• Published 30th Mar 2020
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Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story - Betty_Starlight

Cozy Glow interviews Trixie to get reformed

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Chapter One: The Beginning

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Day 1:

There’s a knock on Trixie’s office door. “Come in!” she says sitting at her desk and then the door opens revealing two unicorn soldiers escorting an off white Pegasus filly.

“Ah Cozy Glow! I got the memo from Princess Twilight saying that she unfroze you and you are to be reformed by me. While I’m still not sure why she picked me for the job, I suppose we should get started? Come in and take a seat. Are you enjoying your accommodations in the castle?”

The filly slowly walks inside and says, “Well the past week has been okay? They won’t let me see anypony else, but they give me all the puzzles, reading books, and coloring books I want. And um, I like my plush toy and was wondering if I could get one to go with this one so I have two? I uh, would like to have more than one…”

She looks down and blushes as Trixie then says, “Certainly! But please understand that after everything, we don’t know if we can really trust you around anypony else since you were you know, pretty manipulative?”

Cozy Glow then looks up a little bit and says, “Yeah after everything I did, I can’t really blame you…”

Then Trixie says “Why don’t you come in and have a seat. We have much to discuss and we’ll be doing this everyday now.”

Cozy Glow slowly walks into the office not knowing what to expect and then quietly sits on the coach opposite to Trixie’s desk. “Would you like some cocoa?” Asks Trixie.

Cozy Glow responds, “Um, sure!”

After Trixie uses her magic to get Cozy Glow some cocoa, she spends the next two minutes looking through her notes on Cozy while watching her actions. While the last incident that resulted in her being turned to stone could’ve easily been the pressure of the other two villains she was with, Trixie did take note that the initial incident of trying to steal all the magic in Equestria was far more telling of Cozy Glow’s true issues and nature. Trixie also noted that in the past few minutes, Cozy Glow had just been sitting there nervously and hadn’t touched her cocoa. The apprehension was thick and if Trixie’s past 10 years as a guidance counselor had taught her anything, it’s that apprehension was not a good thing. Trixie decided to begin.

“So you tried to steal all the magic in Equestria once upon a time? Do you mind telling me why you did that Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then stares up at her with a dead cold expression and says, “Well, I wanted to finally have power. I wanted to be able to control my life and what happened to me. It just seemed like I’d need ALL the power in Equestria to do that you know?”

Trixie then responds, “You realize that excluding stone years, you’re only 10 years old right? You have a long life ahead of you Cozy. Plenty of time to take charge of your life. Why was it important that you do it so quickly?”

Cozy then replies, “Well ever since my parents died, my life hasn’t been that good? I guess I just wanted to make it better and power seemed like the best way to do that?”

Trixie sips her coffee and says, “So your parents are dead? Why don’t we start there then? What happened?”

Cozy Glow starts her story, “Well it all started one frosty winter afternoon back when I was only 6. About 2 years before I went to the School of Friendship. I was flying home from school like I would every Wednesday afternoon when I saw smoke in the distance. I then flew home as fast as I could to find my parent’s cottage burning to the ground! I saw that fire ponies had already arrived and were stopping the fire, but I didn’t see my parents and so I panicked. I flew into the cottage to see what was going on, but the fire ponies weren’t done yet and one of them blocked my path and said I couldn’t go in there. He told me to stand on the knoll up on the hill until they were done… Later after they had finished putting out the fire, the fire pony told me that there was no sign of my parents there and that I had to go with him now… I’m not stupid. I know they died in the fire and he was just trying to spare me… And that’s yet another reason why it hurt so bad… Anyway, he took me to the local orphanage.”

Trixie takes another sip of her coffee and notes that the apprehension hasn’t really decreased so far. She decides to get Cozy Glow more relaxed and says, “Well why don’t you take a nice sip of your cocoa, take a deep breath, and then tell me about that when you’re ready?”

