• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 3,526 Views, 589 Comments

Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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24. Metropolis (Part 4)

Earth 1


The tension was high, the heat was extreme.

Twilight felt sweat trickle down her forehead as she stared intensely at the evolved form of Queen Chrysalis and the insane jackal known as Infinite. The Changeling Queen licked her lips while Infinite adjusted his mask, the roars of Giganto could be heard all throughout Metropolis, its battle with the Justice League raging on behind them.

Without any warning nor hesitation, Infinite dove down toward his intended target, Sonic the hedgehog. The Blue Blur responded in kind as he dashed forward, reeling back his fist as the jackal drew closer. When the two rivals collided in a blast of blue and Phantom energy, Chrysalis made her move.

She let out a horrific shriek as her wings began to buzz on her back, levitating her into the air as her horn began to glow. Twilight let out a startled gasp before lighting up her own horn and teleporting out of there. She reappeared behind Evolved Chrysalis as the Changeling's magical blast struck where she originally was.

Iron Man took action. He boosted into the air and fired a barrage of missiles at the evolved Changeling, hoping to do some damage, but unfortunately the projectiles had no effect as she simply powered through them and swatted the Armored Avenger back down onto the ground.

As she cackled madly, Chrysalis was suddenly struck in the back by a magical laser from Twilight. She snarled, turning around and aiming her stinger down at her enemy. Then, after her abdomen took on an eerie green glow, she fired a green laser.

Twilight went into a full on gallop to try and stay ahead of the laser. While she kept Chrysalis occupied, Tony got back to his feet and ignited his rocket boots. Once he was in the air again, his Arc Reactor began to hum with power before releasing its charged up power through a laser blast.

The Unibeam struck Chrysalis in the back, actually managing to stagger her. The Changeling turned and roared angrily, "YOU DARE?!?!"

Tony shrugged nonchalantly, "Hey you're the bug. I'm the bug zapper."

He quickly boosted himself to the left to avoid one of Chrysalis' pincers as she tried to grab him, trying once again but failed all the same. While this was happening, Twilight channeled her inner power and tore chunks of the ground into the air with her magic. With some effort she hurled three pieces of debris at her foe.

Meanwhile both Sonic and Infinite were racing around the helipad of Lexcorp, the jackal hurling orbs of Phantom Energy at the speedy hedgehog. Sonic was struggling to keep ahead of the jackal as the Phantom Ruby not only increased his strength, but his speed as well.

Sonic skidded to a stop and curled into a ball, shooting forward and striking Infinite in the chest with a Homing Attack. The jackal flew back and landed on his feet, slowly skidding to a stop as he glared at the blue hero. Suddenly hearing footsteps behind him, Infinite ducked down to avoid a flying kick from Mario.

The plumber landed in front of the villain before turning around to try and roundhouse kick him, but Infinite used his agility to bend over backwards to avoid the attack. He then dashed forward to avoid a Glide Kick from behind, courtesy of Batman. Infinite adjusted his mask, the lens shining in the sun, before releasing a burst of Phantom Energy from within the Phantom Ruby.

All of a sudden, Mario, Batman, and Sonic were in a red tinted version of reality. Before any of them could react, three walls of red lightning came moving towards them. Sonic grinned before dashing forward, curling into a ball and jumping over one of the walls of lightning.

Mario shook his head at his cocky friend's actions before sprinting forward himself. He then jumped into the air, letting out a passionate "Wahoo!!!" before landing on the ground. He tugged downward on his cap as he looked over to see Batman running forward.

The Dark Knight wasn't afraid, not one bit. He was going to face this head on, he didn't let villains like The Scarecrow scare him with their illusions, he certainly wouldn't let this jackal get the better of him. He then jumped into the air and glided across the helipad as he activated his Detective Vision. There, right in front of him, was a glitchy like figure that his advanced mode of vision was barely picking up.

Then to Infinite's shock, Batman Glide Kicked him to the ground, breaking the illusion.

Once Infinite hit the ground, Sonic made his move. He zoomed forward, curling into a ball in the process, before striking Infinite in the chest, sending flying through the air before landing on the ground in a defeated heap.

Now that Infinite was down for the count, it was time to focus on Chrysalis.

Batman and the other two heroes looked to see Iron Man flying around the Changeling while Twilight was locked in a magical duel for dominance. Violet and green laser beams collided and struggled to overcome one another. Sonic and Mario both sprinted forward, but Batman took this chance to observe the situation, to try and find some sort of weakness that he could exploit.

