• Published 5th Apr 2023
  • 3,529 Views, 589 Comments

Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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25. Monsters, Inc. (Part 1)

Unknown Earth


The Gateway swirled to life as a certain unicorn and her friends leapt through it, landing on the rocky surface of the ground as the portal closed behind them. Twilight looked on as she saw Batman walk over to the console containing the other Keystones and placed the Evolution Keystone in with the others.

"The Evolution Keystone!" Exclaimed the Gateway Keeper happily as the screen above the computer console lit up, displaying an image of the Keystone on it for all to see. "Only one to go!"

Upon hearing this, Mario asked expectantly, "How long until you find the final Keystone?"

"Should be a few minutes." Replied Gateway Keeper as he began searching for the final Keystone.

Batman then began typing on the keyboard on the console, the motherboard he acquired from one of the Soulless Ones in Corona laying beside it. He then picked it up and placed it on a small screen just above the keyboard that read, "Scanner ready. Place designated item here when ready."

The Dark Knight picked up the motherboard and placed it on the scanner. "While Gateway Keeper searches for the final Keystone, we can finally scan the properties of this motherboard and see what we can find." He said before turning his head to face the others. "It shouldn't take long to decrypt what's on it," his face turned serious as he turned his whole body to face Twilight, who was looking down at the ground in sadness. "But while we wait for that, it's time you told us the truth." He said to the unicorn, who still refused to meet his gaze. When he walked over and stood before her, she closed her eyes, not wanting to face him after her failure back in Metropolis. "I knew you weren't telling the whole truth when it came to your experience with Chrysalis and her Changelings, you were hiding something and whatever it was came back to haunt you when we fought Infinite. What happened out there, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle was terrified, she didn't want to face the truth that was staring right in her face. The harsh truth that her 'friends' abandoned her when she needed them most. She just couldn't accept that they would throw away nearly two years of friendship just to suck up to a princess they had only just met.

She sighed before looking up at her new friends, it was time to fess up.

"I-I didn't tell you everything that happened at my brother's wedding." Twilight started shakily, clearly bothered by what she was about to tell them all. "At the wedding rehearsal I accused Chrysalis, who at the time was disguised as princess Cadance; my old foalsitter, of being evil. She used that to her advantage and ran in tears, making her false identity all the more believable." She sniffled and wiped away some tears before continuing, "It was then that my brother... disowned me..."

Both Mario and Sonic's eyes shot open in surprise and shock, even Tony felt shocked by what he was just told. Batman kept the same stoic expression he always had and motioned for her to continue.

"M-My 'friends' left me in the rehearsal hall, crying on the steps, glaring at me coldly as they left to comfort the imposter. My own mentor, whom I saw as a second mother, left me all alone to wallow in my mistake. And when I expected her to bestow some wisdom upon me, she simply said that 'I have a lot to think about'."

Tears were falling from Twilight's eyes, choking on her own sobs as she told her tale.

"And the worst part is that they didn't even say they were sorry! I just got some pitiful excuse of an apology from one mare, who was the one to suggest they leave me to check on Chrysalis! I tried to put it behind me, but I can't!" She cried out in hysterics as her whole body shook from anger. "Part of me wanted to scream and yell how much I hated them, but I don't know how to feel!!! I thought I could move on, I thought I moved on when the Crystal Empire returned, but all I've been doing is holding all of this in and it hurts! It hurts so much and I don't even think that I could face them without screaming at them! I trusted them! I LOVED them like they were my own sisters, and they threw away every moment we shared! And while they think everything is normal, I don't even believe in our friendship anymore!!!"

At this point the young unicorn was bawling into her forelegs, lying on her belly as she sobbed into her legs. Sonic and Mario wasted no time in rushing over to comfort the distraught unicorn. Tony felt crushed for the poor girl, but he didn't know how to show that he cared for her, he wasn't exactly the emotional type of guy.

