• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,206 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Five

Dreams and Disasters

by Quillery

Chapter Five

The Yacht Club

After a day of touring the city, Dash and Twilight wandered down the quiet evening streets of Buckingham. Twilight pointed out an idling carriage driver to Dash, and they quickly trotted over to him. He nodded his head at their approach, tipping his hat and smiling. “Evenin’. Where can I take you this fine night, missus?”

“Buckingham Palace, please,” Twilight said.

The driver frowned. “Uh, beggin’ your pardon, miss, but it is a bit unseemly to be bringin’ tourists to Buckin’am Palace this time o’ night.”

Twilight withdrew the sunburst booklet and showed it to the driver. “It’s ok. We’re expected.”

The driver’s eyes widened slightly as he stared at the book, eventually shaking himself out his his stupor. “Right then... Buckin’am Palace it is then. Hop in and we’ll be off.” He moved over to the door and opened it, allowing the two mares to enter. They climbed in, and before long, the carriage was off.

Dash and Twilight sat opposite from each other. Twilight stared out the window, watching the city go by. Dash on the other hoof, tried to keep her attention fixed outside, but found herself stealing glances at her friend. She felt the heat rising in her face and tried to rub it away, but it only dulled the feeling.

When Twilight suddenly looked her way, Dash tried to avoid her eyes. “Something on your mind, Dash?”

Drat. Dash scratched the back of her neck as she glanced at Twilight. “I was, uh... wondering what else you could tell me about this place.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Well...” Dash racked her mind for something that would deter Twilight’s curiosity. “We’ve been here over a day, and I feel like I haven’t learned anything about this country. I kinda expected you to be in full Twilight mode and explaining everything.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you were interested in that sort of thing.”

“Well, hanging out with you lately has shown me that I should try new things. So who better to learn than from Twilight Sparkle, student of Celestia?”

Twilight’s face brightened. “Well, if you put it that way... That sounds like a wonderful idea!”

Whew... Dash thought, relieved. Nice save, Dash. Now hopefully Twi will—

Dash’s eyes sprang fully open as Twilight stood from her seat and sat beside her. Her horn glowed as it tugged at her bags, pulling out a large book. Dash fought the urge to shy away from Twilight, knowing such an act would put Twilight even further on the assault for the truth. Thankfully, Twilight seemed far more interested in her book to noticed Dash’s glowing face. Easy, Dash. Deep breaths, you can do this without it getting weird. Just keep... asking questions... that should keep her occupied.

“Now... where to start?” Twilight flipped through the tome, scanning the pages at an impossible speed. Even Dash couldn’t keep up with the contents of the pages, until Twilight stopped on one near the middle. “Well, I suppose the beginning is a good start.” She giggled.

“Great Brayton was the first full-fledged colonization effort after the founding of Equestria. The natural territories of Equestria were spreading fast, and it wasn’t long before the founding tribes began considering outside lands for further colonisation for ponies.”

“Why, though?” Dash asked. “We’re barely filling up Equestria now; it’s not like we needed the space.”

Twilight smiled. “Good question. From what I’ve been able to find, it was originally a coalition of inquisitive earth and unicorn ponies interested in seeing what was beyond the ocean. Pegasi didn’t have much interest in crossing oceans at the time, so the first settlers of Great Brayton were actually just earth and unicorn ponies.”

“I guess I can see why, since the ocean sky is apparently dangerous,” Dash said sarcastically. Twilight flicked an ear at her tone and nudged her appropriately before continuing.

“Anyway, the settlers were impressed with the diversity of the agricultural gifts that the land had to offer, so the colonies expanded quickly. Buckingham was the first real city and, according to the records, it was built in only three years.”

“And this was before Celestia?”

“Yes. In fact, before any alicorns at all. All of the great eastern nations were fully developed long before any of the princesses arrived. They still recognised Equestria as the sovereign power, so when Celestia and Luna were integrated within the overarching society, they all were fairly quick to accept them as their reigning leaders.”

“So why are we meeting with a duke and duchess if Celestia is the leader?”

“I was getting to that. It wasn’t long after Celestia and Luna came along that they visited all the east nations. By that time, they had grown very powerful, either economically or culturally. Some colonies even showed skill enough to defend themselves in battle, having fought many wars in their colonization efforts.”

“They had wars? Really?”

“Yes they did. Not everything on Equus is as peaceful as ponies. Harmony has been a core concept of our philosophy since Hearth’s Warming, but that doesn’t mean we won’t protect ourselves if need be.”

