• Published 30th Mar 2020
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Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story - Betty_Starlight

Cozy Glow interviews Trixie to get reformed

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Chapter Five: Checkmate

Day 23:

There’s a knock on Trixie’s office door and Trixie says, “Come in!” The door opens to see a familiar Pegasus filly slowly walking in with a somber look on her face. She quietly trots into the room and takes her usual spot in front of a waiting hot cocoa.

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “Anything the matter Cozy?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “I don’t think I’m bad anymore… I think that maybe something happened to me that caused me to want to follow Tirek. But um, I don’t think Tirek is really the problem? I think it was losing my parents… And well, I cried myself to sleep last night just thinking about it and I think something bad would’ve happened with or without Tirek… It’s just that well, he knew how to manipulate energy and use that so I thought it could use that to disarm and distract the princesses… And you know what I was gonna do with the school!”

Trixie sips her coffee with her magic and says, “Yeah I remember Starlight telling me the story of how you trapped her there for 3 days!”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I wasn’t completely evil! At least I fed her?”

Trixie then looks at the filly and says, “Well you wouldn’t do that now would you?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well golly no! I uh, had some nightmares…” She then looks down with a stoic expression on her face.

Trixie then says, “Nightmares? What about Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Well the first nightmare, I was in that chamber in the catacombs under the School of Friendship and I was draining magic with a trapped Starlight there just like before… And I gave the same speech and said the same words and well, then you and Starshine were there and you talked to me and got me to stop… I couldn’t take over Equestria with you two there?” She looks down again with a confused look on her face.

Trixie raises her eyebrow as she takes another sip of her coffee and says, “Go on Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Well you were there and you told me that it wasn’t right… And that made me stop and think, but then I saw Starshine and she was crying… She really didn’t want me to take over Equestria?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “And why do you suppose that is Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then considers this for a second before saying, “Well golly! I don’t know?”

Trixie then says, “Because that’s not who you really are Cozy Glow! You’re not the ruler of Equestria. You don’t need power to be happy. And more importantly, you’re her friend and you both know that isn’t right. Tell me something Cozy, did you have fun with Starshine over the past 3 days?”

Cozy immediately says, “Well gee Trixie, I sure did! It was a lot of fun playing with Starshine while you were away! Not that I uh, don’t like talking to you too. Heh heh.”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Okay, now Cozy Glow. When you were hanging out with her and having fun, were you happy?”

Cozy looks up again and says, “Well um, I guess so? I mean, I laughed and giggled and um, really enjoyed myself? You know, I never thought about it, but I guess I was happy huh?”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “But you had no real power then did you?”

Cozy then lowly says, “Well um, no not really?”

Trixie then asks Cozy Glow, “So from this, would say that you actually can be happy without the power to control everything? That friendship isn’t just power, but it’s also a beautiful force that can unite us all and help us whenever we’re sad or depressed or have any other problems for that matter? Does that seem reasonable to you Cozy Glow?”

Cozy Glow then looks flustered as she says, “Well when you put it like that, it sounds so specific?”

Trixie then looks down, sighs, and says, “Well I know, and while the benefits of friendship are many, I explained those specific gifts to you because those were kinda areas you once needed help with don’t you think?”

Cozy then stammers out, “I guess so huh? You know, I never really thought that I needed help? Maybe I was more hurt than I thought?”

Trixie looks up and raises her eyebrow again before saying, “Pretty likely?”

Cozy Glow looks down and says, “Well I don’t think most 8 year olds try to steal all the magic in Equestria and use a school to take over the country do they? Heh heh… I don’t know why I couldn’t just come out and admit that I was hurt?”

Trixie takes another sip of her coffee and asks Cozy, “Okay well, if you were to admit that you were hurt, what would that mean to you? Think Cozy! What does it mean to be hurt?”

Cozy looks up and thinks with a concentrating expression on her face before looking back at Trixie and saying, “Well I think to be hurt means that you’re injured or wounded? And that you’re weak and feeble? And um, I guess I just didn’t want to think of myself like that? I guess the truth is that I always wanted to think I was strong and tough? Well uh, I guess I’m not so strong and tough now huh?” She then looks down.

Trixie then calmly says to the Pegasus filly, “You know, you’re a lot stronger than you think? You endured so much and you’re still here?”

Cozy then stammers out, “So um, I’m okay now? W-without power?”

