• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 13,206 Views, 934 Comments

Dreams and Disasters - Quillery

A globe-trotting adventure gives Rainbow Dash the perfect opportunity to admit her feelings for Twilight, if not for her own ego getting in the way.

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen

Dreams and Disasters
by Quillery

Chapter Thirteen

Good Time

“Hey, are you two coming or what?” Vinyl shouted. She stood at a corner on the end of the street, waving at Twilight and Dash.

“Hold your horses, we’re coming!” Dash said.

Vinyl nodded and disappeared around the corner as they approached. When they changed streets, they froze.

Around the corner, there was a large building sitting at the end of a dead end street. The front of the building was dressed up in bright, neon lights, and floodlights lit up the area. Dozens, if not hundreds of ponies were lined up along the sidewalks, chatting loudly amongst themselves as they waited patiently to get into the building.

“Pretty good turnout,” Vinyl said, beaming. “We’d better get inside before this crowd notices me.”

Vinyl was off again, and Dash and Twilight hurried ahead to keep up with her in the crowd. Keeping up with her proved to be more difficult than Dash expected. Where she and Twilight would bump into at least half a dozen ponies to make a few meters of distance, Vinyl seemed to glide through like nopony was there at all.

They weaved through the crowd, and finally made it to the front of the building. Dash emerged just behind Vinyl, with Twilight just behind her, panting. They stopped just in front of a velvet rope barring the door, with a large black suited stallion standing on the other side.

His attention was focused on his clipboard, and the growing group of complaining patrons. He silently shook his head as they loudly voice their frustrations, when Vinyl reached over the rope and tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned his head, and even behind his dark glasses, it was impossible to not notice his eyes widening. “Oh!” he said. “Miss Scratch, you made it. The others are waiting for you.” He unclipped the rope from its post and stepped aside.

Vinyl nodded and walked in. Dash and Twilight went to follow, when the stallion lifted one of his giant hooves to stop them. He growled, glaring at them.

“Hey, whoa!” Vinyl said, swatting his hoof away. “Easy, dude; these two are with me. Super V.I.P’s and all that.”

The bouncer glanced at Vinyl a moment, then shrugged his shoulder and sighed. Her turned back to Dash and Twilight with a nod. They followed behind Vinyl and went inside.

The volume seemed to double in intensity as Dash stepped into the main room of the club. Bright, colorful stage lights cut through the dimly lit room. A herd of ponies was scattered about the small space, spinning, bobbing, weaving and swinging to a loud, thundering beat.

The dance floor, as best Dash could tell, was a tile surface polished like a mirror, and reflected the many lights bouncing around the room. The ponies themselves were covered in glow sticks and sparkling accessories that brought even more life into the air of the room.

Her hooves felt the thoomp of the bass through the floor and it sent shivers through her body. After only a few seconds of standing in the room, legs were tapping along to the rhythm. She grinned as she took everything in. Now this is more like it.

She turned back to grin at Twilight. Her head tilted sideways instantly as she did. She was weaving a bit, in time with the rhythm. She, too had a smile on her face as she looked around despite her body’s movements.

“You look like you’re enjoying yourself already,” Dash said.

Twilight snapped her head towards Dash. “What do you mean?”

Dash chuckled and pointed down at Twilight’s legs. Twilight’s eyes widened as she looked down, and her body suddenly tensed. Even in the dancing colors of the room, Dash caught a faint blush creeping on Twilight’s face.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Twi. You got some moves, nothing to be ashamed of.”

Twilight scuffed the floor. “I just don’t think I’m that great a dancer is all.”

Dash scoffed. “You aren’t thinking about what happened at your birthday, are you?”

Twilight nodded through a tiny wince.

“Oh, forget about it. I thought you were pretty good. You just need better music to dance to, is all.”

“That’s right!” Vinyl said, appearing behind Dash. “And there’s no better place for music than right here! C’mon, Dash. I wanna introduce you to the guys.”

Dash nodded at Vinyl. She turned to Twilight and motioned her to follow, and turned into the crowd behind Vinyl. They skirted the edges of the main group and crossed the room towards the stage.

