• Published 13th May 2020
  • 3,062 Views, 100 Comments

Second Chances - Mediocre Morsov

A story in which the un-redeemed villains of Season 9 were spared and reintegrated into Equestria. Set 13 years after the point of divergence.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Flurry Heart sighed as she approached the door before her. Dread gripped at her very soul, and she felt silly for it. Even years after her parents’ divorce, she still wasn’t used to the new paradigm of being raised by two separate sets of parents knowing that, initially, there had only been one. Her father’s house was nice, as was to be expected of a ranking veteran of the Royal Guard and former royalty, but it was almost gaudy with the additions her stepmother had added: flowers in great abundance, and bright pastel paints. To have a house bright and flowery enough to make even an alicorn princess cringe was an impressive feat. With reluctance, Flurry knocked tenuously on the door.

Almost immediately the last creature she wanted to see answered.

“Oh, if it isn’t little Flurry Heart!” Chrysalis gave a warm smile to her stepdaughter, reaching out awkwardly to hug her but stopping when she saw the filly tense, “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised you still haven’t warmed up to me… even after five years.”

“Sorry, Chrys, but it’s hard to warm up to a someone who tried to kill me several times during my formative years,” Flurry said as she walked past her stepmom, muttering under her breath, “and also ruined my parents’ marriage.”

“I do try to make up for that, though…” Chrysalis kept her smile but Flurry could sense the frown in the changeling’s eyes even without looking, “I’m changed, in more ways than one.”

Flurry spared a look back at the former queen. Chrysalis had changed, just as all her kin had, into a stunning creature of shining blue and green chitin, with waves of silky hair. Her horn was as majestic as Flurry’s birth mother’s, and her magic had become the color of vibrant spring rather than creeping venom. Her eyes remained like those of ponies, bright blue irises surrounding black pupils, unlike the rest of her kind. Somehow, the fact Chrysalis looked neither fully pony nor fully changeling made Flurry’s stomach flop. Honestly, everything about the changeling mare rubbed Flurry the wrong way, but she tried to stay cordial for her father’s sake.

“I guess so,” she relented, not wanting to make Chrysalis mopey so soon into her stay. Despite her negative feelings towards her, Flurry Heart still recognized that she wasn’t the same creature that had tried to ruin her family in the past, and so it wasn’t fair to be cruel to her. “Is dad home, yet?”

“Sadly, he’s still at work,” the feeling of loss from being separated from Shining Armor was so genuine in Chrysalis’ voice that Flurry failed to stop from rolling her eyes. Ever since turning good, the former queen had been a hopeless romantic, swooning for the former prince. Hopeless probably wasn’t the best word since she had achieved her dream.

It irritated Flurry to no end how her parents – the rightful rulers of the Crystal Empire – had just… fallen apart. They had grown unhappy and distant by the time she had grown into a young filly, and they had found companionship in King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis – two of their greatest adversaries whom they had been tasked to help reform. It turned out that, besides their past as rivals, they all had shared interests. In time, a combination of jealousy and desire had ultimately led to Cadance and Shining Armor simply deciding that a divorce was the best option. Before Flurry had even had time to get used to the idea of her parents being separated, her mother had taken Sombra as her new husband and her father had taken Chrysalis as his wife soon after. Only a few years had passed, but both had tried to bond with her.

She hated it. She hated them, and how fake they seemed with their kindness. She hated her parents for breaking their family apart and marrying former tyrants who had tried to kill them all. She hated having to visit her dad on weekends. She hated how Sombra and Chrysalis tried to spend more time with her than her own, busy birth parents. She hated how, even when she had time with her mom or dad, they insisted on Sombra or Chrysalis tagging along. She hated how her parents wanted her to somehow forget the nightmares those two had caused, to forgive them, and to welcome them into her heart.

So much hate for the daughter of the Princess of Love.

“I… heard you’ve taken an interest in Hyperspace Hyperwars,” Chrysalis spoke up. Flurry Heart refused to look back at her, not wanting the changeling to see her sneer. “We could pass the time until your dad gets home with a quick round, if you’d like.”

“That sounds…” Flurry forced something approaching civility into her tone as she shot a fake smile back at her stepmother, “…lovely, but I’m so tired. It’s been a busy week; Sunburst has me reading almost as much as Aunt Twilight these days. So, uh… I’m going to take a nap.”

“Oh… okay…” Chrysalis gave a fragile smile.