Trixie then says to the filly, “Yes Cozy! You’re being taken care of. You don’t need to worry about anything right now.”

Cozy then says, “So I’m being taken care of and I was hurt earlier huh? Golly! Don’t know why it was so hard to just admit that?”

Trixie looks at the filly calmly and says with slow careful enunciation, “Look Cozy Glow. Bad things happened to you. Bad things that you didn’t want to face. And because of that, that trauma manifested in bad ways. Does this make sense to you?”

Cozy then ponders on this with a concentrated look in her eyes before saying, “Well yeah! You know, when you’re stone, all you can really do is think… But I never really thought about that now that I think about it? It was always the area I never went to? Um, I saw something bad… Uh, that was my last nightmare. But um, can I please talk about the second one first though?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Well you mentioned that there was more than one nightmare? Okay go on Cozy?”

Cozy looks up again and says, “Yeah the next night, I dreamed I was back in Tartarus in that little cage they kept me in. Tirek was also there in another cage and um, I kinda told him off?”

Trixie then looks surprised as she says, “Told him off? How? What did you say Cozy?”

Cozy then says, “Well yeah! He wanted to form a new plan and I told him no? Well um, in my own special way, I told him no, heh heh…” Then the filly stammers and scratches the back of her head with her left forehoof.

Trixie then raises her eyebrow again and says, “In your own special way?”

Cozy Glow then gets flustered as she says, “Okay fine! I told him to go buck himself! I told him it’s his fault this happened to me and that he really needs to just get bent! Happy?”

Trixie then laughs and says, “Okay Cozy Glow! I don’t really think you’re the same pony that got turned to stone all that time ago! Do you?”

Cozy Glow stops for a second and says, “Well golly no? I mean, in both of those dreams, I did something completely different from the first time? I guess maybe I really have changed?” Cozy then takes the cocoa in her front hooves and takes a sip gauging the temperature of the drink to see if it’s okay to drink before taking another bigger sip.

Trixie then says to Cozy Glow, “There was at least one more nightmare? Well, whenever you’re ready Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then takes a deep breath and looks up before sniffing and saying, “I… I saw it… “

Trixie then tilts her head perplexed as she says, “What did you see Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then stammers out, “I… I saw the burnt out wreckage of my parents old cottage and um… I cried…”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “Well do you need to cry now? I understand that that was pretty traumatic for you.”

Cozy Glow then looks up stiffly and says, “Um, no I don’t think so? I think I got it all out while I was there? Well, there was a lot of it?” She then looks down again.

Trixie then looks at the filly inquisitively and says, “What did you think about while you were crying Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up with dead look in her eyes when she says, “I thought about all I had lost. All that time that was now gone and how much they meant to me and how all that got taken away. I also thought about the way things could’ve been if things were different. How they should’ve been. Um, well I don’t know how things are supposed to be anymore? I mean, things keep changing?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well that’s just life Cozy Glow! The only constant is change and not all of those changes are good. Like losing your parents for one. That did kinda send you on a destructive path once you met Tirek and then that whole, trying to take over Equestria thing…”

Cozy then looks down and says, “And yeah um, I was just thinking about that… You know, I think I would’ve been okay if I hadn’t gotten that random letter from Tirek? I mean, I probably would’ve done some bad stuff before I finally got adopted or whatever, but I don’t think it would’ve been “trying to take over Equestria” bad you know?”

Trixie then says, “Well sometimes we just get bad advice. But I think maybe the last dream was different for another reason… Tell me Cozy Glow, did you cry when you first saw their cottage burning to the ground?”

Cozy slowly says, “Well no?”

Trixie then says, “But you did this time didn’t you?”

Cozy then says, “Yeah… And um, well I felt better?”

Trixie smiles and says, “You did something different in that dream too you know?”

Cozy then says to Trixie, “I guess so huh? Well um, is it important that I cry?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well crying is cathartic! Still, you probably shouldn’t have been so eager to work with Tirek?”

Cozy then stammers out, “Well I know that now! But he talked to me and I guess I shouldn’t have listened? I mean, sure he was just using me to get revenge on Twilight and her friends! I know that! But um, you told me good friends don’t use each other r-right Trixie?” She then looks at Trixie and smiles nervously.

Trixie just sits back and says, “Okay so, if Tirek was using you, do you think he was really your friend?”

