• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 33,612 Views, 1,229 Comments

Living Nightmare - Autum Breeze

Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements. But a part of her remained, working til it could become whole again. But something went wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 28

For those who missed the last chapter, go here.

Chapter 28


“Stellar!” everypony cried as the little filly feel through the hole.

Dash zipped down through sky, determined to dive in and pull her out, but the hole closed just before she could enter it, causing her to crash into the ground.

All stared in horror. What just happened?


The anguished cry was followed by Princess Luna and a whole battalion of guards landing with her.

She dug at the ground, her eyes frantic. “Stellar? Stellar! Stellar, where are you?!”

“Let me go, you peons!”

All heads snapped to Svengallop, who was pinned down by both Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who were glaring at him like they had never glared at anypony before.

Luna leaped up onto the stage, where a horrified Rara was standing there, looking at the stallion she’d relied on so much as if she wasn’t even looking at a pony.

The Moon Princess glared coldly at said stallion, her body tense, signs that she was only just retraining herself from harming him. “WHAT YOU DONE TO MY DAUGHTER?!” she yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice in rage. “WHERE HAS SHE GONE?!”

Svengallop just leered up at her from his position. “Where all monsters like her belong, just like Tirek.”

There was silence for several long minutes, during which everypony took in those words, seven of them more so than anypony else.
The silence was broken by two Royal Canterlot Voices.


He didn’t even flinch as Twilight joined the Lunar Princes. He just sneered up at them. “And it’s where you will one day end up, Your Majesty,” he chuckled. “Fitting punishment for what you did to my family.”

“Your family lost their rights to the throne centuries ago, whelp,” Luna snarled, baring her teeth. “And you will not be as lucky as they with your punishment!”

With that the guards took him away to take to Canterlot, where he’d likely rot in a dungeon for the rest of his days.

“We need to move quickly!” Twilight shouted, gathering her fellow Element Bearers. “Stellar won’t last long in Tartarus!”

“Especially as she was not sent their properly,” Luna came over, her anxiety clear.

“I’ll ready the guard at once,” one of the Night Guard said, but was halted by a raised hoof from Luna.

“No. Only I, Twilight Sparkle and her friends shall venture into that place. No normal pony can last there long without proper protection.”

“Come on!” Twilight said, lighting her horn. “I remember where I took Cerberus when I returned him to Tartarus. We’ll have to search ourselves after that.”

Normally, Luna knew Twilight would not jump into such a rescue without some kind of plan, but time was of the essence, so planning was not even an option. They’d have to wing it as best they could.

She would not lose her daughter to Tartarus because the descendants of a dishonoured bloodline still thought themselves in the right.


As consciousness returns to me a shiver. It’s cold. It’s so cold.

Opening my eyes, I look around. I’m in what looks like a cavern made of dark stone.

I shudder, curling up where I up. I know this place. It’s Tartarus, prison for the most evil of beings the world has ever known.

I glance around anxiously as I feel the chill of the place seeping into my body. Why? Why did this have to happen? Do those Golden Chalice ponies really hate me so much they think I belong here?

After several minutes of sitting curled up, I take a deep breath and shake myself. No. No, I cannot just shut myself inside my own mind.

I am the daughter of Princess Luna, bearer of the moon’s power. I have to keep going. Dash wouldn’t be pleased if I just curl up and hide!

Hay, I am created because of Nightmare Moon, one of the most feared beings in Equestrian history. Would she just hide away? No! She’d find a way out.

Having given myself some confidence, I get up, fluff my near full-grown wings, then head through the cavern.

I have to find Cerberus. He may guard Tartarus, but I also know he doesn’t attack those lost here unless they are actually prisoners. Twilight told me that when she’d brought him back, he’d been like a happy puppy.

I can only hope he’ll act that way around me. I don’t have Fluttershy here to calm him down, so I really need lady luck to be on my side.


For what feels like hours I walk through the cavern, any remaining fear fading away to boredom. Okay, is there some kind of Illusion Spell at work here, or something? I should at least see some light at the end of the tunnel by now, right?

Just as I think this a pinprick of light appears at the end of the tunnel and I deadpan, before galloping off towards the light. Getting through the light, I see something that makes me blink.

