• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,797 Views, 178 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

The Search for Spinel

Spinels screaming turned to laughter as her travel through the vortex became more like a roller coaster. She went from falling through light to sitting in a cart and going around a loop she looked around laughing as she held onto the safety bar. Suddenly she started talking.

"I hate this ride," She heard herself say, her own voice sounding fake for some odd reason.

"Buck up Ŝ͉p̢̬̤̗̂̾̎̔i̳̪̘͙͗̔̀͛ń̲ę̰̣͇͂̎̏̚l̻͕͖̲͙̎̀͑̇̆," She heard Lapis say and tried to turn and look for her friend only to find herself suddenly standing on a basketball court bouncing the ball, She wasn't having fun any more as he body moved on its own as she tried to throw the ball without using her powers, suddenly she was standing in a hot room, holding a spatula and flipping burgers, Peridot was up front and she could see Lapis taking out the trash.

"Hey S̨̭̼̙̣͊̈́̉̕p̨͈̣͈̮͌́̇͊͝i̻̠̦͇͒͗͛̈́͟͝ņ͎̙̬̗̍̓͂̿͠e͉͍͍̪̅̀͌͛͡ͅḷ̥̌̀̒́̌͟͜͢ Keep your eyes on the grill you-" Spinel blinked and found herself sitting on a couch she looked around in silence then tried speaking.

"What?" She demanded, after confirming she was in control again she jumped to her feet "What!?" She cried out when she heard the sound of sipping and turned to find Discord drinking some tea next to her.

"Interesting," Discord said as he scratched his chin "It seems, at least now, your not lying about who you are?"

"Say wha?" Spinel asked in confusion as she looked around the chaotic home. "Nice volcano,"

"Thank you," Discord said as he got off the couch and began stroking his beard. "Spinel, I have a few questions that only you can answer,"

"So you sucked me into a vortex, then a roller coaster, a basketball court, and a restaurant?"

"Something like that," Discord said as she snapped his figures and the two were suddenly standing in a dimly lit room.

"Where the heck we at?" Spinel demanded as she looked around the dusty room and picked up one of the pillows on the bed, earning a frown from Discord.

"And that answers my question," He said as he snapped his fingers and they were back in his home, Spinel still holding the dusty Pillow.

"Wait what question?" Spinel demanded as she looked around in confusion "Did I get it right?"

"Yes," Discord said as he looked at the vortex in thought "just not in the way I thought you would," Spinel looked at him for a moment before scratching his head.

"So we good?" Discord gave no indication he had heard her and she frowned before curling her pinkie into a horn and walking to his side, She looked at him for a moment before blowing loudly into his ear and making him jump as she shouted to him "I Said, WE GOOD?" Discord looked over at her for a moment before patting her head.

"Yes," He declared before dropping her through another vortex, Spinel spun around through it for almost a minute before landing on her feet with a squeak. Spinel patted herself and happily looked around before deflating, she was in the middle of an ancient ruin, surrounded by a lush jungle. She looked around in irritation before a large shadow engulfed her and she turned to look at a large creature looking down at her.

"Morning?" she said in greeting.

"Spinel," Lapis cried out as she flew down the road, away from ponyville "You out there?" as Lapis got farther and farther away the rest of the Gems and the Apple family had divided into groups each with their own task, Applejack and Peridot where heading to the castle to both ask Twilight's aid and make sure she wasn't the one who had sucked Spinel up, Applebloom and Bismuth where heading to Fluttershy's cottage to see if Discord was to blame, Granny Smith and Big mac meanwhile were tasked with trying to retrieve Lapis before she got too far and ended up lost.

"Get back here," Granny cried as she hobbled after the flying gem, her cries fell on deaf ears due to Lapis being too far and too high up to hear here, Big Mac rushed after her at full speed and ended up beneath her, he waved up to get her attention, and she just flew past him once she confirmed he wasn't Pink.

"Nope," he said before rushing back to her field of vision and waving again, only to be ignored once again, "Nope," he repeated as he tried again. As this was going down Applejack and Peridot made it to Twilight's castle, and found the only resident to be Starlight.

