• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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39. Detour

Unknown Earth


She awoke with a groan and a throbbing pain in her head, shuffling her form slightly as consciousness slowly returned to her, what the heck had happened? The last thing she remembered was flying out of the tunnel and crashing into the fun-fair tent before.... Being injected with something.

Then it all came back to her, the mocking, the tombstones, the giant Scarecrow taunting her, the fear.

It was all there.

"Hey sleepyhead."

Twilight blinked the blurriness away as a blue figure that was standing over her became clearer. Once her sight had returned she could see Sonic smiling down at her, relieved that she was okay.

"How're you feeling?" Sonic asked as he crouched next to her.

The unicorn looked around and saw that they had returned to Vorton. She noticed that she was currently lying down on a table as she slowly sat upright, "W-What happened?" She looked around for moment. "Why are we back in Vorton? Did we lose?! Did we get the Foundation Element?! Did we--" Her onslaught of questions were cut off when a gloved finger was placed against her lips, silencing her.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down." Sonic removed his finger as he noticed that Twilight was starting to calm down, her panic attack fading away. "To answer your questions, we're back here because we got the scarab and beat the bad guys." His face turned solemn for a moment, "But you took a pretty nasty hit when that creep injected you with his toxin." Sonic then pointed to his left, "He hasn't left your side the entire time you've been unconscious."

Confused at what he meant Twilight turned her head and saw that Batman was standing in the shadows, unmoving as his gaze never left her. Her eyes softened when she realized that he had been with her the entire time, watching her as she laid bear in the blissfulness of unconsciousness.

"He blamed himself you know." Sonic suddenly said to the girl, startling her slightly. When she turned to face him he continued, "When you got whammied he blamed himself, wouldn't talk to any of us, not even when we got back here. He just laid you out on the table and watched over you." He let a small smile tug on his lips, "Heck of a bond you guys have got. Kinda jealous to be honest." He said with a chuckle, indicating that he was joking.

It was then that Batman stepped out of the shadows, "How're you feeling?"

Twilight smiled at the man, "I'll be fine," she reassured him before wincing at the pain in her head, "Although I've got a pretty bad headache."

"A side effect of Scarecrow's toxin." Batman informed her. "It'll pass."

She nodded before motioning for him to come over with her hoof. Batman obliged, his cape covering his form, shrouding him in darkness. He leaned down before being engulfed in a tight hug from the unicorn. "Thank you." She whispered to him over and over, nuzzling his neck.

Batman simply patted her back before removing himself from the hug. "You're welcome." His stoic expression softened slightly. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, catching the mare off guard. "I know how much that toxin can get to you, it's not a pleasant feeling, believe me I know." He rested a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "I know talking helps."

She considered it, heck she even considered it when Sombra whammied her and the others back in Jasper, but she sent those thoughts to the back of her head. She had to focus on the here and now, she was chosen by Supreme to lead the new generation of the Guardians of the Multiverse. She had to be strong, brave, determined. She couldn't let a silly thing like fear get in her way.

Even though it was terrifying.

But she would talk about it when this was all over. She would talk about what she saw, she would talk to the other Element Bearers about how much they had hurt her, she would do all of those things. But not quite yet.

She just couldn't do it yet, not with so much at stake.

It didn't feel right to Twilight, she was usually so open with her feelings. But ever since the wedding she needed to guard herself, to protect herself from being hurt again. She never wanted to feel like she did on that day ever again.

Even if it meant closing herself off from other creatures again.

Only for the moment though.

Still didn't hurt any less.

"Thanks Batman, but I'll be fine." She reassured her friend with a smile. Although she could tell that her brooding friend didn't believe her in the slightest.

Regardless of that he nodded, knowing that she would open up to him in her own time.

Sonic smiled at the two before turning around at the sound of Tony and Mario walking up to them.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty." Tony greeted with a smile. "Glad you're finally awake.

Mario pointed behind him with his thumb, "Sorry to interrupt but X-PO wants to show us something."

