• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 33,553 Views, 1,228 Comments

Living Nightmare - Autum Breeze

Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements. But a part of her remained, working til it could become whole again. But something went wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


Diamond Tiara sat at her desk, scowling. Her daddy hadn’t been as angry Miss Cheerilee had clearly expected him to be about her giving Nightmare Moon what she deserved, but when she told him Tiara had planned on hitting Dinky and it was only Nightmare Moon grabbing her hoof that had stopped it, he had been very angry.

Now she was grounded, not allowed to do anything after school; not even have Silver Spoon over and was getting no allowance for a month.

It was so unfair. Why was she getting punished for being right and treating Nightmare Moon the way she should be treated, horribly?

“Miss Cheerilee?”

Tiara looked up and her scowl darkened at the sight of Apple Bloom as she walked in and held a note up to their teacher.

How could that country bumpkin back up Nightmare Moon? Her own sister had been one of the ponies that stopped Nightmare Moon back before Princess Luna returned. And then there was all the Element Bearers, Princess Twilight included. Why weren’t they treating Nightmare Moon horribly, forcing her to do manual labor or something really hard? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had left them in charge of keeping that monster in check and they were treating her like a normal pony.

“Stellar won’t be in school t’day.”

Tiara’s ear twitched and she paid closer attention to the Blank Flank. Nightmare Moon wasn’t going to be in school today?

She smirked. Good. Looks like she learned she’s not welcome.

Miss Cheerilee nodded and the Blank Flank headed for her desk, sending Tiara a cold look that the filly merely assumed she was sore that Tiara had been right and she and her big sister had been wrong.

“You may all show your gratitude to me now.”

All fillies and colts stopped what they were doing and turned to see Diamond Tiara standing on one of the tiny hills in the school’s backyard/playground area. She was standing like a great warrior who’d just come back from a heroic mission.

“Gratitude fer what?”

Tiara glanced down at Apple Bloom, who was glaring up at the other filly.

Diamond smirked. “For ridding our school of that monster that was plaguing us.”

“What monster?” Pipsqueak asked, cocking his head in confusion.

“Nightmare Moon, of course,” Tiara replied, her smirk growing at the dawning of realization of each pony’s face. “I have made her go away, not to return and saved you all from her evil. You my praise me as your savoir now.”

When she didn’t hear any praises, she opened her eyes and looked around. Some fillies and colts were looking away, unsure expressions on their faces, while others were giving her annoyed looks. However, it was Apple Bloom’s expression that confused her the most. It was of pure rage.

“Savoir?! Are ya’ll jokin’?! Please tell me yer jokin’!”

Diamond scowled. “Why would I be joking? That thing is a monster and I taught it to leave us alone. Why else would it not have come to school today?”

“’Cause last night she was cryin' her eyes out!” Apple Bloom near shouted.

Tiara raised an eyebrow, while Silver Spoon, who had been standing next to Tiara faltered. “She... she was?”

Scootaloo nodded, walking to stand next to Apple Bloom. “We were at the farm. She disappeared into the Everfree Forest crying and, when Applejack brought her back, she looked like her whole world had been crushed around her!”

“Probably because she realized she’s not the all-powerful-being she thought she was,” Tiara smirked.

“That’s it!”

Before anypony could react both Pegasus and Earth pony had lunged at Tiara and began punching her. Tiara fought back, but, not knowing how to use her Earth Pony strength because she’d been so spoiled, wasn’t really doing much more then pushing them back before they returned to attacking.

The three fillies tumbled around, kicking and screaming, until Miss Cheerilee came out and pulled them apart.

“Inside, now!” she told each of them. “You know fighting is wrong.”

“But she’s was callin’ Stellar a monster an’ saying she was glad she’d made her cry so badly she had t’ stay at the farm instead of come t’ school!” Apple Bloom defended, sporting a small bruise on her cheek.

Miss Cheerilee shot Tiara a look, which she returned. “Inside, NOW! You’ve all got detention and your families will be hearing about this.”