Three towers of rock rise up from the centre of the room, with high rising walls of rock going higher, surrounding a glowing white platform, each with pathways that have stairs leading up to the said platforms.

However, something makes me feel off. In the centre tower of rock, I can see a single cage, with a withered centaur. I’m not sure why, but something about seeing him is putting me on each.

As I move a bit closer, I knock a small pebble with my hoof. It clatters against the stone, the noise seeming to boom in the silence that makes no sense when I heard screaming as I fell through that hole.

The noise causes the centaur to look in my direction. At once I realize who this is. It’s Tirek.

He looks at with anger, but confusion, too.

“Nightmare Moon?” he asks in a raspy voice, cocking an eyebrow.

I frown at him. “No. I am Stellar Nova.” His eyebrow raises a bit more in confusion. I stand tall and firm. “I am the daughter of Princess Luna!”

His frown returns. “Oh. Well, you’ll forgive me for not bowing, Your Highness,” he says those last two words with a tone that tells me he doesn’t care about my title, “but, seeing as your mother and her sister were responsible for my being here,” he holds out his arms to indicate around us, “I don’t exactly feel like showing respect.”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “You think I care about it from you?”

He just returns my look. “A bit lippy, aren’t we?”

I snort, turning to leave.

“I’d be careful, if I were you,” he calls out in a jeering tone.

I look over my shoulder. “Oh, yeah? Why? You’re locked up. Everypony and otherwise here is.”

He smirks. “I guess you didn’t get the memo.”

I blink, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. “Huh?”

He chuckles dryly. “Just a few hours ago, a magical burst went throughout all of Tartarus. It wasn’t anything too powerful, really, but it disrupted the balance of this realm enough that one of my fellow inmates was able to break free.”

It takes several seconds for what he said to process through my mind, before my body freezes up. One of the prisoners in Tartarus escaped?! How?

Wait a minute.

I frown, turning to him. “If that’s so, how come you haven’t escaped?” He’s done so before, why not again?

He growls, grabbing and holding the bars of his cage. “Because my bindings are from the full power of friendship,” he practically gags on the word, “and, apparently it is stronger than what was holding back those held here with me.”

I think about that, before narrowing my eyes. “Wait. Mama said, when you put them in here, you were the only other prisoner they saw before their release!”

He somehow sneers and scowls at the same time. “Yes. I suppose it is better to be left to my own thoughts. From what I heard during my escape, my fellow inmates never stop complaining about how they shouldn’t have lost and how they’ll get their revenge.” The he scoffs. “And to think, Catrina got out centuries ago on good behavior. Bah.”

Several moments of silence pass before I glance around. “So... who was it?”

Tirek just shrugs, smirking. “I have no idea, princess.”

I frown, then shake my head and turn to go down one of the paths I see. Cerberus has to be somewhere nearby.

“I’d be careful if I were you, little pony,” Tirek calls as I walk away. “Not all those here in Tartarus are as merciful as myself.”

I snort at that. Merciful? Him? Sure, and I want to banish Mama back to the moon.

I walk down the path and see two opens, leading down more tunnels.

I look from one to the other, not sure which way to go.

“If you want my advice,” I don,t I really don’t, “I’d avoid the left tunnel,” Tirek calls from his cage.

Well, if he says to avoid the left tunnel, that’s where I’m going. Like I’m gonna trust him.


“How much further, Twilight?!” Rainbow calls out as they all hurry along the path.

“Not much further,” she calls back. “The entrance should be pretty close now.”

“Does anypony wanna explain ta me how we’re all gonna get inta Tartarus when we ain’t s’pposed t’ even be there?” Applejack calls as she gallops alongside Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“I shall cast a ward spell just before we enter,” Luna, flying alongside Rainbow Dash, says firmly. “It is a spell given only to those who have proven themselves worthy, us my sister and I did back before Tirek was banished there.”

“How do you become worthy for something like that?” Rarity asked, quite shocked.

“It is something I cannot share, dear Rarity,” the Alicorn replied. “In fact, one must find it within themself after being chosen to wield such a magic.”

Twilight glanced over at Luna. Why did that answer make her feel suspicious for some reason?

Within moments they reached a large cliff with a large fissure; the gate to Tartarus.