Cozy then nervously says, “Well I guess not? I mean, if he was just using me for revenge and didn’t actually care about me huh? I guess he wasn’t really my friend? Golly, life is complicated!”

Trixie then smiles and asks Cozy Glow, “Tell me Cozy Glow. When you help Starshine, what do you feel? Are you eager to get whatever she can do for you later or are you genuinely just glad to help your friend?”

Cozy thinks for a few seconds before saying, “Well Starshine is my friend and I just want to help her? B-because she’s my friend?”

Trixie then continues, “Right Cozy Glow! Now when you were working with Tirek and Chrysallis all that time ago, did you feel the same way when you helped them? Did just want to help them or was there some other reason you were doing it?”

Cozy looks shocked as she then says, “Well um, I knew they’d help me later and so I helped them? That’s what we were supposed to do. Well, that’s what Grogar, well, not Grogar said we should do? Work together! But I guess um, there’s more to friendship than just that huh?”

Trixie then smiles again and says, “Well of course! While teamwork is helpful to everypony involved, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re actually friends! The truth is, you were only interested in helping them because you knew they would help you later. You weren’t really their friend, but their teammate. Now though, whenever you help Starshine, like you did with that black amethyst back in that friendship lesson I gave you and later with the curvy slide, you genuinely feel concern for her don’t you?”

Cozy then slowly and lowly says, “I guess so huh? Golly, friendship can get be confusing!”

Trixie then says, “That’s why we have this school here Cozy! If it was easy, we wouldn’t need one! But back to what I was saying earlier, all of these dreams seem to mean that you’ve changed. I mean, that was you in the nightmares right? You did do all of those things in your dreams yes?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Well yes! Yes I did! And um, I guess I’m not the same pony who once tried to take over Equestria? But uh, am I a good pony?” She looks at Trixie hopefully.

Trixie then smiles even wider and says, “Of course Cozy! Why else would you want to be a good pony if you weren’t?”

Cozy Glow has a stunned look on her face as she says, “Golly! I never thought about it like that?”

Trixie then says, “The only thing truly necessary to be a good pony is to want to do good. Starlight taught me that! But at the same time, everypony makes mistakes and you might slip up a time or two. It’s why we’re here Cozy! For you!”

Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she asks Trixie, “So um, I am important and I do matter?”

Trixie just smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! Why wouldn’t you be?”

Cozy stammers out, “Well I just didn’t think I was that great?”

Trixie smiles and says to Cozy Glow, “Well you do have an awesome counselor? And I bet if I asked Starshine about you, she’d say you were pretty great?”

Cozy Glow is stunned as she considers this before saying, “Well she seems to think that I matter a whole lot? I’m not sure why?”

Trixie then tilts her head and asks Cozy Glow, “Well why do you suppose that is Cozy? Why do you think you matter so much to Starshine?”

Cozy then looks at the ground and says, “B-because I’m her friend? Well, her only friend?”

Trixie then asks Cozy, “So she couldn’t just “make more friends” could she Cozy Glow? Do you think you’re maybe irreplaceable to Starshine at this point?”

Cozy then looks up at Trixie as she says, “Well I guess so? Because I’m her only friend? And that makes me super valuable I guess?”

Trixie then says, “Exactly! So you’re not as replaceable as those ponies you used and took advantage of all that time ago are you? Because you’re her friend! Her real friend!”

Cozy then considers this for a moment before saying, “Because I’m her friend and I am important. But what I had back then was not friends, but just followers like you said? I mean, I could always just get more later if I lost any for some reason? But I don’t think I could get another Starshine could I?”

Trixie smiles and says, “No not really? Because she’s your friend and she matters to you!” She then asks Cozy, “So tell me this Cozy Glow. Is Starshine important to you? I mean, why should she be? You can always just make more friends like you said?” The unicorn then smiles at Cozy.

Cozy then stammers out, “Well of course Starshine is important to me! She’s my friend and I love her!” Cozy then feels her eyes almost pop out of her skull as she says, “Golly! I love Starshine because she’s m-my friend? And I think I would be upset if she ever went away?”

Trixie sits in her chair and smiles as she says, “Because Starshine is important to you!”

Cozy Glow then quietly takes a sip of her cocoa before asking Trixie, “So I confronted my monsters then huh? I stopped trying to take over Equestria, I told Tirek to go to Tartarus, and I finally cried for all I had lost? Um, what’s next Trixie?”

