• Published 13th May 2020
  • 3,063 Views, 100 Comments

Second Chances - Mediocre Morsov

A story in which the un-redeemed villains of Season 9 were spared and reintegrated into Equestria. Set 13 years after the point of divergence.

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Chapter 9

What price would you pay?

Cozy's eyes snapped open as she woke up. She felt her heart beating in her chest, but seeing the sunlight coming in through the windows made her relax as she realized she was back home and not... wherever she'd been.

Half-memories of ancient architecture still stirred in her mind but she banished them from her mind. Her training was ending soon, meaning it was only going to get tougher. She needed to focus.

The realization she was almost a Wonderbolt made her feely giddy and electric. She was going to finally be remembered for something other than a terrible villain. The promises her parents had made to her, that she could redeem herself, were almost coming to fruition.

But it was also the fall break, where students would be returning home from the School of Friendship for a few days. Cozy had gotten so used to living alone with Sunburst and Starlight that she froze when she nearly slammed into Luster after leaving her room. The two stared at each other in astonishment, neither having seen the other in what felt like years, but had really only been since the last holiday - which was, admittedly, many months earlier.

"You're so tall now..." Cozy commented, surprised by her own remark. It was true; Luster was nearly as tall her now, coming to the age where fillies reached their full height. Luster had also changed her mane style to a ponytail, and she carried herself with dignity and self-importance. There was also... something else in her eyes, something unpleasant, whenever she looked at the older pegasus.

"Are you here for the holidays or do you still live with mom and dad?" the filly asked. She noted how little Cozy had changed in appearance, with her loose blue curls and dour expression. Still, there was a lighter cast to her eyes, and the mare stood taller. She seemed to move with more economy and discipline.

"It was their idea," Cozy broke eye contact, bitterness spoiling the brightness that had been on her face. "I was staying in the barracks until Captain Dash made me go home."

"You stayed in the barracks?" Luster was momentarily unsettled. "Like the Royal Guard? I thought the Wonderbolts let recruits and members keep one hoof in the civilian world?"

"They do," Cozy moved past the unicorn without looking at her. "I just didn't want to be a burden. Like I said, it was their idea."

Luster felt a twinge of guilt as she watched her sister move towards the stairs. She called out suddenly.

"I'm glad!"

The pegasus stopped and shot a surprised look over her shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here, I mean," the unicorn continued. "I... it wouldn't feel right if you weren't... home. Especially when I come to visit."

Cozy didn't say anything, but Luster saw the smile tugging at the mare's lips as she nodded. The lightness in her steps returned as well, evidenced by how she glided down the steps and into the kitchen.

"No flying in the house, Cozy," Sunburst sighed as his oldest daughter narrowly dodged him on her way into the kitchen. "Will you be long at training today?"

"It's just a few drills we could do in our sleep," the pegasus chuckled as she grabbed a piece of buttered toast from the stack her parents had prepared for them. "Cap is taking it easy on us for a few days because a lot of us have siblings on vacation from the schools. She said we'll have to work twice as hard to make up for it, but I'm no stranger to strenuous work."

"As long as she doesn't put you in the medical tent again..." Starlight spat as she readied some tea.

"Cozy was put in a medical tent?" Luster asked as she arrived in the kitchen, levitating toast to her. "When did this happen?"

"Weeks ago, early on in training," Cozy shot a look at her mother. "Let it go, mom."

Luster coughed as she choked on her toast.

"Did you just call her 'mom'?"

"Oh yeah, that's a thing now," Sunburst noted dryly, smiling. "All because she made a friend, too."

"Dad..." Cozy blushed.

"Really? You?" Luster forced a mean smirk on her face, but she couldn't hide the envy she felt. Cozy Glow had made a friend before her? The little tyrant? That was just embarrassing.

"Jealous?" the pegasus smirked playfully, but it might as well have been a slap to the face for how disgruntled the unicorn felt. "Relax, it's not that impressive. Thirteen years and I've only made one friend. I hear you've made one, too."

"You have?" Starlight turned from the tea, a smile blooming on her face as she went to hug her youngest daughter. "Oh, sweetie, that's great!"

"Is it your roommate?" Sunburst asked, equally enthused.

"Yeesh, give me space to breathe!" Luster backed away, shooting a suspicious look at her sister. "Yes, it was my roommate, though I think 'friends' might be premature. How did you find out, though? I never told anyone."

"She told me," Cozy looked confused. Her confusion grew at the confusion on her sister's face. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just confused why Flurry Heart would tell... you..." the unicorn's eyes widened as the pieces fell into place. "You're the older mare! You're her one friend!"

"Golly, not anymore," Cozy shuffled nervously. "Older mare? Really? That makes it sound... creepy."

"I can't believe this!" Luster scoffed. "I finally make my first friend, and I have to share her! With you! This is unbelievable!"

