• Published 17th Feb 2020
  • 1,385 Views, 111 Comments

The Dark Knight Falls - TheClownPrinceofCrime

There is a thin line being crossed between a vigilante and a hero. The Joker’s chaos not only breaks the Dark Knight but also Twilight and her friends.

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Chapter 4: A Chaotic Alliance

The villainous agent of chaos continued his search for more signs of civilization. He needed to know if there were more places such as towns or cities where those colorful ponies lived. Once he would get an idea of how large the civilization was, the more he would expand his methods of tearing down the Batman for good.

Just as he was on top of another hill, he saw the city of Canterlot in a distance right beneath that large mountain. His devious smile returned as he gazed on the city. He ran toward the northern way to reach to Canterlot. This was going to be an exhilarating experience for him once the perfect opportunity presented itself before him.


“Well, that was interesting...” grumbled Discord as he and Fluttershy were walking through the streets of Canterlot. Everypony there were not receptive of Discord’s presence; some of them ran away in fear of the Lord of Chaos the moment they saw him pass by; others uttered derogatory words to him; and others haughtily dismissed him every time he would attempt to speak to them.

“It’s all right, Discord. Everypony will accept you eventually.” Fluttershy assured.

“Pfffff, yeah, sure, of course they will. Although they did not accept my...progress report on my journey to friendship, they still would not be open-minded and actually understand for once. Yeah, they’ll totally accept me.” Discord said sarcastically.

“I’m sorry for the way they treated you. It’s just that they know what you have done in the past. Naturally, it’s hard to forgive somepony for the wrong things that were done. But the more you be kind to them and help them in every way, they might start to like you.” Fluttershy encouraged, patting his lower back.

Discord slowly nodded his head in understanding and started to embrace his dear friend. “Thank you, Fluttershy. At least you are the only pony who understands me and actually treats me like a friend.” he said to her.

“Um...you’re welcome.” Fluttershy said, blushing and hugging him back.

After they broke the embrace, Discord moved in front of her, “Thank you for the intriguing day, but I have some things to take care of right now. Mind if I can stop by for tea and sandwiches tomorrow?”

“Not at all. I’ll be glad to have you there. I’m sure Angel will too.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Splendid!” Discord yelled, snapping his fingers that made roses to appear in the air; they hovered in the air and started to dance and sing. Fluttershy giggled as she was pleased to see his friend happy and excited.

“See you tomorrow, Discord.” Fluttershy waved. Discord nodded before snapping his fingers and disappeared.


“A hero...not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed. Nothing less than a knight ...shining.” Gordon emotionally spoke.

All the Gotham City police officers, citizens, and city officials, including city Mayor Anthony Garcia were attending Harvey Dent’s funeral. Standing between the large picture of Harvey and the podium, Gordon spoke of what Dent had rightfully done in the city as far as the Dent Act was concerned. However, he purposely left out his fate and his degradation to criminal activity thanks to the Joker.

Not wanting to bring his poor city to a state of hopelessness and despair, he had to cover up his crimes while helping his comrades cast down the Dark Knight. After the heart-breaking funeral was over, they all traveled to the Gotham Cemetery where Harvey was buried...next to Rachel’s grave.

Later that night, the projector light that had the Bat insignia was lit up while there was rain. Gordon had an axe with him while his police colleagues were right behind him to support him. “I wish there was another way, Batman. I truly hope you know what you’re doing...” Gordon mourned in thought.

He then struck the projected light with the axe. That hit somehow struck him emotionally. He hated to smite the very insignia that represented the sign of hope and courage that anyone can follow. Because it didn’t budge, he struck it again....and again...and again. The more he struck the symbol, the more emotional pain he felt. He gave the last swing before it finally broke down and shattered the light in the projector.


Discord aimlessly walked through the bushes and trees of a massive landscape right below Canterlot City. He was both angry, sad, depressed, and annoyed at the same time after everything that happened to him earlier in the day and recently. How is it that these self-absorbed ponies tell him, the LORD of chaos, what to do?

“What is wrong with being chaotic from time to time? That is my very being for crying out loud!! Twilight and the others are so boring and predictable! At least Fluttershy understands me more...” Discord ranted. “And that Shining Armor prince thinks that I’m too ‘dangerous’ to be kept around. Pfff...big deal. As the Lord of Chaos, I can do anything I want, whenever I want. That simple.”

Before he could waltz further, he heard a strange crack on the ground. He looked to see if he was being followed by somepony. Nopony was seen on sight. “Hmmm, strange. I thought I heard something.” he said. Suspicious, he slithered among the grass like a snake to see if any creature was nearby. After thirty seconds of investigation, he returned back to the spot he was standing on. He still saw nothing.

“I guess it was nothing.” he concluded. Then a bipedal figure landed in front of him.

“HELLOOO!!!” he creepily welcomed. Discord jumped back in fear.

“SWEET CELESTIA!! Who in Starwirl’s name are YOU?!?” Discord shouted.

“Glad you asked, my mythical friend! I am known as...Joker. THE Joker!” he introduced himself, bowing dramatically.

“Joker, huh? Quite a silly name to have, but fine. I am Discord, the Lord of chaos and spirit of disharmony.” he introduced back. The Joker then grew a wide, friendly smile as he heard the words ‘chaos’ and ‘disharmony’.

“Ahhhhhh, I see we have some sort of...familiarity between us, Discord. You utilize chaos? Well...so do I.” Joker grinned.