The sound of footsteps approaching her caused Twilight to lift her head, Mario and Sonic still huddled around her, rubbing her back comfortingly. She saw Batman kneel down in front of her with a soft expression on his face. "I know it's hard," he started, gaining Twilight's full attention, "but at some point you are going to have to face them again, and when you do, you need to be honest with them. Because keeping this to yourself is tearing you apart, and your enemies are using it against you. Whether you forgive them or not, that's your business, but just know that you don't have to face it alone."

"We're with you all the way, Twi." Sonic reassured the girl with a gentle smile.

"One hundred percent." Mario added with a wink.

"Touchy-feely isn't really my thing." Tony said before his faceplate slid upwards, revealing his gentle smirk, "But know that I got your back."

"We all do." Sonic spoke for everyone as he brushed his hand through her mane.

Twilight sniffled as she laughed joyously, being surrounded by her new friends was what she needed. She may have still felt bitter towards her Equestrian friends, but her new Multiversal friends were there for her every step of the way. She slowly got up to her hooves, wiping her nose with her foreleg, "T-Thank you. All of you. That really means a lot to know that you guys are there for me."

Batman and everyone else nodded, showing that they were not going to abandon Twilight. Not now. Not ever.

The moment was interrupted when the sound of electricity crackling reached everyone's ears, and the smell of smoke reached everyone's nostrils. They all looked at the console where they saw the motherboard was set ablaze, slowly turning into a red mist.

"No!" Exclaimed the Caped Crusader before he darted over to the console to try and save the motherboard. But alas it was for naught as the device disappeared into red mist.

Batman clenched his fist as Twilight asked, "What in the name of Celestia just happened?!"

Tony folded his arms in thought before replying, "It self destructed." He then deduced, "It must've been programmed to destroy itself if its hardware was ever compromised." The billionaire genius then looked down, pondering. "Whoever's sending these androids doesn't want to leave any loose ends."

"Why do I feel like this was pointless?" Mario asked aloud.

"Because it was." Batman replied sternly, placing his hands on the console and leaning forward. "We learned nothing... Damnit!" He shouted angrily as he slammed his fist onto the console.

Sonic sighed, dragging his hand down his face. "Great, we're back to square one." He looked to Batman and asked in a tired tone, "Did we manage to decrypt anything?"

Upon hearing the query, Batman quickly typed on the keyboard and pulled up what little data he gathered off the motherboard. "Not much, only the android's designation and their chain of command. Apparently the androids we've been fighting are at the bottom, and they're known as Soulless Ones."

"Soulless Ones?" Twilight repeated.

"Yes." Batman nodded in confirmation before continuing, "The ones with the blade-like arms are Soulless Commanders. There's a rank above them that we haven't encountered yet, they're known as Soulless Lieutenants."

Tony groaned, "Oh, what fun!" before he was interrupted by the Gateway Keeper.

"Just an FYI, I've managed to locate the final Keystone. If you guys are ready I can activate the Gateway and send you all on your way."

Twilight looked at the console and nodded gratefully, "Thank you, Gateway Keeper. We couldn't do this without you."

"I'd be blushing right now if I could."

As the Gateway swirled to life, Twilight and the others walked in front of it and stared at it as the portal grew in size. Twilight couldn't help but smile as she looked to her left and right, gazing at her new friends. Friends that wouldn't abandon her, ones that wouldn't leave her. She would save her Equestrian friends and then she would clear the air, whether she forgives them is another story.

But right now, it was back into the deep end.

They all jumped into the portal, leaving Vorton and the Gateway Keeper behind as it closed.

Noticing a presence in Vorton, Gateway Keeper spoke aloud and asked, "Are you sure about this? Can they really be the ones the prophecy foretold? Are they well and truly the new Guardians?"

A soft, but raspy voice chuckled humorously in reply, "Have faith, my friend. Have faith."

Earth 2001

Monsters Incorporated

The first thing Sonic felt when he leapt out of the rift... was itchiness. His whole body felt itchy, his teeth felt weird, and his hands could actually feel the breeze of the cold air of the night, which didn't make sense since he wore gloves.