Dash’s wings thrummed. “Ponies fighting wars. That sounds so cool. What did they fight?”

Twilight smirked. “How about I save that for when we actually get to places where wars were fought?”

“Aww," Dash pouted. “Oh, okay.”

Twilight giggled. “To answer your other question though, after Celestia and Luna saw what the colonies were capable of on their own power, they granted them amnesty from the sovereign Equestrian Crown, giving them complete autonomy if they wanted it.”

“Auto—what now?”

“Autonomy. It means they were their own country, and could make their own laws and regulations free of Celestia’s rule. Simply put, they were given the freedom to do what they wanted as an independant nation.”


“They were grateful for the independance, but to this day, they all hold the Equestrian Crown in incredibly high regard. Celestia may not be their legitimate princess anymore, but they still treat her like she is, out of respect.”

“So that’s why we have a free pass to talk to their leaders?”

“I wouldn’t say its a ‘free pass’, but it definitely gives us a bit more leeway when dealing with ponies of high status than typical tourists.”

“Well, from the sound of that customs agent yesterday, I bet we wouldn’t even need that booklet thingy to get around. I mean, we did save the world three times already.”

“Hmm, maybe you’re right. Still, it doesn’t hurt to have the extra paperwork to make sure.”

Dash nodded before she continued. “So, what are these royals like?”

Twilight scratched her chin. “I’m not completely sure. Celestia had only met the Duke of Cranberry once before.”

Dash snickered. “The Duke of Cranberry?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, his family has reigned over this country for centuries.

“Everything’s about cranberries with these ponies, isn’t it?”

“Gotta ‘ave somethin’ to eat eventually, dear,” the driver interrupted. Dash and Twilight turned to the window. The driver has his head turned towards them. “Iffin’ ya beg me interruption, that is. I couldn’t help listenin’. Not sure I fancy that book you’re readin’ there miss.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with it?”

The driver cleared his throat. “Well, Buckin’am weren’t made in no land o’ rainbows and sunshine, that’s fer certain. Life in those days was hard. Harder still without them pegasi.”

Dash shook her head in disbelief. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What do you mean, without pegasi?”

“Well, Commander Hurricane ‘ad a hoof innit, that’s fer certain.”

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“Well… the three tribes ‘ad their own reasons fer comin’ ‘cross the sea. Earth ponies wanted to expand, unicorns wanted to learn. But them pegasi, they wanted to fight.”

“Fight? Fight what?”

“Them windies, fer one. They wern’t flyin’ off on their own anytime soon. But there were plenty o’ thing for the pegasi to beat their wings against. Unfortunately fer the rest of us, we had to make to with our own know-how to keep ourselves goin’. Plantin crops, bringin’ our own water… Wern’t easy when we came to rely on pegasi fer so long.”

“What about Hearths Warming? I thought everypony was getting along?”

The driver guffawed. “Do they still put on that old fairy tale? Can’t say I’ve seen that story in ages. In those times, getting to work together didn’t happen overnight, and it certainly didn’t ‘ave as much singin’.”

Dash frowned and crossed her forelegs. “Hmph. Pegasi ditching their friends… So uncool.”

“Gotta agree wit’ ya, missy. The pegs of old might a’ well ‘ave carved our graves when they left us to rot. Iffin’ it weren’t fer earth ponies bein’ as stubborn as mules and unicorns being so smart, we’d a been done for.”

“That sounds awful,” Twilight said. “I can see why that might not have made it into my book…” She looked down at it, shook her head and returned it to her bags. “I hope the book we’re receiving will be more accurate. I have no use for a history book that isn’t right, even if it’s not much of a happy story.”

“I kinda preferred the happy story,” Dash said quietly, rubbing her hooves together. “At least pegasi didn’t sound like colossal jerks in it.”

Twilight was silent. She stared at Dash with a smile, but it looked strained.

Dash raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong, Twi?”

“I’m wondering… If their history with pegasi is so uneasy, what must the royalty think of them?"

“What do you mean?”

“Well… What if the Duke or his family don’t have high opinions of pegasi?”

Dash didn’t answer right away. She stared forward at the opposite seat, tightening her grip around her barrel. “So, you think he might not like me all that much?”

Twilight sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know for sure.”

“Well, that makes this interesting.”

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I can handle this part by myself if you want to stay at the hotel. I won’t mind, really.”

“No, it’s fine. If he doesn’t like pegasi, that’s his problem. I won’t be ditching my friend, no matter what.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Dash. Who knows, maybe you might change his opinion?”