“Alright,” Luna said, turning to the group of assembled ponies. “Once I’ve cast the spell on us all, we must head inside and find Cerberus.”

“Um, why exactly do we need to find the giant three headed dog?” Rainbow asked, cocking her head.

“Cerberus does more than just guard Tartarus,” Twilight explained, stepping up next to her fellow princess. “He allow aids any lost inside.”

“Huh?” the others all asked.

“It is not uncommon for lost souls to find themselves in Tartarus,” Luna continued for Twilight. “Cerberus’ task is to guard those imprisoned, but also to lead those lost within Tartarus, who are not prisoners, back out.”

“And just how often do non-prisoners need help getting out?” Dash asked skeptically. “How do they even get in there?”

Luna shook her head. “To you latter question, I honestly cannot say, save my daughter right now. To your first question, however, I can answer.”

“Whilst most sent to Tartarus are meant to remain there, others are sent for only an allotted time,” Twilight explained. “The last to be freed was Lady Catrina, Empress of the lost City of Selasa.”

Her friends all glanced at each other, before looking back to her for more explanation.

“If one truly regrets their actions and if the magic of Tartarus itself deems their time served, then one can be freed from Tartarus, after which Cerberus shall lead the former prisoner out of Tartarus once again,” Luna explained. “The only reason it held us was because Tirek’s magic was keeping us there. Once you all defeated him and our own magic returned, Tartarus released its hold, realizing we were not prisoners. But enough talk,” she said, lighting her horn, “we must now hurry and find my daughter.”

“How come?” Rarity asked in confusion. “If what you say is true, then surely Cerberus will show Stellar the way out himself, won’t he?”

Luna shook her head as she readied the spell. “The spell used to send Stellar to Tartarus was old magic, back I sensed something wrong with it. Those who made it must have thought they knew what they were doing, but clearly they did not. I fear that spell interrupted Tartarus’ own magic. There is a chance one or more prisoners may have escaped their bindings.”


For crying out loud! How much longer til I can find Cerberus? I feel like I’ve been down her for hours, walking through criss-crossing tunnels, passing prisons where I was taunted, the prisoners thinking I’m Mama as Nightmare Moon, not that I bother correcting them, though I do question how they heard about Nightmare Moon in first place. Maybe Discord pops down every so often to tease them and blabbed.

As I turn another corner, entering the first wide open space that is not occupied by several towers of stone meant to imprison some being, I bump into something and tumble back.

Groaning, I lift my head, before my eyes widen in horror.

Standing above me is a tall goat-like creature, with blue fur, pure red eyes and long curled horns.

He looks down at me, blinking in slight confusion, before a sneer forms on his lips. “Well, isn’t this interesting?” he has a firm voice, like what Tirek’s sounded like after he’d taken enough magic (Discord showed me a magical recording one time to show how villains that just do whatever without thinking ahead flop in their plans, ignoring of course that that is the same reason he himself got beaten by the Elements both times he was turned to stone), so calm, I can’t help shuddering. “So what that draconequus was going on was true. Ponies that have unicorn horns and wings.”

He his horns glow and I cry out as I feel a magic aura take hold of me.

Suddenly a roar rings out through the area, causing the ground to shudder and the goat to lose his magicl hold on me, dropping me on the ground.

Before I can get up though I hear as well as feel pounding footsteps, before something yanking me by the scruff of my neck. I cry out, trying to struggle free as I hear and angry yell from the goat and see a blast of purple magic being fired my way.

However, whatever’s holding me moves to the right, dodging the blast, then leaps forward over the goat, before dropping me and whirling around.

Once I’ve recovered my wits and the world stops spinning, I look up to see a large black, furry thing above me. Looking a bit further, I see the three heads of Cerberus, all glaring at the goat and snarling, drool dripping from each head’s fangs.

The goat turns around, snarling as well. “So, Cerberus, you are going to protect that little pony? Fine. You cannot take me back and now Grogar, King of Tambelon, shall not be bound by you or Tartarus again.”

I’m struck by an odd combination of emotions. Fear from this self proclaimed Grogar, gratitude and relief for Cerberus coming to my rescue and finally, disappointment in that Grogar talks so highly about himself like that. It makes him sound like a old cartoon villain.

