• Published 13th May 2020
  • 3,040 Views, 100 Comments

Second Chances - Mediocre Morsov

A story in which the un-redeemed villains of Season 9 were spared and reintegrated into Equestria. Set 13 years after the point of divergence.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Luster Dawn looked up from her texts after she realized what her mom had said. Confused, she turned around to find the mare standing with another filly - a pink alicorn slightly older than Luster herself. She recognized her, of course; Luster wasn't so out of touch that she hadn't heard about and seen Princess Cadance's daughter strolling around the school. In fact, they'd meant once or twice in Canterlot. Luster had been jealous of the closeness Flurry Heart had with her aunt, Luster's mentor, Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh, hello," Luster made sure to bow despite the residual jealousy. It was illogical, she realized, but the fact some snarky punk could talk so informally to a princess was upsetting. Granted, Flurry was a princess too, but that just made her unprofessional manner all the more disconcerting. "Your Grace."

"I prefer 'Your Royal Highness', actually," Flurry said, haughtily.

"O-of course," Luster stiffened and bowed even deeper, "Your Royal Highness."

"Yeesh, relax," the alicorn snorted, turning to the headmare. "Was she born with a stick up her..." Flurry trailed off at the unamused expression on Starlight's face. "Uh, sorry. Come on, stand up. I might be the daughter of a princess, but don't treat me like royalty; I'm getting pretty tired of it."

"As you wish," Luster stood up, forcing down years of courtly etiquette to look Flurry in the face. Twilight had always advocated for informality, but her royal tutors in Canterlot had still managed to drill it into her. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Again, I mean."

"Likewise," Flurry inclined her head in greeting, her piercings jingling. She scanned the room briefly. "It's... kinda cluttered in here. Where do I put my stuff?"

"You... you were serious about moving in?" Luster's eyes widened. But... why? You're powerful enough to teleport home every night. It's illogical."

"Well, aren't you that powerful? Why don't you stay at home?" Flurry countered. "Heck, you could just go home with your parents every night."

"Why would I do that?" Luster raised an eyebrow, completely ignorant of the affect her words had on Starlight. "All my notes and research are here. What would I accomplish by going home each night when I could continue studying."

"I wanted to stay in the dorms because..." Flurry paused, wondering what she could say to speed things along faster. "It would help with my research."

"What are you researching?" the unicorn looked surprised and interested. "Is it some new magical enchantment? A powerful spell? An artifact?"

"Friendship," Flurry smirked. "Why else would I be enrolled here?"

"Ah, yes... of course," Luster immediately lost interest. "I... suppose I can find a place for my materials so you can live here. I'm not entirely sure why you'd choose to room with me, though. I-I'm honored, of course."

"I have it on good authority we could be... friends," Flurry spared a look back at Starlight who had stayed distant the entire time. The headmare gave a nod of approval.

"Friends?" Luster furrowed her brow, also sparing a look at Starlight. "Mom, you didn't put her up to this, did you?"

"Actually it was my mother who suggested it," Flurry outright lied, "after learning about you from Aunt Twily."

"I-I see," Luster shuffled at the mention of her mentor. "If a princess thinks we'd be compatible friends, then... alright, I'll try it."

"That's great to here, honey," Starlight beamed. "I'll leave you both to it, and remember: my door is always open."

"Thank you Mrs. Starlight," Flurry made sure to bow deeply to the headmare. She wasn't going to say anything, but she felt Luster had been more than a little rude in her casual dismissal of Starlight. Perhaps seeing how highly respected she was by an alicorn would inspire some better behavior. She was pleased to see the other filly bow dutifully while her mother shifted uncomfortably. "I'll come to you if I need anything."

The mare left the fillies alone. Flurry watched as Luster set about shifting her things around, levitating dozens of objects and moving them to and fro without even having to look at them. Flurry found herself being impressed, knowing the level of focus such levitation required. Still, any filly who trained under Twilight would surely be capable of such skill. Rumor had it that Starlight was the most powerful unicorn in the world, and that if Twilight hadn't been raised to the status of alicorn, then Starlight would have surpassed even her in power and skill. Starlight's daughter, trained under Twilight... it wasn't surprising Luster would be as talented as she was with magic.

Luster began to minimize most of her possessions with a shrinking spell, quickly freeing up half of the room for Flurry to use. The alicorn nodded in approval, teleporting her luggage from her mother's house and a few personal possessions from her father's house - notably her guitar and cases of Hyperspace Hyperwars miniatures. She quickly stowed her possessions and hopped onto her bed, spreading out with a sigh. She felt rather than saw Luster staring.

