• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 831 Views, 34 Comments

TRANSFORMERS: Darkness Rises - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Darkness threatens the safety of planet earth. Shockwave will not allow anything to stop him from raising it to destroy the humans and the Autobots. It is up to Grimlock, the Autobots, and the Equestria Girls to stop him.

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Grimlock vs Sideways

Grimlock and Sideways charged at each other while giving their battle cries. Grimlock’s sword and Sideways’ chainsaws clashed with each other creating large amounts of sparks. They released each other as they prepared to swipe at each other. Grimlock swung his sword at Sideways but the latter ducked under the swipe and thrusted his chainsaw at the former’s leg. He groaned in pain as he punched the Con off of him and threw him on the other side of the road. Sideways landed with a hard hit.

“You’ll pay for that, Autobot!!” Sideways shouted. He reloaded his blasters with new ammunition and fired shots at Grimlock. The latter deflected the blasts with his shield and drew closer to him while doing so. Just as he got closer, he sliced his blaster to two. Without giving the Decepticon time to react, he grabbed his leg and slammed him on the concrete repeatedly. After two minutes of body slamming him, he stopped and dropped him on the ground.

“Puny Decepticon.” Grimlock insulted. He turned around and sheathed his sword. The girls that were watching were still blown away at the brutal fight scene.

“That...was...AWESOME!!” Rainbow praised.

“Robot fights are cool!” Pinkie added.

Before Grimlock could comment, Sideways got up on his feet and ran up to the Dinobot with his chainsaw activated.

“Behind you!!” Twilight warned.

Grimlock immediately turned and saw Sideways sprinting at him in a final attempt to kill him. He quickly took his sword and impaled Sideways the moment he got close to him. “It ends now, Sideways!!” he said. He then cut his body in half and ripped off his head, spilling his energon on the ground.

“Oh my!! What brutality!!” Rarity said with disgust and shock in her tone. The rest of the students that witnessed the whole scene cheered for the Dinobot. Grimlock was suprised to see the reaction of the humans. He honestly didn’t expect them to give a positive reaction to what he did.

Those fleshlings are actually cheering for me? That’s unexpected.” he thought.

“Thank you for saving us. Uhhh, Grimlock, is it?” Sunset asked since they heard the Con mention his name.

“Yes, my name is Grimlock. I’m originally from the planet Cybertron.” Grimlock replied.

“That’s a cool name! I’m Sunset Shimmer and these are my friends.” she said pointing to friends.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle!”


“Pinkie Pie!”



“And Rainbow Dash!” each of the girls said with her personal style of introduction. Hearing those names threw off Grimlock completely. Those names were familiar to him except for Sunset’s.

“Wait a minute...those names are very familiar.” he said. Then it clicked in his mind. “Aha! Those are the names of the six ponies that live in Equestria!”

“You...you’ve been in Equestria?!” Sunset screamed.

“Yes! Additionally, that is my new home along with the rest of the Autobots.” Grimlock replied.

“Auto-what now?” Applejack said cocking her head in confusion.

“That’s the name of my faction. We are autonomous robotic organisms from Cybertron but we’re called Autobots for short.” he elaborated.

“Autobots huh? That sounds cool!” Pinkie said. “So who was that evil robot that tried to take Sunset?”

“Speaking of which, why did he want Sunset? What was his plan? Was he working for someone?” Twilight asked with high curiosity.

“That was Sideways, a Decepticon scout. I’m not sure why he wanted to take Sunset but I know for sure he was after your powers which I witnessed arriving here. So are you those ponies’ counterparts or something?” Grimlock asked.

“Ehhh, pretty much.” Twilight replied. The other girls expressed similar sentiments in agreement.

“That’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard in the whole universe. What kind of creatures are you anyways?” asked Grimlock.

“You can call us humans...well...except for me.” Sunset said blushing in embarrassment.

“What do you mean?” Grimlock asked cocking his head.

“Ummm, it’s complicated. But I’ll explain later. But thanks for saving our lives. You arrived at the most perfect time.” Sunset said with gratitude.

“Indeed. We’re truly in your debt, sir Grimlock.” Rarity thanked with a bow.

“Uhhh, you’re welcome?” Grimlock said still not used to being thanked this much.

“Hey Grimlock, can you transform into your semi-truck again? It looks awesome!” one of the other girls being Scootaloo shouted alongside Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Wow, those girls look exactly like those little Cutie Mark Crusaders from Equestria. Scootaloo said those exact words to me at one time except wanting to see me in Dino mode. Ughh, here we go again.” Grimlock thought. He transformed into his semi-truck mode and honked his horns.

“COOL!! Imagine if we had merchandise of transforming robot toys in our stores! That would be amazing!” Apple Bloom mused in excitement.

Please don’t give the other humans any ideas.” Grimlock said in his head.

“Grimlock? I was just thinking...would you mind taking us back home? Principal Celestia just cancelled the school because of this incident. I don’t think the others will take kindly a giant alien robot in their midst.” Fluttershy meekly asked. Grimlock thought it over.

“Well, I guess I could since I don’t have anything else left to do.” he replied with a small hint of hesitancy. The girls got into his truck and they drove off the school premises. Unbeknownst to them all, the tracking device Sideways implanted on Sunset’s book bag earlier was still intact giving the signal back to the Nemesis.


“The target is still on the loose. How is this possible? How is it that Sideways let our target escape? She is the very means of Cybertron’s restoration!” Shockwave shouted with anger and disappointment. Then he started to recompose himself and returned to his usual tone of calm and collectiveness.

“At least he made sure that the fleshling is under our watch. Sideways, return to the ship at once. Sideways? Sideways!” he called to him via com link but it went static. “Impossible. How is it that he’s not responding? This is illogical.” After a moment of silence, he decided his next course of action.

“No time to waste. The Autobots and the ponies must be dwelt with immediately, and I know just the exact bots who will eliminate loose ends.” Shockwave finished while looking at the Orb Ruby.