The combination soon fades back into fear again though, as Grogar’s horns glow and he fires a blast of purple magic at Cerberus, who, instead of ducking out of way, kneels down, shielding me and taking the hit.

He doesn’t budge, but the cries of pain from the three heads tears at me.

Grogar just chuckles. “Aww. Isn’t dat shweet,” he says in a mocking tone. “The big doggy wants to pwotect da wittle helwless pony.”

I blink, before I glare. I carefully move out from under Cerberus and glare at Grogar.

He snickers as I stomp my hoof angrily. “Oh, what’s this? Feeling feisty, are we, little pony?”

I growl. “You will not hurt Cerberus. As the daughter of Princess Luna, I won’t let you!”

He blinks, before frowning in confusion. “Princess Luna? Who is this Princess Luna?”

I blink, confused. He doesn’t know Mama? Does that mean he came before Mama? Just how long does that mean he’s been down here?

My pondering is cut short when his horns light up and I feel my body trapped in place. I cry out, struggling against his magic as he walks towards me, firing a blast of magic at Cerberus, who suddenly is trapped in a cage.

Grogar looks to me, sneering. “Well, I may not have the power my bell gave me, but once I take your magic, I’m sure it will suffice.”

“Not on your life, horn head!”

“Huh— GAH?!” Grogar cries, only to have a beam of lavender magic slam into him, knocking him aside and causing him to lose his magical grip on me.

As I drop, I feel a magical aura take hold of me again, but this time it feels different. When Grogar’s magic was holding me, it felt wrong, tainted, like it shouldn’t exist. It didn’t even feel like Dark Magic, it just felt wrong.

This magic feels gentle, though. Calm and clean.

As I feel a pair of forelegs wrap around me, I look up to see Twilgiht giving me a teary smile. “Stellar, you’re safe.”

“Charge!” I blink at the sound of Rainbow’s voice, before I see her, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy all run/fly past Twilight and I, all heading for Grogor.

Fluttershy takes one quick look at Cerberus and the burn marks from the blast Grogar fired at him and her eyes go red with anger and she screams a battle cry I honestly never thought she had in her.

I look back to Twilight as she pulls me close and nuzzles me.

“I’m so sorry, Stellar,” she murmurs, her tears slightly soaking the fur under my mane. “I... I should have trusted you with the truth. If I had, maybe none of this would’ve happened. I shouldn’t have held back something you should know. That’s not what friends do. That’s not what sisters do.”

I just stare at her in shock. Twilight... Twilight’s apologizing, and not just apologizing, I can feel the hurt in her voice. It’s strong and hot, from deep within her.

As the sounds of Grogar shouting as the others try to hold him off goes on nearby, I slowly lift my forelegs up, before hugging Twilight back and closing my eyes.

“I... I forgive you, Twilight,” I murmur, feeling something startling to well up inside me as I snuggle into her fur. “I forgive you... big sister.”


Luna couldn’t believe how far behind the others she’d gotten. Memories of her last time in Tartarus after Tirek sent her, Cadance and Celestia there had crept up on her, making it harder to keep going, even though she knew her daughter needed her.

Suddenly, as she neared the sound of voices and fighting, there was a blinding light and she felt a surge of magic like nothing she ever had before.

Rounding the corner, she saw Stellar floating out from within Twilight Sparkle’s (who had taken on the form she had when she and the other Bearers had opened the chest to defeat Tirek) forelimbs, her eyes glowing pure white. Light poured from her eyes, yellow, blue, white, pink, orange and purple, all swirling around her as her horn and wings grew back completely.

Stellar’s wings stretched outwards in what Luna would consider a dramatic pose if the situation were not so important. She had just seen whom the other ponies were fighting and it sent a chill down her spine.

She had read tales of Grogar the Terrible during the early years of hers and Celestia’s rain. Long before their time, Grogar had tried to control the whole world from his dark kingdom of Tambelon.

However, a wise pony (their race was never distinguished), learned that Grogar’s powers came from the bell around his neck and the one hidden deep within Tambelon.

This same pony figure out that, by ringing the bell hidden in the city, Grogar would lose his magical power. They infiltrated any the cover of an allied attack to distract Grogar long enough to end him.