“Heh, yeah. I am the greatest pegasus in Equestria after all. That has to count for something.”

“Just try and be on your best behavior. Like you would act around Celestia.”

“Right… Like Celestia. I’ll try.”

The carriage shook as it coasted to a stop. Dash and Twilight watched the driver unhinged himself and trot over to the door. It swung open and he dipped into a bow. “Buckin’am Palace, missus.”

“Thank you, sir,” Twilight said. She turned to Dash with a smile. “Well, here we are.”

Dash exited the carriage after Twilight, slowly following behind. She heard a quiet gasp from Twilight, and once out of the coach, saw why. Twilight was staring in awe at the towering gates to the palace. Even in the dwindling light of dusk, the front of the building was brightly lit by torches and magical glows.

"Wow...” Twilight said. “It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah...” Dash said. “It’s almost nicer than Canterlot Castle.”

“Sorry to be a bother, miss,” the driver continued. “But will that be all?”

Twilight turned to the driver and nodded. “Yes, thank you very much for bringing us here. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”

He shook his head. “No trouble at all miss. It be a pleasure to help friends of the duchy.”

“We’ll find our own way back.”

With that, the driver bowed his head, and returned to his carriage. Dash listened to the wheels rattling on the stony street fade away as the driver vanished from sight. When she turned back, she saw Twilight was already heading to the gate. She hurried after her, and caught up just as they arrived at a stone booth before the iron maw of the portcullis. Two large stallions dressed in red and white exited the booth and stood before the two mares.

“What business do you have with House Cranberry at this time of day, miss?”

Twilight bowed, and Dash followed suit. “We are Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash of Canterlot. I believe we are expected by the Duke and Duchess.”

The larger guard frowned slightly as he narrowed his eyes at Twilight. The smaller one had a pensive look on his face for a moment, before his eyes widened and he started to whisper in his partner’s ear. He listened intently, nodding occasionally, before sighing.

“Of course, Lady Sparkle. Apologies, I must have forgotten. Please, come in. The duchy awaits.”

The two guards stood aside, one pulling a lever that raised the iron gate. They saluted stiffly, and Twilight started through towards the palace with Dash close behind.


“Announcing Lady Twilight Sparkle and Miss Rainbow Dash of Equestria!”

The dining hall went suddenly quiet as the barker’s voice echoed through the chamber. Dozens of seated ponies descended into whispers and mumblings between themselves, as the newcomers slowly and shakily trotted into the room.

“That was quite the entrance...” Dash whispered to Twilight, huddling as close to her friend as possible.

“Great Brayton has a tradition of large-scale dinner parties. Knowing who’s who is very important for functions like this.”

Dash looked around. The room was almost as large as the Cloudesium. A white marble table sat in the middle of the room and stretched nearly the entire length of the whole chamber. She scanned the crowd of ponies looking up at the two of them descending into the room. As she did, she noticed something unsettling. Out of the dozens of ponies that sat at the table and served the food, not a single one of them had a pair of wings.

She swallowed a lump in her throat. “I thought this was a private dinner.”

Twilight smiled weakly. “I thought so too, but I guess the duchy are more busy than I thought. I’m sure everything will be—”

“Lady Sparkle! So wonderful of you to join us!”

Twilight and Dash turned to see a unicorn couple approaching them from the head of the table. They were both regally dressed, the mare in a flowing white gown stitched with shining red sequins. Her mane was tightly braided, yet still skirted the floor with its ruby locks. Everything about her seemed to shine in the bright lights of the hall, including her smile.

The stallion was far more soberly appointed. He wore a red tunic with a gold embroidered sash along its front. Golden medals glistened on his suit that glowed along side his partner’s radiance. His ruby mane was short and wavy, combed back and well groomed.

Twilight dipped into a low bow and Dash followed suit. “Your Royal Highness,” she said. “It is an honor to be invited to your palace.”

The duchess smiled. “It is an equal honor to have Princess Celestia’s prized student here tonight. Please, rise. There is no need for such formality here, isn’t that right dear?”

The duke gave a gruff chuckle. “Somepony must keep to formalities, my dear. But yes, you are an esteemed guest here, Lady Twilight.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Twilight responded.

The duke smiled briefly, when his eyes turned from Twilight to Dash. She watched him carefully as his eyes flicked over her. She couldn't be certain, but she could have sworn his smile crinkled slightly. Was Twilight right about this guy?