Upon further inspection, he saw what he needed to. There, implanted on Chrysalis' chest, beating like a heart pumping blood to the rest of her body, was the Evolution Keystone pumping power through her very being. The World's Greatest Detective then shouted to Iron Man, "Stark! Aim for the Keystone on her chest!"

Upon hearing this, Tony gave the Dark Knight a thumbs up and replied, "Thanks for the tid-bit!" before moving in front of Chrysalis.

Twilight was holding her own, but she wouldn't last much longer, Chrysalis' magic was significantly magnified due to her evolution. The mad queen cackled, she was finally going to win.

But Mario and Sonic had other plans.

"Here we go!!!" Shouted Mario as he threw Sonic like a shot put directly into Chrysalis' face, the Homing Attack disrupted her concentration long enough for Iron Man to make his move.

"NOW TWI!!!" Tony shouted, to which the unicorn nodded in affirmation, knowing what she had to do. Together they fired a combined blast from their respective horns and Arc Reactors. The two blasts combined into a singular blast before it struck Chrysalis right in the chest, dislodging the Evolution Keystone from her chest.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Queen Chrysalis screamed in pure and utter rage as an orange glow encompassed her very being. Her extra legs faded away as her form shrank back to normal. Her wings shrunk and her abdomen faded away along with her other modifications she gained due to the Keystone.

By the time the Changeling hit the ground, she had returned back into her equine-esque self, panting heavily due to how much magic was drained from her. She tried getting back to her hooves but fell onto her belly; she was finished.

As both Infinite and Chrysalis struggled to get back up, everyone heard a very loud and mechanical like roar coming from behind them. Once everyone turned around, they all saw The Justice League pushing Giganto back.

Superman flew forward and collided with Giganto's chest, the sheer force of the impact sent the mechanical monster falling back through the building behind it before it regained its footing.

Flash ran up the side of a building with his super speed before stopping on the roof. He then ran around in a circle before hurling a lightning bolt at the Titan, stunning Giganto for a mere second. But a second was all that was needed as Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter all flew forward towards it.

While Cyborg unleashed a massive laser blast from his cannon, Green Lantern constructed a massive rocket and hurled it forward. Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter flew forward and delivered mighty punches to the Titan's chest. Once all of these attacks hit, the monster let out a roar that produced a shockwave that sent everyone back.

Before they could all recover, Giganto turned around and punched a hole in the very fabric of reality. It was the same color as the rift Wyvern created back in The Land of Oz, a disturbing red. Superman flew forward, arms ahead of him to propel him forward, but he was too late as Giganto stepped through the Rift, leaving both Metropolis and this dimension for good.

Twilight smiled, they did it! They actually did it! Together they all stopped Chrysalis and her invasion of Metropolis, the Magic of Friendship prevailed once more. She looked to her new friends, who were standing to the side of her, watching on as Giganto retreated back into its Rift.

Although that begs the question, why were these creatures showing up in different dimensions? What is their connection with one another? Question after question plagued Twilight's mind, but her attention was quickly brought back to Chrysalis and Infinite, who were groaning on the ground behind them.

The jackal slowly got onto one knee, weakened after his battle with the heroes. He looked up at his foes, more specifically Sonic, who had the smuggest smirk on his face. Infinite growled as he proclaimed, "Impossible! I'm the ultimate mercenary! I cannot be defeated by the likes of you!"

"That's where you'd be wrong," Sonic replied casually, shrugging before he continued, "Compared to all the other threats I've faced in my life, and I hate to break it to you, but you're pretty weak in comparison."

Infinite's eyes shrunk to pinpricks upon hearing that word. That disgusting word that nobody ever dared to use to describe him. Weak. He clenched his fist and grinded his teeth in anger before smashing his fist onto the ground.

"You... You dare?!" He snarled as he slowly got up to his feet, holding his hand to his chest and the Phantom Ruby. "I am not weak! Do you hear me?! I. AM. NOT. WEAK!!!" He screamed as he pointed to the azure hedgehog. "I am the tallest of mountains! The roughest of waves! You are nothing compared to me!!! I'll slaughter you where you stand!!!"

He then dashed forward, a killers intent written in his eyes. Infinite saw Sonic prepare to parry his attack, but before he could reach his foe, someone sped in front of him. In a split second, his mask was shattered into nothing as he was sent flying back through the air, already unconscious.

Superman had merely flicked the jackal with his index finger, but that was enough to take Infinite out of commission. "That's enough out of you." He said sternly as Infinite landed on his back, completely unconscious.