Twilight, Sonic, and Batman looked to one another with a nod before following the pair to the Gateway, Twilight jumping off the table and walking alongside Batman. When they reached the Gateway they saw X-PO hovering in front of the three Foundation Elements they had collected in their travels.

Baymax's chip.

The cube of Energon.

The Diamond Scarab.

Each Foundation Element floated in front of the robot as he collected data and placed it inside of the console connected to the Gateway portal.

He turned slightly when he noticed the Guardians approaching, more specifically Twilight. "Hey-eh-ey! Look who's awake!" He greeted the unicorn before refocusing on his task. "Glad you're up, and perfect timing to!"

'Thanks for your concern, X-PO." Twilight thanked the robot before tilting her head in confusion. "What are you doing? Why are the Foundation Elements floating in the air?"

"This is how you make a map where I'm from. I'm using the Foundation Elements to calculate the dimensional co-ordinates of Foundation Prime." X-PO explained, voice straining from concentration. "Once I've done that, we'll be able to go and rescue your friends and save the Multiverse."

"How long will that take?" Twilight asked.

"Not long now, I've been at it for a bit." X-PO responded. "Don't worry, once I get this working things will finally start looking up."

Foundation Prime

Exiled's Fortress


"You've said that four times now."

"Don't test me, Discord!" Eggman shouted, pointing an angry finger at the draconequues. "Not only do we not have all of the Foundation Elements, but Sonic and his new friends could be on their way here as we speak!" He ranted, pacing around the throne room while the captors and the other villains simply watched on in boredom.

He'd been doing this for an hour now.

Ultron, who was simply leaning against a stone pillar with his arms folded, looked down to Orbot and Cubot and asked, "Does he usually complain like this whenever there's a complication in his plans?"

The robots shrugged as Orbot responded, "Meh, it's usually worse."

"He's usually punted me across the room by now!" Cubot said happily.

Joker then laughed, "Now that I'd like to see!" He then turned to Eggman, who was still pacing around the room. "Would you relax, Eggy! So things are going ahead of schedule, so what?!"

"In my experience it never ends good." Bowser commented, standing next to the dome containing Mario's friends.

"I'm surprised you're not freaking out yet, Bowser." Peach said with a smirk.

Bowser shrugged, "Nothing to freak out about." He then began listing off, "We got the weapons, the manpower, and a draconequues that can literally change the fabric of reality as we know it on our side."

"Oh you."

Luigi then decided to add, "Mario's beaten worse odds before."

"Weren't you a literal castle one time?" Donkey Kong asked, already knowing the answer. "And you still lost."

"Yeah I can't see this ending any differently." Peach said with a nonchalant shrug.

Bowser turned to Peach, "Peaches. My honey pie." Suddenly he slammed his face against the dome. "STOP TALKING!!!"

Celestia, who had been silent, trotted up to the edge of the dome and looked up at Discord, who was filing his talons with a chocolate bar. "It is clear that your plans have failed, Discord." That got his attention. "You'd best give up now and surrender peacefully."

Discord then proceeded to laugh in her face.

"AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" The draconequus wiped a tear away before noticing that Celestia wasn't laughing. "Oh wait, you're serious! That's hilarious!"

"Cease thy chortling, fiend!" Luna barked, unknowingly speaking in Old Equestrian.

Rainbow and the others went and stood next to the princesses, "Yeah! When Twilight gets here she's gonna kick your butt, Dipcord!"

"Face it, you've lost." Rarity said with a flick of her mane.

Discord wagged his finger condescendingly. "Uh uh uh. Game's not over yet." He shrugged, "Besides, we still have to see where this goes." He said, gesturing to the fading Element of Magic.

Upon seeing this the Equestrians couldn't help but dread what it meant. Had something happened to Twilight, the element was connected to her after all. It didn't help that it grew darker a couple of hours ago, just before Scarecrow and Metal Sonic returned to Foundation Prime.

Whatever it meant, it was nothing good.

