• Published 17th Feb 2020
  • 1,385 Views, 111 Comments

The Dark Knight Falls - TheClownPrinceofCrime

There is a thin line being crossed between a vigilante and a hero. The Joker’s chaos not only breaks the Dark Knight but also Twilight and her friends.

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Chapter 12: The Rise of Anarchy part 2

Later that night in Canterlot, the angry mob stormed through the streets with torches and pitchforks. “Come on, everypony, let’s take down the princesses! This madness ends now!” the leader said. The mob shouted cries of agreement and eagerness to overthrow the rulers.

They ran to the palace gates and attempted to break them down to gain entrance; however, the Royal Guard were patrolling the gates and forcibly kept them at bay. “Stop! You will not enter into the palace unsummoned!” the captain sternly commanded.

“We want the princesses to step down NOW!!” the mob angrily demanded, aggressively banging on the gates.

“Stay back and stand down! We will not tolerate this unruly behavior!” the captain scolded. But the mob continued to wildly bang on the gates, trying desperately to barge into the palace.

Meanwhile in the throne room, Batman and Shining Armor were meeting with Princesses Celestia and Luna; after witnessing the chaos and anarchy within Equestria, they were pressed to figure out solutions that could save them and everypony else. “We’re glad you two were able to make it here.” Celestia began. “As you can already see, chaos is tearing apart Equestria; everypony is turning against us with the intention of taking us down. I am hard-pressed to say that our lives are in grave danger.”

“Indeed. They are even considering to kill us when they get the chance. When that happens, anarchy will run rampant throughout all of Equestria.” Luna added.

“This is getting way out of hand! My wife’s death really took them on an emotional level like it did to me. They are taking it way too far it seems.” Shining said, lowering his head.

“Batman, you have crystal magic. Can you at least dispel the disorder of the ponies?” Luna asked.

“I tried it half an hour ago, but it didn’t work. Look...” Batman levitated in the air, ignited his armored hands with magic, then shot a spell toward the ponies outside the gates. Once they were hit by the spell, they stopped shouting and attacking and looked around to find the source of the blast. Finding none, they immediately resumed their antagonism while again attempting to break the gates down although unsuccessfully.

“See? I lack the ability to dispel the disorderly conduct of any being. Based on my observation of this failure, my magic can only dispel the chaos through love and kindness, not force.” Batman explained, landing on the floor.

“Hmmm, I see. Then we must use that alternative and hope that you will get through to them.” Celestia concluded.

“What if they don’t accept his kindness? What if they don’t listen to reason? They might refuse to understand!” Shining panicked.

“The less we focus on the ‘what ifs’, the more confident we will be in what we can do, Shining. I know Batman can do this well.” Celestia smiled.

The ponies continued to rage and vehemently threw derogatory comments at the Royal Guard. They even started to cast some torches and pitchforks at a few guards; fortunately, the latter shielded themselves from their deadly assaults.

One of the guards looked behind and saw Batman, Shining Armor, and the Royal Sisters approaching them. “Here they come!” he notified. Once the other guards saw the four figures coming to the gates, they quickly saluted them and stood aside. The angry mob started to become more violent and aggressive now that the two objects of their hatred were approaching while they rooted for Batman and Shining.

“Curse you, princesses! You vile utter failures of our country!!” one pony roared.

“Go Batman!” said one pony.

“Hail Shining Armor!” another said.

“Wicked rulers!! Incompetent and selfish they both are!” another pony added. Luna was greatly tempted to give in to her anger and sorrow as she was forced to listen to their unrestrained, harsh language. Instead, she took a deep breath several times to keep herself calm and at peace.

“Easy there, Luna. They are just too emotionally constipated to fully understand reason. No need to be offended over their foalish insults.” Luna advised herself.

Batman climbed on top of the gates and stood there to get all the wrathful ponies’ attention. “ENOUGH!!!” he loudly commanded them. Startled by his intimidating voice, they all stopped their raging violence and gave their full attention to Batman.

“Listen to me! I understand why you all are extremely upset, but this type of behavior is completely uncalled for and unacceptable in so many ways! This is all apart of The Joker’s plan: to cause enough chaos and destruction to cause you to rise into anarchy and disorder until you all eat each other!” he passionately rebuked. The ponies gasped at the last statement.

“You are all playing into his game! If you are this upset with the princesses doing absolutely nothing in times of crises, then did any of you ever speak of their negligence to them personally? Have you ever thought of harmonious communication with your rulers to know what is wrong?” Batman challenged. Everypony was quite; that was enough for Batman to realize how utterly ridiculous they were for not being critical thinkers or problem solvers.

“That is disappointing. I truly thought that you all appreciated friendship seeing how you love each other’s company and care for each other.” he continued. “But now...you are no different than a common criminal like the ones in my world. True, the princesses might have failed to take actions necessary, but they are still your superiors who deserve love and respect.” After he said that, the crystal ponies appeared with torches and pitchforks; however, they all stopped at the sight of the Batman giving his speech of rebuke and correction.

“Please, ponies, you must understand the importance of the Magic of Friendship. As I learned ever since King Sombra’s demise, friendship is what unites, heals, creates, and restores our relationships with each other and with our personal enemies. Your uncivilized behavior only warrants death, fear, and more chaos! I am beseeching you all to abandon your corrupt ways, and embrace the full power of friendship into your lives. Only then will you be able to renounce evil and accept good.” Batman finished.

