• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 33,613 Views, 1,229 Comments

Living Nightmare - Autum Breeze

Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements. But a part of her remained, working til it could become whole again. But something went wrong.

  • ...




“Okay, everypony. Get ready,” Rarity whispers, glancing over her shoulder. “It’s almost time.”

I look to Derpy, who is wearing a lovely wedding dress with golden lace and hems. She has a wreath of roses on her head making her look, in my opinion, like a princess.

I am dressed in a flower filly’s gown, with a blue and purple trailing through the design to blend with my coat, a crown of blue lilies on my head, a basket of rose petals held by a tendril of my mane.

Derpy gulps. “I’m so nervous.”

I place a hoof on her leg, smiling up at her. “Don’t worry, Derpy. Everything’ll be fine.”

She replies with another gulp. “B-b-but what if I mess up? What if I trip on my dress while we’re walking down the aisle? What if, when Twilight says to kiss, I get Rich in the eye instead of the mouth? What if—?”

She's cut off as a piece of tape made of very dark-blue magic appears over her mouth. She glances at me to see my horn glowing.

I nod, then drop the spell, freeing her mouth. “It’ll be okay, Derpy.” My grin turns sheepish. “I’ll admit, I’m still a little nervous too. But, you want to marry Mr. Rich, right?”

She gave a warm smile. “Oh, yes. I do want to marry him. I love that stallion more than anything in the world... aside from Dinky... and muffins.”

We both giggle, then I nodded. “Then relax. This is your special day. Enjoy it.”

Derpy smiles, then pulls me into a hug and nuzzle me. “Thanks, Stellar. I’m glad we made you the Flower Filly.”

I nod, pulling away. “Me too. And thanks for waiting until I was all better. I know that can’t have been easy.”

Derpy shakes her head. “I should thank you, Stellar. Having to wait so long gave Dinky, Diamond, Rich and I the time to really feel like a family. And we wanted to try Hearth's Warming together us not a family, before being a family.”

The music begins to play, cutting our conversation short and signaling my time to head out. I push through the curtains and move down the aisle, using my mane to grab clumps of petals and scattering them as I go.

Filthy Rich is standing on the altar next Twilight, who is in charge of the ceremony due to her being a princess. That made me think that maybe someday, when I was older, I’d be marrying ponies too, but I put that thought aside and focus on the task at hoof.

Once I’ve finished scattering the petals, I go and stand to the side of the altar that is empty and turn to watch the aisle.

Diamond and Dinky come down, both wearing lovely white dresses that make my dress look plain, but they're the bride’s mares so that makes sense, each holding a cushion in their mouth with a small ring big enough to fit around a hoof resting atop them, one of seven bubbles on it and three small sacks with dollar signs on them on the other.

Even though the rings represent their marriage, I know from observing other couples that the rings are sort of a formality. I’ve never actually seen ponies that were married walking around with the rings on their hooves or horn, depending on their race.

The two of them walk up, nod to Rich, then split off, Diamond coming towards me with the bubbles necklace and Dinky to Rich the dollar bags necklace.

Then music I know all too well from wedding specials in all the TV shows I’d watched back in the human world started and we all turn back down the aisle.

Derpy comes out, her father, a tall Earth Pony who looks like a stallion version of his daughter, but with three strawberries for a Cutie Mark, walking her down.

Derpy’s face is behind a veil. I glance at Rich and see him blushing. I wink at Diamond and the two of us have to hold in our giggles.
Once they’ve reached the altar, Derpy's father moves to the side and Twilight begins the ceremony.

“Welcome. We are all gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two ponies, Filthy Rich and Derpy Hooves, in marriage. Each has written their own vows, which they’ve asked to speak themselves. Mr. Rich, you may start off.”

Rich nods, then turns to Derpy, who I notice is blushing underneath her veil.