“Yeah, because one of us doesn’t have any parents to tell,” Tiara smirked at Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom responded by throwing another punch and knocking out a tooth, to which Miss Cheerilee added an extra week of detention.

The three fillies walked into the classroom and sat at the desks, the two crusaders giving Tiara cold glares, which she returned with superiority.

“I don’t understand you, Blank Flanks,” she scoffed. “How can you defend that monster in pony’s clothing?”

“Ah only see one monster, Diamond Tiara,” Apple Bloom said, her voice cold.

“And we’re looking at her right now,” Scootaloo nodded.

Tiara stared at them, appalled, then turned away, snorting. She was the monster? As if.


I groaned as I shifted in my bed. I sat up, putting a hoof to my head. What a weird dream that was.

I couldn’t really remember it, but it was there. The only thing I know is that it made me sad just thinking about it. And this wasn’t a normal sad, like I’d felt whenever something didn’t go as I wanted.

This was worse than when my Uncle Peter had died. It was a gripping sadness, then hurt. But, what was it from?

I shook my head, the dream slowly fading from my mind. Whatever the dream was, it probably wasn’t anything to worry about. When have dreams been important, anyway?

It’s then I noticed something. The smell of the room was different. My room at the farm had the smell of a farm, like Nanu Farm that my family had gone to last year for a weekend vacation. Now the room smelled like flowers, or my mum’s best perfume, which she wore whenever we had a family outing or she and Dad went out together.

I open my eyes and blink, slightly confused. The room I’m in doesn’t seem like the room at the farm. In fact, it almost feels like Princess Twilight’s room in the castle, only less... I’m not sure. Less... princessy?

I scratch my head with a hoof. Was it Tuesday? That was the day I was meant to stay with Miss Rarity, wasn’t it? Something about this room just reminded me of Miss Rarity, so I’m going to guess that’s it.

Though, that would mean I slept through the rest of yesterday, doesn’t it? It would explain why I was so hungry. Not as hungry as when I woke up in Princess Twilight’s castle, but still pretty hungry.

I move to get out of bed, when I hear a squelch and freeze. I shift my bum a little and wince. Oh no. I wet the bed again!

I pull my back legs closer and bury my head and softly start crying. Why was I so much trouble? Why did I have to wet the bed twice? First Princess Twilight and now Miss Rarity?

“Oh, Stellar, what’s wrong?”

I glance up and see Miss Rarity is walking into the room, a look of worry on her face... mixed with something else.

I sniffle, wiping my nose on my left foreleg. “I-I’m s-s-sorry, Miss Rarity,” I manage in a sobbed whisper.

“Whatever for, dear?” she asked, putting a foreleg around my back.

“I—” hic “I-I wet the bed!”

Miss Rarity makes a noise that sounded like she was angry at me, but she keeps patting my back.

“It’s alright, darling. Fillies and colts your age always wet the bed from time to time,” she says, her voice sounding kind, not angry. “Plus, you’re still getting used to your new body. I would be more surprised if you weren’t having a few bed wets now and then.”

“B-but I did it afore,” I sniffled, not meeting her eyes. “B-back at Princess Twilight’s castle. I-I wet her bed, but something happened with my horn and it was like it never happened. B-but that didn’t happen this time.”

Miss Rarity chuckled and nuzzled my cheek, which made me feel a little bit better. “I think you used your magic, darling. Unicorn, or, in your case, Alicorn fillies have magical surges at times. I think that was one yours. Though, I will admit, that’s an unusual way for a magical surge to work.”

She give me a hanky and I blew into it, then look up at her, waiting to see what she wanted to do now.

“Well, let’s get you up and cleaned and I’ll put these sheets in the washing for later.”

“I’m sorry,” I sigh as I get out of bed. “I didn’t mean to cause you more trouble.”

She paused, a strange look passing over her face before she shook her head. “N-no, dear,” she said, her voice strained a little. “You’re no trouble at all.” Her horn glowed with a blue light, which then covers all became covered in as well and floated into the air. “Now, I’ll just put these in the laundry and then we can get you cleaned up, alright?”

