• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,206 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter 22


“Your show was so amazing, Auntie,” Dash said.

“Bah,” Aurora said with a toss of her head. “My performance was perfect as always, but once again there were mistakes elsewhere.” To no surprise on Dash’s part, her aunt had a perfect grasp of Equestrian, which she was grateful for. The last thing she would have wanted is for Twilight to feel left out.

“They were all so wonderful,” Twilight said. “I’ve seen so many ballet recitals in Canterlot before, but this… this was amazing.”

Aurora smiled. “You are kind for saying that, dear. I work hard to keep everypony in line. It is no trifling role to be in charge of an entire production as well as the lead performer.”

“That must be so much work! Managing all those different ponies and dancer moves, while being in the dance as well.”

Aurora winked. “I’ve had decades of practice.”

Dash chuckled. With the dance hall behind them, Dash was pleased that her aunt insisted on putting her and Twilight up for their stay in Stalliongrad. They followed her through deeper into the city as the evening calm had taken full effect. A gentle wind blew through Dash’s mane, bringing with it a host of wonderful memories of her time with family many years ago.

“So, Auntie, where do you live these days? I haven’t been back to the homeland in forever.”

Aurora smiled. “Why, I live in the same place I always have, dear, just at the end of the block.”

Dash frowned. “That old horseshoe box? But it’s so tiny!” She winced. “No offence, Auntie, but that place isn’t very roomy.”

Aurora barked out a strong laugh, and even Dash backed away at the sound. “I couldn’t agree more, my dear. But our family lived in that apartment for many many years, even when I was a child.” She smiled fondly. “Far too many happy memories occurred there to just discard such a treasured home.”

“I guess…”

They trotted up to a brick building. The stones themselves gave off a bronze shimmer in the light of the street lamps. A glass pane doorway was the only feature on the front, guarded by a tall stallion in a black cap and coat. Dash frowned. “Uh, Auntie?”

“Yes, my little Prizma?”

“Since when was there a doorpony out front?”

Aurora grinned. “Since I purchased the building and moved into the penthouse, of course.”

Dash blinked as her mouth fell open. Aurora laughed, more daintily this time, as she tapped Dash’s mouth closed with a tap of her hoof. “You cannot possibly think somepony such as I would live in such a horseshoe box forever, did you? I’ve owned the building for a while. I left the old home vacant except for some family visits, but you will stay with me in the master suite.” Aurora reached out and hugged Dash closer. “Nothing but the best for my little Prizma!”

Dash felt heated as she tried to back out of her Aunt’s grasp. “C’mon, Auntie, you’re embarrassing me in front of my f-friend.”

Twilight laughed. “I won’t say a word to anypony, Dash. You’re free to express emotion to those you care about.”

Dash blinked as her blush deepened and she began to stammer. Aurora cleared her throat and released her, and waved to the doorpony. He nodded his head and opened the door for them to pass. They escaped the cold into the lobby as Aurora lead them to an elevator on the far side.

The door shut and began their ascent, and Aurora cleared her throat again. “So, Prizma, how long have you two known each other?”

Dash’s throat tightened. “Um…”

“About two years now,” Twilight said. “We met at the Summer Sun Celebration when I first moved to Ponyville.”

Aurora nodded. “Ah, you still live there, do you? Do you still visit your father regularly?”

Dash shrugged her head. “Of course, Auntie.”

Aurora turned to Twilight. “Have you met my brother, dear?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, I can’t say I have.” She tilted her head. “Or her mother for that matter.” She glanced at Dash with a smile. “Maybe we can visit them some time, Dash. We’ve been spending so much more time together lately, I’d love to meet your parents.”

Dash blinked, and stared at Aurora. What is she doing?

Aurora chuckled. “Perhaps.. My brother is nothing if not an entertaining character. I mean, who else abandons his homeland to chase after some tourist out of flight school, leaving his young, only sister to care for their ailing parents?”

“Auntie!” Dash exclaimed.

Aurora laughed. “I’m joking, dear. You know I love him and your mother dearly. She was a good thing for him, clearing the clouds out of his head. Plus, they gave me a wonderful niece I could spoil rotten.”

