• Published 17th Feb 2020
  • 1,385 Views, 111 Comments

The Dark Knight Falls - TheClownPrinceofCrime

There is a thin line being crossed between a vigilante and a hero. The Joker’s chaos not only breaks the Dark Knight but also Twilight and her friends.

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Chapter 3: Batman Returns


The Joker and Spitfire were flying over the ocean due to the latter’s directions as to where the portal was. Once the helicopter was just above the surface, they saw a glowing whirlpool that was about the size of a boulder. “Right here, Joker! This is the only type of portal that can lead us back to Equestria!” Spitfire said.

“Hahaha!! What do you know?! A gateway to your pony land! Ohhhhh, this will be so much FUN!!” Joker laughed. Spitfire raised her eyebrow in confusion.

“Ughhh, ok? Anyway, I’ll have to carry you through the whirlpool if you want.” Spitfire offered.

“Nahh, I can jump right through it. Can’t ruin the daredevil spirit, you know?” Joker said.

“Well, if you say so...on the count of three! One...two...THREE!” Spitfire counted before flying right out of the helicopter. Joker, on the other hand, took out his grenades from his pockets, pulled their pins, threw them at the control system in the cockpit, and then jumped out of the chopper. Following the Wonderbolt, he went through the whirlpool while maniacally laughing. The chopper exploded.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHBABABABABABA!!!” he crazily cackled like a mad hyena before he gurgled through the water. At that moment, both of them zoomed through the disguised portal.


A river in the forest wildly bubbled which startled all the creatures that were drinking thereof. Once they ran off, Joker and Spitfire swiftly jumped out of the river and landed on the grass. He got on his feet and looked at his surroundings. “Whoaa, what is this? My, my, my...quite a dazzling view here!” he remarked, grinning. Spitfire took a look at his face and noticed that his clown makeup did not fade from the water at all.

Surprised, she asked him while flying above him, “Wait, how come your makeup didn’t fade from the water we just dived into?”

“Ehhh, magic, perhaps?” Joker guessed.

“Hmmm, that could be the reason. Anyway, welcome to Equestria, and I hope you like it here. I have to get my friends who are still in Gotham. See you later!” Spitfire said, waving her hoof. She dived back into the river to get her friends from Gotham.

“Much thanks, Spitfire.” he sinisterly smiled.

He began to wander about in the Everfree Forest in search for civilization. “Gotham itself was so easy to expose its true colors. And to think of it, no one is innocent. And if no one is innocent, why is it that Batman is trying to save them? That guy really has a poor gullible mind. I’m sure he’s able to breed more gullible minds from these cartoon horses or whatever they are.” Joker thought. He pressed on through the bushes as he began his search.


A blue portal opened in the middle of the town. The dazzling sight caught all the bystanders’ attention. Out of it, came the Batman on his bat-pod. He drove right past them as soon as the portal closed behind him. The ponies, recognizing their courageous hero, cheered for him and waved their hooves at him. Batman drove by the houses and by Sugercube Corner before Pinkie Pie noticed him and grew her wild smile.

“YAYYYY!! BATMAN’S BACK!!” she cheered, shooting confetti from her party cannon.

He also passed by the carousel boutique where Rarity was just working on some of her dresses. She suddenly heard the bat-pod’s engine noises zooming by. Overtaken by curiosity, she ran out of her house and saw her heroic friend whom neither she nor her friends had seen in a while.

“(Gasp) Batman! Welcome back to Ponyville!” she graciously greeted before running after him.

Batman then stopped in front of the library. Mayor Mare and the other ponies welcomed him back after his long absence from Equestria. Batman was somewhat warmed by the love of the ponies; understanding their personality, mindset, character, and perspective, he considered Ponyville to be a much better environment than all of Gotham itself although he still cared for Gotham.

It did not take long for the Dark Knight to comprehend that they are a better ‘people’—if he could call them that—than even the Gothamites. Excluding Gordon and Alfred, there were barely anyone else who had a sincere appreciation for what he had done for Gotham. He remembered the deaths of former Commissioner Loeb and Judge Janet Surillo who were the first murder victims of Joker after he issued his ultimatum for Gotham.

The people blamed Batman for their deaths and the deaths of other people for not turning himself in. With Rachel also gone, he actually felt as if he was a living curse instead of a source of light and encouragement. He even blamed his own existence. But these...these colorful ponies —figuratively and literally—actually made him feel like a true friend, a source of hope and bravery...even family. They were understanding, forgiving, and thoughtful from what he had seen.

Seeing them for who they were, he began to feel as if this was his true home. He waved back at them, accepting their welcome. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie emerged from the crowd with smiles on their faces. “Howdy, Bats! Good to see ya again!” Applejack greeted.

“Likewise, Applejack.” Batman said. “It has been a while.”

“Indeed, darling! We hoped that you returned from that ever horrible city you talked about!” said Rarity. “Fighting crime every single night must be energy-draining!”

“It is. But it’s good to be always prepared.” Batman said.

“Hey, Bruce!” a familiar voice addressed him. He turned to see Twilight at the front door of the library with Spike next to her. “I didn’t expect you to come back so soon! I thought you would come back after three years or so! But many months does seem slightly like a long time.” Twilight chattered.

“I understand that, Twilight. It has been a while. But I made a promise to see you ponies after everything that we have done together. You know that I can never break a promise.” Batman said.

“I do.” Twilight said as she smiled.

“Darling, is that your new bat suit? You look very different.” Rarity noticed.

“Yes, it is. My old one had so much weight and caused me to make slow movements whenever I fight criminals. So I had some help of acquiring new body armor that can be more flexible and make me faster in fights.” Batman explained.

“Oh, wow. You look 20% cooler with that type of armor!” Rainbow said. She then noticed how his armor plates are separated. “How come you have separate plates on your suit?”

“Again, it has to do with flexibility. However, it increases the risk of being subject to gunfire and knives.” Batman expounded.

“Do you still have that crystal magic with you?” Twilight asked.

Batman raised his right arm and generated a large crystal from his palm in a blue aurora. “Better as before.” he smirked.

“Awesome!” Pinkie and Rainbow said at the same time.

“Where’s Fluttershy? Is she doing all right?” Batman asked, noticing her absence among the crowd of ponies.

“She is doing fine, Bruce. She is actually with Discord at the Crystal Empire right now.” Twilight replied.

“Discord? Who’s Discord?” Batman asked.

All the ponies groaned in annoyance once they heard Discord’s name being uttered as they all strongly disliked him. “Just an annoyin’ draconequus who wouldn’t stop at messing things up all the time.” Applejack said, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, you don’t need to worry about him.” Rainbow added.

“He is known as the Lord of Chaos. When you see him, you will exactly see what he is known for.” Twilight said.

“Chaos? I don’t like the sound of that. I just hope he doesn’t behave like the Joker.” Batman hoped.

“Come on, Batman! Let’s have a “Welcome back to Ponyville!” PARTYYYY!!!” Pinkie shouted excitedly. Every other pony cheered in excitement.

Batman followed them to Sweet Apple Acres; little did they know that the Clown Prince of Crime saw them from on top of a hill that was next to Ponyville. Looking through his binoculars, he saw his archenemy walking with the pony residents of the town towards an unknown destination. His smile slowly grew once he observed the behavior and mannerisms of the ponies whom Batman was talking to.

“You’re doing a good job, Batsy. Making friends is always a pleasant experience to have. The bigger test is seeing whether you have learned your mistakes or not.” Joker said. “I need to travel further to see what this dazzling landscape has to offer.” He ran down the other side of the hill to continue his exciting exploration.