By this point, Cozy Glow knows that she can’t disobey and so she then quietly puts her muzzle into the cup and grips it with her hooves to take a good swig of her cocoa before setting it back down on the table with her hooves. Then she breaths in and out twice before continuing, “Well it was pretty awful at first really? They kind of just shoved me into a back room there and made me wait before letting me play on the playground… I didn’t feel much like playing though. I didn’t feel much like doing anything at all but sleeping…”

Trixie then interjects, “Okay tell me about your parents and why they were so important to you Cozy Glow? I’d like to know more about it.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well, my father was a hard working weather Pegasus and my mother was a homemaker. You see, I lived on the other side of the Everfree forest from Ponyville and there weren’t really any other ponies around, and certainly no other ponies that I could play with. Still, I had such happy times with my mother! We’d play games and read books together while my father was away controlling the weather for the greater Canterlot region… And then, she was taken away from me…”

Cozy Glow then begins to sniffle a little bit and Trixie taking note of this says, “Okay you can stop and let it out if you need to Cozy. We’re here to help you after all…”

With tears in her eyes, Cozy Glow then says, “She was all I had! My father was never around and my mother was so important to me! And then, just like that, she’s gone!”

Trixie then smiles and says, “You’re not alone Cozy Glow. I never even knew my parents!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah well you’re lucky! You didn’t know how wonderful things could be before you had them taken from you! Me, I had a wonderful loving family once upon a time… Oh they tried to be nice to me, but it just wasn’t the same! It was never the same! It was never the way things were supposed to be ever again!”

Trixie then says, “Wait! I thought you said they ignored and neglected you? What do you mean, they tried to be nice to you?”

Cozy takes another sip of her cocoa before saying, “I don’t mean the orphanage. In the orphanage, they just crammed me from one area to the next. I mean when they shipped me into a foster home later… I knew these weren’t the right ponies… I knew the right ponies would never be there again… And that really hurts!”

Trixie then jots a few notes on her pad before saying, “How was the foster home? What did you do there Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow sniffles and says, “Well I just never felt like I really belonged you know? I mean, they tried to get me involved in sports and games. They tried to get me to play with other ponies. But I just didn’t feel much like it after having my life ripped from me you know? I knew things wouldn’t ever be right again and I slowly learned to accept that… And then I began to think about what I could do to change that when I got a mysterious letter in the mail. It was from Lord Tirek in Tartarus.”

At that point, Trixie’s eyebrows raised and she asked, “Wait! Why would you be getting a letter from Tirek?”

Cozy Glow then softly giggles and says, “I guess you ponies never knew about that huh? Yeah you see, in the orphanage, they have all of our mail in separately addressed slots. Tirek actually meant to send the letter to his friend who used to live next door. Uh, somepony named Iron Will?”

At that point, Trixie furiously scribbles a few more notes on her pad before saying, “Okay so you just randomly got the letter by accident?”

Cozy Glow then softly smiles and replies, “Yeah I think the mail pony is deaf and blind or something?”

Trixie then snickers and says, “Well I’ve heard stories? Anyway, what did you say in your first letter to Tirek?”

Cozy Glow says, “Well I told him about what happened to me because honestly, I just wanted somepony to talk to after everything that happened and he was just there you know? I asked him how he was doing and he told me about Tartarus and what went on there… Not much! Ha ha! Anyway, later he told me about energy and how to manipulate it. He said he’d make me better and stronger and better able to control my life… The only problem was, I needed an enormous source of energy like the Elements of Harmony to do it… The plan was actually formulated earlier on, but the problem was that we didn’t have access to anything like that… Until the Pillars of Equestria appeared later on that is…” Trixie then furiously scribbles some more notes.

“Okay so you later found out about the Pillars then?” Trixie asks.

And Cozy replies, “Well there’s not a lot to do in the orphanage if you don’t play with anypony and so I read the news a lot. When I first heard about them, I decided to do some more research. Sometimes, I’d sneak out during recess and go read about them in the Ponyville library since it was right next door and I never play anyway. When I learned about the artifacts, I immediately wrote Tirek and he told me that I could use them to drain the magic from the land… I just had to get my hooves on them!”