Dash shifted her eyes and chuckled. “Aheh, yeah…”

The elevator dinged, and the door swung open. Aurora stepped out into a solitary hallway, with only one door at the end. Dash and Twilight followed her to the door as she opened it and entered. Dash froze at the entryway and gasped.

The interior of the room was massive. The walls glowed from golden candlesticks that adorned the entire flat. The doorway opened directly into the kitchen, made of granite. An adjoining dining area was laced with silver and gemstones on a darkwood table. On the far side was a living area with giant, plush seats overlooking the veranda.

“Auntie…” Dash breathed. “You live here?”

Aurora smiled. “Like I said, nothing but the best for my little Prizma. Come! Sit! Make yourselves at home!”

Aurora tossed her coat and hat on a nearby rack, and trotted directly to the kitchen, as Dash and Twilight slowly filed into the room, turning their heads this way and that, examining the majesty of the room. They eventually made it over to the table and sat down.

“This is almost as luxurious as Celestia’s bedroom!” Twilight said.

Dash raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know that?”

Twilight blinked as her face turned red. “U-um. We had a lot of late night study session when I was still living in Canterlot.”

“Ah!” Aurora said. “That’s the name I was trying to place. Twilight Sparkle.” She glanced at Dash with a flat look. “You were going to tell me you knew Princess Celestia’s confindante, when, my dear prizma?”

“I was getting to it!” Dash said. “I didn’t feel like blabbing it all over the place, and Twilight doesn’t really like the attention.” She blinked. “Uh, right, Twi?”

Twilight tilted her head and nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose I don’t. I appreciate it, Dash.”

Dash sighed in relief. Aurora shook her head and went to her icebox. She swung the top compartment open, and cursed as she did. “Bah! I still thought I had some.”

“Some what?” Dash asked.

“Some icecream from Ledyanoy’s. I know it’s your favorite.”

Dash sat up at the table and leaned forward. “Ledyanoy’s!? You mean they’re still around?”

“Of course. They moved their shop further into the city where the tourist hotels are in order to build their business. It has been doing very well, especially when I endorse them so.”

Dash started to stare. “I thought they closed…” She stood from the table and started for the door. “We gotta go get some!”

Aurora grabbed her. For a moment, she caught a glare in her aunt’s eyes, that faded instantly into a smile. “I have a better idea.” She turned to Twilight. “Twilight, darling. Would you be so kind as to venture out and fetch us some? I assure you the route is simple.”

Twilight tilted her head. “I’m sorry, but why me?”

Dash frowned. Yeah, why just her? She yelped as Aurora wrapped her hoof around her neck and pulled her in close.

“Because I have not seen my precious Prizma so many years, and I would love to catch up, and with your limited time to stay, this might be the best opportunity.”

Realization flashed on Twilight’s face. “Oh! Well, that makes sense. In that case, I'd love to give you two some time to catch up.”

Dash shrugged. “Uh, yeah. I guess it does.” She shook her head. “But Twilight doesn’t know Trotsky.”

“Ah, it is no issue. The Ledyanoy’s know perfect Equestrian. The necessities of working a growing international market.” Aurora’s smile deepened. She trotted over to her coat rack and retrieved her clothing. “I insist you wear this, as it will only be getting colder.” She threw the coat and hat onto Twilight and began pushing her towards the door. “Now darling, just tell Ledyanoy the ‘Midnight Dancer’ sent you, and you can get anything you wish!”

“Um, ok,” Twilight stammered as Aurora pushed her. “But where is it?”

“As you leave the lobby, just turn right, it’s only a few blocks in that direction, you can’t miss it.”

“And what flavor I should get?”

“Polkadot Periwinkle! It’s Prizma’s favorite!”

“Oh, okay.” She glanced at Dash with a smile. “I’ll be right back then!”

“Ta-ta!” Aurora said, and closed the door. Dash could have sworn that as she did, the air in the room became much, much colder. Aurora slowly turned around and stared at Dash through narrow, angered eyes. “Now,” she said, in Trotsky. “When were you planning on telling me you were involved with Princess Celestia’s student?”