When the bell rang and Grogar lost his power, his kingdom faded away, banished to the Shadow World, whilst Grogar himself was banished to Tartarus for all eternity.

However, that did not explain to Luna how he was using magic to fight of the Element Bearers as she watched him knock them aside and trap them within cages just as he had to Cerberus.

Then it clicked. It must have been feedback from the spell used to send Stellar to Tartarus. This was worrying though, for it meant Grogar was tapping into the ambient energy of Tartarus that was all around them.

It seemed her worries were for naught though.

The swirling colours around Stellar flew outward, encasing all of the Element Bearers, including Twilight Sparkle. When the light faded a bit, it should all of them had changed into what she had heard Rainbow Dash dub their Rainbow Power forms.

“What?” Grogar frowned, watching the light display before him. “What is this magic?”

One you could never understand, Grogar!” Luna’s daughter said firmly, her still glowing white eyes fixed on the evil goat. “The magic of friendship!

With that last word, beams of yellow, blue, white, pink, orange and purple shot out from each pony with such a coat colour, it slamming into Grogar.

“Ngh! NARGH!” he cried as the power within him faded away and he disappeared.

After Grogar vanished, all seven ponies lowered down, the Element Bearers returning to normal and Stellar slumping to the floor.

Luna hurried over, pulling her daughter to her, nuzzling her. “Stellar? Stellar, are you alright? Please, be alright?”

A few seconds later, the little filly stirred, before opening her eyes and looking up at the larger Alicorn.

“Hi, Mama,” she gave a tired smile, her eyes half-closed. “Can we go back home? I’m tired.”

Luna gave a teary smile and hugged her filly.

“Home?” they both turned their heads to see Twilight looking uncertinaly at them.

The filly gave a small nod. “Can we come back?”

Twilight’s expression changed to a warm, relieved and overjoyed smile. “Of course, Stellar. Of course you can.”

Stellar gave a weak laugh, before looking back up at her mother, then snuggled into her fur. “Then let’s go home, please. I’ve had enough excitement for a thousand years.”

They all gave wry chuckles at her choice of words, before Cerberus, who’s cage had vanished when Grogar had been blasted, lead them all out.


“We should have figured Svengallop would screw it up,” a mare’s voice said angrily, holding up the latest issue of the Canterlot Times. The headline read: Princess Stellar Saved from the Pits of Tartarus by Princess Luna and the Element Bearers.

Under that was a story with the headline: Singing manger Sentenced to Life for sending a Foal to Tartarus.

“Indeed,” the deep voice pony replied. “Now we are stuck.”

“We cannot risk making any new attempts now,” a straggly-voiced stallion said. “The princesses will be tracking all our families now. We would have to wait centuries to do anything.”

“That is true,” the deep voice answered him back. “They will be too observant for a long while now. To make any further moves will jeopardize all we have worked so hard for all these centuries.”

“To think, two bumbling idiots could ruin a thousand years worth of effort in a matter of weeks,” a mare growled.

“Indeed,” the deep voice agreed. “However, it has become clear we cannot handle the princesses on our own. We need unicorns.”

“Well, a fat lot of good that will do us,” anther mare snarled. “Thanks to them we can’t give birth to unicorns anymore, no female connected to our bloodline can.”

“You are correct,” the deep voice said, chuckling a little. “But, there may come a time in the future when we will be able to find a way to have unicorns fight for us against the princesses, without them needing to be of our blood, nor worry about them questioning their own loyalties.”

“And just how are we supposed to do that?” the first mare snarled.

The deep voice chuckled again. “We will need to bide our time far more carefully than before. For our plans to work, it is highly unlikely we shall live to reap the fruits of our labour. However, our decants? Well, now that is another matter entirely.”

Author's Note:

And there we go. Stellar have forgiven every one of the Mane 6.

Next will be the Hearth's Warming Eve Chapter and then the epilogue, at last!

Not really much to say right now, so i'll just shut up and leave you to enjoy the next chapter, which should be coming out, at most, a couple minutes after this one.

What a way to end Anzac Day.

Well, until next time (which will probably be in a few minutes), later everypony

edit 29/3/2019:


I cannot help but laugh at the hypocritical irony of this sentence now.:rainbowlaugh: