miss Cheerilee... is your big sister, too?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Our parents are usually traveling, so I tend to stay at her place a lot, like Sweetie Belle does with Rarity.”

I nodded slowly. This was interesting news to have held onto all day. Scootaloo’s big sister was our school teacher. I honestly didn’t see that one coming.

“I’d better head back, too,” Sweetie Belle said, following after Scootaloo. “Rarity hates it when I stay out late.”

“Guess that just leaves us, huh?” Apple Bloom asked, looking at me. “Come on. Fluttershy’s cottage ain’t too far from the farm. Ya can walk with me til we get there an’ ya should easily be able to go the rest o’ the way yerself.”

I nodded and we headed towards across the farm and down the road.


I smiled as I walked across the bridge over the small river, heading for the small cottage.

It looked really nice, like the Seven Dwarfs’ house in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, only smaller.

There were lots of animals around. Some of them turned and looked at me as I walked to the door, while others scurried away.

I knocked on the door three times. I meant to knock four times, but before my hoof could touch the door for the fourth it was flung open and a panicked Fluttershy was staring back at me.

“Stellar!” she cried, pulling me into a really tight hug.

“Uh, Fluttershy?” I squeaked as I was crushed by her hug. “I can’t... breathe.”

“It’s so late; I was worried something had happened to you!” Fluttershy said, not seeming to hear my plea for air.

I focused like Sweetie Belle had told me to and imagined myself out of Fluttershy’s grasp. There was a dark-blue flash and I was standing in front of Fluttershy, breathing heavily as I filled my lungs with the air they’d been denied.

“Oh, um, sorry,” Fluttershy said, her eyes drooping and a blush coming onto her face, before she looked at me sternly. “Where were you, young filly? You had me so worried. You were meant to come over an hour ago.”

“Sorry, Fluttershy,” I said, my breathing back under control. I scratched my head sheepishly. “I was playing with the crusaders and we kinda lost track of time.”

Fluttershy sighed and nodded. “Alright. But don’t do that again. You scared me to death. I thought you’d wandered into the Everfree Forest again and—” She gasped, putting a hoof over her mouth. Behind her I could see a white rabbit smack himself on the head, then fold his arms and shake his head.

“Um, the only time I was in the Everfree Forest was when I first got here,” I said, cocking an eyebrow. “And, after what the crusaders, Dinky and Pip told me, I wouldn’t wanna go in there anyway. Why did you think I might have gone there?”

“Oh, um, no reason,” she said, looking away. “N-now, come inside. Dinner will be ready soon. All that crusading must have worked up an appetite, right?”

My stomach answered her by growling loudly and she giggled as I blushed.

Dinner was a pasta meal. It was spaghetti, my favourite pasta with a pumpkin, spinach and goat’s cheese sauce. I normally don’t like spinach (what kid does?), but I really liked the meal Fluttershy had made. It tasted really good and I found myself asking for seconds, thirds and even fourths.

When dinner was okay, Fluttershy helped me shower. I’ve liked taking showers over baths for over a year. Holding cleaning stuff with my mane wasn’t as easy as holding everything else, so Fluttershy had to help me wash myself.

For once though, my hair didn’t need washing, or rather, it couldn’t be. How do you clean and mane and tail made of pure magic?

After my shower and I’d brushed my teeth, Fluttershy showed me to the room where I’d be sleeping. Expect... it was her room.

I cocked an eyebrow at her for this. Why was she making me sleep in her bed? Where was she going to sleep?

My answer came when she put me to bed ten minutes later. I got up on the bed, my confusion growing at the crinkling sound from beneath my hooves, expecting her to put the covers over me and leave the room, but instead, she got into the bed as well and put the covers over both of us.

I blinked and was about to ask her why she was having me sleep in the same bed as her, when I remembered how she’d reacted when I arrived.

She must have worried more than I thought. She probably wanted me to sleep in the same bed so she at least knew where I was.

Wow. Scootaloo hadn’t been kidding with how anxious Fluttershy could be.

That thought, I settled down and snuggled up to Fluttershy, fitting my head in the crook of her neck. When I'd slept at Twilight's this had been a really comfortable position.

She laid her head down, nuzzled mine, then closed her eyes. I followed suit, the exhaustion of all the crusading from after school finally catching up to me and sleep took me.


I was running through the forest again. I remember it now. This was my dream last night. The foul smell was after me again, followed by the creature.

I was running, running faster than I ever had. I needed to get away. I needed to get out of this forest before.


I skidded to a halt, whirling around to see the creature had disappeared.

That scream. It had sounded like Fluttershy. But, why was she screaming my name like that? She’d sounded horrified, scared beyond anything.

I blink and suddenly the forest has changed around me. I’m now in a clearing, or rather, on the edge of it. In the centre of the clearing I can see Fluttershy. She’s sobbing, wailing as if somepony had died.