He looked down at his hands and let out a startled cry at what he saw. Pale blue, enlarged hands with wolf-like claws. Sonic looked down at himself and felt lightheaded. He had grown slightly larger, with a broader torso, a longer muzzle, larger hands, and longer, more muscular arms. Additionally, his fingernails had become claws, his mouth was much larger, his inner lips were black, and his teeth had become fangs; two of which were always protruding even when his mouth was closed. Likewise, his ears had become more curved and thinner, resembling a pair of horns. His once peach skin was now a pale blue, while his fur had grown into a lush, heavy, dark blue coat. He had also gained fur in places he normally didn't, such as on his arms and chest. Traits of white fur also appeared on his wrists, the end of his quills, and his chest. While his eyes remained green, they had become a lot more angled, with more prominent brows. His now dark red shoes had become slightly frilled in the back, had gained a gray metal strip with three spikes on each top surface, and gained eighteen small metal spikes on the bottom of each sole.

Sonic the werehog took a step back, his breath quickening as he stared down at his enlarged hands, his unwavering gaze set onto the shaking limbs.

"No. No, no, no, no, NO!" Sonic screamed at the top of his lungs before punching the ground in anger, leaving a web-like crack where his fist had impacted the ground. "I'm a monster again." He whispered to himself in realization. Why, of all the forms he could've taken, did it have to be this one? What did this mean? Was Dark Gaia's energy still within him? His ears then picked up the sound of hooves touching the ground behind him.

When the werehog turned around, he was greeted by the sight of Twilight Sparkle.

At least, he thought it was her.

Twilight's body was slightly taller and she had gained more muscle mass. As a result, her limbs were thicker, as her chest became more noticeable. Her muzzle was also larger and her teeth had become more sharp and pointy, while her eyes, while remaining the same color, had become slits. Twilight's mane and tail had become more messy and disheveled, while her horn had sharpened to a point. Her tail had also lengthened greatly. Her body fur had turned into a darker shade of lilac, while her mane and tail color were more pale. The stripes on her mane and tail had gone from purple and magenta to dark blue and black. She also had texture on her body fur. Her muzzle went from dark lilac to bright violet at end, while her front legs had a flame-like design on them. Her hind hooves had also become more exposed and her Cutie Mark was smaller than it originally was.

Twilight looked down at her hooves and let out a scared cry, literally jumping into the air and landing on her plot. She could only stare down in horror at what she had become; an unimaginable monster.

Seeing the clearly distraught unicorn, Sonic rushed over and knelt beside her. "Twilight! Twilight, calm down and take a deep breath."

She looked up and was startled for a moment before recognizing the familiar looking werehog. "S-Sonic? Is that you?" Twilight asked shakily.

The werehog nodded solemnly, "Yeah, it's me."

The unicorn looked down at her hooves again, studying them intensely before looking into Sonic's eyes again and asking, "What happened to us?"

Sonic shrugged, "Guess this is how we blend in here."

They both then turned to face the Rift and saw a familiar looking plumber leap through. It appeared that he too had undergone a monstrous transformation. While he retained his red shirt and blue overalls, his signature hat was missing. His hair and moustache were scruffy, with two goat-like horns sticking out from his head. His feet had been transformed into hooves. His skin was purple, and on his left hand was a spikey bracelet, which was very similar to Bowser's.

Mario saw his two friends and took a step back before glancing at his own hands. He saw the sharp nails that protruded from his fingertips and his new purple skin. He reached up to his head and felt the horns on his head before muttering, "Mama Mia..." His voice had become low and growly, just like Sonic's.