"Sorry" Starlight replied with a head shake when Peridot asked for the Purple Science horse "She and Spike are visiting her parents for her fathers Birthday,"

"Oh great" Peridot groaned "We came all this way and end up finding the wrong magical horse," as Peridot began cursing the injustices of the universe Applejack instead turned to Starlight for aid.

"So, Spinel got sucked into a Vortex," She said casually "Any idea what that might be about?" Starlight looked at her friend for a moment tapping her chin with a hoof, "well she came here through a vortex, maybe she was sucked back into her home reality?" Applejack thought for a moment

"I could probably find a way for that to make sense," She decided ", if Discord's magic hadn't been the driving force in her being here,"

"Yeah," Starlight agreed "I can't argue with that," the two turned to Peridot as she cleared her throat.

"If this Discord has the power to pull us from one dimension to another, then he can probably just snap his fingers and pull Spinel out from where ever she currently is and bring her back to us,"

"Well, Applebloom and Bismuth are already going to ask if he did it so I guess we can go see if he'll help while we're at it," with a quick goodbye to Starlight Applejack and Peridot made their way to Fluttershy's cottage.

At the same time, both Bismuth and Applebloom were sitting with Fluttershy in her cottage, Applebloom was sipping some tea while Bismuth looked at how small her cup was in the palm of her hand.

"Never gonna get used to how big I am now," she thought before saying aloud, "So Fluttershy any luck with Discord?" The Yellow Pegasus finished sipping on her tea before replying.

"He'll probably come once he has the time," She went back to sipping her tea and a semi-awkward silence followed before she added, "It could be a while until he gets here, can I offer you some sandwiches?"

"I'd like one, please," Applebloom replied happily.

"I'll try one," Bismuth decided as she attempted to drink from the small cup in her hand, almost swallowing it as a result "Also, not to be a bother, but can I get a bigger cup?"

"oh," Fluttershy smiled back sweetly at the gem "that's no bother, no bother at all,"

- 90 minutes later -

Fluttershy's cottage had gotten more and more cramped with time, at the moment she was now sitting with the three gems and the 4 Apples.

"I'm just saying," Applejack said once she swallowed the last bite of her Sandwich "maybe you should send Sugar belle a letter and tell her about the gems, she won't be back for a few more months so you do have some time but I think you better do it sooner rather than later,"

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied before taking a drink

"Just not sure how exactly to put it into words?" Applejack inquired as she took a sip of her drink.

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed as he finished his drink. Before they could continue Lapis, who had spent the last 20 minutes laying on the floor, got to her feet.

"I'm done," She decided "I'm gonna go back to blindly searching, it's better than waiting for Captain Chaos to decide to come and help us,"

"I am a God not a Captain," Discord replied as he materialized from nowhere.

"I knew it!" Lapis practically screamed out "You were keeping us waiting on purpose,"

"Maybe," Discord replied as he took a cup and did the classic drink the glass and not the drink bit. "So what can I do you for?"

"Did you Vortex Spinel!" Lapis demanded.

"yes," Discord replied simply.

"I hate him," Lapis decided irritable "I hate everything about him"

"Ok Discord," Applejack said getting to her hooves "Games over, un vortex Spinel so we can get back to our respective days," Discord blinked and went from calm and cool to looking very guilty.

"What did you do?" Fluttershy demanded.

"Nothing," Discord replied, doing so a little too fast for the Pegasuses' liking.

"Discord what did you do?" She demanded firmly.

"Nothing," Discord said in denial

"Discord," Fluttershy said angrily

"I might have sent her to the wrong place," Discord said as he gave up with a groan.

"And that wrong place would be?"

"I dunno give me a sec," Discord said as he snapped, after a moment he snapped again, and after the third time gave a sigh, "Alright great news, it wasn't my fault, some item of power pulled her to its location using my own spell to do so, she's probably having some grand adventure or something and it might be dangerous, so who wants to-"

"Just send us," Bismuth said as she got to her feet "Just make sure to bring us back when whatever summoned her is not summoning her anymore.

"I can do that, though I would like a word with all three of you when you have a moment," And with that Discord snapped his fingers.

Author's Note:

Discord has a foot and a hoof, so should it be got to his feet, got to his hooves, or got to his foot and hoof.