His smile widened again as he gestured to the head of the table. “Come, please sit with us. We have much we would love to discuss.”

The group of them traveled the length of the room towards the front. Dash noticed a fair number of eyes following them, but Twilight was too interested in speaking with the duchess to notice. Dash had no reason to feel so nervous about dinner with royalty, and yet her stomach felt like doing backflips.

The four of them took their seats, Dash sitting next to Twilight and the duke and duchess next to each other at the head of the table. A silver dish cover sat on their platters, which Twilight and Dash eyed expectantly.

“Go ahead.” The duchess pointed at the platters. “We had the kitchens prepare our finest cranberry salad for your meal.” With a glow of her horn, she lifted off the covers and revealed the delectable greenery beneath. Dash’s eyes widened at the mix of green and reds in the salad, and she found it incredibly difficult to not drool.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Twilight said, taking a fork in her magic and tasting the meal.

“Please, darling,” the duchess giggled. “You may call me Cordial. My husband may be an old stiff for the traditions, but I prefer my own name.”

“O-of course, Your Hi—I mean, Cordial.”

Dash chuckled to herself and went back to her food. The silvery cutlery caught her eyes, and her mind wandered for moment. Being on my best behavior probably doesn’t mean stuffing my face.

Dash carefully flicked out her right wing and brought it over the table. With a twist of her primaries, she snatched the fork. She smiled that she hadn’t forgotten her inane talent, and stabbed the fork into the salad with a triumphant flourish.

When she brought it up to her mouth, however, she noticed the Duke was staring at her. His expression was blank, but she noticed that he was looking directly at her fork.

He grunted. “Is that a common method of dining for pegasi?”

Dash narrowed her eyes on the Duke. His expression hadn’t changed, but he was now looking directly at her. She glanced at Twilight, who was looking at her nervously.Dash put the fork down. She looked at her wing tip and twiddled her primaries again. “Not really. It takes a long time for a pegasus to control their wings like this. It came a bit more naturally for me since I train regularly.”

“That’s amazing, Dash.” Twilight said. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Heh. My parent’s made me learn it.”

The Duke grunted again. "I trust it is a clean method of eating? "

“No, it’s fine.” Dash said, holding up a hoof. “Wing maintenance is a crucial to staying on top of my game. I preen my my feathers no less than three times a day to keep them clean and free of ruffled feathers. You could eat off my wings if you wanted to.”

Dash smirked at the end of her statement, watching the Duke. His eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.

“Miss Dash,” the Duchess cut in. “I understand that you are quite the athlete back in Equestria?”

Dash sat up sharply. “Huh? Oh, y-yeah, right. I hold the current airspeed record, with recorded super-spectrum flight both descending and ascending.”

“Super-spectrum...” The duchess gasped. “A Sonic Rainboom? Really? We heard the rumors, but I must say, it is an honor to meet the pony able to perform such a feat in person.”

The Duke scoffed. “To break the spectrum barrier would be impossible for any pony. Anypony can claim to have done it.”

Dash shifted her jaw and waved a hoof dismissively. “Oh, it took me a few years to get it down, but I can practically do it in my sleep now. Even did it for a wedding once.”

“That must have been quite the show,” the duchess said.

“Dash is a very special pony to Equestria,” Twilight added. “She’s shown what’s possible through perseverance and determination, and I think that is a valuable lesson for anypony to learn.”

“Well said, Miss Sparkle. I see Celestia’s tutelage has yielded a truly bright mind. She is very lucky to have a student like you.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m very fortunate indeed to have her as a teacher.” She turned to Dash and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"And to have somepony like Dash as a friend.”

Dash coughed and slammed a hoof to her mouth to keep from spitting up the food she nearly choked on. She felt her stomach twisting further into a knot, as she forced a smile and waved away Twilight’s sudden look of concern. “I’m fine. Really.” There’s that word again...

“Best be careful with those cranberries, my dear.” The duchess laughed. “They are a bit bitter if you aren’t prepared.”

“N-no, its fine. They’re awesome. I’ve already had a few buckets of them. I’m finding it kinda hard to help myself now...heh.”

“Well, we do strive to supply the best, and I daresay this year’s harvest is going to be our best yet. A shame you came so early in the summer, Twilight dear. The cranberry harvest is something nopony should miss.”

“I definitely would love to see it, but I have a friend back home who I promised to help with her harvest once the fall comes around.”

“Really? What sort of harvest?”