Suddenly Batman leapt out of the portal and landed next to Mario, who let out a startled cry at the Dark Knight's terrifying form. His cowl and shoulders were a dark blue, while his eyes and the four tears in his muscles were a bright blue. The skin around his mouth was a pale grey, as was the majority of his body. The sides of his torso and his wrists were a pale light blue, his large leathery wings were brown in color, his pelvis was a gold-like color as it resembled his Utility Belt. His Bat Symbol was embedded onto his chest, as if it were a literal part of him, he had sharp claws on his hands and feet, with sharp teeth inside of his mouth to complete the look.

Batman looked around at his comraded before looking at himself. He simply scowled before uttering, "You've got to be kidding."

Sonic leaned over to Twilight and whispered in her ear, "I didn't think he could get any scarier." To which Twilight nodded in complete agreement.

It was then that the final member of their team had arrived, and he had undergone the most changes out of everyone there. His suit was bulkier and the size of his Hulkbuster Armor, with broad shoulders that had blue highlights going along them with yellow claws at the end. His armor had blue highlights going all over his body, with yellow claws protruding from various parts of his armor. His Arc Reactor now had a slitted eye in the middle of it, and he had two claws protruding from the chin of his helmet. On his right arm was a bright blue cable going from his shoulder to a large Proton Cannon that rested on his wrist.

Iron Man stumbled a bit, adjusting to his new, massive form. "Ooookay, this is beyond weird." He stated the obvious before the Rift behind them closed. Tony Stark looked around at his allies and saw them all, saw them as they were now. "Monsters." He blurted out. "We blend in as monsters." He then took notice of his Proton Cannon and let out an impressed whistle, "I ain't complaining about this Proton Cannon though. Gotta say that I'm impressed."

Mario, on the other hand, was less than pleased. "Seriously? Is this how we blend in here?" Admittedly he was a little peeved at the fact that he no longer had his hat.

Twilight turned and noted the look on Sonic's face. He looked sad, which was an uncommon look for the hedgehog... or rather werehog now. She then turned around and saw a large building with a large symbol of an 'M' with an eye inside it stamped on the outside.

Sonic folded his arms and muttered, "Wonder what kind of weirdos live here..."

Twilight frowned sadly at the werehog, "Guess he's unhappy about this whole situation." She thought to herself before noticing a slogan above the entryway to the building. She read it aloud, "It says, 'We Scare Because We Care'?" She then tapped her hoof to her chin in thought, "That doesn't sound very caring."

Batman walked ahead of the group and stood next to Twilight. "If they look like us, then they could be trouble." He hypothesized before turning to face the rest of the group. "I think we'd better investigate."

Tony shrugged, "No objections here. Besides why would Keeps portal us here of all places if that building isn't where we're supposed to go?"

The group nodded in agreement before headed towards the entrance of the factory, completely unaware of the three figures staring down at them from a nearby rooftop. Once was sleek and monster-like, he clearly was a resident of this dimension. The others not-so-much, as one had a singular eye with a sword on his back, and the other had broad shoulders with spikes on them, sinister yellow eyes, and two large horns on his head.

The one-eyed figure turned to the monster figure, "Operation's A-Go. Earn your keep and get us what we want, and in turn this factory will be yours. Fail, and you'll lose more than your job this time around. Now go!" The sleek, chameleon-like figure nodded before sleeking away, leaving the other two figures alone in the darkness, plotting their next move.

Inside the factory

Twilight led the group into the factory, which had them enter the main lobby. The first thing any of them saw were two distinct individuals. Monsters. The first one was a short green monster with thin arms and legs. He had one giant turquoise eye and two miniature horns on top of his head.

And the second monster was a large furry cyan blue beast with lilac spots. He had blue eyes, a small tail, and horns on his head.

This monster was holding a little girl in his massive hands. She wore a pink nightshirt, purple capris leggings, and white socks. She had short dark brown hair with pink ponytail holders.

Upon seeing the little girl in the monster's hands, Twilight and the others were on high alert now, with Iron Man already aiming his newly acquired Proton Cannon at the blue monster, ready to blast it if it tried anything. Upon hearing the group of heroes behind him, the blue monster turned around, with the small child in his hands, and looked at the group with a curious expression.