At this point, Cozy Glow starts to look excited and Trixie notices this and decides to take her down a notch. She says to Cozy Glow, “Okay so you had a rough outline of a plan then? Get the artifacts and use them to create a vortex in order to drain all of the magic?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well yeah! I mean, until they built that School of Friendship and started keeping them there, I had no idea how I was gonna get to them!”

Trixie then writes another note and says, “Okay well we’ll get to your conversations with Tirek tomorrow Cozy Glow. Our time here is through and you now need to be escorted back to your room. Guard!”

The unicorn soldiers at the door then open it up and motion with their heads for Cozy Glow to follow. Cozy Glow then somberly hops down from the couch and slowly walks back to the door. She looks at Trixie and then says, “Um, thanks for talking to me today Trixie. Until Tirek started talking to me back at the orphanage, I never really had anypony I could talk to?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “That’s what I’m here for Cozy Glow! Just relax now. You’re gonna be just fine!”

Cozy then slowly walks out of the room while looking at the floor with a small smirk on her face as she is escorted by the unicorn guards down the hall.

Trixie’s thoughts: Well we’ve got her to start talking about the things we want to hear about. We’ll need to go further into this tomorrow.

Day 2:

The very next morning, there’s another knock on Trixie’s door. She knows who it is already as she says, “Come in!” Cozy Glow is then escorted inside as Trixie asks her, “How was your day yesterday Cozy Glow? Did you sleep well?”

She responds, “Well I colored for awhile before a nap. Then I had dinner. They brought me hay burgers. They just slide it under the door and don’t really enter? I guess that’s because I’m bad huh?”

Trixie then replies, “Well again, we need to minimize your contact with other ponies right now.”

Cozy replies, “Oh yeah! I guess that’s right huh? I guess I shouldn’t be around anypony else then?”

Trixie just says, “Well not right now anyway… Would you like a cocoa Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then perks up and says, “Uh yeah! Sure!”

So Trixie uses her magic to pour and get a cup of hot cocoa from the kitchen before saying, “Now you say you and Tirek discussed quite a bit? How did the idea of energy manipulation come up?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well that was easy! Like I said, Tirek said he would make me stronger and better after I told him everything that happened to me. So um, I guess you know the rest huh?”

Trixie then replies, “Well not exactly? You were in a foster home with other ponies. How did you get out of there?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well I guess they don’t like it when ponies talk other ponies into doing bad things? I used to have them steal goodies for me from the kitchen and cause problems for fun…” Cozy Glow then smiles at what Trixie can only assume are happy memories from her past.

Trixie then says, “Okay you said you wouldn’t open up to anypony? When did you start talking to other ponies?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well that’s when I began to learn about the power of friendship! You see, a nice young filly mare sat down next to me at lunch time and started talking to me. She seemed really desperate to make a friend and I guess I was an easy target? I thought about how I could use this and what I could do with it…”

Trixie then jots down another note and says, “So you immediately thought about how to manipulate her then?”

Cozy replies, “Well not at first? I mean, I was just glad to have somepony else to talk to… But later, I began to see what I could get her to do…”

Trixie takes another note before saying, “So they ejected you from the foster home then?”

Cozy Glow says, “Yeah they kicked me out and so I walked further towards the Everfree forest where I saw a farmhouse. I knocked on the door with my hoof and um, I kinda fibbed to the farmer who lived there saying I was from Canterlot and I just wandered through the forest? He was really nice to me and set me up in a cot on the other side of his house.” Trixie writes another note as Cozy Glow continues, “I still remember pulling the blankets up to my face with my hooves and just thinking, what will go wrong? How will this be ruined for me? You know, the foster home isn’t so bad when you can get other ponies to steal for you…” Trixie then checks her pad further up as Cozy continues, “So I decided to leave before anything like that happened. I kept in touch with Tirek though cause you know? The farmer also has a mailbox…”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “Okay so when exactly did you leave?”

Cozy Glow continues, “Well I didn’t! Not at first anyway. I decided to get all I could from this nice pony and so I um, kinda stole a bottle of his whiskey and drank some? Heh heh?”