"They're not wrong." The voice of Captain America got everyone's attention. "Your plans will fail once Iron Man and his allies arrive." He looked to the Equestrians and smiled, "As long as we still have hope, they'll never truly win. As long as we fight the good fight!"

"YEAH!!!" Team Sonic shouted in agreement, as did Peach and the others.

"I personally can't wait to web that mouth of yours shut." Spider-Man said to Discord.

The sound of Joker's laughter cut off the hopeful feeling the heroes were feeling. When they all turned to him he simply said, "Oh I just love it when people hope!" His mile turned sinister, "Especially when I get to rip it away from them."

"Well said, Joker." Exiled concurred from atop his throne. He had been sitting there in silence this entire time, unmoving and contemplative. Believe it or not he wasn't worried in the slightest now that he knew that it was X-PO that had been helping them.

And now he knew what he had to do.

Eggman stopped pacing and looked up at the silent Ancient, "You seem very calm about this." He said accusingly.

"I am."

The doctor looked at the Ancient skeptically, "I don't think you realize the gravity of the situation." He approached the steps leading up to the throne, "The Guardians are on their way here. We don't have all of the Foundation Elements. You're plan has failed!"

"Has it?"

That caught Dr. Eggman off guard, as it did the other villains.

"You have a plan?" Ultron asked.

"I banished the one who is aiding them. X-PO, the little robot traveler that helped me find the scripture depicting the Foundation Elements." Exiled revealed, standing from his throne. "When I banished him and destroyed his robotic body the first time, he dropped the very thing he needed to traverse dimensions without the use of a Gateway portal." He stood before the villain and opened his hand, revealing another Keystone.

X-PO's keystone.

"Behold, the X-Stone!" He proclaimed, intriguing everyone present. "With this, not only will I be able to find and disrupt the rift they'll use to travel here, but I'll be able to locate the dimension they're using as a safe haven." He looked to Eggman and said, "I always have a plan, Doctor. And as Discord said, the game's not over yet."


The Rift Between Dimensions

They'd been flying through the Rift for a while.

It was unusual, normally they would've been in the next dimension by now. Batman knew this and didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit. Once X-PO had finally reconstructed the map leading to Foundation Prime the group wasted no time in opening a portal and jumping through, leaving the Foundation Elements they had gathered on Vorton so they didn't fall into Exiled's claws.

That was five minutes ago.

Something was wrong.

"Shouldn't we have arrived by now?" Mario asked worriedly.

Batman nodded, "Yes. Something's up." He then touched the side of his cowl to try and get in touch with X-PO. But when he did all he got was static screeching in his ear. "Tony?" He turned to the billionaire to see if he had any luck.

"No luck." Iron Man shook his head. "All I got was static."

Suddenly the Rift began to fritz and distort, causing everyone to look around in confusion and worry. Strands of blue tendrils filled the Rift as it continued to distort before their very eyes.

"What's happening?!" Twilight asked in a panic.

But before anyone could answer the Rift split apart into two tunnels, one veering to the left and one to the right. The Guardians were sucked into the one on the left, taking them off the course to Foundation Prime.

Earth 7

The Desert

A Rift opened up in the middle of nowhere, spitting out the Guardians harshly as they flew through the air and landed in the sand, sliding across it as the portal behind them closed.

Twilight coughed up sand that had gotten into her mouth as she slowly got to her hooves, looking behind her to see the others had made it here with her. Mario and Sonic were busy getting sand out of their gloves and shoes while Batman and Iron Man looked around to see where it was that they had landed.

"Sand, see what did I tell ya." Mario said to the hedgehog beside him, dusting his hat to get the grains of sand off of it.

Twilight looked to Iron Man, "Where are we? Is this Foundation Prime?"

The Armored Avenger shook his head, "I don't think so. Whatever happened in the Rift wasn't a coincidence." He folded his arms, looking around as sand flew through the air, an indication that a sandstorm was brewing. "Something tells me that Exiled doesn't want visitors."

Batman tried his communicator but couldn't get through, "No luck."

Tony tried as well but after a few seconds of static a voice came through, "X-PO?"

