• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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12. Springfield (Part 3)

Earth 1989


"Let's get readyyyy to tango!!!" Joker announced as he slammed his fist on a big blinking red button, activating the missiles on the back of the Big Arms. The missiles were launched from the mech's jetpack, flying towards the remains of Mr. Burns' office.

Sonic's eyes widened in alarm. "Those are homing missiles! Move!" The blue hedgehog took his own advice and dashed forward while the other heroes split apart.

Iron Man took to the skies.

Batman grappled away.

Twilight teleported.

Mario leapt to safety.

As the missiles collided with the floor, Joker laughed as he moved the Big Arms forward, anticipating Sonic's incoming attack. The blue hero curled up into a ball, spinning around with his incredible speed. But Joker simply backhanded the hedgehog back onto the ground.

Iron Man, seeing his ally rolling across the red carpet, flew forward to meet the Big Arms head on. The mech dashed forward, rearing back its arm to throw a punch. Once the two meet, Tony tried hitting The Joker and his mech with a Unibeam, but he had no time as Joker sent the billionaire hurdling back down onto the floor with a mighty punch.

As Tony landed on the ground, Twilight and Mario charged forward towards the edge of the roof. But the Big Arms sent them flying back as it shoulder charged the roof with such force that it shook the entire building. As they rolled to a stop, the mech raised a fist into the air before bringing it down with an intent to squish the two fallen heroes.

But they were saved just before the fist smashed down onto the roof by a certain hedgehog, who dashed over to grab the two of them in just the nick of time. Looking over to the hedgehog, Joker laughed as he dashed forward, the flower in the center of the mech spinning around at high speeds.

Seeing that Joker was headed right for him, Sonic made a break for it, dashing around the office as the Big Arms chased right after him.

"Stop me if you've heard this one!" Joker quipped as the flower began spraying his Joker Toxin.

Sonic picked up the pace, staying just ahead of both Joker and his deadly toxin. He kept the villain distracted as Batman helped Tony up to his feet, allowing them to come up with a plan to stop the insane monster piloting the Big Arms.

Once the toxin ran out, the flower stopped spinning, giving Sonic the opportunity to turn around and charge straight for the mech. He leapt into the air and hit the cockpit with two Homing Attacks, damaging the mech slightly. Once Sonic landed, he quickly sidestepped to the left as Joker brought down a hand to crush the hedgehog.

He then ran circles around Joker, creating a blue tornado that hindered the clown's vision, so he could give Twilight and the others the chance to inflict some damage to the mech.

Twilight fired a beam of magic at the Big Arms, striking it in the back as Iron Man hit the front of the mech with a Unibeam. As Joker spun around in circles, Mario leapt into the air and kicked the side of the cockpit, sending the clown down onto the ground. As he tried getting back up, Joker saw Batman gliding right towards him, intending on smashing through the cockpit glass to bring the pain.

But what they didn't know was that Joker wasn't done just yet.

He was just getting started!

Pulling down a switch inside the mech, Joker tapped into the Power Unit that was now powering the mech, and released a pulse of energy that sent all of the heroes flying backwards. While the likes of Mario, Sonic, and Twilight rolled to a stop at the edge of the rooftop, both Batman and Iron Man fell off the building.

Activating his thrusters and rocket boots, Iron Man launched himself upward to get back into the fight whereas Batman spread out his cape, gliding away from the building before using his momentum to glide himself upwards to land on the building.

Once the heroes were back in the fight, Joker hovered himself to the edge of the office as multiple blue portals appeared, hovering just above the floor. From within the portals, waves of Joker's Goons and Soulless Ones fell down and landed on the floor.

"In ya come, boys!" Joker ordered as he used the Big Arms' arms to wave, motioning for them to join the fight. "I've softened them up for ya!"

The Soulless Ones dashed forward.

Joker's Goons rushed along with them.

Batman took out his Grappling Hook and fired it at the chest of a Joker Thug. Once attached to the thug's chest, Batman zipped forward and kicked the criminal in the face, knocking him down. He then threw two Batarangs at a thug and a Soulless One, knocking the two of them down as well.