"Hmm? I wonder who those guys are."

Suddenly the little green monster rushed up to his friend's side and exclaimed, "What?! Careful, Sulley. If they see the K-I-D..."

The blue monster, now known as Sulley, shrugged carelessly and replied, "It's fine. We got nothing to hide."

The green monster retorted with, "But you're the CEO! You set the example."

Sulley sighed and eventually caved in, setting the small girl down on the floor as the green monster made a mad dash over to the group, flailing his arms around in a mad panic.

"Guys! Guys, it's not what it looks like. Okay, listen. That kid over there just popped out of nowhere!" He exclaimed, clearly making the story up on the spot, to which the group just stared at him unimpressively. He continued, "We gotta call the CDA. Uh... It's a...uh... Oh yeah, a Code 835!"

He shut his mouth up when Sonic of all people slammed his fist onto the ground and leaned in close to the green monster's face, snarling, "Are you trying to scare that little girl?"

Sulley raised a curious eyebrow at the question as the green monster stammered, "Yes! I mean, no no no! We're done with scare power. Nobody's gettin' scared."

Seeing how his friend was going into a panic, Sulley walked over and chuckled softly "Mike, take it easy." He said to his friend, who was now known as Mike, as the little girl stood next to his leg.

Twilight looked to Sonic and said, "You should too, Sonic." When the werehog looked at her questioningly, she elaborated by pointing a hoof at the girl, "Look! She's happy!" When he looked at the girl, he saw that she was bouncing in front of him, to which Sulley bent over and patted her on the head.

Now Sonic felt like a jerk, he really didn't like this form. He then smiled softly before he leaned towards the girl and introduced himself. "I'm Sonic! Sonic the he-!" He stopped before correcting himself, "-Werehog. What's your name, kid?"

"Boo!" She replied happily.

Mike, however, looked at the group curiously. "Hold on! You guys really aren't afraid of humans?"

Everyone looked at one another for a moment before turning back and shaking their heads. "Not really." Twilight responded before trotting over to introduce herself. "Hi! I'm Twilight Sparkle!"

Mario was next, "It's-a-me! A-Mario!"

"Call me Iron Man."

"I'm Batman."

Mike looked at the Caped Crusader before commenting, "You're a scary one!"

"I get that a lot."

Sulley chuckled before introducing himself, "Well, my name's Sulley." He then gestured his hand towards Mike, "And this is--"

"Mike Wazowski!" Boo chimed in helpfully.

Sulley laughed, "Yeah, that."

Boo laughed happily as she jumped around Twilight, who could only look on with a beaming smile. But the small child saw something behind the group and ran to hide behind Sulley's leg.

"What's the matter, Boo?" He asked, to which the little girl responded by pointing behind the group.

Once Twilight and the others turned around, they saw multiple portals open up in the air. Then four Soulless Ones fell out of the portals, but they weren't alone, as two Soulless Commanders fell out as well. They all stood in a line as one final robot fell out of the final portal, standing ahead of the group of androids. This one had a similar design to the Soulless Commanders, except this one was white, had red highlights all through its body, and its visor had some form of mask covering it.

The Soulless Lieutenant pointed its blade like arm forward as the portals closed above them.

Twilight rushed to the front of the group and lit up her horn, which is when she noticed that her magic had taken on a different color. It was now a very dark purple. She looked to her right and saw Iron Man aim his Proton Cannon at the Soulless Ones before he commented, "So, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that that is a Soulless Lieutenant."

"Nobody would blame you for that assumption." Batman replied before opening his wings.

"Things just got a whole lot worse." Said Mario as he clenched his fists.

Sonic looked at his hands before slamming them down on the ground. Guess it was time to see if he could still stretch in this form.

Meanwhile Sulley and Mike went to hide Boo behind the desk so that she wouldn't get hurt. "Stay here. Kitty will be back." He said softly to the scared girl. She nodded and hid behind the desk. Sulley smiled before his attention was grabbed by Mike.