Flurry Heart felt a twinge of guilt as she climbed the stairs towards her room. Guilt? For making Chrysalis sad? Nah. It was probably just frustration that, now that Chrysalis was upset, she’d hear about it from her dad. The young alicorn entered her room and closed the door harder than she intended, wincing as it slammed. Great, there was that guilty feeling again. With a sigh, she decided to play out her frustrations. Starlight Glimmer – who had become like an aunt and second mentor to her after marrying Sunburst – had given her a lot of her old mementos from childhood. The punk/goth aesthetic was very pleasing to Flurry Heart, especially since she was sick of having to travel from one candy-coated household to the next. Probably her favorite gift was Starlight’s guitar.

Plugging the guitar into the amp with a sigh, Flurry began to play out her emotions.

Shining Armor sighed as he approached his house, hearing the thrash metal long before he reached the door. Forcing a tired smile onto his face, he didn’t even have time to use magic to open the door before Chrysalis opened it for him. He immediately perked up seeing her, feeling ten years younger. Then he noticed her pained expression, despite the obvious efforts to hide it, and the fact she’d been crying.

“Flurry’s home, I take it?” the stallion asked dryly.

“I suppose the music gave it away,” the changeling’s giggle was forced, “I’ve learned to tune it out.”

"Did she say anything rude?" Shining asked, concern on his face.

"No!" Chrysalis was a little too quick to answer, "I'm just... I know I'm not her mother, but I'm trying so hard to be her friend. It's still a new concept to me, and I'm getting frustrated, and when I get frustrated, I get angry, and if I get angry, I'm worried I'll-"

"Easy, easy," the stallion shushed his wife, bringing her into a comforting embrace, "There's no need to worry, Chryssy. You're not the world-conquering schemer you used to be."

"You're about the only one who thinks so..." Chrysalis mumbled into his shoulder. She seemed much more like her normal self when they were alone. An idea occurred to Shining.

"Why don't you drop the act around her?" he asked.

"What act?" Chrysalis looked offended, baring her fangs, "I'm changed, Shining! I'm a-"

"Chryssy, I swear, if you make a changedling joke again, we're filing for divorce."

There was a paused.

"I'm a changedling."

"I hate it when you call my bluffs," Shining rolled his eyes, "What I mean is that you tend to act really sweet and friendly around Flurry, but have you tried just... being yourself? Maybe not try so hard?"

"What do you mean?" the changeling Queen looked genuinely confused.

"I mean, well... you were counseled by Starlight, weren't you?"

"Yes, yes," Chrysalis sighed dramatically, "Worst year of my life! All the 'I know there's good in you,' this, and 'I'm not giving up on you that easily,' that. So sanctimonious. So dull."

"I know you like her," Shining smirked, "Why else do you send her a kite on her birthday every year?"

"What was your point about my counseling?"

"Oh yeah. My point was, what did she teach you about pretending to be something you aren't?"

"That if I can't be the real me, then I shouldn't expect to make real friends," Chrysalis murmured, repeating the lesson Starlight had taught her verbatim, "Do you really think Flurry will like me if I quit being nice? She thinks I'm a monster! How is acting snide going to help improve that image?"

"I can't say if she'll like you or not," Shining smiled, "but there's no reason for you to be uncomfortable living here. Who knows? Maybe with the punk phase she's going through, she'll actually warm up to the real you."

Chrysalis looked thoughtful, but still uncomfortable.

"How about I go talk to Flurry, and invite her downstairs for a game of Hyperspace Hyperwars, alright?" Chrysalis perked up at the mention of the game, "Just be yourself."

"I won't be playing, will I?"

"You have just as much fun watching and making fun of players as you do playing," the stallion chuckled.

Chrysalis only nodded, giving the minimum of consent, but Shining rushed off to enact his plan before she could ferret a way out. The stallion approached the door of her daughter and braced himself for the volume of the music he'd have to deal with. Knocking with the same force he would have used before entering a felon's hideout, Shining waited for his daughter's response. The music lessened considerably.

"Who is it?" Flurry's muffled voice came through the door.

"It's daddy," Shining beamed despite the fact his daughter couldn't see him. There was the sound of several locks being undone and then the door cracked open, revealing half of his daughter's face. The pink fur of her face was detailed with dark mascara and an assortment of punk accouterments hung around her neck and in her mane.

"How many times do I need to tell you, dad, I'm too old to be calling you daddy?" Flurry cringed, "Feels like something Chrysalis would call you."

"Wow," Shining cleared his throat, not expecting that response and not sure how to handle it. Some heat entered his cheeks at the fact that his wife did like to call him daddy... "Uh, so, I know you just got here, but how about a game of Hyperspace Hyperwars? Just the two of us?"

