• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 833 Views, 34 Comments

TRANSFORMERS: Darkness Rises - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Darkness threatens the safety of planet earth. Shockwave will not allow anything to stop him from raising it to destroy the humans and the Autobots. It is up to Grimlock, the Autobots, and the Equestria Girls to stop him.

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Dinobot Battle and Reunion

“Hey, guys, I see land in a distance!” Swoop called out to Snarl and Slag. “Follow me!”

“Hey slow down, Swoop! I can’t swim fast enough, you know!” Snarl whined.

“Yeah, me neither.” Slag concurred.

“Hold on a second...what are those creatures?” Swoop asked as he beheld the humans swimming and sunbathing on the beach miles away.

“Wait...there’s civilization in this planet? I thought this world was just all water with little land.” Slag said.

“Hmm, we probably should just check if these creatures are friendly or not.” Swoop suggested.

“Do you think they’ll listen like that plant creature did?” Snarl asked.

“I’m sure they will, Snarl. It’s always best to give a good impression so that they’ll be open to us.” said Swoop.

“I wish Grimlock would adhere to that (sigh).” said Slag.

“Come on guys.” Swoop said leading his comrades to the beach coast for several more miles. They were swimming and flying to the beach until they saw a flying object swiftly fly up in a distance. “What was that?”

The humans were having a great time together with their families and friends. The children were playing together and making sand castles, the women were sunbathing while lying on their towels, and the men were playing ball on ether side of the net. Other people were floating and swimming in the water. The afternoon sun was high in the sky in its hot temperature and humidity.

It was all fun and games until strange sounds of aircraft were heard in a far distance. The sounds came nearer and nearer until the strange flying object was seen in the horizon. The people stopped playing as they saw the object come closer to their level.

Then to their absolute amazement and shock, the object suddenly transformed into a huge metal figure of a bright and loud color scheme. The figure laughed maniacally as he stood before the humans menacingly. “Pathetic creatures! I, Starscream, am now your maker of DOOM!! Hahahahaha!!!” the egotistical Seeker shouted in pride. He loaded his null ray blasters and shot at the humans. They ran in fear of the titan while screaming in terror.

The majority of the people escaped Starscream’s onslaught while the others did not make it alive. Those victims were instantly vaporized until they were nothing but blood and bones. Starscream evilly laughed once again as he made his presence known. “Run, flesh bags, run!! None of you can stand against the might of the great and powerful Starscream!!” he bragged while lifting his arms in triumph.

Suddenly, several roars were heard behind him. Before Starscream would have time to investigate the noises, Snarl and Slag jumped out of the water, transformed in midair, and landed a powerful kick on the Seeker. “What the—?!” he yelled as he fell down.

“Starscream!! Leave these creatures alone!” Snarl shouted.

“Yeah! And what are you doing here?!” Slag demanded with a glare.

“To initiate the conquest of this planet, of course! It also appears that you Dinobots survived the massacre on Canterlot City of Equestria.” Starscream said with a sadistic smirk. This shocked the Dinobots completely.

“WHAT?! What do you mean?!” Swoop demanded.

“Your precious Optimus Prime along with four of his lackeys terminated nearly all of your weak friends. Now, they belong to us to conquer this world and reclaim what is rightfully ours!!” Starscream said.

“What? Optimus? No...no, it cannot be true!! You’re lying!” Snarl said with shock and fear in his tone.

“Optimus would never turn against us! NEVER!!” Slag shouted in sheer anger.

“Whatever you are planning, we will stop you!” Swoop spoke.

“Not if I destroy you three buffoons first!!” Starscream yelled as he began to fire on them at once. The Dinobots dodged his blasts and ran toward him. They tackled him on the sand and pounded on him very hard. But the Seeker transformed to Cybertronian jet mode and flew above them to avoid more of their assaults. “You can’t destroy me that easily, Dino-fools!”

“Take cover!” Swoop ordered as Starscream fired missiles on the Dinobots. They transformed to their respective dinosaur modes and breathed fireballs on the missiles. The missiles exploded on impact. Starscream flew over them and fired again. This time, he fired heat-seeking missiles.