"Oh come on, you can both be friends with Flurry Heart," Starlight rolled her eyes. "Especially since you're her only friends."

"And what was all that about 'friends' being premature?" Sunburst weighed in.

"She... didn't mention me by name?" Cozy felt a little hurt.

"No, that detail seemed to slip through the cracks," Luster sighed. "Well... whatever. Princess Twilight taught me to share one's siblings with friends, so I suppose the inverse must be true."

"You can even hang out together, maybe," Starlight suggested, hopefully.

Luster and Cozy spared an unreadable look before turning away from each other to start their own tasks.

"I need to get to training," Cozy said. "It won't take long, but I was going to see about hanging with Apple Bloom and the girls. She's invited us to the farm for a get together this evening. Applejack said she mentioned it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Starlight gasped. "Of course we'll be there. Luster, you should join us."

"I don't know..." the filly tried to stay neutral, but she felt a well of bitterness at the fact Cozy apparently also had other friends. With the school counselors, and the professors too? What had changed? She hadn't even noticed Cozy working at the school!

"You could meet new creatures and make new friends," Cozy suggested. "Little Mac is about your age."

"...I'll consider it," Luster shot her sister a glare, then took a calming breath. "Sorry, it's just... finals are coming up, and you know how I get about tests."

"Yeah," Cozy smiled sadly, "I know."

"I'll be there, I just... need to relax a little first," Luster forced a smile on her face. "I'll be in my room studying for a bit. Let me know when it's time to go."

The family said their goodbyes before going their separate ways.

"I can't believe it's already time for another family reunion!" Chrysalis beamed as she entered the open hive where all the changelings were gathered. "Where are my boys?"

King Thorax and Pharynx approached and indulged in their mother's mushy attention for a moment before she moved on to greet the rest of her various offspring. Flurry watched the spectacle with a detached fascination at how changeling families worked. The idea that every changeling there was somehow Chrysalis' foal boggled her mind.

"Sup," Pharynx greeted her. "You still shred that guitar?"

"You know it, cos," Flurry shot back, sharing a hoof-bump with the changeling monarch. Unlike most of the changelings, Flurry got along well with the more aggressive, broodier changeling.

"Is she always like this?" the king asked, watching Chrysalis. "I mean, I understand how she was before was wrong, but... couldn't she stay a little mean?"

"Oh, trust me, she's got some bite under all that sugar," Flurry grunted. "She just doesn't want to scare off her kids again."

"Huh, so you have been getting to know her," Pharynx scowled. "Not gonna lie, I'm a little angry. You're her stepdaughter and know her better than any of us. Kinda feel cheated."

"Do you want her to beat you at Hyperspace Hyperwars while she monologues about impending Sludgenoid dominance?" Flurry asked in a deadpan.

"Oh hive, does she still do that?" Pharynx groaned. "Yeah, no, I don't miss that. Anyway, I'm glad she's happier at least."

"You're glad someone else is happy?" Flurry smirked. "What, did you get a girlfriend or something?"

"No!" Pharynx blushed, surprising the filly. Usually when she made that joke it was patently false.

"Wait, you found a girlfriend?" the alicorn's eyes widened. "You?"

"Yeesh, don't act so surprised," the changeling cleared his throat, "and keep it down, will you? It's nothing serious right now; we just sort of meet up from time to time."

"I'm speechless," Flurry put a hoof to her chest in mock offense. "And here I thought we were the closest of cousins. This is a gross betrayal from my kith and kin."

"Hardy-har," Pharynx grunted. "What about you? You find a special... what do you guys call it?"

"Special Somepony."

"Wow, that's tacky."

"Hey, that's our culture," Flurry snickered, "but yeah, it is pretty tacky. And no, I haven't found one. Made two friends, though."

"That's great!" King Thorax beamed as he approached, eliciting a groan from both Pharynx and Flurry. "You can groan, but I know you both like me."

"Yeah, but you know we like to hang in the back and make fun of others during these things," Flurry pointed out. "Are you gonna babysit us?"

"I was just coming over to say hello," Thorax assured them, "but I overheard you made two new friends and wanted to congratulate you! It's always great making new friends."

"Ugh, you sound like a motivational calendar!" Pharynx groaned louder.

"Hey babe," a female voice was preceded by the only dragon at the reunion, Princess Ember. The blue dragoness stopped by Thorax's side, the two sharing a brief kiss while Pharynx and Flurry looked away and gagged. She smirked at the two afterwards. "Jealous?"

"Just nauseous from watching my brother suck on your lizard lips," Pharynx grinned mischievously, pleased at how Ember bared her fangs.

"Can we have a get-together without you two starting a fight?" Thorax pouted.

"If you'd let me finish the fight, there wouldn't be another," Ember snorted a quick burst of blue flame.