Chrysalis watched as her ally had fallen before her. She didn't get it, where had it all gone wrong? Her situation was made worse as the rest of the Justice League joined the other heroes on the helipad of Lexcorp. She was surrounded and powerless.

"It would be in your best interest to surrender." Said the Martian Manhunter.

Chrysalis looked down in defiance, not wanting to surrender, not when she was so close to victory. But that thought faded once the shadow of the Batman loomed over her. He suddenly grasped her jagged horn and squeezed before commanding her, "Call it off."

She closed her eyes in defeat and nodded silently, using the Changeling hivemind to issue the order. "Stand down, my swarm. The battle is lost."

Suddenly the sound of buzzing filled everyone's ears, enticing them to turn around and gaze upon a marvel of a sight. Hundreds of thousands of Changelings were taking to the sky in defeat, the buzzing of their wings and the hissing of the hungry filled the air before a giant portal opened up in the sky. One after the other, each Changeling Drone flew through the Rift in the sky, leaving their queen at the mercy of the heroes.

Once the final Changeling entered the portal, Batman released Chrysalis' horn with a shove, sending her onto her back. She slowly turned over onto her belly and shakily stood up onto her hooves. She turned to see Twilight at the front of the group, with Superman floating beside her.

She growled before it turned into a full blown snarl, "You think friendship will save you, Twilight Sparkle?! How can you possibly rely on friendship when you don't even have any friends?!" That appeared to have struck a cord with Twilight, as the unicorn looked down at the ground with a wavering in her eyes. It was then that Chrysalis let a smug smirk creep its way onto her face, "Because if I recall correctly, your so called friends abandoned you at your brothers wedding. They betrayed you and left you at my mercy! Face it, you don't have any friends and you never will!"

"You're wrong."

That declaration from Twilight caught her off guard. She was no longer looking at the ground in sadness, she was standing tall with a look of confidence as she continued, "My friends in Equestria may have hurt me, but I won't let that stop me from forging new bonds." She then gestured to her new friends standing beside her, "I've made new friends that are more than willing to stand beside me every step of the way." Twilight said before setting her sights of Chrysalis once more, "You may try to knock me down, but I'll keep fighting against you with my friends by my side. Friendship isn't just restricted to our home dimension, it's multi-universal, and with friends like these by my side, there's nothing we can't overcome together."

Chrysalis stomped her hoof in anger before the wind started to shift behind her. Then out of nowhere another Rift appeared behind her and the unconscious Infinite. The jackal was pulled into the portal with ease but Chrysalis tried to fight against it, not wanting to go back a failure. But alas, it was for naught as a violet beam struck her in the chest, sending her flying into the portal, leaving Earth 1 for good.

Twilight deactivated her magic as the portal shrunk out of existence and let out a sigh of relief.

Flash zipped over to where the Evolution Keystone laid and picked it up, getting a feel of it before tossing it to Batman, who caught it with one hand, "I believe this is yours."

Batman nodded at the Scarlet Speedster before he placed the Keystone into one of the pouches in his Utility Belt.

"So now that that's settled," Green Lantern started, gaining everyone's attention, "What happens now?"

It was then that another Rift opened behind Twilight and the others right on cue. They all looked to it with curiosity evident in their features. "Huh." Flash uttered before saying, "Guess that answers your question, Lantern."

"I guess that's our cue!" Mario exclaimed to the Justice League.

It was then that Superman walked over to the group and thanked them. "Thank you. For coming to our aid and helping us save my city. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to call."

"No. Thank you, Superman." Twilight replied before looking to the other members of the League, "Thank you all for believing in me, even when I didn't. Without you, we never would've stopped this invasion and gotten the Keystone back."

Sonic patted Twilight's back in agreement and continued, "We couldn't have done this without you." He then looked to Flash and said, "Next time I'm in town, we need to race."

Barry chuckled, folding his arms over his chest and replying, "I look forward to it."

As the portal began to destabilize, Iron Man gave the Justice League a two fingered salute before saying his farewells, "Been a blast, Justice League."

"Keep fighting the good fight!" Mario added before both he and Iron Man jumped through the portal.

Sonic gave the team a thumbs up before he too leapt into the Rift.

Twilight looked to Batman and nodded before galloping through the tear in space-time.