Trixie then takes another note before asking Cozy, “Wait! You were 6 years old and drinking whiskey?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Yeah I guess that’s bad huh? Anyway, the farmer then said I couldn’t be trusted and had to go. It was okay though because I already knew he was gonna kick me out sooner or later. I kinda already planned for that…”

Trixie then asks her, “Okay how?”

Cozy says, “Well I had a little camp area set up in the Everfree forest that I had been working on. I could go into town and get a room with anypony I wanted to though so I didn’t use it much. I came up with so many fibs and stories to make them do what I wanted them to! That’s when I saw the truth. Friendship is power! It’s the most powerful thing there is and with it, I can get anything I want! Um, I guess that’s why I’m here huh?”

Trixie then says, “Well yeah! You see, that’s the wrong attitude. You need to realize that the true magic of friendship is give and take. Yeah you can get stuff from other ponies, but at the same time, you have to be willing to give of yourself to them or it’s not right. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s something…”

Cozy Glow replies, “So I have to be willing to share? Um, well I had a lot of time to think back when I was a statue. And after everything that happened and well…” Cozy Glow then breaks into an uncontrollable sob, “I just wanted things to be right again! I wanted to be able to control things and make them okay again! And Tirek taught me how to do that! Or um, I guess it wasn’t the right way?”

She begins crying on the couch as Trixie trots around her desk to embrace the quivering young filly in a gentle hug, “It’s okay Cozy Glow! Everypony makes mistakes!”

Cozy stiffens not knowing how to react and says, “Yeah but what I did was really bad! I shouldn’t be allowed near other ponies anymore! I need to be alone! Forever!”

Trixie then smiles and says, “No you don’t! Are you alone right now? Here in my hooves like this?”

Cozy sniffs and says, “Um, no?”

Trixie continues, “Okay now tell me, is this better than being alone? Having somepony to talk to and hug you when it gets bad?”

Cozy says, “Uh, yeah it is kinda making it better? But I did bad things! I do bad things! I shouldn’t be around other ponies!”

Trixie then looks Cozy Glow straight in the eyes and says, “It’s okay Cozy Glow… It’s okay… Now I have something important that I want to talk to you about later on, but it’s getting late now and our session is almost over. Do you feel better after your cry?”

Cozy sniffs and wipes her nose with her forehoof before saying, “Um, yeah…”

Trixie goes on, “Well good Cozy Glow. I’ll now call the guard and he can take you back to your room. You should color or read or do something you enjoy okay?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, yeah okay… Golly! I guess I need to get past this huh?”

Trixie says, “Well that’s what we’re going to work on Cozy Glow…” Trixie then calls the soldiers and they open the door and Cozy Glow slowly walks to them at the door, looking a little bit better and more confident than yesterday…

Trixie’s thoughts: Almost there and now we know why she did what she did and she’s starting to understand that that’s bad. At this point, it’s just a matter of getting her to explore these concepts more in depth so she can see what she should be doing instead.

Day 3:

Then the next morning, Trixie hears a knock on her door. She glances at the clock thinking to herself, “It is about that time again isn’t it?” “Come in!” She says and of course, the unicorn soldier opens the door with his magic and escorts a small Pegasus filly into the room. Cozy Glow then quietly sits on the couch and Trixie asks her, “Greetings Cozy Glow! Would you like some cocoa?” The Pegasus filly nods and so Trixie once again uses her magic to fetch some cocoa from the kitchen. “So what did you do yesterday after our session?”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well I read a story book about a great unicorn wizard making friends with a dragon and then I colored a few pages in my book. I decided to get a nap in somewhere in the middle too. I love my new toy by the way! Thank you so much Trixie!”

Trixie smiles and says, “You’re very welcome Cozy Glow! And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Friendship is give and take.”

Then Cozy Glow cuts her off saying, “W-wait! Um, what did I do for you? We’ve just been sitting here talking this whole time?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Oh but you’ve done a lot for me little filly. By telling me about your life like this, you’ve opened my eyes to your world and I got to see how you developed. And now I want you to do me a favor when you’re ready…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, what’s that?”