"Tony?!" The voice of X-PO exclaimed. "What the heck happened?!"

"No clue, the Rift went crazy and spat us out in the middle of nowhere." Tony informed the robot. "That doesn't matter, you need to get us out of here and send us to Foundation Prime."

"Gonna be hard since I don't know where you ended up."

"What do you mean 'you don't know where we ended up?!'"



As the two of them argued over whos fault it was, Twilight walked forward a little bit, still in sight of the others, and looked up at the sun shining down on them. But that's when she noticed something, a silhouette floating in the air in front of the ball of gas. She squinted her eyes to get a better look before they widened.



The argument stopped at the sound of Twilight's cry, she sounded distressed. The group turned and saw her backing away slowly, her gaze never leaving the sky.

"Twi?" Sonic approached the mare. "What's wrong."

"We're not alone."

Upon hearing that the Guardians all looked up at the sky and saw what she meant.

They saw a man.

Holding a very long sword.

The man looked young with silver long hair, and green cat-like eyes. He was wearing a long black leather trench coat with shoulder plates, also not wearing a shirt underneath his coat. In his grasp he was holding a sword that was around 6 to 8 feet long, and upon his face was the cruelest of smirks.

Sephiroth hummed inquisitively as he slowly floated down toward the Guardians, eyeing them with curiosity before simply hovering above them. "Well, aren't you an interesting bunch." His smooth, deep voice sounded off as he observed them closely. "Who are you?"

Twilight was shaking, rightfully so, but Batman placed an arm in front of her protectively. "That's none of your business."

Sephiroth quirked an eyebrow, "You're brave to speak in such tones towards me." His said in an impressed tone. "I've killed men for less."

Tony groaned in annoyance, "Look pal, it's been a long day already, so why don't you do us all a favor and piss off!"

The One Winged Angel chuckled at that, "No. I don't think I will."

Everyone could tell that this guy was bad news, there was something about him that put them all on edge. Whether it was his sinister aura, or the fact that he was holding the largest sword any of the had ever seen didn't matter. All they knew was that this was a threat.

They just didn't know how much of a threat he was.

"You five weren't who I was expecting." Sephiroth said suddenly. "In fact I've never seen the likes of some of you before."

Sonic smirked cockily, "Yeah, we're a sight for sore eyes."

"I can tell." Responded Sephiroth. "Unfortunately I will be the last thing any of you ever see."

"Wanna bet?" Mario roused him, smashing his fists together.

Sephiroth chuckled deeply, closing his eyes as his head lowered. "I was waiting for Cloud to show his face." He then raised his left arm into the air and opened his eyes. "But you five will make a nice warmup." The sky darkened with grey clouds all of a sudden as a vortex appeared in the sky above.

The Guardians readied themselves for a fight.

Twilight lit up her horn with magic as the former Soldier began to descend from the sky.

Sephiroth landed on the ground softly, kicking up little sand as he held his blade over his left shoulder with the blade curved downward. With a viscous smirk the former Soldier rushed forward at impossible speeds, causing the Guardians to scatter in multiple directions with Iron Man taking to the sky and flying around Sephiroth.

"X-PO!!!" Iron Man called out the robot's name as he saw Sephiroth straighten himself, his gaze following the armored hero.


"Easier said than done!" Iron Man replied before firing a multitude of missiles at Sephiroth.

The One Winged Angel simply smiled before darting into the air, swerving left and right avoiding the missiles before grabbing Tony's throat and tossing him right into Sonic, who tried hitting Sephiroth's back with a Homing Attack.

As the two heroes landed on the ground Sephiroth darted to the floor and stood before Twilight, Batman, and Mario. He then darted forward at high speeds, swinging Masamune directly at Batman's head. But the Dark Knight slid under the blade and went to kick Sephiroth's back, but his leg was grabbed by the Angel and was then swung to the ground face first before being tossed aside.

He moved his upper body left and right, avoiding the multiple magic blasts that were fired at him from Twilight Sparkle. Just as he was about to counter her attack, his eyes moved to the left as he noticed Mario leaping through the air with his fist clenched.