"And where's your wife going to be if it's just the two of us?" Flurry sneered, but as usual her dad didn't let that bother him.

"She'll be watching the game," he chuckled, "giving strategic advice."

"Oh boy, a back seat gamer," Flurry rolled her eyes, "Like I need her advice."

"I never said she'd be helping you," her father let out a laugh, "If it'll make you feel better, she won't put up the act of being so sweet anymore. I know it makes you uncomfortable."

"I knew it was an act!" Flurry scoffed, then looked confused, "Wait, how does she act around you?"

"Come downstairs, play a match with me, and find out."

Curiosity getting the better of her, the filly followed her father down to the basement which he'd converted into the "War Room". Several large tables stood, ready to be used for any number of games, or wheeled together for one massive game. Shining Armor often hosted Ogres and Oubliettes nights with Flurry's Uncle Spike and the other nerds of the realm, but she'd also caught him and Chrysalis playing simpler games like chess or cards. Chrysalis was already down there, having fished out the carrying cases holding Shining Armor's Galactic Defenders army, and Flurry's Auroral Specters.

Father and daughter examined the battlefield Chrysalis had set up, and Flurry privately admitted that it was expertly tailored for their two armies. Using ubran scenery (from the Galactic City Ruins line of sets, naturally), the changeling had recreated a ruined city block with both broad avenues and side streets, plenty of barricades, large enough spaces for heavier weapons and vehicles, and hiding holes. With the addition of craters and other scenery, all of it painted to perfection, Flurry almost felt as if it were a diorama of some historical battle. But it couldn't be; Hyperspace Hyperwars was set in a distant future with technologies ponies could scarcely dream of.

"Nice work, Chryssy," Shining grinned, "This is gonna be tough."

"For you, maybe," Flurry smirked, "She could've set the table with you in trenches and me in open ground, and I'd still curb stomp your tin soldiers."

"Nice trash talk, kid," Chrysalis grunted, a small twist of her lips showing her approval. The very-Chrysalis response caught both of the ponies' attentions and her ears drooped. "What? I thought you wanted me to quit acting sickly-sweet?"

"I'm just... surprised," Flurry confessed, keeping her expression neutral. She wasn't old enough to remember any conversations with Chrysalis before her change, but she had never expected the evil changeling Queen of her nightmares to be snarky. "Let's get started."

They'd set up their armies, and began the game. Chrysalis observed in silence for the most part. She didn't have much advice to give to either player. Shining was a veteran of the game, and a competent real-world strategist. The Galactic Defenders were based on more traditional soldiers, and despite the unrealistic technologies in the game's universe, Shining's army of choice was relatable enough that he could apply his real-world strategies to the game. For all intents and purposes, he had the edge.

Yet - and Chrysalis was surprised - Flurry was no slouch, either. The Auroral Specters were an odd faction - more fantasy than science fiction, and heavily inspired by both the umbrals from the Crystal Empire (hence the "aurora" cliche) and the Windigos. A dark, foreboding army, they specialized in debuffs, area-of-effect attacks, stealth, and invulnerability saves. They lacked any traditional weapons and were a difficult army to play for many. Yet, here was a filly - relatively new to the game - who was employing them to great effect, making use of all the cover and alleys Chrysalis had provided, spreading her forces to cover as many arcs of fire as possible and to saturate the field with her AoEs.

Chrysalis realized Shining was the first to make a mistake. He was unfamiliar with Auroral Specters; unsurprising, since they were such an obscure faction. He moved his forces forward, trying to use firecorn soldiers to burn the specters out of the side streets. Before they could get into position, Flurry activated a string of AoEs, catching every firecorn in several blasts. She rolled one attack pool of dice after another, each one picking off anywhere from one to five firecorns. By the time the AoEs finished, Shining Armor was gaping at the total destruction of his close-range fire support units, and the fact that - due to the side alleys Flurry was using for her approach - none of his long-range units would have the distance they needed to pick off Flurry's Specters.

Chrysalis suddenly laughed - a laugh that for all the world sounded like her evil laugh - and once again drew both sets of eyes.

"I'm sorry, dear, but you have to admit," the Queen smirked, "that was an impressive move. You only made one mistake, and Flurry managed to decimate your army with one series of attacks because of it."

"I admit," Shining frowned, "I got a little cocky. Should have known my daughter would be a prodigy at this. I mean, she is my daughter, after all."

"I dare say she's already surpassed you in skill," Chrysalis was looking at Flurry now, "The Auroral Specters are a difficult army to master. They're tactics are unconventional to say the least."