The Dark Knight stared at the portal before a clearing of someone's throat got his attention. He then felt Superman's hand rest on his shoulder as the Kryptonian said, "I know that look." When Batman looked at him in question, the Man of Steel gestured to his eyes with his free hand, "X-Ray Vision, remember? The way you look at Twilight is the same way you look at Dick Grayson. A look of pride."

"She's special, Clark." Batman replied, "Her potential is unmatched, her intellect is extraordinary. My only hope is that she doesn't lose herself on this journey."

"With you there Bruce, I doubt she will." Clark replied earnestly. The two of them shook hands as Superman said, "Now go save the multiverse, we'll keep an eye on things here."

"Appreciated." Batman turned and walked towards the portal, but stopped and said over his shoulder, "Tell Alfred that I'm okay, and that he shouldn't worry."

"You have my word."

With that, Batman walked through the Rift before it closed forever, leaving Superman and the rest of the Justice League to help with clean up.

Using his enhanced vision, Superman focused on the Daily Planet, where his fiancé, Lois Lane, was smiling at him with that sly smirk of hers. It was going to be a long day, but in the end, it was all worth it.

Foundation Prime

Exiled's Fortress

As the portal above them closed, both Chrysalis and Infinite slowly rose and fell back onto their knees as they trembled before Exiled's throne. The Ancient being was less than pleased, which was evident as he clenched his talons on the arm of his throne.

He then leaned forward and said, "Infinite and Chrysalis, you look a bit bent out of shape." He rose from his throne and slowly walked down the stairs as the two villains grumbled at their defeat. "I expected more from you, my slaves. This was due to the order I had given."

"SLAVES?!?!" Both villains shouted in disbelief, but their defiance was silenced as a yellow aura suddenly surrounded them and pinned them both to the ground.

Exiled's hand glowed with yellow electricity as he commanded, "BE SILENT!" They both immediately silenced themselves before he continued, "It seems I overestimated you both. You're both nothing but failures, which should have been expected given your track records." He then released them from his telekinetic grip and turned away from them, "Leave my throne room at once. You will have another chance to prove yourselves when the time comes. For now, get out of my sight before I demolish you."

Deciding not to tempt fate, both Chrysalis and Infinite walked out of the throne room as The Exiled sat atop his throne, tapping his yellow claws on the arm of his chair. "It appears your plan is beginning to fall apart." His attention was drawn down to Damian Wayne, who was meditating inside of his forcefield with a cocky smile on his face.

"You seem confident in your father's abilities, boy."

Damian didn't respond, he didn't need to.

Exiled continued, "No matter, I have dispatched two more villains to retrieve the next Foundation Element." He interlocked his fingers and chuckled, "Soon all of my efforts will be paid off, and I will get exactly what I deserve."

Meanwhile: in the Catacombs

"Interesting." Eggman hummed as he stroked his chin, eyeing the console in front of him with an evil glint in his eyes. "It seems that the Ancients speculated that the Foundation Elements act like keys. Keys needed to unlock something, something powerful enough to power this portal Exiled wants me to build."

Orbot hovered beside his creator and asked, "What could he want the portal for? Doesn't he have the means to traverse other worlds already?"

"I don't know and I don't care." Eggman replied as he leaned closer to the screen, "But whatever it is he wants sounds like something I'd want." He then grinned as he said, "And by the sounds of it, it's powerful enough to power a creation of mine that not even the Master Emerald is capable of powering it." He looked down at his two robot lackeys and commanded, "Head back to our dimension and order the Egg Pawns to begin construction on the Ultra FR-G1."

Orbot leaned his head to the side and queried, "Are you sure? You've never been able to get it to work."

Eggman faced away and refocused on the computer screen, "That is true. I've never been able to find something powerful enough to power it." His grin grew wider as he added with finality, "Until now." He chuckled to himself, not noticing that his two robot lackeys were leaving the room. Whatever this thing was, he wanted to secure it, neutralize any threats in his way, and uncover the source of its power.

And nothing would stand in his way.

Not Exiled.

Not Sonic.


This time, there would be no mistakes.

Author's Note:

Hey, been a while. So sorry about the late update, life has been kicking my arse lately. Moved into a granny flat so I could have space, which is awesome btw and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.

Also decided to take a short break and refine where this story is gonna go. I already have the ending and final dimensions planned out so there's that.

There was also the fact that Eminem came to Fortnite, so I of course had to get everything in his set and attend his event.

But overall I'm back now, and I'll hopefully have a chapter out next week. But don't hold me to that, after all you never know what may happen.

Take care of yourselves and I'll see you all next chapter.

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