“Derpy, our time together has been the most happiest I’ve ever been,” Rich began, taking Derpy’s hoof. “When we first met at Sugarcube Corner, both bumping into the other and spilling our things, I’d never seen such beauty in somepony’s eyes before.”

This causes Derpy’s blush to become very visible through the veil, but I notice everypony politely ignoring that and letting the ceremony move along.

“When I looked into them, I saw a mare who’s heart was kinder than any I could have hoped to meet... the Bearer to the Element of Kindness being the exception, of course.”

This gets a small row of laughter from the crowd and Derpy, before he continued.

“When I heard you had a daughter, I first thought you’d already found somepony and that my chances to be with a mare as wonderful as yourself were gone. But, when you told me you loved me too and that you were not married, my heart soared higher than the sun and moon ever could.”

I glance at Dinky, who is now blushing herself, but with an honest smile on her face.

Rich look deeply into Derpy’s eyes. “Derpy, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with you. Even if I lost everything, my business, my mansion, it wouldn’t matter, because, as long as I have you, my life will be the best life I could ask for.”
Everypony awed, though I noticed Rainbow Dash out the corner of my eye making the gagging motion. Guess that was too sappy for her. She was rewarded for it though, by a swift smack to the head from Applejack.

I shake my head and turn back to the alter as Rich continues.

"The months we all spent living together has proven to me that fate wanted us to be together," he glanced at Diamond, a thankful expression in his eyes. "With each day that we waited for the wedding as we lived together, the more I knew our family would be happy together and that nothing would change that. Derpy, it is my greatest wish to spend the rest of my years with a mare as wonderful us you and I know, deep in my heart, that you feel the same."

I glance at Dash, but she seems to be behaving, if only so she doesn't get kicked again and return my gaze to the marrying couple just as Derpy began her vows.

“Rich, you were the first stallion I ever met who treated me without the worry of insulting me for my eyes,” she said, looking right into his. “You were willing to speak to me honestly and tell me what you thought, but without any hints of taunting... unless we were being playful, of course.”

A bit of snickering went through the crowd at that joke, all the adults seeming to know something I didn’t. Glancing from Diamond to Dinky, it seems they don’t get the joke either.

Derpy takes a breath and continues. “Meeting you was one of the best days of my life. I’ll admit, I was worried what you’d think of me when you found out about Dinky, but you stuck with me. For that, I can never thank you enough.”

She glances at Dinky, who grins and nods, before continuing.

“Rich, while I may not be the smartest pony... or the most coordinated, you still wanted to be with me. You stayed by my side and helped me whenever I needed it. You’re the most wonderful stallion I could ever ask for and would gladly grow old with somepony like you and our family will always be happy, no matter what comes our way.”

More awws come from the crowd, along with me seeing Dash about to do the gagging motion again, before Rarity glares at her, making her stop.

Twilight nods as they finish and begin the next part. “Do you, Filthy Rich, take Miss Derpy Hooves as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for rich of for poor, till death do you part?”

Rich looks to Derpy, his eyes lidded. “I do.”

Twilight nods and turns to Derpy. “And do you, Derpy, take Filthy Rich as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for rich of for poor, till death do you part?”

Derpy nods absentmindedly, clearing paying more attention to the stallion in front of her than what Twi was saying. “I do-di-do-do.”

My ear twitched as I heard Dash whisper/snicker, “She said “do-do”.” This was followed by a unanimously timed kick from both Rarity and Applejack, making her go silent, crossing her forehooves and pouting.

“If anypony can think of any reason why these two ponies should not be married, speak now, or forever hold your peace,” Twilight said, looking out at the crowd.

“If not for your mom, I’d probably have had something to say against it,” Diamond whispers to me around the cushion. “But not anymore.”

I nod, turning back as Twilight glance over the room one more time, then nod. “Please bring forth the rings.”

Dinky and Diamond step forward, each presenting the ring to the pony with the Cutie Mark on it. Rich and Derpy took turns put the ring on the other’s hoof.