Iron Man flew forward, tackling a Joker Thug and throwing him into a Soulless One. He then stomped his feet onto the floor, skidding to a stop, and fired two Repulsor Blasts at two Incoming Soulless Ones. Once they were knocked down by the projectiles, Tony used his thrusters to backflip over a thug who swung at him with a crowbar. Once he landed behind the thug, Tony waited for him to turn around before he backhanded him to the floor.

Sonic dashed forward and slid on the floor, taking out the legs of a Joker Thug. Once the thug was sprawled out on the floor, Sonic curled into a ball and bounced upward. Uncurling, he saw that a Soulless One leapt up into the air, hoping to intersect him. The hedgehog smirked before spin kicking the robot in the face, sending it back down and knocking down another Joker Thug.

Mario dodged left and right, avoiding the crowbar meant for his face. The thug swung again, but this time Mario caught the weapon and pulled it out of his grasp. The plumber then jumped into the air, stomping on the thug's head, and threw the crowbar into the visor of a Soulless One, taking it out of the fight.

Twilight used her magic to levitate a Joker Thug into the air and then proceeded to throw the thug into two Soulless Ones, sending them both rolling across the floor. She giggled before galloping towards the Big Arms, which had been hovering at the edge of the roof.

"Well what do we have here?" Joker asked with an arched eyebrow. "Looks like the little horsey wants to tackle with the Big Leagues! Hah! That's cute and funny!"

Twilight frowned, "You're going to regret underestimating me."

Joker laughed even harder. "Oh, am I? Puh-leeze! I've been watching you fight my goons, if you could even call what you're doing fighting. All you seem to do is fire beams from that horn of yours. It seems to me that you've never actually been in a fight before, have you?"

And with that, Twilight's confidence shattered. It seems that she underestimated him. Joker was smarter than she thought, considering that he was a literal clown. He was right after all. She tried fighting Nightmare Moon and failed. She never even fought Discord, or Queen Chrysalis. She wasn't even there when King Sombra was destroyed, she was trapped in the crystal tower.

She didn't even know any Combat Spells, and Joker knew that.

Joker then proceeded to mock her. "You've never been in a fight before and you want to start with the 'Big Dog'? Ahahahahahahaha!!! That's funny! The little unicorn who looks like a children's show character wants to fight me! The Clown Prince of Crime! Ahahahahahaha!!!"

Twilight's ears sprawled to the back of her head in shame. Tears began welling in her eyes. He was right. She wasn't a hero like the others. What business did she have being here amongst those who could actually save the multiverse? She was just a regular librarian who wanted to hang out with her friends.

As she doubted herself, Joker continued mocking her. "Aw, what's the matter? Only just realizing what a loser you are? In what world did you think that you could beat me? I'm The Joker for crying out loud! You think you belong here with the likes of Batsy? The fact that you thought that you were ready for me makes me sick! Well don't worry, Uncle Joker will make it all better. Hehehehahahahahahahaha!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Joker raised a fist over the sad unicorn, ready to make her the next Jason Todd. But just as he brought down his fist, Sonic dashed in and hit the cockpit with a Homing Attack, which sent the mech flying back.

Twilight continued staring at the floor as Iron Man flew over her and Mario dashed past her, wanting to join in the fight. She couldn't blame them, they were heroes, they had a job to do. They didn't have time to worry about a neurotic unicorn who would only get in the way.

She inwardly gasped as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. Turning her head slightly, she saw that Batman was kneeling beside her with what could be determined as a worried expression on his face. It was hard to tell due to the cowl.

"Twilight, we need to move." Batman said sternly.

Twilight closed her eyes in sadness, "You go on ahead. I'll only get in the way." She turned her head away from the Dark Knight. "Joker's right. I don't belong here, fighting with you guys. You all have something special about you, you're all heroes. I'm just a... Unicorn."

Batman stared at her for a few moments before speaking. "Twilight, I don't know much about you, other than what you've told me. But from what I've seen, I can already tell that you belong here. Now each of us were chosen for a reason, we don't know why yet, there's more at play here. But I know that you are strong. You are an Element Bearer. You are a hero, even if you don't see yourself as one. You belong here just as much as the rest of us. You have a genius level intellect, a heart of gold, you're one of the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Don't let Joker take that away from you. Now are you going to just sit there, or are you going to prove him wrong?"

