• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,808 Views, 179 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

It's raining Gems

"Dang it," Spinel muttered as she and Applebloom made their way to the final two apple buckets "adding the two that are left that makes 44,"

"Guess we were short a tree," Applebloom replied "Don't worry, next time I'll count how many I...um...is that Discord?" Spinel, who had been looking at the trees as though they had insulted her, looked ahead and found that Discord was indeed ahead of them, staring at the trees as though they had also insulted him.

"Hey Discord," she called getting a wave from him to signify he'd heard her "Don't beat up the trees that's my job," Discord looked over at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"Keep to the script," He thought to himself before saying "We might have a slight problem," He said.

"What kind of problem?" Spinel asked as Applebloom looked at Discord then Spinel and back again.

"Should I go get my sister?" She asked, almost immediately a vortex formed in the sky "Yup," She decided as she turned and booked it down the road at full speed.

"Welp, there's your problem. there's a hole in the sky," Spinel said sarcastically. Discord was now in a plumbing outfit.

"Yep," the vortex began rippling "Wait it looks like something coming through!" He poofed a large Apple bucking bucket in front of him to catch whatever it was.

"Are you crazy?! What if it's dangerous!"Spinel shouted as she readied her fist to do some punch justice since it hasn't failed her yet.

"I'm sure it will be fine," Discord replied as whatever it was landed with a satisfying thud, Spinel looked in silence at the tiny statue of a woman holding a gem, there was a moment of silence when Rainbow Dash landed next to them and made them jump.

"Explain," She demanded pointing to the vortex.

"It's raining Moon goddess statues?" Spinel replied in confusion as she looked at the statue. Rainbow looked at it and shook her head.

"In what way does that look like Luna?" She questioned in confusion.

"Who?" Spinel replied earning a squint from Rainbow.

"AJ was supposed to talk to you about that, among other things," Rainbow replied before shaking her head "Off topic, what is that exactly?"

"It's made to keep Lunar Sea Spires from collapsing on top of themselves...I think,"

"Well... That sea thing isn't here so what is that thing doing here?" Rainbow asked as she poked the statue, causing the diamond to glow slightly.

"Weird." Discord and Spinel said at the same time.

"I wanna touch it," Spinel said as she reached out for it.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Rainbow said, slightly unnerved by the little statute.

"You started it so...poke." She poked it and it glowed for a second, there was a moment of silence before Spinel added "It doesn't really do anything without a Lunar Sea Spire, I didn't even know they could glow," Spinel picked it up and started shaking it when another item fell from the vortex, this one breaking the Apple bucket. Rainbow gasped as she looked at the large Pink Cannon.

"What is happening?" She demanded as Discord chuckled.


"This is stupid," Bismuth said as she looked at the Vortex "Why can't we just jump through?"

"Discord said that dimensional tears only suck in items and if we went through it then he could get suspected of causing it," Peridot Replied as Lapis picked up an Umbrella and Black inner tube and tossed them into the vortex.

"Bismuth, get over here and help me with this truck bed," She called.

"I still think this is stupid," Bismuth replied as she helped Lapis roll it to the vortex.

"Wait for my mark," Peridot called.

"A Light Cannon!" Spinel cheered "Oh I bet this was Pinks," Spinel smiled happily before her eye started twitching. "I wanna break it so bad,"

"What is happening right now?" Rainbow demanded. Discord pointed to the trees.

"The Portal that Spinel came through may have left a tiny dimensional tear...My guess is that the tree was hit hard enough to catch it and...well that happened," Discord smiled before saying. "So long as Spinel doesn't touch it..."

"What so Rainbow can touch it but I can't?" Spinel demanded when an inner tub suddenly bounced off her head, followed by an Umbrella hitting Rainbow.

"Ow," Rainbow complained before noticing the way Spinel was looking at the vortex "Spinel don't..."

"I am in charge of me!" Spinel cried out as she held her hand to the sky "And I touch what I want!" Spinel's arm shot up and went through the vortex and Spinel shivered "I regret this decision it feels gross," There was a bright flash up the road and the two looked to see Twilight, Applejack, and Applebloom make their way to them.

"What is happening?" Twilight demanded.

"Dimensional tear," Discord said with a shrug.

"I can see that!" Twilight replied before pointing "Why is Spinel's arm caught in it?"

"I do what I want," Spinel shot back as she began pulling her arm back to her only for something to grab onto it and began pulling her through. "I regret nothing," Spinel added as she extended her free arm and grabbed the nearest tree just before her feet left the ground, quickly followed by Applejack running behind her and jumping on her back, weighing her down just enough for her feet to return to the ground while Rainbow flew in the air and played tug of war with the Vortex for Spinels arm. Twilight shook her head and pointed to Discord.

"What did you do?" She demanded.

"Well, It's possible I may not have closed the vortex to Spinel's home dimension correctly, and when she was apple-bucking she must have snagged the residue with a tree branch and ripped it back open." Discord gave a guilty smile.

"You were hoping something like this would happen wouldn't you?" Twilight asked dryly.

"I require Chaos to exist," Discord snapped back "I need an outlet, I figure it would cause some light panic at best...I um...I just didn't think Spinel would put her hand into it,"

"I do I want!" Spinel repeated.

"Well look on the bright side, now it'll close..."

"Oh thank..." Twilight was cut off as Discord added.

"...you know, once another Gem falls through it," The three ponies looked at Discord, Spinel was too busy trying to get her fist back to listen past her own name.

"What do you mean another Gem?" Twilight demanded,

"Oh well usually a Dimensional tear throws items from dimension to dimension, but if a creature from dimension A is in dimension B and touches it, it'll cause a suction event that will close the portal after one to three other creatures from dimension A are sucked into dimension B," Discord smiled. "Simple really,"

"You mean there are gonna be more Spinels?" Applebloom asked in amazement.

"Probably not," Spinel replied getting a surprised look from Discord, "There are hundreds of gems and Spinel's aren't exactly a common gem, we could get anything, a Ruby, A Peridot, a Topaz," Spinel did her best go at a shrug when the Vortex began convulsing violently and Rainbow dash pulled the arm free and was sent flying into the trees, "Oh hey my..." Spinel was cut off when Lapis fell through the portal and landed on her. Twilight stood in silence as Lapis got up and looked around.

"I already hate this," She decided before Peridot fell out of the vortex and landed in a tree next to Rainbow Dash, her tablet still in hand, she looked around, then went back to her screen, Finally Bismuth fell out with the back half of a truck and landed on the ground with enough force to cause a tiny dirt cloud to form for a second, Discord silently snapped his finger and the vortex faded into nothing. Bismuth opened her eye and stared in silence at Spinel, who was reeling her arms back in. There was a long silence over the apple orchard, Twilight looked like she was going to pass out, Rainbow Dash was looking at Peridot in the tree, Lapis was brushing her dress off as she got off of Spinel, and Spinel just lay on the ground with Applejack on her back as she stared at Bismuth in silence.

"Sup?" Spinel finally asked

Author's Note:

Acting, some are better at it than others