From the crowd, Dash could see Vinyl’s set up. A group of turntables sat in the center, flanked by two giant speakers on both sides. Across from it on the same platform was a second, similar installation. Two stallions stood beside it, in the middle of a conversation.

Vinyl trotted up to them, shouting over the din of the speakers. “Hey guys.”

The first stallion turned and smiled at her. He lifted a charcoal grey hoof and bumped it against Vinyl’s.”Yo, Scratch. You finally made it.”

“About time, too,” the other stallion said. He frowned from behind a pair of blue glasses that stood out against his spotted black and white fur. He wore no jacket, only a pair of headphones around his neck. “We were about to start without you.”

Vinyl scoffed. “Psh. Like you’d ever start without me. I want you two to meet some friends of mine from Canterlot.”

She waved Dash and Twilight over. The two stallions glanced at them with a smile and waved.

“This here is Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle.”

“Hey, sup?” Dash said.

“Uh, hello,” Twilight said.

The two stallions stared on a moment, before their mouths slowly fell open. They scanned Dash and Twilight, eyes flicking back and forth, before they fell back to Vinyl. “No way. You’re pulling our horseshoes, Scratch.”

Vinyl laughed again and pressed a hoof to her chest. “Hoof to Celestia. This here is the bona-fide fastest pegasus in Equestria and Celestia’s personal study buddy, in the flesh.”

Dash caught the twitch of Twilight’s ear and had to stifle a laugh.

Vinyl gestured at both the stallions. “This here is Trouble Clef and Ash.”

“Trouble Clef?” Dash said.

Trouble Clef brushed his mane aside. “Stage name. Real one’s a secret.”

The spotted stallion laughed. “And lamer.”

“Shuddup, Ash.”

Ash grinned. “So, what brings you two to town?”

“Private princess stuff,” Vinyl said. “Real hush hush.”

Dash waved a hoof. “Yeah, can’t really talk about it, or else we’d have to kill you.”

“What?” Twilight said. “No we would—”

Dash nudged Twilight in the side. “Heh, just go with it, Twi,” she whispered. “It’s all and fun and games. No need to bore them with the details anyways. They’re just a bunch of disk jockeys.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Dash, but after a moment, she rolled her eyes and sighed. “Yeah, sorry. Private stuff, we can’t really talk about it.”

Dash smirked at Twilight’s forced tone, and smiled even wider at the two stallion’s reactions. They had vacant looks in their eyes, and seemed to be staring right through the two of them.

“Whoa,” Trouble Clef said. “That’s intense.”

“Totally...” Ash agreed.

Vinyl chuckled. “Okay you guys, enough gushing over the princess’ secret agents; we have a show to start.”

Ash and Clef nodded and went back to the stage and their equipment. Ash went to fiddle with the microphone while Cleft went to the turntable arrangement set opposite Vinyl’s.

“You guys leave quite an impression,” Vinyl said.

“Well, when you exaggerate like that...” Twilight chided.

She grinned. “It’s cool. They know you were playin’. No harm done.”

Vinyl turned to Dash, her grin widening. “Anyway, you two better hit the dance floor. I got a surprise for you.”

Dash raised an eyebrow. “A surprise? Like what?”

“Ah, ah. You gotta wait. Hit the floor, enjoy yourself. You’ll see soon enough.”

With that, Vinyl ushered Dash and Twilight away from the stage. Dash kept a close eye on Twilight as they moved into the crowd. The dancers were in full swing with the music, and Dash found herself bobbing her head to the beat again as she made it to the center of the room.

“What do you think Vinyl meant by her surprise?” Twilight asked.

Dash shrugged. “No idea. Vinyl is pretty inventive when it comes to her sets, but something special for me? Beats me. Unless...”

“Unless what?”

Dash’s eyes widened and a smirk quickly followed suit. “She wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t what, Dash?”

At that moment, the music began to fade out. The crowd slowed it’s dancing as the stage lights swung around to highlight Vinyl standing at the mic. “What’s up, Antlerdam!” she shouted. “DJ-P0N3 is in the house!”

The crowd roared in excitement as the lights swiveled around, illuminating the crowd and the stage in a rainbow of colors before falling back on the stage. Two extra spotlights turned on to reveal Trouble Clef and Ash standing at their positions.