Twilight stared at the dark hero slack jawed, she never knew that he could be so compassionate. She sniffled before tackling Batman in a tight hug. He was right! She did belong here! She was a hero! A protector of Equestria! The Element of Magic! The Student of the Sun! She wouldn't let some bully like The Joker take all that away from her.

She pulled back and gave Batman a kind and genuine smile as she wiped her nose with her foreleg. "Thank you." She whispered.

Batman nodded, "You're welcome." He then got up to his feet and turned to face the ensuing battle that was currently going on in front of them. "Now let's go. We have work to do."

Twilight nodded as she got up to her hooves, it was time to finish this.

The two of them rushed forward as Joker backhanded Sonic right into Mario, sending the two of them rolling across the ground. Joker turned and smiled at his greatest enemy. "Ah, Batsy! So glad you could join us! Ready for Round 2?"

The Big Arms then released a pulse of energy that sent everyone sliding back.

Time for the next round.

"Now or never!" Sonic shouted as he led the charge against the Big Arms.

Joker laughed as the right hand of the mech was engulfed in a yellow light. Once he slammed the fist onto the floor, various spaces on the office floor began flickering in and out of existence.

"What the hay?!" Twilight cried out as she skidded to a stop just before the faded out space in the floor. She put her hoof through the floor, only to find that it phased right through it. She gasped and retracted her hoof in fright. "Guys! He's made the floor intangible! Be careful not to fall through it!"

"Thanks for the tid-bit!" Tony thanked before taking off into the air. He then boosted forward, firing missile after missile from the launchers on his shoulders. Joker chuckled before making the Big Arms intangible, allowing the missiles to phase right through him. Tony halted his movements before commenting, "Huh. That's new."

Joker then charged forward, un-phasing just as he threw a punch directly into Iron Man, sending the billionaire spinning through the air. He then looked down as Mario and Sonic dashed toward him. He slammed his fists onto the ground, unintentionally allowing Sonic to run up his arm while Mario jumped into the air.

Sonic curled into a ball and zoomed up the arm of the mech.

Joker growled, "No fair!" before making the mech intangible once more, causing Sonic to fall right through the mech. The same happened to Mario as he jumped right through the mech as well. The Clown Prince of Crime cackled as he un-phased the Big Arms.

But he suddenly fell forward as the mech was tugged by an unknown force. Getting back to his feet, Joker saw that the Big Arms was being held in a magical grip. Specifically Twilight Sparkle's magical grip. She gave the clown a sly smirk as she darted her eyes upwards, enticing him to look.

When he looked, his eyes widened as Batman glided through the air until he smashed right through the window of the cockpit, shattering the only thing protecting Joker from him. Once he was inside, he stood in front of his lifelong nemesis and glared hatefully at him.

"It's over, Joker." Batman snarled at the clown.

Joker was stunned for a moment before he began to laugh. A knife slid out of his sleeve and fell right into the palm of his hand. He looked to Batman and replied, "Over? Why my dear, delusional Dark Knight. It hasn't even begun." He then ran forward and swung his knife at Batman's head.

Batman ducked under the knife and punched Joker in the gut, causing the clown to hunch over in pain. He then grabbed Joker's shoulders and kneed him right in the nose, causing the villain to stumble backward. Joker shook his head before tossing the knife away and taking out a gun from his jacket pocket.

He laughed maniacally as he shot at the Batman.

Batman moved and ducked under every shot, making his way closer to Joker. Once he was close enough, he spear tackled Joker to the ground, causing the clown to lose his grip on his gun. He then grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and brought him to his feet.

The Dark Knight then shoved Joker into the console of the Big Arms. "The mech! Where'd you get it?!" He demanded to know.

"What? You want one?" Joker asked before scoffing playfully. "Copybat!" He then sprayed acid from his flower, hitting Batman in the shoulder.

Stumbling back and clutching his shoulder, Batman saw Joker rush towards him. He was quick enough to recover and kick him right in the chest, sending the Harlequin of Hate crashing back into the console behind him. This damaged the console greatly, as sparks of electricity shot out of the console.

On the outside, the Big Arms wasn't looking so good as sparks of electricity crackled out of its arms and other parts of its form. Twilight, already knowing that the plan was working, looked to Sonic and yelled, "NOW! TAKE IT DOWN!"