Twilight smiled warmly. “Then, by the power vested in me as a princess of Equestria, I hereby proclaim you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Rich used his mouth to lift Derpy’s veil, both of them pausing for a moment to look into each other’s eyes before kissing.

Everypony cheers, hats being thrown into the air. I look to Dinky and Diamond, who are hugging each other chanting, “I have a sister! I have a sister!”


“Everypony say muffins,” the camera pony says.

“Muffins,” all those who’d been a part of the wedding say, smiling, followed by the camera flashing, taking our group photo.

After a few more pictures, the camera pony nods and walks out into the reception hall, where the everypony was enjoying the wedding after party.

As Derpy and the others all followed the camera pony out, I stopped, having noticed something out the corner of my eye. Turning, I see a well-aged, very lined unicorn stallion with a black coat, for some reason wearing a black coat-jacket, a grey, swirly looking mane and tail and an hourglass Cutie Mark.

I frown. That Cutie Mark looks familiar, but I can’t remember why.

The unicorn is smiling as he watches Derpy and nods. He starts turning when his eyes meet mine.

I'm frozen in place. His eyes... they were like Mama and Aunt Celestia’s eyes. I could tell they’d seen centuries go by.

He nods to me, saying "Thanks for the warning," then turned and walked outside.

Curious, I follow him, or try to. After a few moments I lose sight of him. After a few more moments of searching, I shrug and head back inside, pausing only a moment as a strange wheezing sound reached my ears, before it faded away.

When I go inside I enter the reception hall and look around, before I felt a nuzzle and look to see Mama smiling at me, Aunt Celestia standing next to her. I leap up, hugging Mama around the neck.

“You were wonderful, honey,” Mama says as she returns my hug.

Derpy, Rich and their daughters are sitting at a nearby table along with Derpy’s dad and Rich’s parents, the four of them chatting and laughing together.

Rarity and the Pony Tones are singing on the performance stage. Fluttershy is, surprisingly, with them. I don’t know how she is finding the nerve to sing in front of everypony, but she's doing it and sounding amazing.

“So, Mama,” I say as I pull away, looking up at her, “Dinky and Diamond can still stay at the castle while their parents are on their honeymoon?”

Mama chuckles. “Stellar, that castle belongs to Twilight, not me.” She then winked. “And she says yes. She’s happy the castle is getting so many visitors.”

I cheer and am about to hurry over to Dinky and Diamond to tell them the news, when I spot a pair of ponies that make a smirk form on my muzzle and change my course to them.

“Hey, Cousin Bluey!” I shout, startling the two ponies.

"O-oh, Stellar,” Blueblood said, calming down when he realized it was me. He seems really relieved about that for some reason. “Thank my auntie. I thought you were the paparazzi.”

I blink, my happiness at seeing him and the mare he was with turning into confusion... and a little anger if a hunch Dash had hinted at from the mare’s past was connected to this.


The blue unicorn mare chuckles sheepishly. “Well.... Trixie is trying not to be in the spotlight right now. Well, no more than dating a prince is already putting her under, anyway.”

I cock my head to one side. “How come? Mama and Aunt Celestia have been making sure things aren’t hard for us anymore. Everypony has pretty much accepted that I’m not Nightmare Moon pretending to be an innocent filly to fool everypony and bring Eternal Night and they know Blueblood is innocent and wasn’t the pony who hurt me. So, don’t you want to speak to the paparazzi?”

I am pretty sure the kingdom already knows Trixie and Blueblood had been dating since a few days after Hearth’s Warming, so why were they so anxious?

Blueblood glances around anxiously, then leans down and motions for me to move closer. I do and he whispers into my ear, “I’d rather them not learn of the newest Royal Family member on the way.”

