• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,202 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter Eleven

Early Birdie

Early the next morning, Rainbow Dash was wandering down a quiet street. The sun was just beginning to rise, and already crowds of ponies were in the middle of departing their homes and hurrying into the city center.

She was glad to be moving in the opposite direction, away from the crowds and noise that would accompany it. After the previous day’s events, she was looking forward for a day on a train, if only to put up her hooves and relax.

“You know, you didn’t have to follow us out,” she said, turning to the cloaked pony walking beside her.

She caught sight of a smile underneath her hooded companion, and a glimpse of shining olive eyes. “Of course I must,” Victoire said. “It is a custom of friends to see each other off is it not?” She chuckled. “Or is it that you feel embarrassment for giving the queen a black eye?”

Dash’s eyes darted. “Uh… I… uh…”

“Do not worry, Miss Dash. As I said yesterday, I deserved it for playing my games with you. I expected a similar outcome no matter how the day would have unfolded, considering what I do know of you.”

Dash frowned. “What, you expected me to hit you? What did you hear to think I like hitting ponies?”

Victoire turned to Dash and winked. “I do read the newspaper. I will say well done. That old windbag Cranberry has always been an insufferable child over his country’s history.”

“Huh, never expected to be congratulated for attacking a royal.”

“I would recommend not making a habit of it, however. If my eye is any indication, the next royal you meet might end up with something broken.”

Dash grumbled as Victoire laughed. She threw her head back slightly, causing her hood to shift and revealing the black circle around her eye. It had grown since Dash saw it last and she winced as she stared at it. “That eye’s not going to be a problem, is it? I’m pretty sure ponies will ask questions. I don’t think Twilight could handle us being in another headline.”

Victoire's laughter dropped to a chuckle. “If I was able to fool you with a disguise like this, a black eye is nothing difficult to conceal." There was a brief flash of sapphire light from underneath her hood. She peeked out at Dash, showing a now pristine white coat. "I assure you no pony will notice, not even my mother. Only Ruby and his guards know what happened, and they understand my intentions.”

Dash shrugged. They continued down the road, and she glanced at the crowds milling about. “Shouldn’t you be... I dunno, at your palace waiting for the party to start?”

Victoire shook her head. “It will still be several hours before the festivities begin.” She glanced at the many ponies shuffling along, paying neither of the two mares any mind as they dashed past them. “And they are only getting started with their day. I promise I will return with plenty of time to spare.”

“If you say so...” Dash tilted her head up, peering over the small crowd at the end of the street. She frowned and took off into the a low hover to gaze over the gathering crowds. “Now where did Twilight get off to? She said she was going to get a spot in line at the train station for tickets, but I can’t see her.”

“You are not worried about her, are you?”

Dash landed, giving Victoire a curious look. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I have noticed that you have a strong concern with her well being. A little more so than I would expect among friends.”

Dash’s eyes widened, and her ears folded back. “Um...I...uh...”

“And your… interesting reaction back in the catacombs…”

Dash gulped and uttered a series of stammers.

Victoire smirked. “I see... Say no more, my dear. I understand.”

Dash glanced sideways, avoiding Victoire’s eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Miss Dash,” Victoire said, with no lack of seriousness. “Prance is considered many things by the world, but it is foremost the land of the heart. I can see a love-struck pony from miles away.”

Dash froze in the street. She stared at the ground, scuffing her hooves. “Great... so I’m obvious to random cooks on cruise ships and the Queen of Prance, but not Twilight. Don’t I feel lucky?”

“Yes... that does seem to be an obstacle. Miss Sparkle does miss the subtleties a bit.” Victoire started off again, and Dash moved her hooves again to keep in step. “Would you like my advice?”

Dash didn’t answer, instead giving Victorie another curious look.

“Just ask her! You only do more harm to yourself than good if you keep bottling these feelings.”

“I—I will! One of these days. When the time is right.”

Victoire rolled her eyes. “You may find that time approach faster than you want. You are better off taking charge and making the right time instead of waiting for it.”

The two walked on in silence a while longer. The crowd had thinned to a few isolated ponies trotting towards a large archway. Dash heard a loud whistle screech from the other side of the nearby walls, as well as grinding metal. She and Victoire halted just in front of the threshold of the station, not saying a word.