Trixie smiles as she sits up and then extravagantly says, “And now we begin your Great and Powerful recovery! Co-staring none other than I, The Great and Powerful Trixie!” The filly and the counselor both chuckle before Trixie sits back down and says, “But for now, was there any questions on your mind little filly?”

Cozy then scratches her chin with her left forehoof before saying, “Um, actually I do have a question Miss Trixie! Okay so I’m not the ruler of Equestria right? I’m not a villain or a bad pony? And I’m not exactly homeless anymore? What am I?”

Trixie then smiles and says, “Well that’s another thing we’re here to find out Cozy Glow. In order to help you, we gotta figure out exactly where you fit in.” Trixie then sighs, looks down, and calmly gets out of her chair before trotting over towards the couch and Cozy Glow. She then says, “Cozy Glow, I haven’t exactly been honest with you…”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “What do you mean?”

Trixie then looks at the filly and says, “Cozy Glow, I’m not getting any younger. I don’t know if I’ll ever find a special somepony and I now have a successful career as a guidance counselor here at the school and my cottage is pretty roomy… After learning about what you went through when you lost your parents and how much it hurt to have that ripped from you, I wanted to help you… And I’ve been thinking about it and I kinda wanted a filly of my own anyway… I want to adopt you and become your new mommy… I’ll of course help you any way I can…”

Cozy then looks down and closes her eyes before saying, “You know, I was hoping you’d say that… I actually suspected that might be what you were up to, but it’s really hard to tell when you keep changing therapy tactics… I-I don’t know?”

Trixie then has a concerned look on her face as she tilts her head and asks, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then opens her eyes and says, “I mean I’ve been alone for a very long time Trixie… I don’t know if I could do that anymore… Be a daughter? M-me? Really? Here? Now? I mean, megalomaniacal supervillain and Tartarus inmate, I could do! But um, to actually h-have a mother? Again?”

Trixie then trots up to the couch before she softly smiles at the filly and says, “You’re scared and unsure. I understand that Cozy… How about we just try it out for awhile? See how it works? This could be a fresh start Cozy Glow? I kinda started reading about you earlier… I found you very interesting because you know, as a guidance counselor, getting people to think the right way and see things from the correct perspective can be very useful? You could actually work here with me in my office you know? But of course, if you don’t want that, I can’t really change your mind can I?” She then smiles and tilts her head.

Cozy Glow’s eyes light up as she then gets off the chair and slowly trots towards Trixie and asks her, “R-really? Why me though?”

Trixie then looks down and says, “Because I like you Cozy Glow. You remind me of me in many ways and I don’t want you to have to go through life without a mother anymore… Not like I did… I can talk to Princess Twilight this afternoon and we can go get you and your things tomorrow morning… Well, if you’re interested?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Well golly gee yes Miss Trixie! Of course! Um, will I have my own room?”

Trixie looks down at the filly and then says, “Well yeah! I need to get your bed after talking with Twilight today, but there is a room just down the hall to the left that I picked out for you Cozy… It’s uh, not as spacious as your castle room?”

Cozy looks down and softly giggles to herself before saying, “I don’t care about that! But a mommy! Wow! Um, is it okay if I’m not a very good daughter at first?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, you’re still the best daughter I have!”

Cozy then squints, scrunches her mouth into a pout, and then notices, “You know, it’s really hard to do bad when you don’t have competition?”

Trixie then softly giggles and says, “Yeah I know! Isn’t it great?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face as she then says, “So basically, I couldn’t fail!”

Trixie tilts her head again as she says to the filly, “Well yeah! That’s the idea! Make there be no way for you to go but up!”

Cozy then gets flustered again as she says, “But why me though? I’m a bad filly and do bad things! Why not one of the innocent fillies over at the orphanage who haven’t done anything wrong? Why not them first?”

Trixie then says, “Because of that, they’re all more likely to be adopted than you don’t you think? Aren’t you also important? Besides! Where would the fun in them be when I could have you?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face when she says, “M-me?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, where else am I gonna find a 10 year old reformed supervillain? Besides that, don’t you also need love Cozy Glow? Don’t you need a mother? Well here I am and I’d very much like a foal at this stage of my life…”

Cozy Glow then says, “G-golly! Really Miss Trixie? Y-you want me as your daughter?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow!” She then looks at the clock and says, “But it’s already 4 past the hour and I really need to move up to my next appointment now. Go fly back to the castle Cozy. I’ll be back to get you tomorrow morning… I love you my daughter!” She then trots up to the couch and embraces the stricken filly in a warm embrace. All Cozy can do is sit there dumbfounded in her hooves as she hears Trixie softly whisper, “Checkmate!”