I pull back, my eyebrow raised. “Huh?” Then I blink again, noticing the bouquet of flowers on the table he and Trixie are sitting at and a huge grin spreads to my face. “Wow. I didn’t think ponies would take the catching the bouquet thing meaning the one to catch it will be the next to marry that seriously.”

I turn to Trixie, before she does something odd. She glances down at her stomach, before gulping and mutters, "Why did we have to go drinking that night? Why? And why did Trixie have to be the one to suggest it?"

I cock my head to the side, not understanding.

“Stellar!” I turn at the voice and say Dinky waving to me and remember what I’d been about to do.

I turn to the two ponies. “Well, bye Trixie. Bye, Bluey. Can’t wait for your wedding.”

I don’t notice the ponies that glanced our way after I said that as I hurried towards the table Dinky and Diamond were sitting at with their parents. I had so much planned during their stay at the castle, including helping them make a welcome home present for when their parents came back.


I'm standing on the balcony of mine and Mother's room, looking up at the sky. The wedding had ended a few hours ago. While their parents were away on their honeymoon, Diamond and Dinky are staying in the castle on my invitation.

I breath deeply as a cool night breeze blue over my face.

"Daughter?" I look behind me and see Mother walking out onto the balcony. "Please, follow me."

I blink. "Follow you where? Where're we going."

"To the moon."

Now, this wasn’t in itself weird, I know she went there often, either to be alone and have some peace and quiet, or to view our sky during the day. So I followed her, using my magic to track her teleport line to the moon, and what I found surprised me. Mother led me along the moon to a large castle made of white and purple stone, with towers that reached high into the night sky.

I turn to her, frowning. “What’s this doing here?” I ask.

She smiles and puts a wing over me. “When I became Nightmare Moon, after I was banished here, I used my magic to create this castle. I sat in it for all those years, watching the planet below.”

I glance at her, then at the planet in the distance. “Why are you showing me this?”

“Because, my daughter, ponies will one day learn to live in our night as we do.”

My frown deepens. “What do you mean, Mother? Forgive me for saying so, but that almost makes it sound like you intend for the Eternal Night again.”

Mother chuckles. “No, Stellar. Nothing like that. What I mean is, one day, we will have ponies living here on the moon, just as they do on the planet below.”

I stare at her, wide-eyed. “But... there’s no air on the moon. The only reason we can survive on here is because it’s part of us. How would other ponies live here?”

Mother smirks. “Oh, I’m sure it will be a long time from now, it may take hundreds of years, but, one day, ponies will walk on the moon, just as they do on the planet below.It was my original idea, back before Nightmare Moon, but those thoughts had been corrupted into the Eternal Night.”

I nod, understanding and look out at the rocky surface of the moon. It is a wonderful dream and, if I had anything to do with it, it would come true.

Author's Note:


We are finished. That is it, we are done.

No more updates, no more rewrites. We. Are. DONE!


Well, i will at some point go deal with editing all the errors i have in here, but that's besides the point

Thanks you all for following me on this wild roller coaster, several times and for the support and encouragement.

I hope you enjoyed this whole story and thank i can keep entertaining you with my stories.

So, until next time, we will NEVER be on this story again, LATER EVERYPONY!

Comments ( 143 )

we want a sequel.
do you know what this means?
(falls out of chair while cackling)

Finally It's Over. :twilightsmile:

I Enjoy This Story Much as Everyone who reads it.

The Chalice family still cower in the dark (we haven't seen the last of them, but they'll be back.) :twilightangry2:

Derpy and Rich are now married. Derpy will be a better wife than useless, good for nothing, ungrateful, thick-headed Spoiled Rich.

Stellar met the Doctor. I Wonder how she'll react seeing him again when she gets older? :trixieshiftright:

Luna told Stellar about her dream. A Dream that will one day...Come True...:twilightsmile:

Hey are u gonna help the author name ..... yackaro i think with living hell, autumn?

