• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 831 Views, 34 Comments

TRANSFORMERS: Darkness Rises - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Darkness threatens the safety of planet earth. Shockwave will not allow anything to stop him from raising it to destroy the humans and the Autobots. It is up to Grimlock, the Autobots, and the Equestria Girls to stop him.

  • ...

Grimlock vs. Nemesis Prime


“Sunset, this is Swoop, Snarl, and Slag; they’re my Dinobot warriors and friends.” Grimlock introduced his comrades to her.

“Hello, there!” Swoop greeted.

“Hiya!” Snarl waved.

“Hi, Sunset.” said Slag.

“Hi, guys! It’s a pleasure meeting you three! I never thought there would be more Dinobots out there.” Sunset said. “Welcome to earth!”

“Thanks. I must admit that although this planet is somewhat...primitive, it is starting to grow on me.” said Swoop.

“Yeah, I really like the vehicle modes your planet offers. They look...impressive.” added Snarl while he looked at the cars that drove by.

“Are your friends here?” Grimlock asked her.

“Yes, they’re just finishing up school for the week. Since it’s Friday afternoon, I thought we would hang out more if that’s okay with you.” replied Sunset.

“Oh, you have friends? I’m looking forward to meeting them.” Slag said.

“Just one thing, Sunset. PLEASE, for the love of Primus, keep that pink girl from asking a huge load of questions that irritate my processor!! I can’t stand her!!” Grimlock angrily admonished. While he found the other girls besides Sunset to be okay to some degree, Pinkie Pie was the only one he had a strong dislike for due to her hyper and enthusiastic personality.

“Hey, don’t worry! I’ll let her know that. Also, Pinkie isn’t really that bad; the more you get to know her, the more you’ll get used to her. Trust me.” said Sunset as she winked.

I seriously doubt that but whatever.” thought Grimlock while grumbling.

“Hey, Sunset! Hey, Grimlock!” Twilight greeted as she and the others exited the front school doors after the bells rang.

“Hey, Twilight!” Sunset waved back.

“How’s everything going with—“ Twilight said before looking up at three new transformers standing before her.

“Hello there, creature. I’m Swoop. What is yours?” greeted Swoop. Twilight was briefly stunned at their appearance but quickly shook it off after Swoop greeted her politely.

“Umm, hi, uh Swoop. I’m Twilight Sparkle.” she uttered, regaining her composure.

“I’m Snarl.” he added.

“And I’m Slag.” he also added.

“THIS IS GREAT!! There’s now three new alien guests with us!” Pinkie shouted while jumping up and down. She grabbed Rarity’s phone (since hers was destroyed by Sideways) and took several photos of Swoop, Snarl, and Slag standing together.

The three Dinobots were puzzled by her enthusiasm; Grimlock, on the other hand, was groaning aloud in annoyance while covering his head with his hands.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, humans. May the rest of you introduce yourselves?” Swoop asked.

“Greetings. I’m Rarity.” she welcomed with a bow.

“Pinkie Pie!”

“The one and only Rainbow Dash!”


“Fluttershy.” the rest of the girls introduced.

“So you guys are from Cybertron, huh?” Twilight asked.

“Yep. It’s been so many years since the war...wait, how did you know of our planet?” Snarl asked.

“Grimlock told us of almost everything. I can’t imagine what you guys went through during your war!” Rainbow said. “I bet it was so awesome!!”

“I wouldn’t say ‘awesome’ but rather painful and severe for lack of better terms.” Grimlock said. “It would be best if none of you humans go through that experience.”

“Being in a war? Ha! We fight against villains with Equestrian magic all the time!” said Applejack.

“Yeah! We’re like superheroes! Saving earth for like a thousand times!” Rainbow added.

“That may be so, but remember how you couldn’t defeat Sideways which was why I stepped up.” Grimlock argued. “Without me, you would’ve been dead in two seconds.”

“Oh...right.” Rainbow admitted before blushing. “Speaking of which, that fight was quite cool.”

“Anyway, I was thinking that maybe we should all just—“ Grimlock was cut off by an explosion that shook the ground they were standing on. They immediately turned around and saw five Cybertronian dark vehicles approaching them. “Dinobots, lock and load!” Grimlock ordered. The three Dinobots complied as they drew their weapons in preparation to fight. The girls hid behind their gigantic metal legs for protection.

The vehicles then transformed into their respective robot modes. Jinx, MoltenIron, Hatchet, and Cliffhanger menacingly stood before their opponents with their blasters pointing at them. Nemesis Prime got in front of them with his drawn sword. “Time to meet your demise, Dinobots.” Nemesis spoke.

“Optimus, is that YOU?!” Swoop yelled. “What happened to you guys?!”. He and the other Dinobots were shocked to see their own friends in the form of Decepticons. The girls were puzzled once they heard his name.

“I am NEMESIS PRIME!! Optimus is dead and so will you!!” Nemesis angrily declared.

“Optimus, it’s me, Grimlock! You got to listen to me! Whatever happened to you, we will fix it!” Grimlock pleaded. Once he said this, he was surprised with himself for actually pleading with Prime. “Did I just plead with Optimus? I don’t usually do that!” he thought.

“That’s supposed to be your friend, Grimlock?! He’s looks like a sadistic ruffian!” Rarity yelled.

“He also looks so...mean! Just like those other guys!” Fluttershy added.

“ENOUGH! Prepare for extinction!!” Nemesis shouted right before he pulled his blaster and shot at Grimlock. Grimlock swatted the shot away with his shield and unsheathed his energon sword.

“Dinobots, ATTACK!!” Grimlock commanded. “Protect the humans!” Grimlock and Nemesis charged at each other and clashed their swords together.

“We got to help Grimlock!” Twilight said.

“We can’t! Our magic is powerless against their armor, remember?” Sunset reminded.