Sephiroth simply turned and backhanded the plumber away from him.

Mario soared through the air and landed harshly on the ground as Sonic zoomed across the sandy desert and approached Sephiroth. The One Winged Angel simply snapped his fingers and a pillar of dark fire appeared in his path. Sonic tried to slow his momentum.

But that's what Sephiroth wanted as he flew through the fire and kneed the hedgehog in the chest, causing Sonic to cough up blood as he was sent flying across the desert. Sephiroth smirked before turning around and holding Masamune out in front of him, splitting a magic laser fired from Twilight in half.

The unicorn looked stunned, how was that possible?! There was nothing that could do something like that to pure magic.

She went to light up her horn again but was stopped when Sephiroth grabbed her by the horn and flipped her over his head, slamming her back against the ground. She tried to scream but couldn't as the air left her lungs. The pain was intensified when Sephiroth slammed his foot on top of her sternum, slamming her back into the ground before grabbing her tail and throwing her into Iron Man, who had fired three Repulsor Blasts at the Soldiers back, doing little to no damage whatsoever.

He turned around as Mario charged at him. He flew forward and swung Masamune, but Mario jumped and bounced off the blade and kneed Sephiroth in the face, craning his neck back slightly as he flipped over the Angel flawlessly. He landed and went to throw another punch but missed when Sephiroth dodged to the left. He threw multiple punches but the villain kept evading them.

"Slow." Dodge. "Sloppy." Another dodge. "Sad."

Sephiroth then punched Mario in the nose, drawing blood as he was sent straight first into the dirt. He then turned around as he swung Masamune, slicing three Batarangs that were thrown at him. But those were distractions as a Smoke Pellet blindsided him, exploding and clouding his vision.

The One Winged Angel looked around for any sign of the Dark Knight, he smirked when he saw a shadow rush by him. He smiled even more when he caught a punch from Batman, but that turned to a look of confusion when Batman smirked at him. He realized why when he was struck in the back by a Unibeam blast, causing him to stagger forward as Twilight, looking worse for where as bruises and scrapes covered her coat, flung Sonic directly into Sephiroth's chest with her magic.

Sephiroth slid back across the sand and chuckled.

A black, feathered wing suddenly sprouted from the right side of his back, black feathers falling around him as the Guardians regrouped and stood before him, ready to keep the fight going. He smirked before dashing forward, swinging Masamune from left to right as he stopped in front of them, the force of the blade sending them all flying back through the air.

Iron Man recovered first, proceeding to fly around Sephiroth firing multiple Repulsor Blasts at him. The One Winged Angel merely deflected the blasts with Masamune, sending them flying away from him. He then moved to the right to avoid an incoming magic blast from Twilight, only to be blindsided by Sonic, who hit him with a Homing Attack when he wasn't looking.

Sephiroth smirked as the hedgehog came at him again, but this time he was ready. When he was close enough Sephiroth took to the sky, allowing Sonic to be hit directly in the chest by a magic blast, sending him sprawling across the sand.

Twilight gasped at what she unintentionally did to her friend before being tackled out of the way of Sephiroth, who stabbed the ground where Twilight had previously been standing. He removed Masamune from the ground and turned to see Mario standing over Twilight protectively.

The Son of Jenova flew forward and went to stab Mario.

The plumber could only close his eyes as Sephiroth approached him.

Sephiroth struck.

Mario opened his eyes and gasped in shock as the blade of Masamune held him in the air by the strap of his overalls. He looked down at Sephiroth, who was simply smirking, he was toying with them. He saw Sephiroth's eyes dart to the left and before he knew it, he was flung directly into Twilight and Batman.

Mario crashed into Twilight, sending them both falling across the ground, but Batman avoiding the flailing plumber and threw a Batarang at Sephiroth's hand, hoping to disarm him of his weapon. But the One Winged Angel simply slashed the projectile in half, but to his surprise it exploded right in front of him, sending him staggering back as Batman leapt through the air and delivered a kick to Sephiroth's chest. He landed and went to strike again, but was sent flying through the air with a swish of Sephiroth's wing.