“Apples. My friend Applejack runs one of the most successful apple orchards in Equestria. After a bit of difficulty when I first met her, we all promised to lend her a hoof each year.”

“Yeah,” Dash added, smirking. “She nearly catapulted me into the atmosphere last time she did it herself.”

Twilight giggled. “I’m sorry to say she wasn’t able to come with us on this voyage. She spends most of the summer making preparations and hiring an appropriate amount of help for when fall approaches.”

The Duchess nodded. “I can understand completely. My husband and I take part in the harvest each year, and it only seems to get harder. So many more mouths to feed, and we still have so much space to grow.”

“You guys help out? Even though you’re royalty?”

The Duke cleared his throat. “Yes, most in our position would avoid such labor, but the cranberry is part of what makes Great Brayton and Buckingham what it is. Our house has watched over this land for centuries, and we have continued the tradition that the cranberry harvest is something for all to take part in, rich or poor, prince or pauper.” His eyes shifted to Dash. “Despite the difficulties history has given us.”

Dash clenched her teeth and took a deep breath. Like I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just take it easy, Dash. He’s just trying to get to you. Just ignore it.

“Speaking of…” the Duchess said. “Our librarians have prepared ‘The Reign of Cranberry House’ for you, Miss Sparkle. We can handle the exchange after dinner if you’d like.”

“That would be perfect,” Twilight said. “I have a copy of ours here with me as well. I’m looking forward to a more up-to date copy your history. I have a feeling mine is a bit outdated.”

“Heh, yeah,” Dash said. “Our carriage driver was correcting all kinds of things that Twi was reading to me.”

The Duke raised an eyebrow. “Miss Twilight was… reading to you?”

Dash tilted her head. What’s he getting at now? She glanced at Twilight, but she was engrossed in conversation with the Duchess. “Well, I asked her to tell me about this place. I was never really that big into reading history.”

“A limiting decision. There is much to learn from the annals of history if one bothers to look.”

“Well, yeah,” Dash said. “I read a lot more now, thanks to Twilight. I always thought it was boring, but then I got into it. But I still have to keep up with my training. You don’t get into the Wonderbolts by reading books all day.”

That should shut you up, you old windbag.

Dash grinned as the Duke’s face became subdued. “The Wonderbolts… That is an aerial performance team, is it not?”

Dash nodded. “Yup, the fastest in the world. I’ve been training my whole life to join them.”

“Hrm. I recall them putting on a few shows in the country some time ago. I couldn’t be bothered to attend, however. There was so much more important things to do than to watch some pegasi spinning in the air all day.”

Dash’s eye twitched. Her body shuddered as she drew in a shaky breath. “W-well, stunt flying isn’t for everypony, I guess. I’ve loved it ever since my dad took me to my first show. Ever since I got my cutie mark, it’s been my dream to join them.”

“But how does it contribute to the nation? There is always work to be done, food to be grown, buildings to be built in maintained. How can a country operate when it wastes its time funding exhibitionists when it could feed thousands?

“And does Equestria not rely on them as a form of protection? I heard that a dragon rampaged through on of their villages once, and these Wonderbolts did little to protect it. I certainly hope that beast was dealt with appropriately.”

Excuse me?!” Dash said.

“What use is an organization that spends its time flitting about in the sky when she should be learning to properly protect Equestria when it is called for? Or is there a habit of allowing such beasts to wander freely when they should be put down?”

“Don’t you dare insult my friends!”

“Of course you would want to be friends with such a preposterous group.”

“I’m not talking about the Wonderbolts! I’m talking about Spike!”

“Who? Is that one of their leaders?”

“The dragon! Spike is the dragon, and he’s one of my friends!”

The Duke chortled. “Oh, how amusing. You name your monsters? Next you are going to tell me that you keep them as pets.”

Dash’s eye twitched again She felt her face contorting in anger, no matter how hard she fought against it. The Duke’s eyes narrowed before he started laughing louder.

“You do, don’t you? How unbelievably priceless! I—”

“Why you!” Dash flared her wings and with a single beat of them she rocketed over to the Duke. She shoved a hoof against his chest. “The Wonderbolts aren’t a waste of time!” Dash slammed her hooves on the table. “I tried to be nice about this, but insulting the Wonderbolts and my friends is where I draw the line. Did you know that dragon is also Twilight’s best friend? Or one of Celestia’s? Maybe if you actually talked to ponies that live today instead of reading some dusty olds books, you would know that! If you hate pegasi so much, say it to my face, or not at all.”