Dash’s ears wilted. “Wh-what?” She swallowed. “We aren’t together!”

“Do not lie to me, Prizma. If you learned to lie from your father, you will stand no chance against me. I’ve been dealing with it a lot longer than you.” She motioned towards the table. “Sit. Explain.”

Dash glanced at the table, then back to Aurora. She sighed, dropped her head, and nodded. “It’s kind of a long story.”

Dash was surprised that Aurora managed to chuckle. “I am from Stalliongrad, my dear Prizma. I love long stories.”


Dash explained the events in Buckingham, with the Duke and his prejudice against pegasi, and Aurora listened. She detailed the theatrics of Cheval, and the lonely queen seeking friends through unorthodox means, and Aurora listened. She told the tale of Antlerdam, and Twilight’s foray into the world of clubs, dancing and their consequences, and Aurora listened. She recalled the day in Spurrlin, and the revelation of an old friend, and Aurora listened.

“And then,” Dash said. “We ended up here…”

Aurora sat, her hooves pursed together on the table. Her eyes were closed, but Dash could see them turning in thought. Dash reared back when she opened them suddenly.

“So…” Aurora said, tapping her hooves together. “I would like to know when the part where my fearless and rambunctious niece became a sniveling, spineless coward enters this story.”

Dash sputtered. “What?! I am not a coward!”

Aurora snapped a sharp, sudden chortle. “If that were true, you would have admitted your feelings for that girl on day one. Not danced around the subject for weeks. This is not the behavior of that beautiful little tomcolt niece I have adored for so long for her passion, determination and fearlessness. This is the attitude of a snotnosed little whelp that has forgotten her lines in a Hearths Warming Pageant.”

Dash trembled. She remembered a bit too vividly that her Aunt was indeed capable of saying such harsh things, but she had never been on the receiving end of it. She always hid behind closed doors when Aurora would voice her many, many disapprovals, either to her dad, or anypony else in her family when she was angry. And as loving as she could be, she was angry a lot.

“B-but, Auntie—”

“No buts, Prizma. I thought your father raised you better than this. To be true to your convictions, and not be buried in doubt. I see that he has gotten soft indeed. I suppose I should fault your mother for that.”

Dash frowned. “Now wait a minute. Don’t you dare—

Aurora lifted a hoof to silence her. “I dare what I wish. You are in my home, Prizma, and will abide by my rules. I love your mother like any sister-in-law would. She is as every bit a Stalliongrad pony in all but true blood, but she still has that Equestrian softness that I do not care for.”

Dash sighed. She slumped onto the table, crossed her legs together, and buried her head. “What do I do, Auntie? I’m so lost. I just… don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve been hiding from it for so long like an idiot, and—”

“I said coward, not idiot.”

Dash lifted her head and frowned at her.

Aurora shook her head. “You are not an idiot, dear. It is clear you have feelings for her, but you are fearful of the consequences.” She leaned back and crossed her hooves. “But I am not entirely convinced you feel for her as much as you say, or else you would have done something by now. I see no proof.”

Dash glared. She stood from her chair and went into her bags. “Proof? I’ll give you proof that I love her.” She rummaged through her things, digging under the many books she had until she reached the bottom. There, hidden away, was a small wooden box, no bigger than a horseshoe. She took it out and placed it on the table.

Aurora leaned to take the box and opened it. Her eyes narrowed, and a tiny smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. She spun the box, letting Dash see. A single, tiny blue feather sat in the velvet lined case. It glistened under the lights from a carefully made finish that Dash herself prepared and applied to it many years ago. “I remember when you molted this. You were here, in the homeland, just a tiny little thing. I remember teaching you the recipe for the laquer. I’m surprised you still remembered it.”

Dash ducked her head. “It’s not something you forget.”

Aurora slammed the case shut. “Then why haven’t you given it to her yet!?”

Dash cried out in pain and reached out for the box. She opened it, and examined the tiny feather, her feather. She glared at Aurora. “You could have damaged it!”

“You don’t ‘damage’ that laquer. It is perfectly fine. You have not answered my question.”