Trixie then trots around her desk to the filly before saying, “I want you to write a letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle apologizing for stealing her magic and all the magic in Equestria… When you’re ready of course!”

Cozy Glow then stares at the floor again before saying, “Um, I’m not even sure what to say?”

Trixie then says, “Well you did what you did earlier and you feel bad about it now right? I want you to write what’s in your heart. We call this catharsis. Can you do that for me Cozy Glow?” She gently puts her hoof under the filly’s chin and lifts her head to face her.

Cozy Glow responds, “Um, I guess I could try later? Heh heh?”

And then Trixie continues, “And here is the most important part Cozy Glow. I need you to explain your actions. What I mean is, you need to tell the princess why you did what you did.”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well that’s easy! After everything that happened to me, I wanted to finally be in control! I wanted power!”

Then Trixie says, “I understand that Cozy Glow, but what you need to realize is that there’s always going to be things beyond your control. And no amount of power will change that…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I guess so? Still, I didn’t want anything bad to happen to me anymore! It was either that or…or…”

Trixie then cuts her off and says, “Okay I know where these thoughts are going Cozy Glow and believe me, suicide is not a solution…”

Cozy Glow then asks her, “Why not? It’s never gonna be right again! My world is gone now and it’s not coming back! I don’t have anything left to lose!”

And Trixie responds, “Well for one thing, I’m sure many ponies would miss you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Oh yeah? Like who? All I’ve done is use and hurt ponies! I shouldn’t be around any of them!”

Trixie then hugs her and says, “Well, for one thing, I’d miss you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Uh, what? Y-you would?”

Trixie then says, “Well yes! Getting to know you over the past two days has been both enlightening and interesting. I enjoy talking to you in the mornings right now and you’re very interesting!”

And Cozy Glow replies, “Uh, so um, you’d miss me if I was gone huh?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well yeah, yeah I would! I’d miss you, you demented little butthole!”

At this point, Cozy Glow stops and says, “Wait what?” And then Trixie hugs her again while chuckling and the Pegasus filly can only cry and giggle.

Cozy Glow sniffs a little bit before saying, “Y-you’re serious Trixie? Are you r-really my f-friend?”

Trixie smiles and says, “That’s what you need Cozy Glow and to be honest with you, I kinda like you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Uh, why?”

And Trixie replies, “Well the reason I love this job so much is that it gives me a window into all of the student’s lives. And while it’s kinda tragic, I gotta say yours is quite fascinating. Also, you really strike me as somepony who needs help. And I love helping other ponies…”

Cozy Glow looks at her and says, “Why? What do you get out of it?”

Trixie replies, “Well it makes me feel good knowing that I helped somepony else. And I honestly and truly want to help you because that would also make me feel good. To know that you’re okay Cozy…”

Cozy stares at the floor again and says, “Wow! I uh, never thought about it? So you’re nice to other ponies and it makes you feel good?”

Trixie then goes on, “Yes! And more importantly, by doing my work, I’m doing my part to make Equestria a better place. By making new friends and working with them, I contribute. And that’s what this project is all about Cozy Glow. Making you better and able to contribute and more importantly, getting you well again!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “So that’s it! You just want to use me to make your whole “magic of friendship” thing better! I knew there was a reason you were being so nice to me!”

By this point, Cozy Glow is shaking on the couch when Trixie quickly trots around her desk and hugs her. Trixie then softly says, “I know it might be hard to understand after being alone for so long. But believe me, what I’m giving you right now is a better way. You’ll be happier and more complete. By interacting with other ponies, you learn about yourself and will begin to understand things more clearly.”

Cozy Glow puts her head into Trixie’s chest and softly whispers, “I just wanted things to be okay again… I wanted the power to do that…”

Trixie replies, “I know Cozy Glow. And believe me, friendship can help do that for you…”

Cozy Glow looks up at her with tears in her eyes and says, “R-really? Can friendship help me be better and not have bad things happen anymore?”

