• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 832 Views, 34 Comments

TRANSFORMERS: Darkness Rises - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Darkness threatens the safety of planet earth. Shockwave will not allow anything to stop him from raising it to destroy the humans and the Autobots. It is up to Grimlock, the Autobots, and the Equestria Girls to stop him.

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The Final Battle part 3: Darkness Ends

Abominus towered over his Autobot and pony foes while wickedly laughing. “Once I kill all of you, I will devour your dead bodies for dinner!!” he boasted.

“Autobots, I need to rescue Sunset before it’s too late! I need you all to distract him away from me while I head right into the warship! Swoop, you will take me there.” Grimlock ordered.

“Do I have to do this again?!” Swoop whined. A stern glare from Grimlock was affirmative enough to tell him there was no other option. He transformed to pterodactyl mode and carried Grimlock while flapping his wings away from Abominus’s assaults.

“Everyone, take cover!!” Optimus commanded. They took cover behind several damaged trucks and houses before opening fire on the Terrorcon combiner.

Swoop flew Grimlock over the burning buildings upwards toward the warship that was hovering over the entire city. While he was flying, a missile nearly struck his wing. Startled by the sudden attack, he turned to see Bruticus aiming his back-mounted cannons directly at him. Once he fired again, Swoop ducked under the missile and flew faster away from him.

“There’s no time to engage Bruticus, Swoop! We need to get to Sunset as soon as possible and stop Shockwave from whatever he is planning to do to her!” Grimlock urged.

“Okay, I will try! Hold on!” Swoop replied.

“You cannot escape the might of Bruticus!!” the Combaticon combiner bragged. He ran in the direction of the two Dinobots in an attempt to prevent them from reaching the Nemesis. “You think you can get away from me?! Well, I have a surprise for ya!” he yelled. His activated his thrusters on his legs and propelled toward the air. After he slowly rose from the ground, he flew off in pursuit.

The Dinobots were shocked at what they saw. “What?! Bruticus can fly?! How is that possible?!” Grimlock bellowed in astonishment.

“It must be Shockwave’s invention or something!” Swoop flapped his wings harder to avoid the deadly blasts of the sadistic combiner. The Combaticon then fired eight heat-seeking missiles on the targets. The Dinobots desperately flew away from the missiles while zigzagging around the city to confuse the heat seekers.

After several minutes of zigzagging around the battlefield, they looked and saw the heat seekers still in hot pursuit. “Do those things know when to give up?!” Grimlock rhetorically asked.


“Let me go!! Please, let me go!! Please!!!” Sunset begged while tied on a bed in the laboratory. The evil scientist and the Terrorcon trio stood in front of her while the latter smacked their chops greedily.

“This human looks so delicious. Please, Shockwave, let me eat this fleshing!” Hun-Garr said.

“No, let me have it! I have a thing for appetizers, you know!” Sinnertwin angrily demanded.

“Nah, I’ll have this little dinner. All mine!” urged Blot.

“Enough!! This human will not be snuffed until I have extracted all the required magic she possesses so that I—we can restore Cybertron with the earth’s energy.” said Shockwave. “Once that is accomplished, you three can have her.”

“Uggghhh, come on!! I was so ready to devour this creature!” Blot pouted in disappointment.

“Me too!” Sinnertwin and Hun-Garr said at the same time. Shockwave ignored their complaints and grabbed an empty jar, set it on the table filled with tools, and held an injection needle and syringe as he was preparing for the operation.

“You three guard the inner gates of this ship. I have some work to do.” he darkly ordered. Sunset began to have tears on her eyes as she contemplated her upcoming fate and the fate of her friends.


The Autobots and ponies could not get an advantage over Abominus. Applejack tried to pound on him with her Apex Armor but the durability of the combiner’s armor was vastly superior due to having excessive surplus of dark energon unlike the warrior type Terrorcons whom they easily destroyed. Human Rarity tried to stop him with the Immobilizer but it only stopped him for five seconds. Afterwards, he would mobilize again and resume his attack.

“We tried everything!! What does it take to get this guy down?!” Twilight shouted in frustration.