Victoire eventually shook her head. ‘It is only my advice, Miss Dash. It is not my place to question you on your choices. But I do hope you will consider my words seriously, at least for your heart’s sake.”

"It would be easier if I didn't have to worry about competing with other ponies who share her interests more than I do. Like art galleries and stuff."

Victoire raised an eyebrow, before her eyes widened. "You do not mean to think..." She let a snort as she brought her hoof to her mouth, before she burst into laughter. Dash felt her skin bristle as she frowned at her laughing companion. Several eyes started glancing their way, which raised her frustration further.

"You..." Victoire gasped. "You thought I was flirting with miss Twilight? What made you think that?"

Dash swallowed a lump. "W-well, you were getting all close with her in the galleries, whispering like a bunch of fillies in Prancy..."

Victoire's laughter descended into a series of snickers. "I was merely being polite."

"It certainly didn't look like that."

"Twilight seems to be the type to be engrossed in her interests. It was part of my overly ambitious idea to meet you two to simply cater to your interests, and as I said yesterday, Twilight's were easier."

She cleared her throat. "But I apologize again, if I appeared to be stepping on on your hooves in your heart's pursuit. It was most certainly not my intention. I do not claim to know Miss Twilight's preferences in romance, or yours by extent, but I assure you my interests do not fall that way." She winked at Dash. "Not that there is anything wrong with that."

Dash opened her mouth to say something, when an angry voice shouted from inside.

“Vous ne pouvez pas être sérieux!”

Dash and Victoire both turned at the voice. “That sounded like Twilight,” Dash said.


The two dashed under the arch and turned a corner. A wall of booths sat on the other side, each with a small line of ponies queued up. The booths each had a single, blue uniformed pony inside, accepting money and stamping tickets, except for the last one.

Dash saw Twilight at the far end, and was shouting in Prancy at the ticket vendor. He had an apologetic look on his face as Twilight ranted. Dash and Victoire rushed up beside her.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?”

Twilight spun around. Beads of liquid were forming at the corners of her eyes. Dash’s heart began to race, seeing Twilight like this. While she might have been on the verge of tears, her face was set in anger. She let out a weak, choking breath and sputtered, “All of the trains to Germane are cancelled!”

“What?!” Dash exchanged a glance with Victoire, who shared her feeling of shock.

Victoire stepped up to the vendor. “Est-ce qu'elle dit est vrai? Les trains à Germane sont vraiment annulé?”

The vendor nodded. “Avalanches ont coupé toutes les routes d'ici à Germane. I’ll y a rien nous pouvons faire.”

“What did he say?” Dash asked.

“There have been avalanches in the mountains,” Victorie said. “All of the train routes have been blocked from Prance for the next few days while they get cleared.”

“But that means...”

“It means...” Twilight interjected. “We’ll be late to meet with the chancellors of Germane, and all the subsequent rulers after that.” Twilight shuddered, but maintained herself. “Celestia is going to be so mad at me for missing all these appointments...”

“Hey now. It can’t be as big a deal as that.” Dash placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’m sure if we explain what happened, they’ll understand.”

“Maybe, but I had so many plans for the trip outside of these deliveries. If we miss our train, we might not get to see any of them, even with the extra day we gained here.”

Dash thought a moment. She knew Twilight had thought ahead for every stop of the trip, and if they fell through... She shook her head. Not going to happen, she thought. “There has to be something we can do.”

“Perhaps there is...” Victorie said. She moved closer to the booth, almost close enough to press her nose to the glass and spoke to the vendor in Prancy. Dash could only see the back of Victoire’s hooded head as she made gestures with her hooves as she spoke.

Dash didn’t try to understand what was being said, instead focusing on his face. The vendor nodded occasionally, responding in normal volumes. He shook his head a few times, and other times he shrugged. Victoire started talking quieter and quieter until Dash couldn’t hear a word she was saying. There was a faint glimmer of light that reflected off the glass booth, and the vendor’s eyes widened.

His mouth hung open, as staggered responses struggled to escape his mouth. Dash saw Victoire lift a hoof up towards her hood, and heard the faintest of giggles. The vendor nodded slowly and stepped back in his booth to open the back door and shout, “Passe-Partout!”

Victoire turned back, a victorious smile on her face. “I believe now they might have something.”