I blink. She’s holding something in her forelegs. I slowly walked over, but she doesn’t to notice me coming.

I get closer and look at what she’s holding, only for my stomach to drop. Me. she was holding me, but... my mane and tail were gone. My eyes were closed and I was had cuts and gashes all over me.

I take a step back. What’s going on? Why would I be dreaming this kind of thing?

The smell returned. I whirl around to see the creature that had been chasing me walking into the clearly, drool dripping from its mouth as it neared us.

I cried out to Fluttershy, telling her to run, but no sound came. I put a hoof to my throat. It didn’t feel like anything was wrong, so why did no sound come when I cried out.

“Stellar, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy was sobbing into the coat of the me she was holding. “I-I wish I’d known. I-I could’ve saved you. I-I... I....”

“Fluttershy, I’m right here! The me you’re holding isn’t real!” I tried to say, but no sound was the only response from my mouth.

The creature was getting closer. I could see its sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. It was going to eat Fluttershy and there was nothing I could do.

I wanted to run; everything in me was telling me to bolt, to get away from here as fast as possible.

But I couldn't just leave Fluttershy, could I? This might be a dream, but I would never just abandon anypony to save myself. I couldn't. But, how could I save Fluttershy? I'm just a filly, who barely knows anything about this world yet. Not even that. I'm just a human trapped as a filly until I go home. How could I stop a dream monster?

Princess Luna raises the moon and brings the night... but she also watches over everypony’s dreams.

I blinked, the memory from last night when Sweetie Belle and I talked flashing before my eyes.

I remembered what Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had told me about how I could have Princess Luna’s Dream Walking powers too, since our Cutie Marks were almost exactly the same.

If I did have that kind of power, could I save Fluttershy?

I felt something suddenly rise up within me and my horn starting glowing with a dark-blue aura.

I narrowed my eyes, aiming my horn at the monster. “Stay away from my friends!” I shouted.

At the sound of my voice, a blast of magic the same colour as the glow around my horn shot forth, smashing into the creature. It screamed, backing away as pieces of it started to disappear into dark-blue flames.

I turned my head back over my shoulder, looking at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy! Wake up! It’s only a nightmare!”

My voice caused Fluttershy to stop crying and glance down at her forelegs, only to shriek when she saw the me she’d been holding was gone.

“Fluttershy!” She turned and saw me and her eyes watered, filling with shock, relief and utter joy.

“Stellar, you’re okay,” she sobbed.

I nodded, straining as the creature started fighting back. “Fluttershy, I thought this thing was just my nightmare, but I think it’s yours too.”

Fluttershy’s face paled as she saw the creature and shrank back. “No. No-no-no. It... It can’t be. It—”

“Fluttershy!” She snapped out of it and looked to me. “I don’t really know how this power works, but I think I need your help.”

She wilted. “M-my help? H-how can I help you stop a nightmare?”

I gritted my teeth and took a step forward as the creature tried to push me back. “I think my power merged our dreams together. That means, to beat it, you need to give me your power.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “B-but I don’t have any power—”

“Oh, please, Fluttershy!” I said angrily, turning to glare at her for a moment. “I know about the Rainbow Power. The crusaders told me all about it during recess. But you need your own power, not Rainbow Power.”

“I...” Fluttershy looked away. “I don’t think—”

“I can’t do this without you!”

She flinched, then looked at me. For several moments she just watched me. Then, slowly, she nodded and came over, putting her hoof on my shoulder.

At once I felt a surge of something flow through me up to my horn and out it. My dark-blue magic mixed with a bright-pink magic and smashed into the creature.

It screamed louder than before, making the both of us wince at how loud it was. The world around us started to crack, white light shining through the cracks.

Within moments the light blinded us, before everything went black.


I gasped us I woke up, hearing a perfectly timed gasp from Fluttershy. I looked up at her and she down at me.

Before I could say anything she hugged me tightly. I felt tears dropping onto my head as she held me.

I remembered the nightmare from before now. I’d been running from that same creature, before a shadow had lunged at me and I’d woken up.

But... Fluttershy had a similar dream, but where she’d found me in the Everfree Forest and... from what I could tell, the me she’d been holding was... dead.

Fluttershy must been really, really worried about me. Why else would she have a dream where she found me dead?

We remained holding each other for a long while.

For the first time, I wasn’t the one crying and being held to comfort, I was the one holding the other pony and trying to comfort them as they cried.

After what felt like hours Fluttershy had calmed down and was giving me a weak smile.

I returned her smile, but stronger and snuggled into her. If she needed to be sure I was close, I wasn’t going to stop her. Some people... well, ponies needed to have that security at times.

Fluttershy clearly needed it and I wasn’t going to take that away and make her worry.

Soon we were both falling asleep again, this time having nice dreams of walking through a wood, with cute fuzzy animals playing with us.