Sephiroth suddenly flew into the sky and clenched his fist as strands of darkness seeped out of the ground the Guardians were standing on. Then suddenly massive chunks of the ground tore themselves from the ground and took off into the air, with the Guardians still on them.

Three desert platforms hovered in the sky, with Sephiroth floating in between them. Twilight and the others readied themselves when Sephiroth slowly descended onto the platform they were standing on with a grin on his face. He clenched his fist once more, sending forth a wave of darkness from himself, causing the Guardians to stagger as he took off into the air.

"Give in to the dark." Spoke Sephiroth as he snapped his fingers, ten orbs of darkness appearing around him. "Heartless Angel." He sent the orbs flying down to the Guardians, causing them to move away from one another. Twilight casted a shield spell around herself, but it shattered upon impact and sent her flying through the air and landing harshly on her back.

Sonic tried outpacing the orbs but they caught up to him and struck his back.

Mario too was unable to evade the orbs.

While Batman and Iron Man continued to evade the orbs, Sephiroth nosedived down to the fallen Sonic the Hedgehog and went for the kill. Sonic's eyes shot open before he zipped upright and avoided Sephiroth's strike. The Angel swung behind him as he turned, but Sonic simply slid under the blade and tried to get an hit on the villain. But Sephiroth raised Masamune over his head and went to bring it down onto the Hedgehog.

Only for Batman to flip over him and kick him in the chest, sending him stumbling into three dark orbs. They each struck his back, causing him to fall to one knee and drop Masamune. As he straightened himself, he moved to grab his blade but found himself dodging multiple strikes from Batman.

Sephiroth blocked and countered the Dark Knight's attacks with his forearms, deflecting each strike. He blocked another strike but was suddenly palmed in the chest by Batman, causing no damage to him at all. But what caught him by surprise was the circular device planted on his chest. Batman backflipped away as the device exploded, causing Sephiroth to stagger.

He grit his teeth before darting forward and seizing Batman by the throat and slamming him onto the ground. He released the Dark Knight and flew forward, removing Masamune from the ground, and zooming into the sky, avoiding multiple missiles flying down towards him.

Iron Man flew through the air, firing every projectile in his arsenal at the One Winged Angel, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't hit him. Sephiroth continued on his flight path to Iron Man, even as the Avenger flew away from him to get some distance between the both of them.

He fired a Unibeam blast at the villain, only for him to disappear in a swirl of darkness.

His eyes widened when he turned around and saw Sephiroth smirking at him.

"What the f--" Was all Tony managed to get out before being slammed onto a different platform, creating a crater where he landed. He tried getting back up but was halted by Sephiroth, who had planted his boot on his chest. He raised his sword over his head, ready to deal the finishing blow, but was stopped when a Grappling Hook clung to the hilt of the blade.

Sephiroth looked back and saw Batman and the others land on the platform, with Mario carrying Twilight as he leapt over.

The Angel merely tugged on his blade, causing Batman to fly over to him unwillingly. He then backhanded Batman away before a violet aura surrounded him. He looked over to see Twilight struggling to hold him, her horn the brightest its been yet.

Sephiroth merely chuckled before walking forward, shattering the aura around him like glass, causing Twilight to cry out in pain as her horn reacted to the damage. Mario and Sonic grinded their teeth and darted over to the approaching menace, but were sent flying back by a forcefield of darkness that surrounded the Angel.

As he approached Twilight, he failed to notice Iron Man get back onto his feet, igniting his boots before taking off toward him. Sephiroth turned around and was spear tackled over to the next platform by Iron Man, dragging him through the ground, digging a trench with his body.

An explosion of darkness caused Iron Man to relinquish his grip on the One Winged Angel, which also sent him spinning through the air at high velocity. Sephiroth recovered and zoomed into the air and slashed at Tony's armor with Masamune, sending him crashing onto the ground.

