• Published 13th May 2020
  • 3,063 Views, 100 Comments

Second Chances - Mediocre Morsov

A story in which the un-redeemed villains of Season 9 were spared and reintegrated into Equestria. Set 13 years after the point of divergence.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Friendship was hard.

"Ugh," Cozy Glow grunted, voice muffled from her muzzle being in the cottony moisture of a cloud.

It had been thirteen years since the final defeat of her and the remaining villains. Thirteen long years. The young mare had considered the idea of lifelong imprisonment with the others a preferable alternative to being adopted by one of the mares who usurped her power, but in time she had grown to be thankful for her second chance.

I'm a big believer in second chances, was what her adoptive mother, Starlight, had said when Cozy Glow had finally cooled down enough to have a civil conversation with her. Third chances too, apparently, since those words had been spoken right after the filly had foolishly tried her hoof at vengeance against the Elements of Harmony and the Student Six.

Still, while Starlight had welcomed her into her life with an open heart, the rest of Equestria had been... less receptive. Which was why, even thirteen years later, she was face-down in the clouds.

"Again," the pegasus' tone was pitiless. Cozy glared up at her tormentor, daring to fix her with all the hate she could. Eye contact only made her 'workouts' worse, but darn it all if it didn't help alleviate the fury.

Cozy attempted to lift herself, but her forelegs wouldn't respond. They were swollen from exertion, and fatigued beyond pain. She would need to visit the infirmary after training. Again. Her wings were in a far worse condition, and Cozy suspected the rainbow-maned pony tasked with supervising her training was purposely trying to physically cripple her.

"Come on, Glow," a griffon recruit whispered, his motivation tinged with desperation. He snapped his beak shut at the look from Rainbow Dash.

"You really can't move, can you?" the Wonderbolt leader sneered. Cozy glared upwards, eyes half-crazed with hate and outrage as she let loose with a feral, shrieking roar of defiance. The older pegasus pursed her lips, impressed despite herself as the young mare forced herself up onto shaking legs. A twinge of guilt wormed its way into her heart, a bit of shame. Breaking their staring contest, Rainbow Dash nodded her head to the medical station. "Get fixed up, kid."

"Nuh-uh," Cozy huffed, voice hoarse from a throat raw from screaming, "Not this time, Dash. I'm not... giving you the satisfaction!"

"You're exhausted, kid," Rainbow let some concern show on her face, though she tried to keep up the mask of indifference, "If you do anything more, you'll really hurt yourself."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Cozy muttered under her breath. It was quiet, but the tension between them had silenced every other voice long ago. Even a whisper could be heard as clearly as a shout when one of them talked. Cozy winced when she realized everyone had heard her; a pegasus further down the line sucked air in through her teeth.

"Everyone! Dismissed! Get some rest and some lunch and be back here at 13:00, understood?" she waited for their affirmation and their departure before fixing the mare with a glare of disapproval, "Why do you think you can get away with acting like a moping foal, Glow?"

"What?" Cozy deadpanned, feeling her choler rise again.

"You think sulking and muttering things about me in front of everyone else is going to get you into the Wonderbolts?" the officer stepped forward, eyes narrowing.

"No, Captain Dash..." Cozy went ramrod straight, staring dead ahead, but was unable to stop from shaking. The shaking had more to do with fury than physical exhaustion.

"I swear, I don't know why I let Starlight talk me into-"

"Can we not, Captain?"

"What was that, Recruit?" Rainbow snapped, "If you have a problem with how we do things, you can always choose to wash out."

Cozy held Rainbow's glare, matching it in intensity, but then that intensity died. It was snuffed out, the younger mare's eyes going cold, losing their vibrancy. It was only through discipline that Rainbow was able to mask her surprise as Cozy slumped slightly - not just physically, but as if whatever had been supporting her for the past two weeks of training suddenly gave way. This was it; this was the defeat of Cozy Glow. The Captain of the Wonderbolts felt sick at the realization this was exactly what she had wanted.

"Permission to be dismissed, Captain?" Cozy's voice sounded frail, almost hollow. In all the years Rainbow Dash had known her, there had always been some kind of emotion to her voice. Sickly-sweet kindness or some other falseness, usually, but also genuine emotions of a wide range.