Flurry muttered a close approximation to thanks and returned her focus to the game, trying not to blush too much at the praise. At first she had assumed the changeling was simply blowing smoke, but the vexation on her father's face showed Chrysalis' biting remarks had been genuine. She hated herself for feeling a small sense of pride at Chrysalis' assessment of her skills, and a curious desire not to embarrass herself by losing.

The match progressed quickly - as quick as a tabletop could - and within three rounds they had entered the endgame. Flurry Heart had control of all but one objective, whilst her father had fortified the position with enough firepower to give her pause.

"Seems we're at an impasse," Shining Armor sighed, but he was smiling. It made him proud to be able to enjoy this hobby with his daughter. Cadance had never understood his hobbies, had never been able to relate. She'd always thought of his interests as cute and childish, which had been demeaning at best.

"An interesting match," Chrysalis mused aloud, eying the table with a calculating gaze. The scenario they were running had a six-turn limit and demanded one side control all the objectives. At this point, there was no way either side could win unless they had the luckiest rolls imaginable. Shining's position was too well-fortified; if Flurry moved up she'd likely lose all of her forces to incoming fire, and she'd leave her own objectives unguarded. Shining couldn't afford to break out of cover, either. The game was a draw. "I didn't expect you to put your father in a stalemate."

"It's happened before," Flurry said, nonchalant.

"So I recall," Chrysalis nodded, looking the field over, "which was why I designed the layout to both of your strengths."

"What?" the young alicorn furrowed her brow.

"You mean you never noticed how Shiny always gave you some kind of edge?" the changeling smirked.

"Chryssy, you aren't supposed to tell her," Shining chided.

"That's..." Flurry put a hoof to her chin, thinking back. Usually games with her father did seem to limit his own army in some capacity. Tight quarters where he couldn't apply formations, strength of numbers, or heavier units; sometimes he was out in the open instead of occupying fortified positions. "Hey, wait a minute! Dad, you've been going easy on me!"

"Not this time, sweetie," the stallion eyed his wife with a small smile, "I let Chryssy set the table this time. She wanted to put your skills to the test."

"I wasn't exaggerating when I said you've probably surpassed your father in skill," Chrysalis explained, "the Auroral Specters are an unusual army with very niche strategies; Shiny's army is simple."

"Hey now," the Royal Guard glared, "I can't think of any army simpler than Sludgenoids."

"Sludgenoids are a time-honored and integral faction to the lore of the franchise!" Chrysalis snapped, defensively. She blushed and cleared her throat, "I digress. The point is, I enjoyed watching the match."

"Thanks," Flurry couldn't stop the smile on her face. Her stomach rumbled.

"Oh, you're hungry," the changeling noted, "It is around dinner time, isn't it? I guess I'll go make some dinner."

"Honey, we've been over this," Shining explained, tactfully, "you're not used to pony food. Maybe I should cook something?"

"Oh, like your cooking is any better," the former Queen rolled her eyes, "Let's let Flurry decide."

The pair looked down at the filly who suddenly felt awkward having to choose. Honestly, her dad cooked about as well as the quartermaster tasked with feeding thousands of Royal Guards. He was right about Chrysalis' lack of taste, though. The changeling had been introduced to cuisine for a long time, but her culinary talents were always prone to experimentation, eager to try new flavors. It had taken awhile to break her obsession with chocolate, and Flurry dreaded another potential "chocolate lasagna" incident.

"What about eating out to celebrate my near-victory?" she offered instead. Fortunately, despite their infatuation with one another, Chrysalis and Shining hated each other's cooking as much as Flurry did.

"Sounds good," her dad was quick to respond with Chrysalis right on top, "Delicious."

Flurry went to the bathroom while her father and stepmother prepared to leave, mostly to gather her thoughts. She stared at herself in the mirror,appreciating her heavy eyeliner and piercings, but really she was deep in thought. Chrysalis wasn't completely intolerable to be around. For an hour, Flurry had been in the same room as her and not felt ill or furious; they had spoken, Chrysalis had complimented her, and it hadn't made her cringe or fume. The filly shuddered at the idea she might actually come to like the mare.

No, she chided herself, not like; tolerate.

She could, she conceded, tolerate Chrysalis. After all, any fan of Hyperspace Hyperwars couldn't be all bad, right?

Author's Note:

I was putting off sharing this fic because I have a bad habit of starting things and not finishing them, but for whatever reason, I've decided to just upload all my unfinished projects and let caution to the wind.

So... enjoy, or whatever.