I nodded, staying where I was as she left the room, the bed covers floating after her.

I waited a few minutes before she returned and led me to a bathroom. It looked like the ones back home, as I’m come to realize was the same with a lot of this world so far. It was a world where things were a lot like back home, only with ponies instead of humans. Sounds weird, though. Someone would probably make a TV show about it... maybe.

Miss Rarity got me clean very quickly, then dried me off with a nice fluffy towel. My fur puffed out a bit like it does to cartoon characters and I shook myself like a dog until it returned to normal.

“Well,” the older pony said as we walked out of the bathroom room, “are you hungry, Stellar?”

“Yeah!” I shouted, punching the air with a hoof, almost losing my balance, but staying on all fours.

Miss Rarity makes a sniffing sound and I stop, flinching. That was a “I’m annoyed” sniff. I knew them.

“Di-did I do something wrong, Miss Rarity?” I asked, trying to make myself smaller. “I-if I did I-I’m sorry.”

Miss Rarity stopped, looked back at me with surprise, then smiled gently and walked back over to me. “No, you’ve done nothing wrong, darling,” she said reassuringly. “Your manners could just use a little improvement is all. And, please, just call me Rarity.”

“Oh,” I look down. My manners? Were they really that bad?

“Now, come, Stellar. I have prepared a lovely dinfast for you in the kitchen.”

I frown. “Dinfast?”

Rarity chuckles. “Sorry. I suppose that was a rather lousy pun. I meant because you didn’t have dinner last night at Applejack’s nor have you had breakfast today.”

Oh. Well, I guess that makes sense.

We went into the kitchen and I stared open mouthed at the meal. Waffles, pancakes, muffins. Rarity really had gone all out with this. There was also something that looked like bacon, but that didn’t make sense. Horses or, ponies don’t eat meat, do they?

Then again, this is a world where ponies eat fries, so I guess anything’s possible. But, still, isn’t it wrong for ponies to eat meat?

“I suppose the hay bacon is confusing you a little, yes?” Rarity asked as she guided me to the table.

Hay bacon?” my eyebrow couldn’t be any higher. First hay fries, now hay bacon? What next, hay burgers?

She nodded. “Yes, dear. I’m not really sure who came up with the idea or how, but hay bacon has been a part of ponies’ diets for many centuries. Now, go on. I’m sure you must be ravenous.”

I have no idea what that last word meant, but I don’t care. I grab a muffin with my mane and am about to eat it, when I flinch at the face Rarity’s making.

She notices and smiles. “Sorry, dear. I suppose I can’t expect your manners to be too high when you’re so hungry. Go on. I will... try to be okay with it.”

I wait a few seconds, then chomp down on the muffin, somehow getting half of it in my mouth all at once with enough room to still chew easily.

The flavors were so strong, yet so amazing. I could taste daffodils, roses and a hint of vanilla. Who’d have thought those could taste so good together? Not me, that’s for sure.

When I’m finished I felt like I was fit to burst, but not in the “Oh, I eat way too much” way. More in the, “That’s feels so much better” way. And that hay bacon? Oh, wow! That was good!

Rarity ate like I’d think princesses normally do, slowly and like a lady, sometimes sipping from her tea cup.

When we’d both finished I thought I’d ask something I probably should've before.

“Um, Rarity?” I asked as she dabbed at her mouth with a napkin.


I look down, fiddling with my hooves. “Um, how come I woke up here? Didn’t I go to sleep at Applejack’s farm? Did I sleep so long you all decided to bring me here while I slept?”

Rarity got that look in her eyes again. Something was worrying her. But, no sooner did I see it, then it was gone and she gave me a strained smile. “Well, yes, dear. You were indeed asleep when I brought you. You could say you weren’t awake to the world since yesterday, so yes, we did decide to move you whilst you were asleep.”