Twilight and Dash stared in disbelief. “What did you do?” Dash said.

Victoire’s smile widened. “I just told him it would be in the best... interest... of the crown to see you to Germane as quickly as possible. He is collaborating with other attendants for an alternate route.”

“Really?” Twilight said, her shaky voice slowly evaporating.

At that moment, a second stallion appeared in the booth. He and the other vendor whispered to each other, and the new stallion’s eyes also widened. The newcomer approached the glass and cleared his throat. He cast a quick glance in Victoire’s direction, before shifting his gaze to Twilight.

“My apologies, madam. My name is Passe-Partout, and my colleague says you are trying to get to Germane?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, that’s correct.”

Passe-Partout nodded. “I am sorry to say that the avalanches have stopped all trains to that region for some time, but there might be an alternate route, if you do not mind a detour.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “A detour? To where?”

Passe-Partout shuffled some papers on the desk in front of him, eyes flicking around the pages.

“A train is scheduled to depart for Antlerdam in the next hour. You would have to spend a night there, and the following morning be on a train for Germane through the northern mountains which have not been blocked.”

“Antlerdam?” Dash said. “You mean the Antlerdam?”

Twilight glanced at her. “You know it?”

“Not personally, but I hear it’s got a big nightlife scene.”

“What kind of nightlife?”

Dash shrugged. “Parties, dancing, music. Ponies travel from all over just to go to Antlerdam for a good time. Cloud Kicker told me it was pretty awesome.”

Twilight chewed her lip. “I’m not sure if I’m completely comfortable with that.”

“The city’s nightlife is not the only charm Antlerdam holds, Miss Sparkle,” Victoire said. “Antlerdam is one of the oldest cities of the Doelands. It is a cultural haven, and played a major part in the Gryphon Rebellions. I’m sure you could find something for your interests as well.”

“Well... I guess so. I mean if it its the best way for us to get to Germane on time, what choice do we have?”

“Very well, madam,” Passe-Partout said. He reached down into his booth, and there was a quick clicking noise. He withdrew two stamped tickets and passed them through the opening in the booth. “Here are your tickets. The train is quite full, but I managed to put you in a car with one other passenger, so it should not be too crowded.”

Twilight nodded and took the tickets. “Thank you very much.”

Passe-Partout nodded and stepped out of the booth, allowing his colleague back in. Twilight turned around with the tickets in tow, and smiled at Victoire. “Thank you so much, Your Majesty. I don’t know what we would have done without you.”

Victoire waved a hoof. “Think nothing of it. It is the least I could do for your kindness and friendship.”

Twilight paused a moment, then popped open her bags. She pulled out a quill and a small piece of scroll. After a quick scribble, she offered the scrap to Victoire. She eyed the paper curiously.

Twilight grinned. “It’s my postal address. Feel free to write me whenever you want. And I promise I’ll speak to Celestia about visiting. I’m sure she has to have some free time in the future, even if I have to be the one who gives it to her.”

“Hey, that’s a great idea, Twi. Here, lemme write mine.” Dash took the quill from Twilight’s magic and inscribed her own information on the scroll before returning it to Victoire.

Victoire gave them both a fond smile. “Thank you. This means more than you know, Miss Sparkle, Miss Dash. I will write as often as I can.”

Twilight nodded. “I look forward to it.”

A whistle rang out from inside the station, prompting the three mares to glance past the ticket booths. There was a noticeable increase in movement from inside, as droves of ponies began filing in and out of the station grounds. Victoire heaved a heavy sigh. “I suppose this is where we part ways, my friends.”

Dash exchanged a look with Twilight, and shrugged her head towards Victoire. It took a moment before Twilight understood, but she eventually managed to smile and nod. They quickly trotted up to Victoire and gave her a hug. Victorie inhaled a sharp breath, and held it for as long as the embrace lasted.

When it finally ended, she released her grip on Dash and Twilight, quickly rubbing at her cheek. “Please visit again soon, and enjoy the rest of your journey.”

“We will, your Majesty,” Twilight said.

Dash watched Victoire turn around and out of the station. She saw Mr. Ruby standing outside with a carriage waiting, his face set in its ever present expression of stone. Just before she was out of earshot, Dash took a step forward.

“Oh, and Victoire?” she said.

Victoire stopped and turned her head, eyebrow raised.