Trixie smiles down at the young filly held tightly in her embrace and says, “Friendship can’t stop bad things from happening Cozy Glow. The truth is, nothing can do that. But friendship helps you deal with that by making you not alone anymore. We’re all stronger together after all… Tell me, when you parent’s house burned down, what if you had a friend on the knoll hmm? What if you had somepony to hold you and talk to? Do you think the experience would’ve been better?”

Cozy Glow looks up at her and says, “Well it’s still pretty awful losing my parents?”

Trixie responds, “Well yes, but what I mean is, if somepony was there for you, do you think you would’ve done better than going nearly catatonic on that hillside?”

Cozy stares at her blankly and says, “Well, having somepony to hold me and talk to me would’ve helped yeah?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “And that’s what friendship is truly all about Cozy Glow. It’s not a tool or weapon that you wield. It’s a special bond between ponies and any creatures really, that makes us all stronger and brings us closer together.”

Okay that’s it for now Cozy Glow. I’m glad we’ve made this progress, but now you need to go. Think about your letter now Cozy…”

Cozy Glow replies, “Well okay…” And then she slowly walks to the door and before opening it to exit, she faces Trixie and smiles before saying, “Trixie? Thanks for talking with me… It’s hard to believe all this time, that’s really all I needed? To just work through my past and get better? I’m still not sure what this whole give and take thing is about, but I guess I can work on it?” She then trots out the door to the waiting stallion guards…

Trixie’s thoughts: Well I’ve befriended the little filly. It’s odd, but I find myself sympathizing to her and relating to her somewhat. She actually makes me think of myself back when I got the Alicorn Amulet and took over Ponyville. I too desperately wanted the power to make my life better at that time…

Day 4:

Cozy Glow slowly walks back into the office after Trixie says to come in. She sits down. Trixie begins, “So what did you do yesterday after our meeting?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Well I read a neat story about a valiant Pegasus knight who braved a dungeon to rescue a damsel in distress! Then I put together one of the puzzles I found in the back. You put those there didn’t you? Hey why am I in a room in the castle and not in the dungeon anyway?”

And Trixie responds, “Well we need you comfortable. Like I already said, we can’t allow you to have contact with other ponies right now, but you should at least have things to do and everything you need and be safe and comfortable. That’s why we put you in the West wing instead.”

And finally Cozy Glow just snaps and says, “Okay let’s stop this. What’s the real reason you’re being so nice to me? What do you want from me?”

Trixie stares back at Cozy Glow and says, “I wanted to be your friend. I wanted to know you and to see you. To be with you Cozy Glow…”

Cozy Glow then says, “R-really? Why?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Because I'm your friend and that’s what friendship is all about. It’s about not being alone and having somepony there to help you. To talk with you. To be by your side. That’s the true magic of friendship!”

Cozy Glow then says, “But I got all of those ponies to do things for me?”

Trixie responds, “But those weren’t your friends Cozy Glow. They were your followers. Think about it. Did you ever play games or tell jokes with these other ponies? Did you ever go to a play or movie with them or maybe have a meal with them?”

Cozy Glow then looks at the floor and says, “Um, no not really? I usually told them stories to get them to do what I wanted?”

And Trixie continues, “Right! That’s because they weren’t really your friends. You should be open to your friends about what you want and need and see how they can help you. Not lie and manipulate them into doing what you want. See the difference?”

Cozy Glow stares blankly at the wall for a moment before saying, “I guess then I never had any friends? Well um, until you?”

Trixie then says, “Right Cozy Glow! You need a friend and that’s why I’m here for you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “But why?”

And Trixie says, “Because you’re my friend, I like you, and want to help you…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, so I guess that means I’m your friend too? And you want to use me?”

Trixie responds, “Well no not exactly. I’d like to help you Cozy Glow and so after our regular daily meetings, you’ll have accommodations in the Castle of Friendship in the West wing where you ‘re staying now. And as it so happens, I have some time after my regular Saturday brunch with Starlight and so I’ll be coming to see you every Saturday to check up on you and see how you’re doing after you’re well on your way to reformation.”

Cozy Glow responds, “Why? I guess it’s because Princess Twilight wants you to huh?”