“We got Ash with his wicked pipes on the mic, and DJ-Trouble Clef who’s gonna be tryin’ to keep up with yours truly.” She turned her head to smile at her crew briefly and turned back.

“Now, we got something special for you to start, dedicated to a good friend of mine who was awesome enough to join us here in the party capital of Equus. Let’s give it up for Rainbow Dash! The fastest flyer in all of Equestria!”

The colored spotlights above swirled again, spinning all seven colors in a tight winding circle before they centered on Dash. She glanced around at the crowd that was now completely focused on her. There was a wave of gasps and excited whispers, before the room descended into a chanting of her name.

With a shake of her head, she smirked and glanced at Twilight. She was looking around well, looking a bit nervous at all the attention directed towards them.

“Yep,” Dash said. “She is.”

“She’s what?” Twilight asked, eyes twitching.

Vinyl was nodding at the crowd and at her friends onstage. “Now, let’s get this party started!”

She ducked away from the mic, letting Ash take his place. She vaulted over her turntable and spun in the air, landing perfectly in front of her equipment. The lights changed again, focusing on the stage, as the music began to start. It was a lightning fast rhythm of electronic sounds that slowly rose in volume before the beat snapped silent for a split second.

Ash sang into his mic, creating a loud echo as they drummed out of the speakers like thunder.

Yeah, I own this beat!

The room exploded with sound, and the crowd erupted with cheers. In an instant, the room was alive again, the ponies moving with the rumbling speakers.

Dash was laughing as the rest of the chorus continued, and Twilight was staring at her like she had gone crazy. “What’s so funny?” she shouted over the music.

“It’s my song! Vinyl and Ash wrote this song awhile back after I’d met her after a party once. It’s one of their biggest hits.”

Dash went into the song immediately, mimicking the movements of the crowd. She swayed side to side on her hooves, nodding her head to the bass line. Her legs kicked up each time the tempo hit its peak, repeating as necessary.

The lights seemed to dance with her, and Ash’s fast singing was just how Dash liked it: unstoppable. The crowd had worked themselves in a frenzy to the music, thrashing about like wild-ponies. Dash enjoyed every second of it, but then she realized she was dancing alone.

Twilight was still in the crowd, shying away from anypony else that wandered too close. She swayed on her hooves, but looked uncertain, and if Dash knew any better, scared too.

Dash slid over to her in the motions of her dancing, and nudged Twilight’s sides lightly. “C’mon Twi! Dance with me!”

Twilight’s eyes flickered around at the crowd. “I-I’m not so sure...”

“Horseapples! You’re in a dance club, and as one of your best friends, I want you to dance with me!”

Dash gave Twilight no chance to object, grabbing her hooves and swinging them with her own to the rhythm. Twilight let out a small cry, but it was barely audible over the music that was still getting louder.

Dash smirked at Twilight’s wide eyed look of terror as she guided her friend’s motions with her hooves. A step here, a swing here, and Dash could quickly see what Twilight was nervous about. Twilight’s motions were stiff, reserved. Dash shook her head.

“C’mon, Twi. You gotta let loose, or you’re never gonna get anywhere!”

“I’ll look like an idiot!”

“No you won’t! Nopony can look like an idiot next to me. Now show these ponies how to party, Ponyville style!”

Dash tugged at Twilight’s hooves again, forcing the motion through her rigid limbs. She felt resistance, but it was waning with each push. Twilight’s panicked flailing was rough, but it was better than nothing.

“Now you’re getting it!” Dash said, beaming. “You’re doing great!”

Twilight blinked. Her head was still as her body kept going. “Really?”

“Yeah! You’re a natural! You just needed a good push!”

For the first time since the song started, Twilight cracked a smile. Dash let her go, and she continued to move on her own. It was nothing more than a spastic flailing, but that’s all dancing really was sometimes, and Twilight was finally enjoying herself.

Dash went back to her own routine, moving in close to Twilight. They shared the spot on the dance floor, their movements slowly syncing to something resembling a coherent dance. The music just kept getting louder, and the crowd kept screaming for more.