"See something you like?" the alicorn gave a playful smirk as she rolled onto her side and fixed the other filly with a purposely-terrible seductive pose. Luster took a moment to register exactly what was insinuated, then spazzed out in a blushing, apologetic mess. Flurry laughed and sat up. "Relax, will you? But seriously, why were you staring at me?"

"I, um..." the unicorn cleared her throat. "I was studying you."

"Huh," Flurry raised her eyebrows in surprise as she went back to laying on her back, "I was joking when I flirted; I didn't think you were really interested."

"Not like that!" Luster blanched. "I meant... I've seen you before, whenever you visited Canterlot. Princess Twilight even introduced us one time, but I just... I know you, and now we're roommates, and it feels so... weird."


"You've only ever been a... a distant relation, I suppose," Luster decided to turn her attention to organizing her shrunken books. "The former student of my father. The niece of my mentor. It feels like our paths should have crossed more already, and now we're suddenly roommates without even getting to know each other. I'm new to friendship, but doesn't that seem odd?"

"A little," Flurry shrugged, sitting up again. "I don't know what to expect. I've always been an only child; never had a roommate before. You have a sister, don't you? Surely you know what to expect more than I do."

Luster tensed at the mention of Cozy Glow.

"I have an adopted sister, yes," the unicorn spoke quietly, somehow enunciating 'adopted' without ever stressing the word. "She and I weren't particularly close."

"That's too bad," the alicorn spoke evenly. "She's a teacher here, did you know that?"

"They let her teach?" Luster looked up from her work, scowling. Flurry hadn't expected that kind of reaction.

"Well, assist in teaching," the alicorn gave a disarming smile. "What's got you so riled? Aren't you happy for your sister?"

"Because mom got her another job?" Luster grunted. "Or was it dad this time? She's a former criminal, you know. I learned all about her wild youth in Canterlot."

"Oh really?" Flurry had to keep her temper in check, feeling uncharacteristically angry with the other filly badmouthing Cozy. "And who told you all about Cozy Glow?"

Luster spared a curious look at the alicorn for knowing Cozy's name and for her tone, but she continued anyway.

"Princess Twilight," the unicorn explained. "The princess confided in me that she was worried about my sister, about an impending relapse. After all, for a mare who used to be obsessed with obtaining ultimate power now being reduced to relying on her adoptive parents for work... I mean, I'd feel insulted, but Cozy? She's probably half-crazed!"

"She got her job on her own merits," Flurry snapped, startling herself almost as much as Luster. It took some effort to calm herself. "Starlight and Sunburst are her parents, Luster. As much hers as yours."

"You and I both know they aren't," Luster couldn't help the small tug of her lips. "Biologically, I'm their only foal. Why do you care anyway? Have you met my sister?"

"Yes I have, actually," Flurry hopped off her bed, standing as tall as she could and pleased she was a few inches taller than the other filly so she could stare down at her. "Cozy Glow is one of the smartest mares I've ever met, and definitely one of the hardest working. She assists with teaching, and studies her flank off, and trains for the Wonderbolts, and still finds time to hang out with me when she can. You should show her - and your mother - more respect."

"Cozy joined the Wonderbolts?" Luster asked, confused. Flurry blinked, realizing the unicorn had completely ignored the last thing she'd said. "Wait, how did she get into the Wonderbolts?"

"Through the entrance exam," the alicorn explained. "I... didn't your parents tell you? She's been in for weeks!"

"I haven't really run into my parents much, but they might have mentioned it."

"Haven't run into... they run the school!" Flurry was incredulous. "How could you not run into them? Sunburst is almost always in the library! Starlight frequently visits students!"

"I mean, I've talked to them, just not often," Luster rolled her shoulders, uncomfortably. "Look, no offense, but I'm not trying to pry into your life. Can you not pry into mine?"

"Whatever," Flurry scoffed. She got up from her bed and headed for the door. "I'm going to see what they're serving for dinner."

"You should really be studying," Luster noted without turning around. "Friendship exams are coming up, you know."

"Bite me," the alicorn muttered as she slammed the door behind her.

"Trixie is impressed," Trixie Lulamoon commented as she finished listening to Flurry Heart vent. "Few students are so... expressive when it comes to their frustration with Luster Dawn."

"Yeah, well, you said to let it out," the alicorn sighed. She'd just unloaded all of her pent up irritation at her roommate onto the school counselor. "How can she talk about Cozy Glow like that? Her own sister!"

"You really don't pay attention much," Trixie gave a mirthless laugh. "The students talk about her behind her back all the time. Her and Luster."


"Well, older creatures remember Cozy Glow," the unicorn explained, sadly. "They remember the bad and haven't seen the good, so they tell and re-tell the old horror stories, and their kids hear, and they share and embellish... You know how rumors are. As for Luster, well, they don't like her. They think she's rude or weird. Or both. Once they find out they're sisters, they start connecting dots that aren't there, thinking the pair are somehow inherently freaks despite not being blood relatives. Trixie has tried her best to curb such cruelty, but... well, I can only do so much."