"Those guys are right, Sulley. This has got 'bad news' written all over it."

"Yeah, we gotta keep Boo safe."

"I'm on it!"

With that, the two monsters rushed forward and stood next to the group of heroes, ready to join in the fray. Without warning, the Soulless Ones rushed forward while the two Soulless Commanders jumped into the air, brandishing their arm blades.

Sonic then stretched his arm forward and grabbed a Soulless One before slamming it into the ground, causing it to evaporate into red mist. Everyone looked at the werehog as if he had grown a second head.

"What the what?!" Mario exclaimed, to which Sonic shrugged before he ran on all fours towards the incoming androids.

Sulley ran forward and punched a Soulless One, using his mighty strength to destroy the enemy. He flexed his fingers as he looked to Mike, watching his friend attempt to fight off the android. Seeing his friend struggling, Sulley charged forward towards the Soulless One and shoulder charged it, destroying it.

Meanwhile Twilight was hurling magical sawblades at one of the Soulless Commanders. She noticed that her magical constructs were more jagged, more monstrous than harmonious. The Soulless Commander jumped over the sawblades and attempted to slash Twilight with its blades. Fortunately she had brought up a shield that protected her from the attack. She showed off her newly sharp teeth before releasing a magical burst that sent the Soulless Commander flying right into a blue laser beam.

Tony ceased firing his Proton Cannon and gave off an impressed whistle as he witnessed the android turn to dust. "Oh, I am so keeping this!" He commented ecstatically before flying into the air. He then began charging his Arc Reactor, praying that his Unibeam still worked.

Surely enough it did, as he fired it directly into the fourth Soulless One, destroying it instantly.

As Iron Man flew around, Mario was busy dealing with the other Soulless Commander, dodging its swipes with such precision that the android couldn't hit him. The monstrous plumber ran forward and slid under the Commander's legs, slide tackling it as he moved under it. As the android fell to the ground, Mario backflipped through the air before stomping downwards, crushing the android's head with his hooves.

All that was left was the Soulless Lieutenant, who was currently zigzagging forward, blitzing in and out of reality as it made its way toward Batman. The Dark Knight used his newfound wings and took to the air. He went to grab a Batarang from his Utility Belt, only to remember that he didn't have one in this form. He grumbled before nosediving down and slashing at the android's mask with his claws.

The Android was about to retaliate, but was blindsided by Sulley, who shoulder charged it right into Iron Man's Proton Beam, causing a great deal of damage to it. The Soulless Lieutenant slid across the floor before zooming forward, creating mirages of itself where it was previously to confuse everyone.

It slashed at Sulley a few times before it was hit in the face by a magical beam, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle. With its mask now off, its visor was now vulnerable to attack. The android was then dropped kicked in the back by Mario, which sent it right into Sonic's grasp.

Sonic stretched his arm as he flung the robot into the air. He grinned as he brought it back down onto the ground, dealing enough damage to destroy it. All that remained was a puff of red mist that slowly evaporated into the air.

Once the battle was concluded, Mike walked up to Sulley and the two high fived one another in congratulations, celebrating their victory over the Soulless Ones.

"All right!"

"Nice, Sulley. Even with those extra pounds you put on."

Sulley smiled as he replied, "Heh, still runnin' circles around you, butterball."

As Twilight and the others checked to see if there were anymore Soulless Ones around waiting to strike, Boo peaked from her hiding place and shouted gleefully, "Kitty!"

Upon hearing this, Sulley turned around and shuffled towards his young friend. Mike, on the other hand, turned around as Twilight approached him with everyone else trailing behind her. The green monster then asked, "So, any idea who those guys were?"

It was Iron Man who answered, "We only recently learned that they were called Soulless Ones," Mike involuntarily shivered at the name, "And they've been popping up everywhere and at every turn."