“What do we do now?!” Pinkie shouted.

“Follow me! I’ll get you to safety!” Swoop said while transforming to pterodactyl mode and let the girls climb to his back. They took off to some place safe.

“Please make it out alive, Grimlock.” whispered Sunset. She was hoping her previous nightmare would not come true.

Snarl fought MoltenIron whereas Slag was fighting Hatchet. Jinx and Cliffhanger aided Nemesis in battling Grimlock. Nemesis swung his sword at the Dinobot leader before the latter dodged the deadly swipe and punched him on the face. Nemesis staggered from the sudden punch. He then drop kicked Jinx and blasted Cliffhanger away before they could even touch him.

Grimlock swung his own sword at Prime and left a scratch on his chest. Nemesis looked upon his scratch and roared in full wrath. “You will pay for that!!” Prime screamed.

“That’s the wounded pride speaking. But you know, from learning from my friend Sunset, that scratch is necessary to awaken the reality of the prideful one. That’s what I went through in Equestria when I was having difficult times with those ponies.” Grimlock lectured. “By the Allspark, I’m lecturing now! Am I not being myself?!” he internally said.

Nemesis lunged at him with his vicious swipes but Grimlock kept blocking his attacks with his shield. “Prime! Snap out of it! This isn’t who you are!” he again pleaded.

“I DON’T CARE! YOU DIE!!” Nemesis vengefully shouted. He ripped his shield from his right arm and repeatedly beat him with it. After several hits, he tossed it aside and delivered a very powerful uppercut on Grimlock’s chin, forcing him to drop his sword. The Dinobot flew in the air until he landed a hard hit on the ground.


Twilight Sparkle tried every spell in the book to break the bars of her cage but they would not break at all. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence had no luck either. “It’s no use! I tried every spell I know of, but the bars of this cage won’t budge!” Twilight cried.

“These bars are magic-proof! No matter what type of spell we use, it won’t work! We have to think of something else!” Cadence said.

Twilight examined the room to see if anything in the dungeon would be useful for their escape. She knew she had to be quick before Shockwave would check on them. After looking around, she saw a switch that was labeled ‘anti magic’ on the handle; it had control of all the bars on the cages. Smirking, she lowered her head in between the bars and blasted the switch to pieces. The bars lost their power once they were electrified out of control. The princesses shielded themselves with their magic before the bars exploded to smithereens.

Once the smoke was cleared, the alicorns flew up to the container that held the Orb Ruby. They lifted the container off and directed their focus on the Ruby. Twilight shot at the Ruby but it didn’t break. She then noticed a dark energon shard penetrating it.

“That dark energon shard is protecting the Ruby. We must destroy both of them to save our friends from its spell. But we need to combine our magic to complete this task.” Celestia advised.

“Right. But we must hurry! Time is short!” Luna reminded. Shockwave heard the explosion from outside the dungeon and ran to it to check what was going on.

All the alicorns combined their magic and sent a huge wave of magic right at the shard and the Orb Ruby. The blast disintegrated the shard and shattered the Orb Ruby . The blast also destroyed the doors of the dungeon which sent Shockwave flying in the air. The alicorns flew out of the dungeon and flew right towards the open windows of the ship.

“How is this possible? How did they escape?!” Shockwave shouted right before beholding the shattered remains of the Ruby. “No...this is illogical. This cannot be!”


Nemesis evilly chuckled as he stepped on Grimlock with his sword in his grasp. “Today...you perish from the face of the universe.” Nemesis declared as he raised his sword to finish him forever. Grimlock awaited his incoming death as he kept silent. Death did not arrive. Nemesis’ optics started to flicker constantly. They changed from purple to blue. His entire body was surrounded in a white light and floated in the air; likewise with MoltenIron, Hatchet, Jinx, and Cliffhanger. All five of them screamed in pain for several seconds until they stopped. They dropped on the ground in their original color schemes.

“(Groan), wha-what happened? Where am I?” Optimus questioned.

“Ow, my aching chassis...” Ironhide muttered.

“Where are we?” Cliffjumper asked as he recognized their surroundings.

“Grimlock! Are you all right?” Ratchet called out as he lifted him up.

“I’m—I’m fine. But I’m glad you guys are back.” Grimlock said. Swoop, Snarl, and Slag gathered around the reunited Autobots.

“Welcome back, guys! We missed you!” Swoop exclaimed.

“We are released from that evil spell? How? And how did we get here?” Optimus asked.

“We are the answer to your first question!” a familiar voice called out from above.

The Autobots looked up and saw Twilight and the princesses fly down and land at their feet. “Welcome back to the family, Optimus Prime.” Twilight greeted with tears in her eyes.

“Twilight...you returned for me—for us. Thank you for your tremendous work.” Optimus thanked.


“I told you we should’ve drained them of their magic, you fool! Now look at what happened! Thanks to your ‘logical’ decision, they all escaped!” Starscream berated Shockwave.

“SILENCE! Remember our deal, Starscream. As long as you collaborate with me, you will get your reward at the end. Otherwise...” Shockwave said before Hun-Garr, Sinnertwin, and Blot appeared behind him. “... you will not live to get that reward. Understood?”

Starscream gulped in fear. “Ye-yes! Of course...Commander.” he muttered.

“Excellent. Hun-Garr, status report.” Shockwave ordered.

“Our army is ready for battle! The dark energon is working greatly while flowing through their veins! Victory will be ours!” the Terrorcon leader exulted.

“Wonderful. The earth is ours for the taking. We may have lost Nemesis Prime and the others now that the Orb Ruby is destroyed. But it is no loss for any of us. With you Terrorcons by our side, it will be logical for us to win this war and restore Cybertron once and for all.” Shockwave spoke with a glowing purple optic.