Sonic chuckled before curling into a ball and shooting forward, tearing right through the middle of the mech. Once he blasted through the machine, it began to explode.

Batman slammed Joker's head into the console before dashing to the smashed window and leaping out of it. He spread out his cape and glided through the air as the Big Arms exploded right behind him. He soared across the sky while Joker and his mech fell onto the roof in a blazing heap of scrap metal.

The Dark Knight landed on the roof and rolled to a stop next to Twilight Sparkle, who gave him a smile of gratitude. He simply nodded to her.

He turned to the remains of the Big Arms.

It was over.

But something glimmered in the distance, just in front of the wreckage. It caught Batman's eye, so he decided to go over and investigate. Hurdling over some debris and mechanical remains, he stopped when he saw the remains of the Power Unit. There, before the wreckage, was the Keystone in all its glory.

He went to pick it up when suddenly, a familiar clown jumped up on top of the now destroyed Power Unit, pointing a gun directly at Batman.

"Are you happy now?" Joker asked sarcastically. "Do you have any idea how long it took to do that paintjob? And now it's ruined. Thanks to you." He then jumped down, still pointing the gun at Batman. He stopped moving forward when he accidentally kicked the Keystone. Looking down, Joker smiled as he bent over and picked it up. "Ooh, this looks valuable." Batman was about to move for the Keystone, but Joker saw this and cocked the gun, "Nuh uh."

Batman growled as he stared hatefully at his arch nemesis.

Joker chuckled and tossed the Keystone behind him before taking out a walkie talkie from his back pocket, still keeping the gun trained on Batman. "Hi, I'm going to need a taxi from the roof of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant." Suddenly, a Rift appeared to his left. Looking at the Rift, Joker shrugged and threw the walkie talkie behind him. "Oh, never mind, one's here. Be seeing you around, Bat-"

A purple beam cut Joker off from finishing what he was about to say. The resulting impact sent the Clown Prince of Chaos flying into the portal... Without the Keystone. Joker laughed insanely as he fell through the vortex, his laughter echoed out as it closed forever.

Surprised, Batman turned to see Twilight standing on a pile of rubble with a victorious smirk on her face. "Guess I can play with the 'Big Leagues'." She leapt off of the rubble and trotted to the Keystone as the others made their way through the rubble to join them.

"So, I think now would be a good time to get out of here." Mario suggested.

Sonic walked over and bent over, picking up the Keystone. "Yeah, cause I got a lot to tell ya."

"That clown said that the robot was an old friend of yours." Tony reminded the blue hedgehog.

He nodded, "Yep, looks like Ole' Egghead has made some new friends."

Before he could go on any further, another Rift suddenly appeared in front of the group, presumably created by the Gateway Keeper. Twilight looked away from the portal and gestured to it with her hoof, "Shall we?"

Nodding, Batman was the first to leap into the portal, with Sonic following close behind. Mario ran in while Tony flew right through beside him. Twilight looked around for a moment before jumping into the Rift to join her new friends. After she entered the portal, it closed, forever sealing the bridge between Springfield and the other realities of the multiverse.

Foundation Prime

Exiled's Fortress

To say that Joker was annoyed would be an understatement. Sure they had gotten what they wanted, but that little unicorn had gotten in-between him and Bats! And the last time someone got involved in their crazy little game of theirs, they ended up being beaten and blown up.

"...and then they stole this shiny thing I found!" Joker finished recounting the events that happened in Springfield.

Exiled, who was sitting atop his throne, leaned forward and growled, "Chance meetings and setbacks to your petty pilfering do not concern me. We have the Foundation Element. That is all that matters."

Joker laughed bitterly, he knew how much of a mistake it was to underestimate Batman. And this guy has already made that mistake. "Trust me, if you underestimate the Creped Crusader, you'll end up getting battered."

"Enough, we have what we need. Nothing else is of importance."

Eggman, who was sitting in a corner working on a certain metallic hedgehog, thought to himself, "And what exactly happens when we get all of these Elements, hmm? What is it that you want? Whatever it is, you are certainly desperate to get it. This requires further investigation. But whatever it is, it sounds like something I'd want." He then chuckled to himself, it was time to begin planning.

Exiled may think he has him under his thumb.

He may want to think again.

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