He landed on the ground just in time to catch Sonic, who tried hitting him with a Homing Attack. Still spinning in his hand, Sonic let out a yell of defiance as he was slammed into the ground, and was then sent rolling across the canvas, uncurling as he rolled to a stop, smears of blood covering his body.

He tried getting back up but fell back down.

Sephiroth turned around as Mario made a mad dash toward him, but the plumber was stopped when Sephiroth zoomed over and kneed him in the face, causing blood to spill out of his nose and mouth. He was then palmed in the chest and sent sliding across the sand.

As the Guardians struggled to get to their feet, Sephiroth spread out his singular wing and took off into the sky, a devious smirk plastered onto his face. The group grew worried at what the villain was going to do, but not before a familiar voice sounded off in Tony's ear.


Tony, standing on the edge of the platform, looked down and saw the portal open where they had landed when they first entered this world. "I see the portal!" He shouted to his teammates. "Let's haul it out of here! We're not gonna win this fight!"

Batman wasted no time in grabbing Twilight by the waist and running toward the edge of the platform. He found that Mario and Sonic were running alongside him, making their way toward Iron Man. Meanwhile Sephiroth simply looked at them confusedly before he looked down below and noticed the portal.

They were trying to escape!

His eyes narrowed when they all leapt off of the platform. So they wanted to run, huh? Well he wasn't going to make it easy for them. He clenched his fist, surrounding the three platforms in darkness, before outstretching his hand downward, turning the platforms into makeshift meteors.

As he flew, Tony noticed a shadow loom over him and the others. He turned around and whispered, "Oh my God." He saw the three platforms hurdling their way down to them. "EVERYBODY MOVE!" He activated the thrusters to max power and grabbed both Mario and Sonic while Batman dived down with Twilight still in his arms. The platforms drew closer, they were going to crush them.

Batman spread out his cape and glided through the air as the platforms came crashing down, generating a massive explosion that sent all of the Guardians flying through the air and crash landing on the ground, a mountainous wave of sand covering their forms.

They all groaned as the portal shined through the sandstorm. They each got to their feet and made their way to the portal, but not before a certain One Winged Angel landed behind them with a smirk on his face. He held his blade behind him curved upward as he slowly walked towards them.

"Guys we need to move!" Sonic shouted hastily as he zoomed towards the portal.

Everyone followed the hedgehog as Sephiroth drew ever closer, his grip tightening on Masamune, he wasn't going to let them get away from him. He quickened his pace as they each drudged to the portal, a certain unicorn falling behind.

His smirk grew as he continued to walk.

Batman noticed this and threw multiple Batarangs at the villain to try and give Twilight a chance to get away. Sephiroth quickly slashed them but was struck in the chest by a magic blast and a Repulsor Blast, halting his movements.


She went into a full gallop as the portal drew closer to her. Sephiroth growled as he saw Mario, Sonic, Iron Man, and Batman enter the portal. Twilight was almost there as well. He took into the air and divebombed down toward the retreating unicorn. He raised Masamune, ready to end her life, but just as he landed her tail entered the portal and it closed, allowing him to only stab the sand beneath his feet.

The portal was gone.

As were the Guardians of the Multiverse.

Sephiroth slowly exhaled through his nose as he removed Masamune from the ground, holding it behind him once more as he stood up straight. He couldn't help but wonder where that portal led to, or who those individuals were. So many questions with no answers.

He shook his head, he had no time to dwell on such things. He had to finish what his mother started, to cleanse this world for good. And to do that, he needed to be rid of one bothersome pest and his friends.

Speaking of which.

He heard the sounds of footsteps approaching behind him, and the removal of a blade from its sheath.

Sephiroth let a smile grace his lips. Finally. He was here.

He turned his head slightly and simply greeted, "Good to see you, Cloud."

Author's Note:

Y'know how I said that Scooby Doo was the last world we would visit?

I lied. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

C'mon you knew I had to include Sephiroth into this somehow. It would just be criminal if I didn't. Anyways, now we move onto Foundation Prime.

Stay tuned, cause it's getting good.

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