Ash’s singing faded and the music continued without him for a moment. Dash glanced towards the stage, and saw him saying something to Vinyl. Not missing a beat, Vinyl said something and nodded, prompting Ash to return to the mic. The music was reaching its peak, and just as it did, there was a brief moment of silence, before the music screamed back and Ash returned to his singing.

Twilight Sparkle, up in the party!

The lights above shifted again, this time all of them glowing a bright purple. They swung back to the center of the room, and this time, instead of centering on Dash, they were now focused on Twilight.

She froze. Only her eyes were moving as the entire crowd was now focused on her instead of Dash. For a moment, Dash watched as everypony in the room was staring at her friend and chanting her name.

“Dash!” she said. “What do I do?”

Dash smirked. “Just keep going! Show them what you’re made of!”

As she said that, she brushed up against Twilight and nudged her. She only stopped dancing for a moment, continuing beside her paralyzed friend. The music went on, and the crowd kept chanting. Dash joined in too, calling her friend’s name over and over in order to get through to her.

It was a slow transformation at first, but Twilight’s motions became less jerky and more fluid. She fell into a routine of ducks and bobs, weaves and bumps like she was in her trance. Dash worked what she could beside her, but as Twilight continued, she noticed that she was just fine on her own. It was as if the music was flowing through her, and every movement was in perfect rhythm with the song.

The crowd thought the same. They cheered Twilight on as the chorus started to repeat, and the lights were starting to change again. The music was tapering off and already starting to meld into a different song, but Twilight didn’t stop.

Dash fell into step beside her friend and slowed down. “I think you won them over, Twi.”

Twilight’s eyes sprang open and she stumbled. Dash snapped a hoof out to catch her, and stopped Twilight from flattening her snout against the floor. Unfortunately for her, Twilight instead ended up swiveling upwards as Dash held her upright, just inches from Dash’s face. She was staring up at her, eyes blinking.

Dash felt the scorching heat assault her face again. She hauled Twilight up onto her own hooves, rubbing at her face to quell the fire in her cheeks.

“Whew!” Twilight wheezed. “That was so exhilarating! I can hardly breathe!”

Dash forced a chuckle. “Y-yeah! Me too! Let’s get something to drink to cool down.”

“That sounds like a good idea. Lead the way.”


Dash found a circular arrangement of tables and benches that acted as the club’s watering hole on the far side of the dance floor. Polished chrome stools lined the bar, which complimented the large display of bottles on the shelves behind it. Dozens of different glass vessels sat on a backlit counter which made their contents shimmer in the relative darkness of the club.

The music had changed a few more times as Dash and Twilight navigated their way through the crowd. Dash was still reeling from the effects of her close call. I can’t believe I did that! We almost smacked our faces together. Dash glanced at Twilght. She was still panting, her face flush and weary. I guess I should be thankful she’s this oblivious. This is not the place I want to admit it to her.

Dash led Twilight to one of the stools and helped her sit down. She wobbled slightly and plopped down with little dignity. “Oof!” she said. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Heh, you’re pretty good once you get going, Twi.”

“You really think so?”

Dash nodded. “I know so. Practice makes perfect. It’s been awhile since I’ve let loose like that, It’s nice to see you do the same.”

Twilight was quiet a moment, then smiled. “You know... you’re right.” Twilight placed a hoof on Dash’s foreleg. “Thank you, Dash, for pushing me to try something new. I really enjoyed myself.”

Dash swallowed a lump in her throat as she stared at Twilight’s hoof, when she heard a chuckle beside them. She turned to see a grey mare sitting at the bar not far from them, balancing a martini glass in her hooves. She brushed her black mane aside and grinned. “You certainly did. I must say, I never imagined Twilight Sparkle to be such a dancer,” she said.

Dash blinked. “Octavia?”

Octavia nodded and took a sip from her glass.

“What in Equestria are you doing in Antlerdam? And in a club of all places?”

She giggled. “I know it’s hardly the place to expect to see me.” She glanced back to the stage and smiled. “The things we do for love, I suppose.”

Dash felt her neck protest in pain as her head twisted sideways. “Huh?”

Octavia shook her head. “Oh, I guess Vinyl didn’t tell you. We’re currently seeing each other.”