This caught Discord’s attention and also began to notice his clown makeup. “Wait...you...a clown, utilize chaos?? Hahahahaha!!! How hilarious!!” he laughed, wiping a tear off of his eye. “Anyway, where do you come from? I can easily tell you’re not from Equestria.”

“Hmmm, oh boy, where do I come from...” Joker wondered as he began his usual antics, “Do I come from a place where self-righteousness reigns predominant? Or am I birthed from a city that...(clears throat and licks his lips)...is afraid to show its true colors?”

Discord was confused at that moment. “What are you going on about?”

“You see, my chaotic friend, I can understand where you are coming from. Trust me, I do.”

“Wha—what do you mean? Wait...” Discord wondered before the realization hit him. “Were you eavesdropping on my troubles earlier?!”

“I couldn’t help but overhear the complaints and the hatred those ponies have for you when I was sneaking behind the bushes of those places without anyone noticing.” Joker said.

“If I were to give you two things—a leash and a crown—which would you prefer?” Joker asked, raising his eyebrow.

“A crown, of course.” Discord answered.

“And why would you want that?” Joker asked.

“Because...I’m the master of disharmony?” Discord asked.

“Are you asking me or telling me?” Joker sternly asked.

“I AM the Master of chaos!” Discord strongly affirmed.

“Good. (Licks lip) So my big million-dollar question is...why are you trying to be subservient to those horses?” Joker asked.

“Because I am learning of the Magic of Friendship. If it weren’t for my close friend Fluttershy, I would have been lost in my ways. I mean, that’s how far I’ve been...ugh...developing at least.” Discord explained. Joker hysterically laughed at his words. Discord was completely puzzled by his reaction.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“So (chokes by laughter) friendship is your living salvation? That’s it? Don’t you think that is an added insult to injury?” Joker asked.

“Ummm, no?” Discord asked, puzzled.

“Think about it. Those ponies insulted you and your dignity. They treat you like absolute trash on the ground....yet, (licks lip) you call them your ‘friends’? What are you? An abused slave who sucks up their mistreatment of you? ‘Yes, my master! I love being beaten by you! Abused by you! You’re the greatest! I’ll accept anything you rashly throw at me!’ Hahahahaha!!” Joker mocked.

“STOP!! That is demeaning of my character!” Discord accused, offended by his mockery.

“Do you not see my point? They’re schemers—(Licks lip) schemers trying to control their little worlds.” Joker lectured. He then placed his hand on Discord’s chin. “I feel your pain. I know it all.”

“What makes you think we are similar?” Discord doubted.

“Do you want to know how I got these scars?” Joker asked.

“Should I care?” Discord rudely asked.

Ignoring his dismissive reply, Joker began his story, “I had an uncle who was...(licks lip)...a hardcore gambler...and a control freak. Every time I would visit him, he would tell me all those rules I had to follow...none of them made any sense. Not. One. Bit. So, one day, he came to me and told me all the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’...including not making jokes to make people laugh.”

“I stood up to him and told him ‘no’ to his face. Angered, he grabbed my head, pulled a box cutter from his pocket, and pointed it at my face saying, ‘Why so serious?!’ (licks lip). I still wouldn’t be put on his leash. So again, he asked, ‘Why so serious?!’...seeing my defiance, he stuck the blade in my mouth, ‘You want to make people laugh?! Then let’s put a smile on that face!’ Anndddd...why so serious?” Joker finished.

Discord looked stunned and disgusted by his story. He didn’t know if he should feel sorry for him or be terrified. “I...I-I do-didn’t know you went through that...that’s terrible.”

Joker evilly grinned. “Yes. So it’s no surprise to me that such a powerful being like you is subject to such cruelties. You should be wise enough to know that their friendship is in-prisoning you.” Joker said, pointing Discord’s chest. “You’re on the verge of abandoning your true nature to enter their good graces.”

“NO! I’ve done nothing of the sort! Never!” Discord angrily defended.

“Don’t lie to yourself, my enslaved friend. You know I’m telling the truth. So take that leash off and reclaim your chaotic glory.” Joker appealed.

Discord then considered Joker’s words. He realized how badly Twilight and her friends have been treating him ever since he was apparently reformed; they neither cared nor respected him in any way, shape, or form. Yet, they were supposed to be his friends? This started to anger Discord to an exceedingly high degree. Looking back at Joker, he made his decision, “You’re right, Joker. I do deserve better then this. As the Lord of Chaos, I reserve the right to spread my chaos in anyway that pleases me!”

His yellow eyes then turned dark orange as he added with loathing and hate in his tone, “And they shall all pay for what they have done to me.” Joker sadistically grinned that matched his Glasgow smile.

“Now, you’re sounding like a true king.” Joker said.

Suddenly, the thought of Fluttershy struck Discord’s mind. “Wait, what about Fluttershy? She’s the only pony who showed me the path of goodness and treated me with kindness.” he said.

“I understand that, Discord. But you must understand the weight of your duty as chaos incarnate. Regardless of what she may think, you are to be in charge here. Allow me to be your guide and mentor so that together, we can bring the ultimate chaos this world has never seen before.” Joker advised. “So what’s it going to be? Chaos King or pony errand boy?”

Discord looked at a picture of Fluttershy in his paw. He looked at Joker and Fluttershy back and forth constantly to decide. Finally, he closed his eyes and stood in silence. After a full minute, he opened them with glowing yellow eyes and large, sinister grin. “Let’s get this party started then...teacher.” Discord said.

“Very good.” Joker smirked. They both shook hands together.