Dash grinned. “Thanks for making this part an adventure. And happy birthday.”

Victoire smiled. She turned back, and instead of walking back to her carriage, she skipped, humming all the way.


Twilight led the way as she and Dash squeezed through the hall of the train cars as they searched for their compartment.

Passe-Partout clearly must have had a different definition of ‘quite full’ as the two mares quickly found themselves navigating their way around ponies who were not lucky enough to secure a car of their own.

The shaking of the already moving train didn’t make it any easier, as it caused them to bump into the cramped passengers, eliciting a few foul looks and seething glares. They let out as many harrowed apologies as they could manage, before they finally came to the end of the train.

Twilight held her ticket in the air, and compared the inscription to the lettering on the final door of the car. She turned back to Dash and nodded. “This is it.”

Dash watched Twilight slide the door open with her magic, but as she went to follow her inside, she ran into her friend. She scratched her head, and tilted her head around Twilight. “What’s wrong, Twi?”

As she peered around her frozen friend, she saw what had drawn her attention. Like Passe-Partout had mentioned, the car they were assigned wouldn’t be empty. She had expected it to be another travelling pony, not a gryphon. But here one was, lying back in her seat, her forelegs crossed over her chest, which was covered in a white patterned shirt. A black beret sat on her face, hiding it completely. The only thing it did not mask was the sound of her gentle snoring.

Dash wedged herself in between Twilight and the doorframe to get a better look.

“Do you think she’s really asleep?” Twilight asked.

“I think so,” Dash said. “It’s actually kind of hard to fake snoring.”

“And you would know that why?”

Dash shrugged. “Eh, I nap enough to know there’s a difference. Even Applejack can tell when I’m not really asleep just to get out of a few chores.”

Twilight giggled and glanced at the opposite seat. Dash watched Twilight sit down on the far end of the seat, floating her bags to the luggage rack above her head. She smiled at Dash and patted the seat next to her. “Well, there is enough room for the both of us on this side. As long as we keep quiet, we should be able to avoid disturbing her.”

Dash gulped and moved to sit beside Twilight. “Y-yeah... sounds good. Gryphons aren’t known for being morning types.”

“Did you know that from your time with Gilda?”

Dash shrugged. “More or less. The Junior Speedsters was like a summer camp at a big school, with double rooms. We ended up sharing one for a few summers, and waking her up for class was not a fun experience.”

“Hmm,” Twilight mused. She looked up at her bags, and reached inside with her magic, pulling out her atlas. “Well, it’s a few hours to Antlerdam at least, that gives me some time to read up on what the city has to offer. I never honestly considered going there, so this will be a bit interesting.”

“I’ve heard nothing but good things about the place, but I guess that’s from others. As long as we stick together, I’m sure it will be fine.”

Twilight nodded at her, then turned her attention to her book. Dash watched her flip through the pages, and that was enough for her that quiet time had begun. Dash chose then to rummage through her own bags and dig out something to amuse her for the trip. She found the book she had purchased in Buckingham. She hadn’t even read it yet, and with a shrug, decided now was as good a time as any. City of Owls, she read. Book One of the Crystal Hooves Saga. Huh. I guess this could be good.


Dash was almost ten chapters in when the train began rocking. The violent motions of the train shook her out of the story, and found herself looking out the window. Tall jagged mountains surrounded them, capped with touches of white at their peaks.

Dash saw that Twilight was looking up from her book too. Every so often, her horn glowed brighter, maintaining her hold on her book against the jarring motion of the train.

“Bumpy ride, eh?” Dash said.

“Tell me about it. I’m about to dro—”

Dash yelped as the train car bucked suddenly. Her hooves flailed around as the book she was holding stumbled out of her grip and flew towards the sleeping gryphon. She tried to reach out and grab it, but it was already too far. It sailed towards the gryphon, when a lavender glow snatched it inches from her head.

“Nice save, Twi.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “That was too close.”

Dash glanced at the gryphon. “How is she still asleep? Even I would have woken up from a buck like that.”

“Maybe she’s used to trains, or—”

The train rocked again. The surge was even stronger this time, and Dash found it hard even to stay in her seat. The was a loud rattle above her, and she looked up. Across from them was another luggage rack, holding what appeared to be a black, wing-shaped case. It rumbled and bounced around the metal poles holding it above the slumbering gryphon when it suddenly hopped off.