I frowned. “But, won’t Miss Cheerilee be angry at me for missing school?”

Rarity blinked, then shook her head. “No, dear. After what happened yesterday we thought it best you have a day off school before you go back. What with—” Rarity’s eyes suddenly went wide and she put her hooves over her mouth in a very unladylike way.

I cocked an eyebrow, then looked down. “Diamond Tiara was pretty mean to me, I guess. But, I’ve dealt with bullies before. I just wasn’t ready for her.”

Rarity’s worried expression disappeared, replaced with a curious one. “Really? How did you handle bullies back in your old world—?” She did it again. She stopped herself and that look returned.

I didn’t understand why. Maybe she thought I didn’t want to talk about my world. If so, she was wrong. I was happy to tell somepony from another world about mine.

“Well, when I first started school, a few kids older than me kept telling me my name wasn’t Michael and that I was lying whenever I said it was.”

Rarity frowned. “That’s harsh. Why did they do that?”

I shrugged. “I dunno. It did upset me a lot. My teacher, Ms. Warden, dealt with it though. Those boys were punished for what they did. They got timeouts?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Timeouts? They didn’t get detention, or have their parents told?”

I cocked my head, thinking. “Well, I guess our timeouts are like detention.” I shrugged. “I just never thought about it.”

Rarity blinked, then smiled. “So, did you enjoy school, back in your world?”

I nodded. “It was fun.” I blush, looking away. “I did... sometimes cry when Mum left, but, I really do enjoy going to school.”

Rarity nodded. “My sister could learn a thing or two from you.”

“Sister?” I blinked. “Who’s that?”

Rarity winks. “I believe you met yesterday, both at school and at Applejack’s farm. Sweetie Belle. She’s a unicorn, like me.”

I look up, thinking about yesterday. I nod. “White coat with a curly mane and tail?”

Rarity nodded. “That’s her. She and her little friends have their own club. The Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

I frown, looking down at the mark on my flank. “Cutie Mark. That’s this thing, right?”

She nodded again. “Yes. Ponies get them when they find that one thing that makes them special, their talent.”

I look down, my frown deepening. “What’s my special thing?”


I look back to her. “I’ve already got my Cutie Mark... but I don’t know what it means.”

Rarity got that look again, then turned away. “Well... maybe the crusaders will help you figure it out?”

I close my eyes, thinking. Maybe? Then again, the way they’d looked at me yesterday at the farm...

I sigh. “I don’t think so. Everypony hates me.”

Rarity looked shocked. “No, no, darling. Everypony doesn’t hate you.”

“Then why do I feel like they all want me to go?” I asked, not meeting her eyes. “Diamond Tiara had a point. I don’t belong. Even if I’m not staying for long, I still shouldn’t be here.”

Rarity came over and pulled me into a hug. “You’ll always belong, Stellar. No matter what world you’re in... you will always belong.” Her voice sounded strained again, as if she wanted to say something else but wasn’t letting herself.

I looked up and saw she had tears in her eyes. She was crying. I hugged her back. I had no idea why she was crying, but I didn’t want her upset.

After a few minutes, Rarity calmed down and stopped crying.

“You okay now, Rarity?” I asked as she wiped her eyes.

“Oh, yes, Stellar, I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” She finished drying her eyes and then smiled down at me. “Now, let’s get down to business.”

I cocked my head. “Business?”

She nodded. “I so rarely get to work with a colour like yours, Stellar.” Her smile suddenly changed. It was a little scary. “Now, come, come. We have a new look for you to be created.”

I stepped back nervously. “N-New look?” Why was I suddenly feeling like an ant with a giant boot coming down towards it?

“Yes, darling. We simply must, I mean must create the perfect ensemble to suite your new form.”

I have no idea what "ensemble" means, but I bet it's a fancy word for dress.

I turn, bolting out the room, only to feel that tingling feeling I'd gotten when Twilight had grabbed me with her magic back at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's old castle. I'm lifted into the air to see that smile on Rarity's face had grow even bigger.