Once back at her room in the castle, Cozy decided to take a nap. She awoke to find her lunch there and so she just ate it and left her tray where they told her to. She then colored and read back and forth until there’s a knock on her door. “Who is it?” Cozy Glow called out towards the door as she was on the floor on her stomach with her toys, staring at a book with a green crayon in her mouth.

“It’s me! Starshine!” Called out a muffled voice from the other side of the door.

“Come in!” Said Cozy after finally spitting out the crayon from her mouth.

The door handle glows and it opens up to reveal Starshine there smiling.

“No seriously! Come in Starshine! Something happened!”

Starshine looks interested as she trots in and says, “Oh?” and then uses her magic to close the door.

Cozy then excitedly says, “Yeah! Turns out, Trixie wasn’t just doing what she told me she was doing… You know, I thought she might be trying to do this, but I wasn’t sure?”

Starshine just stares at Cozy Glow with a confused look on her face before Cozy finally looks at her and says, “Oh! I’m uh, not used to having to explain stuff to other people. Trixie wants to adopt me and become my new mommy! She said she wanted me specifically, although I’m still not sure why?”

Starshine stares at Cozy for two seconds before saying, “Oh wow! So uh, I guess that means you’ll be staying at Trixie’s cottage then? I think she lives on the other side of town from me?”

Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Well, it’s not like Ponyville is that big?”

Starshine then smiles and says, “You make a good point!”

Both the fillies chuckle before Starshine says, “Hey! My mom gave me enough bits for me and you at the malt shop if you wanna go Cozy?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Sure Starshine!”

They both trot to the door and Starshine uses her magic to open it as she’s closer, steps out, and waits for Cozy to trot out before using her magic to close it and then they trot out of the building and head towards downtown Ponyville together.

Starshine then says to Cozy, “Hey I was just thinking! It’s kind of ironic that Tirek would use you against Twilight and her friends since using others is kinda what you used to do?”

Cozy then stares at Starshine as her eyes grow big and her auburn pupils grow tiny. Her mouth scrunches up and her cheeks puff out this time.

Starshine already knows what this means and then sticks her snout out and closes her eyes.

Cozy then reaches forth with her right forehoof and touches it to Starshine’s nose as she says, “BOOP!”

Starshine then scrunches her nose and says, “I mentioned too much about your past again didn’t I?”

Cozy then puffs up her wings as she says, “Yup! And you know what I gotta do whenever that happens!”

Both fillies chuckle before Starshine says, “Hey wait a minute! You get to boop me whenever I talk too much about your past right? When do I get to boop you?”

Cozy then scrunches her nose at the thought and says, “I dunno Starshine? Do I do anything that bothers you?”

Starshine looks up and says, “Well, so far so good? I mean, it bothers me whenever you act unsure of yourself, but I can’t just boop you for that could I? No, that would be mean…”

Cozy then scratches her chin with her left forehoof as she says, “Hmm? I guess I’ll just have to boop you whenever you do that and until we figure something out, you can’t ever boop me?”

Starshine then looks annoyed as she says, “But that’s not fair! I should be able to boop you sometimes!”

Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well life isn’t fair sometimes Starshine!”

Starshine then stares at Cozy Glow with wide eyes as her blue pupils grow small and her mouth gets tighter. She then just reaches forth with her left forehoof and touches it to Cozy Glow’s nose and says, “BOOP!

Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Alright, but since I didn’t do anything, I get to boop you back!”

Starshine then sighs and says, “Well okay fine! Lets just get this over with!” She sticks out her snout again and closes her eyes.

Cozy then reaches forth with her right forehoof again and taps it to Starshine’s nose as she says, “BOOP!”

Starshine then scrunches her nose a second time before a spark of inspiration overtakes the filly’s mind and she begins to smile.

Cozy Glow stares at her friend with a worried expression as she says, “Uh, Starshine?”

Starshine then reaches out and hugs Cozy out of nowhere as Cozy then sputters out, “OHGOLLYGEEWHATAREYOUDOING?”