Not trusting herself to say anything more, Rainbow simply gave her permission and watched the mare limp to the infirmary. Watching the retreating mare, the older pegasus realized she'd worked Cozy into such a state that she would likely need days to recover. She might have even risked more serious injuries than that. A wave of self-loathing washed over the mare, and she couldn't quite put her heart into the rest of her drill instructing for the day. Before heading home for the night, the pegasus overheard some of the recruits discussing Cozy Glow.

"Poor Glow," one recruit sighed, "What's up with the Cap?"

"I don't know," the griffon muttered, "but it's not fair. The medic said Glow's going to need a week's bedrest!"

"Good luck with that," a female pegasus gave a cruel bark of laughter, "Remember when she worked Glow over so hard she had shin splints? Needed to recover then, too, but Cap skirted around that restriction by making her fly everywhere - even after training!"

"Ain't Glow the daughter of Headmare Glimmer from that friendship school?" a fourth recruit asked, "Starlight's one of Captain Dash's friends, ain't she? What the heck happened to put them on such bad terms?"

Rainbow left before they noticed her listening and stopped by the infirmary. Recruits were able to go home each day. The Wonderbolts were very regimented, just like the Royal Guard, but unlike that service their training allowed for them to keep one foot in the civilian world at all times. In fact, living a civilian life alongside that of the Wonderbolts was encouraged; it kept ponies from winding up as high-strung as Spitfire had been. Cozy Glow was still there, reading a book in bed.

"Hey kid," the older pegasus greeted.

"Captain Dash," Cozy made an effort at proper decorum, but winced at her injuries and slumped into the bed.

"At ease," her superior gave a dry chuckle, but any pretense of mirth left her features, "What are you still doing here? Why aren't you going home?"

"I can't feel my wings," Cozy gave a smirk that wasn't entirely pretty.

"Pony feathers," Rainbow called her out, "You could take a wind chariot home. Come to think of it, why hasn't Starlight attacked me yet? Considering the abuse you go through, and how protective she is..."

"I don't like to complain about my injuries," the recruit didn't look her superior in the eye, "It's not the first time I've been stuck in hospital beds by ponies who remember what I was like."

Bullied, Rainbow grimaced, she means it's not the first time she's been bullied. Bullied? That's rich, Dash. Try 'abused'.

"Still, she'd know something's up as soon as she looks at you," the Wonderbolt felt a chill run through her, "Wait, have you been... have you been staying at the barracks this whole time?"

"So what?" Cozy snapped, some of her usual vitriol returning, "It's better than running home to Starlight so she can click her hooves together and make things better!"

Rainbow Dash recoiled at the outburst and the younger pegasus struggled to keep tears out of her eyes.

"You need to go home," Rainbow said simply.

"You've been saying that since I got here," Cozy's voice was small and bitter. She flexed a wing she'd certainly sprained. "In actions more than words, at any rate. Is this where you kick me out? Tell me I'll never pass muster?"

"Why are you here, Cozy?" Rainbow asked. The fact she'd used Cozy's personal name was enough to catch the younger mare offguard. "I mean, why become a Wonderbolt? There's no power to be had, and not to be rude, but it's not exactly what you're good at."

"I seem to recall that I passed the entry exams and practice physicals just like everypony else," Cozy retorted, then frowned, "Everyone. Gotta remember there's more than just ponies..."

"I meant, you've always struck me more as an egghead than an athlete," Rainbow elaborated, "What with the psycho-mind games and political manipulation and all."

"Maybe I wanted to distance myself from that," Cozy huffed, "You know better than most that my past will never go away. Any ambitions I've ever had to be a leader are history. No one trusts me - not really. Few creatures even tolerate me."

"I see what you're doing," Rainbow grinned, "You dodged my question! Oh man, I didn't even notice for a moment! Seriously, though, why the Wonderbolts?"

"Starlight never told you?" Cozy raised an eyebrow, "I'm not going to. With all due respect, Captain, I'd like to get some rest."

"You'll get it, Glow," Rainbow's expression became neutral, "I'm sending you home."

"What?" Cozy looked like she had earlier on the field, eyes filled with dread, "So... you really are...?"

"Relax, kid," the Wonderbolt rolled her eyes, "I'm giving you medical leave. You've overexerted yourself and you shouldn't stay cooped up on the base the whole time. We're the Wonderbolts - not the Royal Guard."