And Trixie replies, “No actually this was my idea. Like I said Cozy Glow, you need a friend and I want to be there for you.”

Cozy Glow then looks at Trixie dead in the eyes and said, “I don’t understand though? What are you really after? What are you getting out of this?”

Trixie just smiles and says, “How about the satisfaction of knowing that my good friend Cozy Glow is doing okay?”

Cozy Glow then says, “So um, you’re serious then? We’re friends?”

Trixie says, “Of course you silly filly!”

Cozy Glow stares blankly at the wall before saying, “Golly! I guess I really needed a real friend to tell me about what I was doing was wrong then huh?”

Trixie says, “Well exactly! I want to help you Cozy Glow because I’m your friend!”

Cozy Glow then sniffs and says, “I have friend… I’m Trixie’s friend now… Um, I think I know what I’m gonna say to Princess Twilight now?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well that’s very good Cozy Glow. But right now, I need you to tell me what you’ve learned in this whole experience?”

Cozy Glow stares at the floor with a blank expression and says, “Well I learned that using other ponies and getting them to do what I want is bad. Well, usually… I learned that the magic of friendship is two ways and that I shouldn’t just use others and not do anything for them. I learned that I need to be good and help other ponies instead. I learned that I have a blue unicorn friend named Trixie now… Um, right?”

She stares at Trixie and gives an unsure smile. Trixie smiles back and says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!” She then trots around the desk again and hugs the little Pegasus filly.

Cozy Glow is stuck in place yet again not knowing how to respond to this display of affection. She begins crying and Trixie notices and asks her, “What’s the matter Cozy Glow?”

And Cozy Glow sobs and says, “I-I never had anypony to-to hug me and tell me it’s gonna be okay after my mom died. I never had anypony to actually hold me and let me know it’s gonna be alright after that and um, I just…”

She looks down and silently sobs when Trixie lifts her chin up with her hoof and says, “It’s okay Cozy Glow. You’re gonna be alright now.”

Cozy Glow then stares at the wall and says, “Um, yeah… It’s just been so long… And um, r-really? Will it really be okay now? I mean, my mother used to care for me you know? And then she was gone and I didn’t have anypony after that… And then I did bad things before I was turned to stone and later you showed up… I had a long time to think when I was a statue and I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t have done what I did? Or maybe I should’ve done something different or uh…”

She looks down and Trixie notices and asks her, “What’s wrong Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then tears up and says, “I didn’t know there was another way! I needed power! I needed to make everything okay again! I needed to get back what was taken from me!” She starts sobbing to herself in Trixie’s embrace.

Trixie looks at the filly in her hooves and said, “That’s the thing Cozy Glow… There is no power in the world that could do that… She’s gone…”

Cozy Glow sniffs and says, “Yeah I guess you’re right? Maybe I shouldn’t have done that huh?” And then more tears started to pour out of her eyes as she buried her head into Trixie’s fluffy chest and Trixie held her tightly.

Trixie then says, “You’re gonna be okay Cozy Glow… I got you now… You’re my friend and I love you…”

Cozy Glow sniffs a bit and says, “Uh, can I go back to my room now please? I know we still probably have a few minutes, but uh I need to be by myself right now…”

Trixie stares down at Cozy Glow and asks her, “Are you okay?”

Cozy Glow responds, “Yeah I think so? I just have some thinking to do…”

Trixie then says, “Well okay Cozy Glow… Guard!” The unicorn soldier enters the room and Trixie says, “Please escort Miss Cozy Glow here back to her room please!”

The guard replies, “Of course Miss Trixie!” And then motions with his head for Cozy Glow to follow him out of the room. After they leave, Trixie sits at her desk and thinks to herself, “I think perhaps I got through to her earlier? I think maybe I got her to see the error of her ways?”

Trixie’s thoughts: Okay we’ll see what she has to say to Twilight later on, but I think we’re making excellent progress. I got her to realize that what she did was wrong and she appears to be turning over a new leaf now. It won’t be much longer.