Starshine pulls back, smiles, and says, “I hugged you!”

Cozy then stares at her with an annoyed expression as she says, “Ambush hugged is more like!”

Starshine continues smiling and says, “Yup! You boop me and I hug you out of nowhere! It’s perfect!”

Cozy’s look sours even more as she says, “Yeah but when I boop you, it’s because you’re talking too much about my past! You get to hug me for no reason! That’s not fair!”

Starshine tilts her head slightly to her right and says, “How’s this for a reason Cozy? I hug you because you’re my friend and I love you?”

Cozy then has a shocked expression on her face before it quickly turns to agitated yet again and she says, “How dare you bring my feelings into this! I’m gonna get you!”

Starshine smiles at Cozy again and says, “I’m not scared!”

Cozy replies, “You should be! I almost took over Equestria you know?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Yeah and now you get freaked out by a hug!”

Cozy squints her eyes and scrunches her mouth in pouty irritation before whispering, “This isn’t over!”

Both fillies finally trot up to the malt shop and they both go inside. They’re at the counter when Starshine says to Cozy, “I have enough to get us both a medium! What would you like Cozy Glow?”

Cozy looks down and says, “Um, strawberry is my favorite…”

Starshine smiles at the stallion behind the counter and says, “I’ll have a medium chocolate and bring a medium strawberry for my friend here please!” She then uses her magic to fetch 4 bits from her saddlebags.

The earth pony stallion gathers them with his hooves before slipping them into the open register door and then goes back behind the counter to prepare their shakes. Starshine and Cozy Glow both sit on the left side of the bar.

Then a brown Pegasus stallion walks up to them and says, “Hey I know you! You’re Cozy Glow and you tried to take over the School of Friendship a long time ago back when I was there!”

Cozy then looks at the stallion with big eyes and enormous pupils and says, “Well golly mister! I was bad back then, but now I’m trying to get better. I’m really sorry for any trouble I caused!”

The stallion then relaxes as he says, “Well okay, but I’m watching you!” And he then trots out the door.

Starshine looks at Cozy and whispers, “Wow! You just get really cute like that and they do whatever you want?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Most of the time? Sometimes I have to carefully say some words to get them to do what I want…”

The earth pony stallion behind the counter then says, “Uh, if you’re gonna drink your shakes here, that’s fine. Just uh, please keep a low profile okay? I don’t want my customers leaving.”

Cozy stares at the clerk with the same big eyes and says, “Don’t worry mister! I won’t cause anymore problems! I promise!”

Starshine smiles and says, “On second thought, we’ll just take ours to go! Come on Cozy! The parks is only 2 blocks West of here!” She then lifts the two shakes with her magic and trots towards the door.

Cozy is confused as she gets off her stool and trots towards the door to a waiting Starshine. As they trot out towards the park, she then says to Starshine, “You didn’t need to get me out of there you know?”

Starshine smiles as she sits on a bench on the way and sets hers and Cozy’s drinks down next to her and she says, “Well I couldn’t just let you deal with it all by yourself? I wanted to help you?”

Cozy then sits next to her friend on the bench and gets her shake with her forehooves and takes a sip of it before saying, “You really care about me huh? Golly, I’m not used to that! Normally, I’m all by myself?” She then looks down.

Starshine then hugs her out of nowhere again, almost causing her to drop her shake. Cozy then says, “IWILLNEVERGETUSEDTOTHIS!”

Starshine pulls back, smiles, and says, “Well you better get used to it Cozy! You’re my friend and I always have your back!”

Cozy stammers out, “Golly! A real friend huh?”

Starshine smiles and asks her, “Cozy Glow, you’re really smart. Why the hay haven’t you figured that out by now?” She then uses her magic to sip some of her chocolate shake as she just noticed she needs to catch up to Cozy Glow.

Cozy looks down and says, “Well I guess I’m just not used to it? I mean, you spend a few years by yourself, you don’t really expect anypony to ever be there for you you know?”

Starshine looks down as well and says, “Yeah, I guess I know what you mean? I mean, if somepony was hassling me, would you get my back Cozy?”

Cozy then looks up and considers this for a moment and says, “Well I guess so? I mean, I’d hate for you to have to face something like that alone?”