Cozy relented quickly, though it was clear she wasn't looking forward to going home to her adoptive parents with her injuries. Truth be told, Rainbow wasn't either. Starlight would have her head for the abuse she had dished out, and while the Wonderbolt feared few things, Starlight was practically a force of nature with her mastery over magic. Worse, the reality that she had betrayed Starlight's trust by not giving Cozy a fair chance was even harder to face.

Rainbow Dash made certain that Cozy Glow boarded the wind chariot home before heading to her and Applejack's home, utterly spent. Hopefully Applejack wouldn't ask too many questions for why she was late.

The following morning was fairly routine. Applejack woke up first, getting to her chores along with her brother. Rainbow Dash slept in until Tank forced her awake, then proceeded to do her best to help out around the farm. Sometimes she simply stayed in her cloudy abode which hovered nearby, not wanting to completely move in with the farmer. It wasn't a fear of commitment, but the simple fact that - as a flyer - she longed to be in the sky.

Of course, she also longed to be in Applejack's bed, too. The other mare's body heat was a comfort during winter. And there were other reasons, too...

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack called out, pulling the pegasus from her perverted thoughts, "You got a visitor, and she ain't happy!"

The pegasus flew through the house and barely dodged a startled Sugar Belle before leaving the farmhouse. She wasn't sure why, but seeing Starlight there was somehow surprising.

"Hello, Rainbow..." the unicorn was clearly struggling not to seethe. Applejack and Big Mac looked between them for a moment before deciding to find farmwork somewhere else.

"H-hey there, Star..." the pegasus cleared her throat, "I take it Cozy Glow told you what's been happening?"

"No," the unicorn huffed, "Quite the opposite, actually. She comes home on medical leave because her body's on the verge of collapse, but all I could get out of her was 'nobody said it'd be easy'! Rainbow, I know for a fact that Wonderbolts training isn't intense enough to cause muscle strains that severe, and it sure as hay isn't intense enough to cause dislocations and bone fractures! What have you been doing?!"

"I... might have been putting her under more intense workouts than the others..." Rainbow confessed.

"I can't believe this," Starlight looked disgusted, "You've been abusing my daughter?"

"Adopted daughter," the pegasus shrugged, then winced at the idiotic move. As if trying to play off the severity of her mistake wasn't bad enough, she had to try doing it that way.

"Adopted or otherwise, Sunburst and I have been raising Cozy Glow since she was a filly - for thirteen years!" the unicorn was really seething now, "Thirteen years, Rainbow Dash. That's how long it's been since her crime. I don't understand why none of you can let this go."

"I realized I messed up, alright?" Rainbow snapped a little, just enough to signal Starlight to let her talk, "I messed up bad. I don't know why, but after what she did at the School of Friendship, how she almost destroyed everything... The way she talked about our students, about non-ponies... She was twisted. I never came face-to-face with a filly so cruel before. I mean, almost every creature we met was turned evil by some sort of curse, or by a misunderstanding, but there was none of that for Cozy Glow! I guess I just thought she was evil. I know she's not, but for some reason, I just... I'm sorry, Starlight. It won't happen again."

"You're right about that," the unicorn snapped, but at least the borderline hatred was gone from her voice, "She's withdrawing from the Wonderbolts."

"What?!" Rainbow's eyes widened and she felt an awful guilt bloom in her chest, "Tell her I promise not to treat her that way again! I swear, she doesn't need to quit!"

"It doesn't matter," Starlight cooled down even more at the pegasus' reaction, "I'm not letting her risk that kind of abuse anymore. I tried to tell her the Wonderbolts weren't the right way, tried to get her to follow Sunburst and I into education. She's brilliant - and a living example of why you should never give up on others. The lessons she's learned could help hundreds of students."

"The right way for what?" Rainbow asked, curious.

"Cozy wanted to join the Wonderbolts because she thought it was the best way to learn about friendship, to earn the trust and favor of others again," the unicorn's eyes welled up as she looked at the ground, bitter at the unfairness of it, "She talked a lot about you. Creatures adore you, and your loyalty. The Wonderbolts are famous for their camaraderie and loved for how they help others. Everyone trusts and respects them. Everyone adores them."

"That's why she wanted to be a Wonderbolt..." Rainbow's heart sank as it all finally clicked together.

"She wanted to be a hero," Starlight choked back a sob, "I blame myself. I told her... I told her how anyone, no matter what they'd done, could come back to the light. That even villains could become heroes. I guess I got her hopes up."

"Star," Rainbow put a hoof on her friend's shoulder, earning a death glare. The glare died at the serious expression on Rainbow's face. "Take me to her."


