• Published 17th Feb 2020
  • 1,386 Views, 111 Comments

The Dark Knight Falls - TheClownPrinceofCrime

There is a thin line being crossed between a vigilante and a hero. The Joker’s chaos not only breaks the Dark Knight but also Twilight and her friends.

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Prologue: The Joker


The Bat insignia hovers in the air. It then shook from a thunderous rumble. Blue beams of light pierced through the symbol one by one until it exploded. The blue fire then covered the whole screen...until a Glasgow smile appeared.


Gotham experienced one of the most painful trials it had ever suffered. That one night was when the reign of chaos terrorized the city for one last time until the Dark Knight saved it from utter ruin with the most selfless sacrifice he had ever done. That same night was when he took all of the blame for the murders that former district attorney Harvey Dent/Two-Face committed.

It was that very night which Batman would never forget. That moment of true heroism would change his life of crime-fighting from that time forward. When word got out, all of Gotham began to hate the Batman for the crimes he did not commit. Wanted signs of him were posted all over the city as the Gotham City Police Department began a fierce manhunt for the Caped Crusader. However, he did not care about his reputation; he cared more for Harvey’s reputation as the only ray of hope for true justice.

He got on his bat-pod and drove away from 2552 Street where both Rachel and Harvey died and escaped from police, driving as far away as he could from being spotted and taken. Bruce began to doubt himself if he should continue his career as the Batman. If he needed to survive, he had to hide himself from Gotham. That would involve giving up Batman. He had very little choice to make in that dire situation.

But there was one man who broke Batman’s spirit; one who thrusted Gotham to anarchy; one who shook the foundation of the morals and codes of society; and the same one who arguably triumphed in the end...The Joker. If there is one thing anyone could learn about the infamous mastermind, he is a man of his word.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” he maniacally laughed.

He was taken by the SWAT team who helped rescue the hostages from Joker’s deceptive game. After they held his legs and body and cut the grapple rope from its hook, they quickly took him away from the floor where he fought Batman. He kept smiling at his captors as they brought him downstairs of the unfinished skyscraper.

“Suspect is taken into custody! Take hostages to safety now!” the leading SWAT member commanded.

The other soldiers took the rescued hostages and exited out of the skyscraper and vacated the perimeter to make sure they avoid contact with Joker. “Hostages are safe! The perimeter is now clear!” one of the men reported.

Joker still kept his devilish smile on his face as they roughly restrained him. Once they all exited the building, they contacted a helicopter to transport the clown criminal. Then they stayed outside waiting. “We’re gonna have to leave here as soon as possible. Things can happen.” the leader spoke, glaring at Joker.

“Leaving so soon? Why, is it an emergency?” Joker asked.

“Shut it, freak!!” one of the SWAT soldiers snapped. “Enough of your mind games!”

Twitching his right eye, he looked up in the dark sky, “Well... its always important to have an emergency plan. So...” Joker uttered before turning the key of the detonator behind his back. Within one half of a second, the entire half-constructed building exploded with rocks and boulders flying everywhere. The whole team were frightened at the sudden sight; unfortunately, they tried to flee away from the falling deadly debris too late.

The boulders crushed the soldiers underneath; the fire ravaged the ground while burning the SWAT vehicles and the wounded soldiers. Joker escaped the scene until he stopped at the parking lot of a nearby cafe. He watched the carnage unfold before his murderous eyes. He wildly cackled. “Lacking an emergency plan is no good. I had to show it to your... FACE!” he taunted, looking at the crushed, bloodied face of the leading soldier.

He then saw a SWAT helicopter approach the burning building. They lowered its ladder for two soldiers to go down and investigate the horrific scene. Once they got down, Joker quickly paced to the ladder without being spotted by the two troops and climbed up until he gained entrance in the helicopter. The pilot confronted him, but Joker took his knife out and swiftly slit his throat, blood gushing out.

He threw him out of the chopper and took over it. Laughing in triumph, he flew the chopper away from the area and ascended toward the night sky to get a panoramic view of the city he sadistically tormented.

“What a lovely night! It just keeps getting better and better!” he gloated. Then his smile turned to frown. “Except for those self-righteous people who wouldn’t blow themselves up. How unfunny and... unexpected.”