Starshine looks up also and says, “Okay then it’s settled! Whenever anypony gives one of us a hard time, the other filly in question should come and help them!”

Cozy then looks flustered as she says, “Well that doesn’t seem fair? I mean, after all the bad things I did, ponies might give me a hard time? But when would anypony ever bother you?”

Starshine thinks on this before saying, “Well how about this Cozy! I get your back whenever you’re hassled and you can uh, retrieve black amethyst crystals for me?”

Cozy starts to look even more flustered when she says, “When will I ever have to do that for you?”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Well you had to that one time in Trixie’s office? Look! We’re friends and we help each other! Maybe we should just leave it at that? I mean, when we start comparing what we do for each other, I think it just gets too confusing?”

Cozy then stares up in thought before saying, “Yeah, you’re right Starshine! We’ll just help each other okay?”

Starshine then says, “Deal Cozy Glow!” and then happily slurps down her chocolate shake while Cozy grips her own cup with her forehooves and slurps down some of her own drink.

The two fillies silently drink their shakes for a few more minutes before Starshine finally asks Cozy Glow, “Anything on your mind Cozy?”

Cozy then says, “Yeah I’m just kinda blown away by what Trixie said to me? Um, will you meet me at her house tomorrow? I’m kinda nervous.”

Starshine then thinks on this for two seconds before saying back to Cozy Glow, “Yeah I can imagine? You must be pretty nervous and excited at the same time huh?”

Cozy Glow then smiles at Starshine.

Starshine is confused by this as she says, “Uh, why are you smiling at me Cozy Glow?”

Cozy then says, “I wonder how long it will be before you start saying golly?”

Starshine then looks confused before looking annoyed as she narrows her eyes and says, “You’re making me talk like you again aren’t you?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Revenge! Ha ha! You can hug me whenever you like, but now you have to talk like me! Oh! And you get booped whenever you talk too much about my past!”

Starshine then says, “So I guess that’s our things now? You get to boop me when I talk too much about your past, but I can hug you whenever I want and I talk like you sometimes?”

Cozy then says, “Well yeah I guess? Um, will you meet me at Trixie’s later?”

Starshine says, “Of course Cozy Glow! I want to see how you are in your new home right? Um, I think that’s what a friend would do?”

Cozy then slants her mouth and stares at Starshine wide eyed with a slightly confused expression as she says, “Well I don’t know if everypony who’s friends does that? Um, probably? Okay well it’s what we do alright?”

Starshine giggles and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! Hey I probably need to get home soon for lunch? I uh, probably won’t be able to meet you again today though?”

Cozy Glow then says, “Well I was hoping I could talk some more about this?”

Starshine thinks for a moment before saying, “Well I’m already late? What’s on your mind Cozy?”

Cozy Glow then looks down again and says softly, “I don’t know if I can be a daughter anymore?”

Starshine then says, “Well how about this Cozy! One step at a time? And hey! I bet Trixie doesn’t know much about being a mommy? I bet you both need to figure a few things out?”

Cozy then looks up and says, “Well right! I mean, I know I want this? In fact, I might need it when I think about it?”

Starshine then slurps up the last of her shake before throwing the cup away in the waste bin next to the bench and says, “Well hey Cozy, I really gotta get going! I’ll meet you at Trixie’s place tomorrow afternoon and we can play and hang out then okay?”

Cozy Glow slurps up the last of her shake while holding it with her forehooves and then she casually tosses the cup into the same waste bin and she says, “Okay Starshine! I’ll meet you at Trixie’s tomorrow afternoon okay?”

Starshine then smiles at Cozy.

Cozy notices this and says, “You’re about to hug me aren’t you?”

Without missing a beat, Starshine then embraces Cozy Glow in her front legs.

Cozy immediately yelps out, “WHYDOESN’TTHISGETEASIER?”

Starshine pulls back, smiles at Cozy Glow, and then turns around, and starts trotting towards her house.

She gets maybe 20 feet before Cozy looks down with a resigned expression on her face as she says, “I go from no hugs to a ton of them?”

Starshine then turns around and says, “Get used to it Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!”

Cozy then starts before yelling back, “Yeah Starshine! I love you too!”

Starshine then tilts her head and says, “Um, will you be okay without me around to get your back?”

Cozy then shoos her with her left forehoof and says, “Yeah I’m just flying back to the castle Starshine! I’ll be fine!”