It landed square on the gryphon’s stomach. She lurched upright with a loud squawk, propelling the hat from her head. The case didn’t stop there, though. After it had tackled its owner, it proceeded to bounce across the seats and land on Twilight. She let out a loud ‘oof!’ and the glow around her horn sputtered out.

Dash glanced back to the gryphon in time to see the suspended book land on her head. She plucked the book in her talons and eyed it curiously.

Without the book, or her hat, Dash finally got a better look at her. She blinked a pair of bright sunny eyes as she twitched the book in her claws. Her amethyst crown feathers bounced with the motions of the train. Her eyes narrowed as she examined the object in her talons. After a while, she smiled.

“I realize this wasn’t my best work, but striking me with it? That’s just silly.”

Dash tilted her head. “Uh... what?”

The gryphon turned her attention to her. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She held the book up. “I was just lamenting on the irony of my craft. It isn’t often you get hit with your own prose over the head.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Dash...” Twilight said, almost in a whisper.

Dash turned to see Twilight was clutching the case that had landed on her. She was staring at the gryphon across from her, but was indicating a small bronze fixture on the case with a tap of her hoof. Dash squinted to read the tiny embossed writing. Property of Edweena Talonmark.

Dash scratched her head. “Where have I heard that name before?”

“Dash!” Twilight almost hissed her name. “She wrote Daring Do!”

Dash stared at her, then to the gryphon. She watched the two ponies across from her with an amused smirk. “Oh dear, it seems I’ve been recognized.”

Dash’s brain struggled to process the information she had just acquired. Bits of thought slowly trickled out and formed into words that tumbled out of her mouth. “You...wrote... Daring Do?”

She shrugged. “I suppose I did, yes.”

Dash stared on. “You wrote Daring Do?” Her words came a little faster this time.

The gryphon raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

Something clicked in Dash’s mind, and as it did, she fell back and rolled in her seat, giggling and shrieking. Dash’s wings buzzed behind her, and she hopped in place as her smiled threatened to spread all around her head.

The gryphon frowned slightly and glanced to Twilight. “I take it she’s a fan of my work?”

Twilight smirked at Dash, then nodded at the gryphon. “I guess you could say that.”

She smiled. “I’ve met plenty of fans in my travels, but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen one like this.”

“It’s just an honor to meet you in person, Mrs. Talonmark. I’ve read all your books.”

She lifted up a claw. “Ah, please call me Edie.” She reached the claw across the seats to Twilight, holding it open.

Twilight smiled and shook her claw. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and my excitable friend here is Rainbow Dash.”

Dash sprang up from her seat and offered her hoof as well, and shook Edie’s claw almost twice as hard. “I’m your biggest fan!” she squealed.

Edie grinned. “I can see that. I’m glad you enjoyed my books so much, Rainbow Dash.”

After she was done shaking Dash’s hoof, her eyes wandered back to Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, now that’s a name you don’t hear often out here.”

Twilight leaned back in her seat. “You... you know me?”

Edie winked. “A good author does their research, and one should know everything she can about the world she lives in, whether fact or fiction. The prized student of Princess Celestia definitely falls in the category of interesting. How the fates have conspired to put us in the same train care only adds to the intrigue.”

“It sounds like a book in the making.”

Edie paused. “You know what? You’re absolutely right. Every moment has a story to tell, if you only know how to tell it. I’ll have to write this down.”

“You might need this back, then.” Twilight lifted the case and floated it over to Edie.

She took it, laid it on the seat next to her and opened it. “But first...” She pulled out a blonde colored quill from inside, took Dash’s book in her claws and scribbled something on the first page. After she was done, she offered it back to Dash.

Dash’s hooves quivered as she took her book back, and glanced at the first page. A large flourishing signature graced the inside of of the book. She stared in awe at the ink for a moment, before looking up to Edie.

“Th-thank you...” she whispered. The clutched the book against her chest, took a deep breath, and shouted. “This is so awesome!”

“You are most welcome,” Edie said, turning back to Twilight. She took out a black book from her bags and opened it, pressing the quill to the page. While she went about her writing, Twilight leaned over to Dash, who was still hugging her book.

“Looks like this detour was a good idea after all.”