His smug smile returned again. “But I truly wonder how dear old Harvey is doing. The moment the people hear of his corruption, Gotham’s history will be forever changed.” he said.

“Speaking of which, the Batman won’t be faring well either. I can imagine him getting that little push to insanity once he sees the real Dent. Hehehehe...” Joker giggled.


Once he flew past several buildings and apartments in the city, he spotted his archenemy Batman driving the bat-pod while the police cruisers were hot on his tail. Eventually, Batman went through the shadows of the streets, completely vanishing from the sights of his pursuers. Confused, the police forces scattered around the highways in search for the wanted fugitive.

Joker laughed in amusement. “Really, Batman? You managed to get Gordon’s forces to despise you? How did you achieve that?”

Before he could say anything else, something—or someone caught his eye. He saw an unmoving figure miles below him, but he couldn’t determine who that was. Wherefore, he lowered the helicopter just enough to get a closer view of the scene. He also lowered the ladder to climb down to the ground. Once he landed, he immediately recognized the area: 2552 Street where he killed Rachel.

Then when he looked upon the body, he instantly recognized who it was—Harvey Dent. Amazed, he walked closer to the corpse and gazed on his horribly disfigured face. His smile grew wider to match the length of his Glasgow smile. “My, my, my, Harvey...it appears that you have served your purpose...your timely death seals the doom that shall befall Gotham.” Joker spoke.

“I wonder what Batman has done to save you—wait.” Joker interrupted his gloating as he attempted to connect the dots. Once he thought over the sequence of events, it then clicked in his mind. At first, he raged in defeat at the thought of Batman taking the blame for Harvey’s crimes, but after considering what might have caused his death, he abruptly laughed in wicked glee.

“I see! You killed your trusted ally, didn’t you, Bats?!” he said to no one. “And here I thought you were truly incorruptible! So you think that lying to your people as to Harvey Dent’s fate will save your reputation? How laughable! Hahahahaha!!”

At that very moment, police sirens were heard in the background. The recently elected Commissioner Jim Gordon alerted the other units of Harvey’s death and to retrieve his body. Wasting no time, he got back in the chopper and flew away from the building.


As he was flying under the night sky, there was a strange being flying in the air. He squinted his eyes to get a better view of the unfamiliar creature. Suddenly, the being slammed itself on the windshield and opened its eyes right at Joker. Overtaken by curiosity, he set the chopper on autopilot and opened the door for the creature to get access therein.

“Owww, my head! That really hurt!” the creature said after entering. It lifted its head and saw a well-dressed clown staring at it.

“Well, well, well!! A cartoonish talking pony, I see!” Joker exclaimed, closing the door. “What’s your name, my dear?”

“The name’s Spitfire, a Wonderbolt from Equestria. You?” she introduced.

“You may call me... Joker,” he introduced also. “I’ve seen some of you ponies here in Gotham. How did you get here?” he asked.

“I and some of my friends went through a portal where all of those other humans returned to their home after King Sombra’s defeat many months ago,” Spitfire replied. “Batman saved our lives.”

This piqued Joker’s interest as he listened. “Interesting! So Batman has befriended you equines, huh? Tell me, Spitfire, where do you think you can re-enter this... Equestria you mentioned? I’ve always wondered where you ponies came from since I kept seeing you from time to time. So I would like to see your home... personally.” Joker asked, smiling creepily.

“Well, I’ve been flying all over these islands to find a hidden portal. Fortunately, I’ve found one and flew out to inform my friends until you showed up.” she replied, slightly glaring.

“My apologies for interfering. Maybe if you can take me there first, I’ll make sure to reward you for your gratitude.” he offered.

Spitfire thought about it for a few moments. “Why do you want to go there?” she asked suspiciously.

“To learn of your civilization, of course! It can be beneficial to study the ways of life in other unknown worlds like yours! Batman has done that, so why not me?” Joker explained.

“Hmmm, well, in that case, I’ll be more than happy to bring you to Equestria!” Spitfire said, smiling.

“Excellent...” Joker uttered, sadistically smiling.

Author's Note:

Hello, guys! Here is part 2 of the series! I hope you enjoyed reading this prologue and getting a sense of what will come later in the story. Stay tuned for the next chapter and enjoy the ride... and the torment. Hahahahahahahaha