Starshine then says, “Okay Cozy! See you later!” And then she turns around and trots off.

Cozy Glow then sits on the bench for a moment and says, “Being alone was never so bad before?” And then she silently gets off the bench and takes off with her wings towards the castle.

She arrives at the Castle of Friendship a few minutes later, lands in front of the steps and trots up to the door before using her forehooves to open the door and trotting in back to her room. She gets to her room and uses her forehooves to open that door as well and trots in before closing it behind her. She then trots to her bed and lays there on her stomach while she stares at her two toys and begins talking to them.

She says, “I don’t know Snorkel and Mr. Bearington? I mean, I haven’t been a daughter in so long? On the other hoof, I think I need this? I mean, I remember thinking about everything I lost? Well, after what I did, I don’t think anypony but Trixie would ever adopt me? So um, I guess this makes sense?”

She then rolls on her back and says, “Yeah I mean, unless somepony really knows me, I mean, the real me, they probably wouldn’t want to adopt me? Trixie must realize this and understand that she’s literally my only hope of even having a mommy?”

She stares at the ceiling for about 5 more seconds before covering her face with her forehooves and saying, “I hate being so smart sometimes! Basically, it’s her or nopony! And now we both know it!”

She then rolls back onto her belly, lays her head down on the pillow, and whimpers to herself, “I just wanted to be okay!”

She then slowly and softly lays her head into the pillow and goes back to sleep.

Night 23:

The filly stirs in her sleep. She clutches her precious teddy bear to her chest while under the covers in the fetal position and her dolphin is off to the side.

Cozy Glow dreams she’s in a beautiful meadow. She sees a familiar dark blue Alicorn there and she looks up and says, “Hello again Princess Luna!”

Luna smiles and slowly trots towards the filly as she says, “I noticed you didn’t tell Trixie about me?”

Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Well I didn’t think you wanted me to?”

Luna tilts her head and asks Cozy Glow, “Is that the real reason you didn’t tell her?”

Cozy then quickly says, “Of course! Well um, okay not really?”

Luna then smiles at Cozy and says, “You know I was once evil too right? Twilight and her friends managed to bring me back… So tell me Cozy, what’s the real reason you didn’t tell her about me?”

Cozy then looks down and says, “Well, it’s just kinda personal you know? I mean, the way you comforted me when I was crying? I uh, don’t really like to talk about that?”

Luna then stands straight up and stares at Cozy as she walks just a little bit closer and says, “But I’ve seen Trixie comfort you numerous times? Why do you suppose that is Cozy Glow?”

Cozy slowly and lowly says, “I don’t like them to know um, that I need comfort…”

Luna then looks perplexed as she says to Cozy Glow, “Well why wouldn’t you need comfort Cozy Glow? You’ve been through a lot?”

Cozy then says, “Well I guess so? I just uh, don’t like ponies to know that I need help I guess?”

Luna then chuckles and says, “Well they obviously already know! Why else do you think you’re in therapy?”

Cozy then looks a little annoyed as she says, “Okay fine! I guess I am hurt?”

Princess Luna chuckles and says, “Everypony gets hurt and needs help sometimes Cozy Glow. Life can be very hard sometimes…”

Cozy Glow then says, “Um, okay I guess that makes sense?” She then stares at the open meadow as wind softly blows the leaves of the trees and grass around her before saying, “I was hurt pretty bad huh?”

Luna then leans down and looks at Cozy Glow and says, “Yes Cozy and ignoring that pain didn’t lead to anything good. Don’t you think you should do something about that?”

Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Well uh, isn’t that what we’re working on now?”

Luna then embraces Cozy Glow in her front legs in a hug.


Luna pulls back and softly chuckles as she says, “Still not used to that huh? Well get used to love Cozy Glow! Cause you’re about to get plenty of it!”

Day 24:

Cozy Glow then wakes up with a start in her bed. She sees the clock on her nightstand and says, “It’s 7:48. I’m usually not up for another 12 minutes…”

Suddenly, there’s a knock on her door. Cozy looks up and says, “Uh, who is it?”

She hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me! Trixie!”

(To be continued)

Author's Note:

Originally, I wasn't going to explain why Trixie was doing what she was doing until chapter 6. But then I remembered the season 8 finale and that Cozy Glow is actually very good at discerning motive. As such, it would actually make more sense for her to deduce this earlier on.