"Does Starlight know?" Flurry frowned. "I can't imagine having to deal with all these students knowing they talk so poorly about her daughters..."

"They're young, Flurry," Trixie giggled. "Starlight might have a temper, but she can keep a cool head around a few youths. She knows they don't know any better. Now, when Trixie says something stupid, that's another matter."

"That happen often?" the alicorn smirked. Trixie was one of a hoofful of adults with whom Flurry could be as snarky as she wanted. Unlike more polite society, the former magician had a penchant for mischief and could sympathize with the snarky heiress of the Crystal Empire. "Seriously though... thanks for listening. I feel like I'll be needing to visit you a lot more before I graduate."

"It's what I'm here for," Trixie pointed out. "If rooming with Luster becomes a problem, just ask Starlight for a transfer. You wouldn't be the first, and I know she won't take it personally."

"I don't want to give up, but she's just so rude!" Flurry groaned. "I mean, at least when I'm rude and snarky, I know I'm doing it. I honestly think Luster doesn't realize she's being rude, or worse, she thinks she's smart enough to cover it up."

"Hard to believe she's Starlight and Sunburst's kid," Trixie admitted. "Twilight and I might not get along very well, but I can't imagine she had anything to do with Luster's attitude."

Flurry frowned. She'd neglected to mention Luster's view on Cozy Glow had been shaded by Twilight. It still seemed impossible, the idea that her aunt - the embodiment of friendship and advocate for redemption - could view the adopted daughter of one of her closest friends so poorly. And to share that negative impression with Cozy's own sister? It simply beggered belief.

"I think she needs a friend," the alicorn sighed, "or at least someone with sense enough to smack her upside the head."

Trixie gave a disapproving look.

"Metaphorically," Flurry gave a sly grin, "of course."

"Of course..." the counselor murmured. "Trixie will not help you if Starlight comes down on you because her daughter has a concussion."

"I'm much to scared to get on Headmare Starlight's bad side," Flurry laughed lightheartedly. "I might have to take Luster down a peg or two before the semester is over if she keeps up like this."

"Or you could try to bond with her over a shared interest, or a shared problem," Trixie noted absently, feigning disinterest, "instead of resorting to force."

"What shared problem? That we have no friends?"

"You said it, Trixie didn't."

"Alright, fine. I'll go and talk to her," the alicorn made to leave. "I'm sure we have some shared interests."

"That's the spirit," Trixie beamed. "Have a good day, Flurry Heart."

Flurry said her farewell and began the trek back to her dorm. She could have easily teleported there, but she figured taking the time to walk the halls of the school would allow her to better adjust to her peers. She recognized a few of them, though she couldn't put names to any of the faces. There were sentient creatures from every corner of the world now attending the School of Friendship. Flurry appreciated the non-ponies, largely because they didn't know how rare alicorns were. She rarely had to deal with stares or gasps from Abyssinians, or kirin.

"I heard you've moved into the dorms," a female voice caught the alicorn's attention. Flurry turned to see Professor Smolder leaning against a doorframe, watching students pass by. The dragoness gave an easy smile. "Glad to see you're getting into the swing of things."

"We'll see how long it lasts," Flurry confessed with a grunt. "My roommate is... an acquired taste."

"Yeah, heard about who you'd be rooming with," Smolder took a sharp inhale. "Tough break. Still, if anyone can get Luster to come out of her shell and start making friends, it's you."

"Wow, that's optimistic," the alicorn blinked. "You really think so?"

"Sure," the dragoness smirked. "If you can't make her your friend, you could probably drive her crazy enough to leave her room and make some."

"You'd be the expert in that field, judging by Professor Ocellus' stories," Flurry shot back, wearing her own smirk.

"I'm gonna swat that bug..." Smolder muttered with a scowl. She regained her languid poise. "Alright, well, get out of here, kid. Try and play nice, alright?"

"Are you going to play nice with Professor Ocellus?" Flurry asked. She gave a small smile. "Say, are you and her... you know? I mean, you seem really close."

"Yeesh, can't two females hang out regularly without it becoming a scandal?" Smolder rolled her eyes.

"I can't help it, being the daughter of the Princess of Love and all," Flurry giggled. "Shippers gotta ship."

"Ugh, Ocellus says that about those fan books she writes..." Smolder massaged the bridge of her snout. "Just get back to your dorm, Flurry; you've got early classes tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," the alicorn grimaced. "Alright, alright; I'm leaving. Take care, Professor."

"You too, twerp," Smolder chuckled.

Flurry returned to her room and opened the door in time to see a bright flash.

And then nothing.