The Dinobots fled the beach and ran across the city. The cars drove out of the way of the beasts and the pedestrians ran in fear away from them as well. The eight heat-seekers still followed their targets in hot pursuit.

Two of them chased Swoop around several skyscrapers until he reached to a taller one. At a split-second, he swiftly turned around and fired his own two missiles on them and they exploded on impact.

Snarl ran as fast as he could from three other heat-seekers. Just before he could go any further, he was blocked by the crowded road filled with cars and trucks. He looked behind him and saw the three missiles coming closer in seconds. Quickly thinking, he turned around and breathed fire on the two, destroying them in the process, and catching the third one in his mouth, swallowing it whole. It exploded, causing him to belch. “Excuse me...” he said.

Slag also ran as much as possible from the last three heat-seeking missiles. The missiles came closer to Slag. “Come on, Slag, think, think!” he said to himself. Then he remembered something. “Oh wait, I forgot! My own tail!” He stopped running, lifted his tail, and swatted the last three missiles, making them explode on impact. The explosion made no damage on his tail or armor. “Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” he rhetorically asked.

“You think you pathetic beasts of burden have won?! Ha! There’s plenty more of that where it came from!” Starscream boasted as he reloaded his arsenal. But before he could fire, a loud honk interrupted his focus. “Who dares interrupts my worthy fight?!” Starscream demanded as he turned around.

The golden semi-truck drove up to the four metallic combatants and immediately transformed before them. The truck then revealed itself as Grimlock in his T-Rex mode. Starscream was shocked and astonished to see the infamously mighty Dinobot commander standing directly before him. He then got flashbacks where he attempted to woo Grimlock to join his side in order to release the Dinobot from Shockwave’s laboratory. He also remembered how Grimlock aggressively refused his offer and threw him against the controls that freed the prisoner.

“No...this cannot be...GRIMLOCK?! HERE?!” Starscream screamed in utter horror. “NO!! No please!! Leave me alone!!”

“You leave my friends alone, Starscream!! I’ll be more than happy to give you the same treatment I gave you back on Cybertron!!” Grimlock intimidatingly challenged. “It’s either fly away or fight.” Without a single word or mutter, Starscream transformed and flew away from the reunited Dinobots.

“Grimlock!! You’re okay!!” Swoop happily shouted.

“You found us! We were just looking for you!” Snarl added.

“Yeah! We really missed you!” Slag added. All three Dinobots tackled their leader in a tight group hug. Grimlock didn’t expect that type of affectionate welcome and reunion but he nonetheless accepted it.

“I missed you guys too.” Grimlock admitted. “I’m sorry for being gone for quite a while. But I’m happy that I found you guys here. You came through that portal in the island, I presume?”

“Yep! It was so weird!” Slag said.

“What is this place? Is this the opposite of Equestria or something?” Snarl asked.

“You could say that. These creatures are called humans, and this world is called earth.” Grimlock explained. “And the vehicle form you saw me in is my semi-truck mode.”

“A semi-truck? That’s...interesting, I guess.” Swoop said confused. “Hmmm, humans and earth...very interesting indeed.”

“So does that mean we have to pick disguises for ourselves to blend in?” Snarl asked.

“Pretty much. Since you exposed yourselves as Dinobots, it’s best if you disguise yourself as these earthly forms to keep a low profile.” Grimlock advised. “Trust me, it’s more efficient that way.”

“Hmm, that makes sense. I guess we’ll have to become triple-changers then.” said Swoop. “And also call ourselves ‘robots in disguise’ maybe?”

“Indeed, come let me help you.” Grimlock said. The three Dinobots eventually chose their new earthly forms: Swoop chose a fighter jet; Snarl chose a dump truck, and Slag chose a tank.

“Wow, these forms look awesome! Very impressive! I’m starting to like earth already!” Snarl said gazing his new vehicle mode.

“Indeed. I think it would be a good opportunity to meet the humans—(cough) a human I’ve befriended during my stay here. Would you be interested?” Grimlock offered.

“A human you befriended? Hmmm, sure why not?” Slag said shrugging.

All Dinobots travelled in their earth forms and were lead by Grimlock to Canterlot High School not far from the city.