Eh...I'm out...I'm not a fan of reaccuring villian.
Good story, but when it keep fighting the same guy/group over and over and over and over and over again, I got real tired and make the heroes seem incompetent or the villian too god damn overpowered, making the struggle seem pointless.

Its not ended since those racist fucks are still around. It won't be over till their caught and imprisoned/killed

the Earl of pudding says hip hip herray

Nice ending. Now a sequel?


I really like how it ended especially when Luna told Stellar about her dream. All in all its amazing,:twilightsmile: well except facing the bloodline of Golden "disgrace" Chalice again and again.

Well done mate.:pinkiehappy:


I. Want. Sequel.

If you dont mind that is. :fluttershysad:

Now that this story has ended, i can give a proper critique.

This story was nothing short of a masterpiece. :raritystarry:The characters were great, :raritywink: the plot was great, :twilightsmile: the comedy was spot on :rainbowlaugh:, the references were.... mostly recognizable :unsuresweetie:, the plot twists were surprising, :twilightoops: it showed development for the characters :pinkiesmile: and it had a satisfying ending. :ajsmug:

Also, one extra point for two villains getting a comeuppance and another for the wedding chapter alone. :raritywink:

that's a total of 12/10 on the :yay:itude meter! I wonder what'll happen in your next story, but this one's going into my All Time Faves folder.

Story in one word Daaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww

The Sequal is calling

Seems like things have finally wound down. Here's hoping there's a sequel.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

You ensured a sequel with this.

So an open ending? Never was a fan of those to be honest. Same goes for wedding scenes. At least Rainbow lightened it up a little! :rainbowlaugh:

But other than that I liked this story, so I faved it! :pinkiesmile:

7159105 ... Eh, whatever. I'll just talk. Hi. :pinkiehappy:

This is true perfection.

Sequel, NOW, plz :fluttershysad:

Sequel please

woot woot exultant ending.
color my impressed.

<3 <3 <3
Very satisfied :3
10/10 would recommend and read again.

It's a good story but all of it needs proofreading. Of course since it is done now I suppose it does not matter.

After reading again and the extra chapter... I still like it. Good Work. Even if those that tried to kidnap Stellar are still around.

will tere ever be a sequel?

Never say you are done, that's it, no more! For their is always more to do. Like correct all the errors like using blue instead of blew. And you may find you want to continue the story :raritywink:. But then again you can always erase what you want if you change your mind.:pinkiesmile:

Was about to say at least we still have Transformers, then I remembered Michael Bay and died inside a little more.

7165822 we do have Transformers Prime to make up for that though


It was rather.... Mediocre to say the least

*Grumbles about what they did to Wheeljack

Overall, I really like where you went with this story and the remake.

I am in episode 15:pinkiehappy:
for reason to my reading power not and been able to read but (bony other histories but I am continuing) but I hope soon to continue to know like it ends up :twilightblush:
I am in episode 15:pinkiehappy:
for reason to my reading power not and been able to read but (bony other histories but I am continuing) but I hope soon to continue to know like it ends up

pls!! SEQUEL I WILL SELL MY RIGHT LEG TO YOU FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sequel! NOW!! I am not bucking joking!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Good work, though would this be a bad time to point out a grammar error in the last chapter?

I seem to remember a memorial in the stars for Moonie before the rewrite... *give's you the stink-eye* Where did it go? that was one of my favorite moments.

10/10 for the story in general, but the ending...4/10

7384432 I agree. The story itself was great, but I felt like the ending was somewhat of a flop

7412963 EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP! *flops over onto mah face*

7413410 *flops upwards, then gets stuck on ceiling*

What just happened? :rainbowhuh:

I swear, the three of us always find each other... like, are we that similar?

7426146 You stole mah avatar. That's the avatar I have for my main account. XD

7454292 either that or destiny friends:p

FIMFiction: Friendship is your destiny.

Many others have that profile pic buddy...

7454339 I know. I was the most notorious one with it to my knowledge. Lol

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