“Way more than your futile attempts, pony!!” Abominus taunted before slamming his clenched fist on the ground, causing an earthquake. Several buildings fell down as a result of the forceful attack and crumbled to dust and ashes. Several Autobot troops shot at him but he quickly snatched them by hand and squeezed them in his grasp. He squeezed them so hard they exploded; he then devoured their spilled energon and their burnt chassis.

“We got to stop him! We can’t let him win!” pony Rainbow Dash said. The Pinkie Pies started to think of an idea. After a moment, a literal light bulb appeared on top of their heads. They whispered in each other’s ears and nodded in agreement.

“Hold on! We got an idea!” human Pinkie shouted happily.

After Abominus finished eating his meal, the Pinkies appeared right in front of his face with wide grins. “Hey there, Abominus! We have a special treat for you!!” pony Pinkie said.

“A special treat? What is it?!” the intrigued combiner demanded.

“AN ENERGON CUPCAKE!!!” both Pinkies shouted as they pointed to the house-sized cupcake filled with green energon.

“ENERGON!! YES!!” Abominus screamed as his greed once again dominated his processor. He ran toward it and immediately munched on the giant cupcake. This threw the Autobots and ponies off guard except for Cliffjumper and Ratchet.

“Pinkies, what are you two doing?” Twilight asked.

“Wait for it...” human Pinkie said with a mischievous look on her face. The party pony had the same devilish look. After several moments of devouring the treat, the combiner started to slow down until he stopped eating completely. His arms and legs started to shake violently. He groaned in pain as he held unto his chest.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO ABOMINUS?!” he bellowed in pain. He screamed to the heavens until he exploded to a million pieces. His body parts flew all over the place along with the dark energon liquid. The Autobots and ponies were surprised at the unexpected sight. After the silence, they cheered and praised the Pinkies for their success.

“You did it, you two! You defeated Abominus!!” Twilight thanked.

“Aww, it was nothing...” the party pony blushed.

“How did you destroy him?” Optimus asked.

“Simple! Thanks to Ratchet’s synthetic energon, it helped overload Abominus’s system when it intermingled with dark energon. With those two together, it will overreact and BOOM...the party’s over!” human Pinkie explained.

“Very impressive work. Thank you both for your bravery and effort.” Celestia thanked.

After the cheering was done, Twilight flapped her wings and flew in the air. “I’m going to help Grimlock stop Shockwave and save Sunset from harm.” she said. This shocked the Mane Five, Spike, Starlight, and the rest of the group.

“What?! But you can’t, darling! That ruffian Shockwave will kill you!” Rarity pleaded.

“Grimlock’s got this, Twilight! You don’t have to go!” Fluttershy added.

“Remember how Optimus, when he was Nemesis Prime, almost killed you! We don’t want to lose you!” Spike pleaded with watery eyes.

“Don’t you remember that friends must always be there for each other no matter what? Just as Optimus is a great influence and inspiring friend to me, so is Grimlock! He might not have gotten along well with some of you guys and been arrogant and rude in some ways, but I still appreciate him for what he is and what he fights for. Even if I do not make it out alive, like I told you before in Equestria, remember that you are the best friends I can ever have in my life and I wouldn’t be the pony and ruler of Equestria I am right now if it weren’t for you and the Autobots.” Twilight said as she too teared up. The rest of the ponies sobbed after she finished speaking. They all hugged her warmly.

“We believe in ya, Twilight.” Applejack said, smiling.

“You got this, Twilight. We’ll always support you in every way.” Starlight added.

“Kick Shockwave’s sorry butt!” Rainbow encouraged.

Nodding, she flew in the air to help Grimlock and Swoop. Optimus looked on as she flew off to the warship. “Till all are one, Twilight Sparkle.” he muttered.

“He’s still on our tail!” Grimlock warned.

“Don’t worry, boss! We’re almost there to the ship!” Swoop replied. They were almost close to the ship’s entrance whereas the heat seekers and Bruticus followed behind.

“Ha! You two are finally mine!!” Bruticus exulted. “Any last words, Dino-freaks?!”

“Yeah, my little pony is on your way!” Grimlock announced.

Puzzled by his statement, he turned his head around only to meet a bright purple beam of magic to the face. He was disoriented from the blast. Twilight flew past Bruticus and focused her aim on the missiles. She shot her spell on the eight heat seekers seconds before they would touch the Dinobots. The missiles suddenly turned in the opposite direction and thrusted themselves at Bruticus instead of the Dinobots. After regaining his vision, he saw the missiles coming directly at him. Too late for retreat, the missiles struck him and destroyed his combined form completely on impact.