Dash sighed. The feather was fine. She shut the box and returned it to her bag, and met eyes with Aurora once again. “I just… haven’t found the best time.”

“It sounds to me you have had plenty of time. Several weeks worth, with just the two of you. None of your other friends to make it awkward. Nights alone in hotels and trains. So many opportunities to say the easiest three words in the Equestrian language.”

“But so many things could go wrong. What if she said no? What if she sent me away? What if—”

Aurora shook her head. “No what if’s. There are no what if’s in love. There are only why and why not’s. Why do you love her?”

Dash wrapped her forelegs around herself and winced. “I...guess I like how she’s so smart. She always knows the answer to something. She’s really good at magic. She’s like me in a lot of ways, trying to be the best at something, but she’s so modest about it. I like the way her mane looks when the wind is blowing through it. And…” She sighed. “I love the way she appreciates the sky like I do. She looks at it and just sees it as so much more than just blue and white. But most of all…” Dash shuddered and glanced towards the window. “I love her smile. I just… there’s no words for how much I love that smile. It makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. It makes me feel like I’m home, and nothing else can ever replace that feeling.”

Aurora’s ear twitched and she looked away. After a moment, she shook her head and looked back at Dash. “Then why can you not tell her that?”

Dash beat her hoof against the table with three light taps. “I just—I can’t—” She collapsed on the table again. “I just don’t know. You’re right, Auntie. I’m just a big chicken, afraid to lose everything and everypony that’s important to me.” Dash twisted her head in the space between her legs, burying herself deeper, and let out a sigh of longing.

“Have you ever just said it?”

“Said what?”

“Said that you love her. Not to her face, but out loud to yourself.”

“I… guess I said it once, in my head in Antlerdam.”

Aurora shook her head. “That will not do. Your must say it out loud. Let the words dance across your lips into the true world and let your heart shine.”

Dash blushed. “B-but, Auntie. That’s embarrassing.”

Aurora laughed. “No, my dear. Falling on your head after performing a pirouette is embarrassing. Love is never embarrassing.” Her eyes narrowed. “Now say it.”


Aurora nodded. “Now.”

Dash gulped in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and exhaled slowly. “I love Twilight.”

Aurora rolled her eyes. “Louder than that, my dear. You must sing your love to the heavens."

“I love Twilight!”

“Better, but you must say it like she were here with you now. Imagine that your love is with you as you admit it.”

Dash hesitated a moment, but forced it out. “I love you, Twilight!”

Aurora clapped her hooves together. “Much better, but now, speak it in the language that you both share! It does no good to admit it when she cannot understand it.”

Dash felt new life pouring into her. All her doubts and fears were lifting off of her shoulders. She nodded at Aurora with a smile. “I love you, Twilight!”

Dash let out a long, ragged breath and slumped back into her chair. She stared at the ceiling, her mind worn. “Thanks, Auntie. That… that actually feels better.”

Aurora didn’t reply. Dash sat up, and saw that she wasn’t looking at her, but past her with a blank face. Something hit the ground with a thud behind her, and Dash felt her heart drop with it. Her eyes widened as she slowly turned around. There, at the door, was Twilight, standing over a melting tub of icecream on the floor.

She was blinking rapidly, her face cycling through many different expressions: confusion, fear, horror. Her ears had folded back against her head, and her lips trembled as she struggled to speak.

“Twilight…” Dash breathed. “I didn’t… I mean… I...I…”

Twilight swallowed. “I… heard shouting, so I just came in… and I heard you saying my name and… and…” Twilight stepped back.

Dash stood from her chair. “I can explain, Twi. Just…” She walked towards Twilight with an outstretched leg.

Twilight kept backing away. “I...I… I have to go!” Her horn flared to life, filling the room with a blinding purple flash. When it faded, Twilight was gone.

Dash held her hoof out, frozen as her mind struggled to process what had just happened. A single tear forced it’s way down her cheek as she broke down and collapsed to the ground. “Not like this…”

Author's Note:

Did anyone catch the Paulie reference? Please tell me someone caught the Paulie reference.

...Oh! I mean.... Dash no...