(Letter to Twilight Sparkle)

Dear, Princess Twilight Sparkle

Hi! It’s me! Cozy Glow! I just wanted to say that I’m very sorry about what I did earlier. About trying to steal all the magic in Equestria and later attacking you back there in the castle I mean. The truth is that I just wanted power. I wanted the power to control my life because I thought that if I had power, I could make it okay again. That I could get back what I lost. I guess I can’t do that huh? I know now that what I did was bad and I’m ready to take any punishment you wanna give me. I know I deserve it and I’m really sorry.


Cozy Glow

Day 5:

Trixie stares at the letter while Cozy Glow quietly sits on the sofa with a hot cocoa right in front of her. Trixie takes a deep breath before saying, “This is very straightforward and to the point Cozy Glow. It works and it covers all the things we discussed in our sessions. I’ll give this to Twilight later, but there was something I wanted to ask you Cozy Glow.”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “What Trixie?”

Trixie then says, "Well you said in the letter that you're willing to accept whatever punishment Twilight dolls out? While it's good that you understand what you did was wrong, and the truth is you've already spent 10 years as stone as well as a couple of years in Tartarus for your crimes. Why ask for punishment at all if we've clearly already done that?"

Cozy Glow says, "Well what I did was bad. And um, I thought I needed to be punished for it?"

Trixie smiles again and says, "No Cozy Glow! We're gonna do something different now. Whenever you make a mistake or travel off the right path, we'll simply correct you from now on. You don't need punishment. You just need guidance."

Cozy Glow then says, "Guidance? So um, you're gonna help me? Why?"

Trixie then says, "How about because your my friend and I love you?"

Cozy Glow then says, "Golly! I don't know what to say? I guess I never really had a friend huh?"

Trixie then walks over to Cozy Glow and hugs her before saying, "Well you do now!"

Cozy Glow sniffs a bit before saying, "T-thank you Trixie!"

Trixie then says, "You're very welcome little filly! But there is one thing I wanted to ask of you..."

Cozy Glow responds, "Yeah?"

Trixie looks down at the filly and says, “Now you’re very good at getting other ponies to do what you want right?”

And then Cozy stares the wall before saying, “Well yeah?”

And Trixie continues, “Okay coming up next month, classes begin again here at the School of Friendship. We’ve already enrolled you and picked out your first semester’s classes, but I’d like you to work with me back here in the guidance counselor’s office sometimes. If you’re interested that is?”

And Cozy Glow says, “Well uh yeah! Sure Miss Trixie! I’ll help you be a guidance counselor! Um, why do you want me to though?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “Well first off, like I already said, your skills could be useful in getting ponies and other creatures to see things a certain way. Also, I would like to keep a closer eye on you and see how you’re doing. And finally, I might as well just admit it… I kinda like you Cozy Glow and I want to see more of you…”

Cozy Glow then stares at her blankly and says, “Wow! Uh, well I kinda like you too Miss Trixie and um, I don’t want our talks to end… I don’t want to stop seeing you… So uh, even after I’m reformed or whatever…”

Trixie cuts her off and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! My door is always open and you can talk to me anytime you want! Because that’s what friendship is! Being there for those you care about!”

Cozy then stares at Trixie and says, “Wait! You care about me? I’m your f-friend right?”

And Trixie smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!” Trixie then looks at her papers and says, “5 days! I even amaze myself sometimes!” And Cozy Glow then says, “Huh?” And Trixie says, “Oh nothing!”

Author's Note:

After the fact: 5/16/2020

Truth be told, this fan fiction is actually about me and Cozy Glow is a metaphor for me in the story. Now what happened to me is a bit more complex than what happened to Cozy Glow, but I do feel like I was up on the knoll watching my entire world burn to ashes... My mother was very precious to me... There's other issues I aim to address as I go along and some of them have already been committed to the story at this point. I will continue writing though as this is very therapeutic for me. Right now, I'm exactly like Cozy Glow though. It's after the fact, I'm hundreds of miles away, and all I can do is color, put together puzzles, and go over what happened and my feelings. Regardless, this is basically the story of how these little horses saved my life...