The wounded Combaticons fell down in the air. Vortex and Blast Off tried to rescue their injured brethren, but Grimlock shot them down with his lava cannon. The lava burned through the spark chambers of Onslaught and his crew until their visors flickered off. Their corpses crashed into the ocean.

“I thought I told you to help the Autobots to keep Abominus busy.” Grimlock scolded.

“I did. We destroyed Abominus. Now I’m here to help you defeat Shockwave and save Sunset.” Twilight replied with determination. Grimlock was surprised to hear of their success, but he wasn’t pleased with the idea of defeating Shockwave with an ally’s help.

“NO!! Shockwave is mine!! If you want to help, you can rescue Sunset but I’ll deal with him myself!!” Grimlock asserted.

“Grimlock, we have to do this together.You can’t do this on your own. If we work together as a team, we will defeat him.” said Twilight.

“The last time I confronted him, I defeated him all by myself. I didn’t need help then. So what’s your point?” Grimlock scoffed.

“Actually, not only did you fight the enemy alone but also lost your spark at that tower when it exploded! That’s why it is unwise to fight the adversary solo. She’s got a point, boss. You can’t do this alone.” Swoop added. Grimlock thought on what they said. After considering their advice, he exhaled his hesitation.

“Okay, fine. But we don’t have much time! The faster we work together, the sooner we retrieve Sunset and defeat Shockwave.” Grimlock said. Swoop and Twilight smiled at him. Three of them blasted the windows open and snuck inside the warship.

Barricade and Breakdown saw them as they were guarding the outside gates. “It’s Grimlock! We got to alert Commander Shockwave!” the latter yelled in fear.

“No, we will destroy them here! Fire on them!” Barricade ordered. Both of them fired on the Dinobots and Twilight but the latter shielded themselves from the shots. Twilight casted a blinding spell on the two Decepticons. While they were struggling, Grimlock rushed forward and sliced Barricade in half. Swoop also rushed forward and blasted Breakdown in the head, killing him.

Grimlock tore off the gates doors and transformed to semi-truck mode. The trio traveled all the way down the hall in search for Shockwave and Sunset. While in motion, they heard screams of pain in a distance. They instantly recognized the voice. “It’s Sunset! We need to get there fast!” Swoop urged.

“Follow me!” said Grimlock as he drove faster with Twilight and Swoop following behind.

“AHHHHHH!!!!! STOP!!!” cried Sunset as she was in deep pain. Shockwave was electrocuting her and drawing her blood and magic through the shots to test her power and capabilities.

“Do not worry, Sunset Shimmer. I am almost done with my operation. However, it is unlikely that you will survive this procedure. But fear not; for your contribution to the Decepticons will be remembered. Once this is done, my Terrorcons will be fed with your lifeless husk.” Shockwave said.

“Please...my magic...you—you cannot—“ Sunset muttered weakly.

“And now that I have all of your magic, it’s time to finish this operation.” the scientist spoke before he activated a saw. Sunset looked in terror as the titan’s saw came close to her to end her life painfully. She closed her eyes and awaited death’s touch.

“SHOCKWAVE!!!!” a familiar gruff voice interrupted. The doors of the laboratory burst open, revealing the heroic trio. Shockwave turned around and beheld his opponents.

“Grimlock, I’m a little surprised to see you...alive.” he said with unemotional hate in his tone.

“Release Sunset now, Shockwave!! You’re finished here!” Twilight demanded with an angry look on her face.

“Fine. Since I got what I needed, I suppose you can have her.” Shockwave conceded, releasing Sunset from her bonds. Twilight flew over to Sunset and teleported both of them back to the Dinobots’ position.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you apart.” Grimlock growled in seething anger.

“Correction, I have one logical reason: Sunset’s power is now mine to command!” Shockwave declared before he took the syringe full of Sunset’s magic and injected himself with it. All of her magic flowed through his circuitry and gave him magical powers. His optic and purple lights turned orange but still kept his color scheme. The trio looked in awe of what happened. Hun-Garr, Sinnertwin, and Blot observed the sight from outside the laboratory.

