• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,796 Views, 178 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Together for the first time

Bismuth and Lapis put their weapons away as Applejack explained that Smolder wasn't going to eat them.

"Alright," Lapis said slowly "But stay 6 feet away from me at all times,"

"Done," Smolder said, not exactly scared of fists made of water, she was instead looking towards Bismuth and her scythe hands. "Heck I'll stand 10 feet away just for you," Smolder backed away from them and Applejack turned her attention to the rest of the young six and Granny Smith who had been watching the confrontation from afar.

"Granny please introduce everyone to one another, I have to go make sure Spinel isn't causing a one-gem riot or something,"

"Um," Smolder said nervously to Applejack "Ember came with me so she could visit Spike, She went ahead to ponyville so..."

"Oh, son of a- " Applejack ran at full speed to Ponyville.

"Bismuth," Lapis said "Go say hi or whatever, I'm gonna go stop Spinel," Lapis took flight and took off after Applejack.

"So, Spinel do this often?" Lapis asked once she caught up with Applejack, "Bounce away from danger I mean?"

"Well sometimes she fights but that typically ends with Twilight getting involved, but I don't see that being an option at the moment," Lapis let out a sigh before increasing her speed and passing Applejack as she shot towards Ponyville, She very quickly found Spinel spinning around in a pink tornado as she attempted to keep Ember at bay, Ember simply flew out of reach of the spinning attack and blew out a blast of Fire, Spinel came to a stop and bounced away, throwing her fist at Ember, who dodged it and grabbed Spinel's extended arm before throwing it over her shoulder, lifting Spinel up into the air and slamming her into the ground. Spinel hit the ground and spun back to her feet, attempting to retrieve her arm from Ember, who held it firmly in her grasp.

"You ready to call it quits?" Ember asked "Because as far as I can tell you're far from being able to knock me flat," Ember looked to Spinel for a response when Lapis decided to side with her friend and formed two water fists and swung them down on Ember, slamming her into the ground and flattening her.

"Spinel might not be able to, but I sure as hell can," Lapis said as Spinel reeled her arm back in.

"Go Lapis!" Peridot cheered from Pinkie's back, now sporting a whistle in the shape of a little bear around her neck. "Kick that Dragon into next week," Ember pulled herself out of the hole shaped like her and started laughing.

"Oh this is starting to get fun," She cracked her knuckles "So an old-fashioned two vs one is it?" Lapis looked to Ember, then turned to Spinel and offered her a hand, Spinel shook it in confusion when Lapis grasped her hand and pulled her in close, putting her hand around Spinel's waist.

"Whoa," Spinel's face started burning as Lapis looked at her calmly and began spinning her around in a slow dance.

"This is something I've been meaning to try out," Lapis said calmly as she lowered herself down and her nose touched Spinel's, as soon as their noses met they both turned into light and started becoming one.

"What is happening!?" Pinkie asked in awe as the light started getting bigger.

"Fusion," Peridot replied in shock and awe. They all watched as they started getting Bigger, keeping Spinel's basic body shape, it seemed to be just making a larger version of Spinel as the arms formed, then a second set of arms came out around the midsection. her hair was short like Lapises but was longer on either side and pointed out a little like Spinels ponytails. After a moment the form settled as the new Fusion stood before them all, She was wearing Spinels pants with Lapis's top and ribbon, The top set of arms and legs had Spinels shoes and gloves, and the right shoulder also had Spinels Shoulder pad on it. She had Purple hair, she had one left eye with Spinel's Pupil, and two right eyes on top of each other, the bottom eye was blue while the top eye was purple. The Fusion has crossed eyes for a second before blinking and looking at itself with a smile.

"Well now," She said looking down at Ember clenching one of her fists, now being nearly three times her size, easily being able to put her hands on the rooftops of the nearby buildings "Let's see how much you like this fight," Ember was simply staring at the Fusion with sparkles in her eyes.

"I might actually enjoy it," She replied as a pair of water wings came out of the fusions back and it took flight, Ember flying up after her. Peridot and Pinkie were both too busy freaking out over what they had just witnessed.

"Holy mother of Guacamole!" Pinkie screamed out shaking Peridot "You guys can just do that!?"

"I personally don't," Peridot replied as Pinkie shook her. Ember and the Fusion came to a stop about 40 meters above the town and looked at one another.

"Name's Ember," She called out "Don't suppose I could get yours, just in case one of us dies,"

"My name?" The Fusion asked, scratching her cheek with her upper left arm, her two lower crossed themselves while her other upper arm was set on her hip, one of her feet tapping in the air. "A Lapis and a Spinel together would make...Iolite," Iolite smiled at her name and looked to Ember "I am Iolite, time for a fight!" Iolite pulled all four arms back and they all stretched out in attack towards Ember, she dodged the two upper arms but the lower set grabbed her legs, Ember tried to breathe their grasp only for the two upper arms to grow in size and grab her entire body, the four arms all swirled together and with a smile, Iolite spun Ember in the air and swung her spinning arms up, Ember came to a stop disoriented form the rapid spin and was let go for a second before being flipped upside down and being grabbed again, Iodile's wings dissipated and They dropped with Iolite laughing out as they fell.

