• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 4,808 Views, 179 Comments

Now what? - Silver Butcher

Spinel was just getting use to the way things work in Equestria, then Discord decided to drop one heck of a problem on her lap.

  • ...

Twilight Time

Spinel landed in front of the castle, leaving behind her a series of craters in the shape of her feet. Twilight was waiting for her at the castle door and waved at her.

"Twilight," Spinel called to get her already acquired attention, "Twilight I'm supper late!"

"I noticed," Twilight replied.

"I actually have a good reason this time!"

"Was it that show?" Twilight asked the annoyance clear in her voice.

"Yes but how did you know?" Spinel asked somewhat shocked.

"Applejack stopped by earlier and informed me that you and the new gems got into a heated argument over it." Twilight made her way to a small table that had been set up earlier "Now if you're ready."

"Well if Peridot would just listen reason." Spinel mumbled as she took her seat, on the table two cups of cold tea where waiting form them along with a plate of stale muffins. Twilight watched in silence as Spinel drained her cup before looking at her check list.

"So where did we leave off last week?" She asked as she looked through the notes. "Ah yeah, you where telling me about your last day with Pink," Spinel set her tea cup down and leaned on her right arm with sigh.

"It started out like any other day, I think, the Garden's was always facing the sun so time wasn't easy to determine, anyway what I'm going to call the beginning of that day was Pink came by for our usual fun, we had a lot of fun, doing the usual juggling, playing games, that kind of stuff, when she got the call from Yellow and Blue, you remember Yellow and Blue from last week right?"

"Yes," Twilight agreed as she looked over her notes "You also mentioned a White but didn't really explain her all that much,"

"That's a whole session on it's own," Spinel replied "Anyway so Blue and Yellow called to tell Pink that they where giving her her own colony, the planet Earth," Spinel was prevented from continuing when a familiar voice spoke up.

"Where not interrupting something are we?" Cadance asked, Twilight grinned ear to ear and ran to her sister in law who was accompanied by Shinning and Flurry Heart. Spinel took Twilight's tea and drank it as Cadance and Twilight did there little dance.

"I can't believe there's more of them" Spinel muttered before looking over at Shinning and seeing Flurry Heart. "Oh my god one of them is a baby!" Spinel sprang out of her chair and landed a few feet from the stroller Flurry was in, she had been cooing at the sight of her aunt, but Spinel's general body shape and movements caught her eyes and she started squealing with delight before lighting her horn, Before Spinel could react she was picked up by the baby's magic and dragged to her. Flurry squealed in delight and Spinel smiled and touched her gem, pulling out a Pink orb, Flurry watched as Spinel tossed it in the air and caught it in the same hand as with her other she pulled out a second orb, she tossed it into the other hand while the first orb was in the air and began one handed juggling the two before pulling out the third and final and began juggling the three for Flurry, as she did this The Trio watched.

"Wow," Twilight said as she tapped her chin "I wonder what else she has hidden in her gem," Twilight shook her head "Question for later," she deiced as Flurry reached out for Spinel squealing with joy.

"I know this is sudden," Shining said awkwardly "But you wouldn't mind watching her for a few hours would you?" He gave her a nervous smile "Some visiting dignitaries are coming to the empire and...we don't want Flurry any where near them," Twilight raised a brow.

"It's complicated," Cadance added "Stupidly so," Cadance grumbled to herself in irritation before pulling herself back together "I'd really appreciate it if you-"

"Hey!" A Voice that was unfamiliar to Cadance and Shinning called, getting their attention, the two watched as Lapis casually made her way up the stairs. "You can juggle?" She asked in shock, her eyes locked on Spinel.

"There's another one," Shinning said in shock,

"I said the same thing when I first saw your wife," Spinel called back as she ended her juggling routine and returned the orbs to her gems, "And your child," she added merrily before turning to Lapis with out skiping a beat. "So what brings you to the castle?"

"I followed your craters," Lapis replied simply, "Peridot was getting out of hand and I just needed to be around anyone else, but Bismuth was busy building a watchtower out of a truck bed and your the only other person I know so-" Lapis shrugged "here I am," as Spinel and Lapis talked Spinel turned her hand into a Balloon animal and stretched it over to Flurry, who was having a blast at this point.

"There's 4 of them now," Twilight said in response to Shinnings question "Don't worry tho they...haven't tried to kill anyone yet so there already doing way better than Spinel was," Cadance watched for a moment as Spinel and Lapis talked before remembering why she was there.

"As much as I would like to meet these Gems, I'm afraid we are pressed for time so-"

"Oh sorry, yes of course I'll watch Flurry for a few hours, I have nothing planed that can't be pushed to later today, and Spike is off Visiting Ember so I don't have to worry about Spinel blowing a fuse," Cadance and Shinning gave Twilight a quick thanks before teleporting back to the empire. Twilight attention was immediately gained by Spinel who began laughing as Flurry began chewing on her Balloon animal hand. She immediately light her horn and removed the hand from Flurries mouth.

"Spinel," She said sweetly as Flurry used her magic to try and take her prize back. "I'm fine with you and...Lapis?"

"Lapis," Lapis replied simply.

"Right, I'm fine with you both staying, but if your gonna be doing things like this wash your hands and don't encourage Flurry to chew of Balloon animals,"

"I encourage everyone to try something at least once, be it chewing on a Balloon or-" Spinels terrible advice was cut off as Lapis formed a water hand and used it to drench Spinel in water.

"All Clean," Lapis said before picking Spinel up in the hand and walking into the castle "We'll be inside talking about Gem stuff, have fun baby sitting,"

"I will," Twilight replied as she turned to Flurry, who looked miffed at the loss of her Balloon animal and new friend, Twilight blew a raspberry and Flurry started giggling. "I definitely will," She repeated with a smile.