“Swoop, get Sunset to safety! Twilight and I will handle Shockwave!” Grimlock ordered. Swoop nodded, gently took Sunset, and flew away to safety.

“Face my power!” Shockwave challenged. He fired his fiery ball at the Dinobot but the latter unsheathed his sword and shield and swatted the ball away. Twilight shot her wave of magic at the mad scientist but he grabbed the blast and crushed it with ease like it was nothing. He loaded his cannon and shot several fire beams at the duo. They ran across the laboratory to avoid the deadly blasts while accidentally destroying the equipment in the process.

Grimlock rushed forward and slashed at his nemesis several times. Shockwave did grunt from the hard blows but he otherwise appeared unharmed. He punched Grimlock in the face so hard he flew across the room and crashed against the wall.

Twilight came forward and blasted a blinding spell on Shockwave like she did for Bruticus, Breakdown, and Barricade. Instead this time, the spell had no effect on him. She blasted him on his chest but it did barely any damage. He grabbed her and threw her across the room. She smashed against another wall with enough force to break her right wing. She winced at the pain.

Shockwave beheld his defeated foes. “How pathetic. The love and Magic of Friendship has proven to be your biggest weakness. A fitting end to your illogical story.” he said before aiming his cannon at Grimlock’s head.

“NO!!” cried Twilight. After he fired his shot, she teleported right in front of Grimlock and took the blast right in the chest. She flew against the wall and fell down on the floor. Grimlock rose from the ground and stared at the sight. At that very moment, his rage and seething anger boiled to the highest level. His entire body engulfed itself flames and glared at his foe.

“ME GRIMLOCK SMASH SHOCKWAVE!!!!!!” Grimlock bellowed in rage before he punched his arms to the ground and transformed to T-Rex mode. He roared in full volume. He grabbed Shockwave by his cannon and slammed him over and over on the ground while the latter yelled in pain. Shockwave’s chest began to slightly crack open.

After he finished slamming him, Shockwave lied on the floor while Sunset’s magic slipped out of him and flew across the ship. The Terrorcon trio looked in awe at everything that happened. Swoop saw the magic reach Sunset in his arms and revitalize her completely, healing her wounds.

Grimlock turned back to robot mode and threw the weakened Shockwave against the wall. “You’re done.” Grimlock growled.

“Grimlock, please, have mercy. I beg you.” Shockwave begged.

“You don’t deserve to live.” Grimlock said.

“But you can’t blame me for this! It is those revolting scavengers who are the real enemy. It was their idea. I was planning on killing them all.” Shockwave excused, not noticing the angry scowls of the trio once they heard his betrayal. Grimlock noticed it.

“Why should I believe you? You killed Sludge, injured Twilight, hurt Sunset, almost destroyed the whole city, and tried to kill us Autobots! You have no excuse for what you have done.” Grimlock said, holding his sword in hand.

“Surely, you wouldn’t kill me now that I’m defenseless, would you?” Shockwave said before activating a timer. “You have 60 seconds to decide: die together or kill me first. Which will it be?” Grimlock saw the red digit numbers on the screen that signified the self-destruction of the ship.

“NEITHER!” Grimlock said before he knocked down his foe before he transformed and drove off with Twilight in his driver seat. “Hold on, Twilight! We’re getting out of here!” he said. Twilight groaned in pain as she was in critical condition.

Shockwave got on his feet and saw he was surrounded by Hun-Garr, Sinnertwin, and Blot. “Ahh, my friends!” he said with a false hope of safety.

“Friends, huh? I thought you said we were revolting scavengers?” Sinnertwin snorted.

“Yeah! That you wanted to kill us!” Blot angrily added.

“What?! No! Let me explain! I was trying to fool him! We will rule together!” Shockwave said with fear soaking his voice.

“At least we have our last meal together! A logical type...” Hun-Garr sadistically uttered.

Shockwave fearfully turned around as the three slowly approach him and extend their claws. Then they tackled him, mauled him to death, and devoured his carcass after he uttered his agonizing screams.

Grimlock, Twilight, Sunset, and Swoop managed to escape the warship before the ship completely exploded high in the air, the loud explosion coloring the sky.