Dash stopped shouting, if only to catch her breath. As she did though, she noticed something had changed in the room: silence. The sounds of eating and quiet conversation were gone. All that remained was the sound of silverware clattering to their plates, glasses over turning, and shocked cries.

Everypony was staring at her with widened eyes. The Duchess looked frightened and shied away from Dash. The Duke’s stony expression shifted into a cruel grin.

Twilight’s was the worst. She had a hoof up to her mouth trying to mask her horror on her face. Her ears had folded back, and she slid down in her chair. Dash traced all the way back to her seat, and saw the overturned glasses and flipped plates. Food was strewn about the table, staining the table cloth.

What have I done? I promised her...

The sound of metal snapped Dash’s attention to the sides of the room. Pairs of guards exchanged furrowed looks and started towards her. Her gaze darted between them; then it fell on the exit, and her wings flared open.

“Dash, wait!” Twilight shouted.

It was too late. Dash had already taken to the air and sped towards the doors. She was glad for her speed, because she didn’t want anypony, especially Twilight, to see her tears.


Dash’s flight from the palace didn’t take her far. She found a small cloud high above the palace grounds, which she plopped onto as soon as she could. Her head hung over the edge as she stared down at the city. Thousands of lights sparkled over the darkened city, adding to the calm summer night.

Dash sighed. Well, Dash. You’ve gone and bucked everything up. You just had to scream at him, didn’t you? Now Twilight probably hates me. All I had to do was to behave, and I blew it.

He had it coming. The guy was a jerk. Nopony should get away with insulting you or Twilight. Especially in front of us like that.

Dash grunted. Shut up, you aren’t helping.

She silenced her rampant thoughts and focused on the palace below. Nothing had changed in the time since she left. What had it been? Ten, twenty minutes? More? Not that it mattered. Twilight would have tried to salvage what she could of her mission, then save an earful for her when they met back up at the hotel.

Dash’s hooves tingled against the cloud. Her instincts kicked in and she spun around, coming face to face with Twilight. She stood opposite her, her hooves glowing faintly against the small cloud.

“There you are!” she said, stepping forward and pulling Dash into a hug. “I was so worried about you.”

Dash’s brain skipped a few seconds, before she finally processed what was going on. “T-Twilight? What are you doing here? How did you even find me?”

Twilight broke away from the hug, grinning. She brought a hoof to her neck, and tapped her necklace as it glowed a bright crimson red. “I didn’t have to look far.”

Dash stared at the necklace, and looked down at her own. She then turned away from Twilight, ears wilted against her head. “I’m sorry for what happened back there, Twi.”

“For what? Standing up for yourself?”

Dash turned back, eyes wide. “You aren’t mad?”

Twilight inhaled and let out a long, quiet breath. “I probably should be. I expected him to be a bit sour towards you, but for him to openly attack you and your dreams like that… He wasn’t even being subtle.” Twilight snorted. “I was about to scream at him. After what he said about Spike… You managed to get into him before I did.”

Twilight chuckled weakly, and Dash joined her. They were quiet for a while, staring down into the city below.

“What happened after I left, then?” Dash asked.

Twilight smirked. “You should have seen it. After you left, the Duchess started shouting at him. I never expected someone so nice to yell so loudly. The entire room was frozen in fear at her. The Duke looked like he was about to pass out.”

Dash blinked. The thought of the small, regal mare shouting down her husband crossed through her mind, and she laughed.

“You’re right. I would have loved to have seen that.”

Dash glanced to Twilight’s bags. “So, how did the exchange go?”

Twilight’s horn glowed and the bag popped open. She pulled out a silk wrapped parcel, tied with string. “After she finished shouting, the Duchess took me to the library to complete the exchange. She wanted me to pass on her apologies for the Duke. She knew he had issues with pegasi, but she never knew it was so bad.”

“Hmph. Hopefully he’ll think twice about mouthing off to one. Especially one like me.”

"While she didn’t use the words exactly, I’m fairly certain the Duke is ‘grounded’ for a while. And I’ll definitely be letting Celestia know that the Duke of Cranberry is in need a bit of pegasus rehabilitation training.”

Twilight giggled and Dash quickly joined her. After they finished and caught their breath, they stood next to each other on the cloud, looking down at the twinkling lights.

“So…” Dash said. “What now?”

“Well, we could always watch the stars.”

Dash looked up. The sky above was almost a mirror of the city below. Thousands of lights dotted the inky black above. She smiled. “Sounds great, Twi.”