"Falling Star Piledriver!" She said as she hit the ground with her feet, leaving a large crater in the ground before slamming Ember headfirst into the ground. She let go and Ember was planted firmly upside down, she was still for a moment before she moved and found a footing, she pulled herself out and shook her head, looking to Iolite just in time to be grabbed again.

"I Spin you round and round," Iolite sang as she began spinning like a top, swinging Ember around just over the top of the buildings "All around Pony town, and when you hit the ground..." Iolite let go and Ember was released just in time for one of Iolites other arms to swat her in the face, sending her flying back and skidding across the ground "...You'll wish you hadn't stuck around!" Iolite laughed as she came to a stop. Ember lay on the ground before picking herself up, her eyes swirling in their sockets.

"This is great," She said as she got back to her feet "My turn!" Ember flew at Iolite. Pinkie and Peridot waited for Iolite to attack Ember but she simply stood her ground and let Ember get in close. Ember spun in the air and kicked Iolite in the face with as much force as she could muster, Iolite flung back, her feet still firmly planted in her crater, and she extended all of her arms and formed fists with her wings as she came rocketing back at Ember, who managed to dodge all of her normal arms, she was almost caught by the water limbs but she let out a blast of fire, not enough to get rid of them, but enough to let her pass through them.

Iolite snapped out of the ground and spun in the air, landing on her feet she spun like a wheel and rolled at Ember, her water wings swirling on either side, cutting into the ground as she picked up speed, Ember flew away from the spinning attack and blasted Fire at Iolite, who bounced up, coming out of her ball form and sent her water wings after Ember. As the two continued fighting Applejack arrived being carried by Bismuth, who had found Applejack on the ground after coming to investigate Spinel.

"Twisted ankle," Applejack said as she raised her front left leg "Found another one of Spinels landing sights," Applejack and Bismuth looked to the fight and went slack. "Where did she come from!?" Applejack demanded looking at the new gem "And how am I supposed to fit her in the barn?"

"Is that Lapis and Spinel!?" Bismuth asked with a shine in her eyes "That's amazing!"

"Applejack," Pinkie said motioning to the fight "That is Iolite, the fusion of Spinel and Lapis, they can just do that and never told me!

"Yeah great so, new question, how do we even stop this!?" Applejack watched as Iolite stretched her neck to avoid Ember's attack and proceeded to wrap her torso around Ember. Suddenly, with a little snap of her fingers, Peridot jumped off Pinkies back and ran towards the fight before taking a deep breath and screaming out.

"Paulette sucks!"

"What?" Iolite demanded, dropping Ember and walking towards Peridot in great offence, getting on her hands and knees and looking down at Peridot, her Spinel eye now boasting an extra layer of pupil. "Perry you're just blind to her genius," Iolite was about to say something else when she suddenly turned to light and Split into Lapis and Spinel. Lapis landed on her side and Spinel spun onto her feet.

"Paulette is just playing them!" Spinel said angrily. Lapis got up and then walked over to Ember, offering the dragoness her hand.

"How about we call it a tie and, so long as you promise to never try and eat us, we can do this again sometime,"

"Your dam right we're doing this again," Ember cheered shaking Lapises hand "I'll call all the dragons together when I get back home and make it law that they can't eat talking Gems, Oh and tell the Spinel I'm sorry for my Tasty comment, I haven't eaten all day and she's just a little too tempting," Ember turned on the spot, patted herself down and declaird her intentions to get some actual food before walking away, seemingly unphased by the fight she had just taken place in. Lapis walked back to Spinel and Peridot and got their attention.

"We've called a truce, The Dragons will be forbidden from eating us so long as we visit and fight that blue dragon every now and again,"

"Excellent work everyone," Spinel declared proudly "We've brought peace to the world," Spinel grabbed Lapis "Oh and that Pink Pony over there is Pinkie Pie, Hey Pinkie, Lapis and Perridot need whistles,"

"I already have one," Peridot declared, showing off her Teddy bear whistle.

"Bismuth I want your fish whistle," Lapis called out.

"Oh," Bismuth pulled it out of her gem then look to Pinkie "Mind if I trade this in for a new one?" Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a frog whistle.

"Bismuth keep the fish," Lapis amended instantly "I want the frog,"

"Alright then," Bismuth said putting her whistle back as Pinkie handed Lapis the Frog.

"This has been a great day," Spinel said happily as Lapis tossed the whistle into her water wings and used them to store it in her gem"Who wants to come watch some Camp Pining hearts, we have infinite soda and Popcorn,"

"I'm all kinds of in," Pinkie declared immediately, Applejack just shook her head as Bismuth picked her up.

"So how's the barn going?" She asked casually.

"Going good, oh and Spinel your helping me install a skylight where you jumped through the ceiling," the group all made their way back to the apple farm, Spinel and Peridot both attempting to get Pinkie on their side with Lapis backing Spinel and Bismuth saying she hadn't actually watched the show yet.

"This is gonna be so much fun," Pinkie said happily.