Sulley walked over with Boo in his arms as Twilight continued for the Armored Avenger. "We tried to learn more about them, but so far our efforts have been for naught." She then turned to Batman and said, "They've been appearing wherever there's a Keystone involved, yet they don't seem to be going after them, only getting them if they have the chance. So if that's not what they're after...?"

"Then what are they after?" Batman finished for her. "Luthor said something about retrieving an Element."

Mario brightened at that, realizing what Batman was getting at, "Right! And he took Woody's badge!"

"And Discord took Rapunzel's lost tiara!"

"And M.O.D.O.K. took that Plutonium Rod!"

While the group conversed, Mike and Sulley exchanged looks and shrugged, having no idea what they were talking about.

"But why would they show up here?" Sonic asked himself before suggesting, "Could it be this factory? Didn't Mike say something about 'Scream Power'?"

The little green monster stamped his foot at that, "Hey, I told you we're through using that!" Sulley nodded in agreement before Mike added, "Besides, we have no idea who or what you're talking about."

Twilight looked sheepish as she laughed nervously, "Ummm...basically...we've come from far away to get rid of those creatures causing trouble. We're like...exterminators?" She thought up right on the spot, thinking that it would be best if they didn't know everything. Didn't want to make things even more complicated.

Batman nodded approvingly.

Mike and Sulley looked at one another again before Mike asked, "Just how far away?"

Sonic chuckled, placing his massive hand on his hip, "As far as you can imagine."

Mike scratched his bald head before walking forward, slowly buying their story. "Hmm... Okay, okay, let's just say we buy all that. Are those creeps dangerous?"

"Extremely." Mario replied.

"They sure gave Boo a scare." Commented Sulley, Boo slowly sinking into his fur as she cuddled him.

Mike sighed as he turned to his best friend with a solemn expression. "Sulley, I know you've missed her, but it's time to postpone our playdate."

"You're right, Mikey. Let's get our girl home."

Batman looked at them questioningly and asked, "What are you planning to do?"

"It's kind of a long story...but Boo's from another world...and we gotta send her back there...to keep her safe." Replied Mike.

Hearing this, Twilight got an idea. If the Soulless Ones were here, then that must mean that whatever they're after is here as well. Not only that, but they were teleported here to this building for a reason. The Keystone has to be somewhere in this factory. Plus they would be able to keep Mike, Sulley, and Boo safe from any potential threats that came their way.

"Okay, then. We're gonna help you."

Mike and Sulley looked surprised as the former exclaimed, "What?!"

Twilight replied with, "Well, the Soulless Ones might try to cause more trouble, so, we want to come along." She extended a hoof to the green monster, to which he happily accepted.

"Great! We could use a couple of exterminators around here!"

"Yeah! Thanks!" Sulley thanked as he set Boo down. The little girl let out a happy squeal as she ran past the lobby, with Mike and Sulley chasing after her, playfully roaring.

Twilight watched on with a smile on her face. "You've always got to help, don't you?" She looked up to see Batman looking down at her with that usual scowl of his, made even more terrifying thanks to his current form.

She smirked at him and replied, "I like to help wherever I can! That's the wonders of friendship!"

"Not saying it's a bad thing." Was the Dark Knight's reply before he walked past her to catch up with the monsters. As Iron Man, Mario, and Sonic walked past her, Twilight couldn't help think about something. She swore she saw a smirk on Batman's face when he said that.

She shook her head, "Nah! Must've been in my head." She then galloped after her friends, delving even further into the factory.

Author's Note:

Welcome to Monstropolis!!!

This chapter officially marks the halfway point of the story!!! I can't believe it, 50% done!!! This is insane, thank you all so much for the support on this thing!

I'll try to get another chapter out before the New Year, but don't quote me on that.

Anyways, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a safe New Years!!!

Unbound Twilight - PF21

Master Ninja - HGBD-WolfBeliever5

Iron Man (Monster Mech) - By me

Batman (Monster Form) - By me

Mario (Monster Form) - By me

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