The ponies looked at each other with sad looks and started to form tears on their eyes. Fully realizing the hard truths he spoke, they embraced each other and broke down into tears. All ponies from the Crystal Empire, Ponyville, and Canterlot threw away their pitchforks, torches, and hate signs of the heroes, including Batman. “I know it is hard to get over Princess Cadence’s death, but be assured knowing that as long as we live, she will live on in our memories.” Batman said.

His crystal heart began to glow bright and shot its beams at the ponies gathered. They were reinvigorated with new hope and love, being determined now more than ever to work together to stop an evil threat in Equestria. “Batman is right! We need to stop fighting against authority and each other! We must fight against The Joker for what he did to Cadence and us!” Mayor Mare said.

The Mane Six and Spike saw everything that happened and heard the convicting speech he gave to everypony. They smiled knowing that the Magic of Friendship was working again in their lives. Thus, hope was seen on the horizon. They were confident that The Joker will be defeated once and for all.

Suddenly, Discord appeared in the middle of the ponies before the gates. “Bravo! Bravo! What an arousing speech, Batman! I never thought that you would be able to convince these ponies of how powerful friendship can truly be!” Everypony gasped at the sight of the draconequus while the princesses and Shining Armor glared at him in annoyance.

As for Batman, Discord’s mannerisms and tone made him even more suspicious than when they first met earlier. “What is it you’re seeking for, Discord?” he demanded.

Right after he asked, Discord dropped his facade and angrily stared at him. “Your ultimate defeat now that I’ve witnessed what you’re really capable of.” He snapped his fingers, making a huge fish net appear and catching the Mane Six and Spike. He held them up while evilly smirking at the astonished ponies and rulers.

The Mane Six, mostly Fluttershy, were shocked to see their ‘friend’ acting very strange. “Discord, what are you doing?! Why are you keeping us in this net?!” Twilight demanded.

“Let them go, Discord!” Batman told him, getting into battle stance.

Several unicorns ignited their horns to blast the net open to free the heroic Elements and Spike; however, they were shot in the head by an approaching bipedal creature with a shotgun. After others turned to see him, they shrieked in terror and backed away. “IT’S THE JOKER!! HE’S HERE!” Lyra shouted fearfully.

“Hahahahaha!! Did you ponies miss me? I know you did.” Joker mocked. He stood right next to his ally who grinned at Joker’s timely arrival. This completely shocked everyone assembled as they saw for themselves whom Discord has been working with.

“Wait a minute...are you two working together?!” Rainbow demanded.

“What does it seem like, blue pony? Am I not allowed to make friends with someone whose reputation was tarnished, whose respect was diminished, and whose dignity was abandoned for the sake of those who offered him nothing?” Joker spat. Fluttershy came closer to the mesh and started to cry.

“Discord, w-why...why are you betraying us? I th-thought we were... f-friends?” she sobbed. Discord had a somewhat sympathetic look on his face and came close to the mesh as well. The Joker stood idly by and watched.

“Fluttershy, look...I am only doing this to restore my glory. I know you tried to make me see things in a positive light, but Joker here opened my eyes and made me see the true light. Nopony wanted to give me a better chance until he showed up and made me so much better than what I was pathetically trying to be. So now...” Discord then appeared as a baseball player. “I can score a home run with no pony stopping me!”

“You mean to tell me that Joker was a better friend than I was? Is that what you’re saying?” Fluttershy asked. This made Discord widen his eyes in surprise.

“What?! No!...T-that’s...that’s not what I’m saying! It’s just...he gave me more opportunities where I can be myself again!” he stuttered, excusing his actions.

“More opportunities for you to kill ponies, including those who did nothing wrong to you? For you to hurt our feelings and twist friendship into your own personal gain? Didn’t you tell me at one time that I was the only pony who showed you kindness?” Fluttershy argued.

At that moment, Discord was silent. Everything she said to him made him so...guilty. He never realized the influence The Joker had on him and contrasted that to the influence of Fluttershy. Everything that he had done to them, all the cruelty, death, destruction, misery, and chaos he helped Joker to spread was all because he wanted to have freedom and fun...things which he thought were far greater than friendship. But seeing through Fluttershy’s perspective, he realized the full magnitude of what he had done: not only betraying the ponies but also—the most cruel offense—betraying the very pony who ever showed him the true path to friendship out of kindness.

That made his heart (if he has one) break in half. Shameful sorrow slowly overwhelming him, he looked back at Fluttershy. “You’re right, Fluttershy. I had no depth of understanding of what you truly did for me. I-I was just...selfish. I am so sorry.” he confessed.

He snapped his fingers, freeing the Mane Six and Spike from the net. They all smiled at Discord for his redemption. Overtaken by emotional joy, Fluttershy jumped on Discord, hugging him. “I’m so happy for you.” she said to him.

“I am happy too, Fluttershy...” Discord said, wiping a tear from his eye. Then he grabbed a knife and stabbed her on her right wing, earning him a scream of pain. “...for you being a stupid, naive, gullible, and emotionally challenged imbecile. I’m not your dog anymore.” he darkly, condescendingly spoke.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!!” they all yelled in horror.

The Joker hysterically laughed. “HeheheheHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!”