Cozy Glow stared at the poster hanging over her bed. A simple Wonderbolt recruiting poster. She felt like a foal for having it. She was already an adult and still living with her adoptive parents - nothing to be ashamed of, as Applejack and Pinkie Pie were quick to point out. Still, she felt the need to distance herself from her adoptive parents. They were loving, attentive, and Starlight had enough of a dark sense of humor that they could always have a good laugh. They understood her, understood what it was like to live a life of mistakes, and through their guidance she had grown up comfortable in the knowledge that others had been there before, had done far worse than her, and had been forgiven.

And yet... she was never really forgiven. Twilight still checked in on her, though it had become increasingly difficult to tell if there was still any mistrust there. It had been obvious, for the first few years that she was there to make sure Cozy wasn't a threat. The realization that a life in Tartarus or worse awaited her at the slightest hiccup had made Cozy acutely aware of the severity of her actions as she had grown older. The Royal Guard was closed to her. Every leader was aware of her, viewing her with skepticism and distrust. Employers, too. She had always been reliant on Starlight and Sunburst's good words to get her into anything.

Which was one of her reasons for joining the Wonderbolts. To get in on her own merits - though, admittedly, Starlight did have to argue the case for her enlistment - would be a milestone of independence.

Or it would have been, but that dream was up in flames. She really was better suited to education, or some inspirational work or another. She'd been to the dark and back. So far into the dark that the idea of imprisoning her and her cohorts in stone for eternity had been seriously considered. Cozy still felt uncomfortable around Discord for that suggestion, despite the fact that - as redeemed villains - they were pretty close. He was an oddly relatable creature that had helped her get through much of her frustration during the early years, even if he'd been incredibly infuriating.

"Cozy?" the young mare sat up at hearing the voice beyond her door. It wasn't Sunburst or Starlight, but rather a mare she didn't think to see so soon.

"Door's unlocked," she replied, voice still weak from her throat being raw. Her injuries were still fresh and she didn't exactly feel inclined to open the door for the other mare even if she were in perfect health.

"Hey," Rainbow Dash greeted as she entered, "Nice poster."

The joke was met with silence as Cozy continued to stare at the poster instead of acknowledging the guest in her room.

"I hear you're pulling out of the Wonderbolts," Rainbow's voice was quiet, "How I treated you was wrong. My behavior was shameful, and I'm sorry."

Cozy looked up at the other mare, expression unreadable.

"I know I'm probably the last mare you should be taking advice from, but quitting is a mistake," the older pegasus continued, "Star told me about why you wanted to be a Wonderbolt. To be respected. To be admired. To be a hero. To show creatures that mistakes don't have to be what define us. That sounds like top-notch Wonderbolt material to me."

"Golly, Starlight talked to you and now I'm getting what I want?" Cozy groaned, laying her head back, "Great."

"Stow the attitude, Recruit," Rainbow used her drill instructor voice, suppressing a smirk at the fact Cozy tensed up despite her injuries and misery, "If you think your mommy just negotiated for you to stay in, then you're even dumber than you look."

Cozy glared at Rainbow, irritation on her face and, more importantly, a fire in her eyes.

"As soon as you get back, you'll be working hard to catch up with the other recruits," the officer fluttered her wings, flying back and forth as she lectured, "You will wake up at the same time as the others, do the same workouts as the others, and go home at the same time as the others, do I make myself clear?"

Cozy narrowed her eyes.

"Doing the same workouts? What about catching up?"

"Studying, Recruit," Rainbow Dash pulled out a set of manuals from her flight jacket and tossed them onto Cozy's chest, "All the history, all the science, and all the maneuvers of the Wonderbolts. It's not enough just to be physically fit, after all."

Cozy recognized most of the manuals as from her locker. Well, raiding her locker was probably the least disrespectful thing Rainbow Dash had done to her since she'd enlisted. One manual wasn't hers, though, and it looked worn.

"What's this?" Cozy asked, opening it. A few names were written on the inside of the cover, the last two being Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.

"That's the officer's manual," Rainbow said, voice softening a little, "Upon successful completion of basic training, ambitious flyers with brains can try for a commission."

"I can't be commissioned," Cozy laughed at the absurdity of it, "I'm a former criminal! I was barely even let into the Wonderbolts!"