"You're just upset because my brother's saved your scaly hide-"

"Hey, no talking about my girlfriend's scaly hide," Thorax had an edge to his voice that made his brother shut up. Then Thorax smiled and pulled Ember closely. "I happen to like her hide."

"Oh, you're feeling daring tonight," Ember grinned, waggling her brow.

"Ugh! There are younglings present!" Flurry stuck her tongue out.

"Considering some of the things I've heard come out of your mouth, squirt," the dragoness laughed, "I'd say you could handle any of Thorax's pillow talk."

"I imagine your pillow talk is pretty bad," Pharynx chuckled.

"You imagine your brother's pillow talk?" Flurry smirked.

"Shut up," the black changeling king deadpanned, unamused.

"But seriously, tell us about your friends," Thorax insisted.

"Alright, but only because I do enjoy talking about myself," the alicorn stated dramatically, "and because mom and Sombra haven't arrived yet; you know I love to watch my parents awkwardness," the others murmured varying levels of agreement, remembering how often their family reunions turned into debacles because of Flurry's parents. "The most recent friend is named Luster Dawn. She's a unicorn - Headmare Starlight's daughter, actually, and the daughter of my former mentor, Sunburst."

"Oh yeah, Star did end up with that dork, didn't she?" Ember grunted.

"You're one to talk," Flurry shot back, blushing.

"Ah, that's right, you liked that dork," the dragoness grinned. "Sorry kid, I forgot."

"So you've begun hanging out with his daughter so you can infiltrate his household and steal his love?" Pharynx raised an eyebrow. "Wow, Chrysalis has trained you well."

"Alright, alright, ease up," Thorax intervened, seeing the filly's choler rise. "Who's your second friend?"

"The first friend I made was Cozy Glow," Flurry noticed how the three tensed at the name. "She's reformed. Seriously, she's joining the Wonderbolts and everything."

"Those stunt flyers?" Pharynx asked.

"They also help creatures in need during emergencies, and help with the weather," Thorax noted, visibly relaxing. "If they're letting Cozy Glow join, then she must be truly reformed."

"Or a good actress," Ember noted. She saw the look in Flurry's eyes and sighed, relenting. "But I trust you're judgement, kid. I've never met her, and honestly what I've heard about her sounds outrageous. Plus, Star adopted her, right?"


"I like Star," the dragoness nodded. "It's funny how both your friends are the daughters of the headmare of the school."

The alicorn shrugged and made a noncommittal noise before they moved on to other topics.

Flurry passed the time trading a few stories with her step-cousins and Ember until her mother and Sombra arrived. As always, Sombra stood tall and proud, shifting his eyes in paranoia. Even after years of attending reunions with the changelings, the old king still held onto prejudices and fears of spies and assassins. Cadance looked suitably uncomfortable, still feeling as if she didn't belong since the only reason the ponies had been invited at all was because Shining Armor married Chrysalis. Thorax often put her at ease, assuring her that being the mother of Flurry Heart made her family. Besides, he'd go on to say, the changelings loved and adored her.

Eventually Cadance and Shining would bump into each other and talk like old friends, leading some petty argument between Chrysalis and Cadance, or a bravado argument between Shining Armor and Sombra. Naturally, things usually escalated until one or more of the creatures involved had to be dragged outside, screaming and ranting. Usually it was Sombra, but in the earlier reunions, any of them could wind up exploding.

This reunion, however, Flurry found herself actually spending time with her parents and step-parents, and as a result there was no escalation. Any time Sombra made some sort of challenge to Shining or vice versa, she snarkily cut them down in a joking manner that got them both laughing. Any snide remark Chrysalis or Cadance made at the other's expense was countered with Flurry bringing up a memory from when the two bonded during Chrysalis' rehabilitation, replacing their bitter emotions with reminders of their friendship.

Flurry found she enjoyed defusing the situations, feeling herself smile as she watched her father and stepfather discuss the finer points of military history without trying to brawl. She turned her attention to Cadance and Chrysalis who were chatting away like old friends. The youngest alicorn couldn't believe it, really. Not only had her parents divorced and married the two most dangerous enemies of the Crystal Empire, but now they were bonding as friends as much as couples. They might even be able to hold their own reunions with just the four of them.

"Do you think they're planning to swing?" Pharynx asked quietly at Flurry's shoulder, Ember flanking her on the other side.

Flurry made a retching, gagging noise while the changeling and the dragoness laughed at her expense.

As the reunion was coming to a close and Flurry was saying her goodbyes, she wondered what she could do for the rest of her days off. Cozy Glow would probably be busy with training, but perhaps Luster Dawn might want to hang out. It'd be interesting to see how the other filly behaved outside of an academic setting, if nothing else.

Flurry smiled at the thought. Yes, she would hang out with her unicorn friend tomorrow. If Luster was interested, of course.