"Technically, your criminal record dates back to when you were a minor, and thus can't legally affect you during the selection process," Rainbow explained with a smirk, "And the officer program requires a bit of doing, but isn't impossible. Recommendations from creatures with influence, partly, and of course a recommendation from a commissioned officer, retired or otherwise."

"You're serious?" Cozy's eyes widened, "You'd... vouch for my commission?"

"Cozy Glow, I've never seen a pony take the kind of punishment I dished out on you for as long as you took it," Rainbow was completely serious, "You want this. You want this for reasons I can't even relate to. All I ever wanted to be was a Wonderbolt, and my only reason was because of the prestige. But you... You have awesome reasons for doing it! If you keep showing the same spirit you showed these past two weeks, then I would be honored to vouch for your commission."

Cozy Glow gaped, staring down at the manual in her hooves. It was obviously a personal item, handed down from one mentor to another. Cozy felt a warmth bloom in her chest and the fire of ambition reignite. She'd learned years ago not to fear her ambition when it was righteous. She could be a force for good, an example to others who had made terrible errors. She didn't have to be a villain or a pariah because of mistakes she made a lifetime ago. She could be everything she ever wanted to be.

"Tell my fellow recruits," Cozy shot her superior a confident smirk, "that it'll take more than a few sprains to keep me down."

"Just make sure your injuries heal, kid," Rainbow laughed, pleased by Cozy's fire. They said their goodbyes and the older mare was pleased to see Cozy staring at the poster again, but this time with an almost childlike wonderment in her eyes.

"Thank you, Rainbow," Sunburst's voice caught her by surprise as she was making for the front door. The stallion had tears in his eyes as he fixed his glasses, "It'll be awhile until Starlight cools down enough to tell you herself, but I want you to know that we are thankful for what you're doing."

"I'm just trying to fix my mistake," Rainbow blushed, "I shouldn't have treated her the way I did. I just couldn't believe she'd changed. I'm sorry."

"We all make mistakes," Sunburst chuckled at the mantra of their household, "Starlight will forgive you; actually, besides Fluttershy, you're probably the only one of her close friends who's really giving her a second chance now."

"What about Twilight?"

"Twilight's not entirely convinced..." the stallion shrugged, "She's busy with her job, you see. She tries to make time to visit us, always asking about Cozy Glow's progress. She's happy for Cozy, but there's always the suggestion... Well, you know what I mean."

Rainbow nodded. The princesses hadn't hesitated to lock Cozy Glow away in Tartarus as a filly - a prison designated for only the most dangerous creatures in Equestria. Looking back, it had seemed like a good idea at the time, but was now utterly ridiculous. Even when she had sided with Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek under Discord's stupid plan to boost the Elements' confidence, Cozy had still only been a filly with no unique powers - just some prejudice and an ambition to seize power. She was no more threatening than Gladmane or Filthy Rich, and they weren't even in jail, let alone Tartarus. Twilight couldn't be sure Cozy had changed - not 100% anyway - and while she supported the changes Cozy had made, it was clear there was always the threat of a relapse on most ponies' minds.

"Your daughter will be a Wonderbolt," Rainbow assuaged Sunburst's unspoken fears, "If she keeps doing what she's been doing, she'll wear the blue-and-gold in no time and move up the ranks. Might even move higher than me; she's got the brains to go far in the service. I guarantee, as soon as our friends see her in her first air show, their minds will change. Twilight and the others won't have any doubts anymore."

"Thanks," Sunburst's voice was frail, but warm, and he wiped tears from his eyes, feeling silly for getting so emotional. He cleared his throat, "Will you be staying for dinner?"

"It's probably best I get back home," the pegasus' ear twitched. She'd been hearing muffled hoofsteps and muted words from the basement since exiting Cozy's room. "I think dinner with Star right now might be a little... tense."

"That's putting it mildly," the unicorn snorted, "Don't be a stranger."

Rainbow Dash said her goodbyes and departed, flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. She felt lighter, younger. It had always been a pleasure helping young ponies achieve their dreams in Wonderbolts training, and Rainbow had taken pride in the fact her retention rate for recruits was the highest in the organization's history. The realization Cozy Glow was similar to her, had the same drive as her, made Rainbow almost giddy with anticipation. How far could she go? She hadn't been this excited since mentoring Scootaloo.

The future was looking bright.

Author's Note:

And here is Cozy Glow. She's probably the most OOC in the entire fic, but that's in an effort to demonstrate how much changed in 13 years.