“Really?” Twilight said, her eyes widening. “Congratulations!”

Octavia shook her hoof. “It is nothing worth a fuss.”

Twilight frowned. “Really?”

Octavia nodded. “Vinyl insisted we keep it quiet for our little trip. We were going to be more open about it once we returned home. The admission now would just add too much stress to our performances.”

“Oh!” Twilight grinned. “You are performing then? I’d love to hear you play.”

Octavia sighed. “I’m afraid you won’t be hearing me play here. The festival has already booked their classical segments before we arrived.”

Twilight’s ears wilted. “Oh, that’s too bad.”

“Yes, it is a bit of a bother. But I enjoy watching Vinyl play in the meantime. I never get much rest back in the Symphony back in Canterlot.”

“Where are you going next?” Dash asked.

Octavia brought a hoof to her chin. “Hmm. I think I have something scheduled in Roam a few days from now. Or was it Istandbull?” She shook her head. “It’s been so long since I’ve traveled abroad, I've forgotten most of the places I've seen before.”

“Istandbull?” Twilight said. “I wasn’t aware the minotaurs enjoyed music that much.”

Octavia grinned. “I heard that the minotaur Chieftain has a soft spot for the classics.”

“Wait, Minotaurs?” Dash said. “There’s actually a place filled with minotaurs?”

“I wouldn't say filled. But yes, Istandbull is their homeland. They have an interesting culture.”

Dash turned to Twilight. “Are we going there after Germane?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not this time. According to Princess Celestia, the minotaur Chieftain prefers to send his own people to keep the royal catalogs up to date.”

“What, he doesn’t trust us?”

Twilight shrugged. “Maybe. Celestia wasn’t very clear on it, so I didn’t press.”

“A shame, really,” Octavia said. “It is a very interesting country. I am looking forward to seeing it again. Hopefully Vinyl can behave herself.”

Octavia finished her drink and laid it on the counter. A blue unicorn with a pink mane appeared from the other side of the counter, snatching the glass in her magic. “Would you like another, Miss Octavia?”

“Yes, please. And a round for my two friends here, on Vinyl’s tab, of course.”

Twilight lifted a hoof. “Oh, you don’t have to do that, Octavia. We can pay for our own drinks.”

Octavia shook her head. “I insist. It would be rude of me not to treat guests and friends of Vinyl and myself.”

Dash frowned and exchanged a glance with Twilight. “Well, if you insist,” Twilight said. “But i’d like to use the little fillies room first.”

Octavia nodded and pointed to the side of the bar. Twilight trotted off around the counter and disappeared around the corner. Octavia gestured to the seats next to her. “Please sit, Miss Dash. You must be exhausted from that dancing.”

Dash scoffed, but said down anyways. “I never get tired. I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt one day, I don’t have time to get tired.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. “You sound just like Vinyl when she plans her sets. I’ve never seen a mare go through so much coffee before.”

“Yeah… You and Vinyl.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “Is something the matter, Miss Dash?”

Dash sat up. “What? No! Of course not! What makes you think that?”

“You seem concerned about something.”

“Well…” Dash rubbed the back of her neck. “How is it that you two got together, anyways? I just don’t get it. You guys both like music, I get that, but you are so different from each other.”

Octavia sighed with a smile. “Some would say its that opposition that attracts us to each other. Certainly our tastes are hardly the same, but our passions are. I have never seen anypony who put so much of herself in music like Vinyl does, and I feel like she thinks the same of me.”

Octavia turned back to the stage again. “Vinyl’s life is fast, loud and full of energy, mine is quiet, contemplative and reserved, and yet…” She placed a hoof on her chest. “Our hearts are in perfect sync. Love has a way of doing that between to ponies.”

Dash swallowed. “Y-yeah… I guess it does…” She glanced at Vinyl. “So how did you ask her out?”

Octavia blinked. “What makes you think I asked her?”

“You don’t mean…”

“She asked me. You should have seen her in the days before she admitted it. She was a mess; she never slept right, showing up late for concerts… it was so unlike her. So I barred her from leaving her home until she told me what was happening.” She giggled and fluttered her eyes. “The funny thing is… I knew the whole time. I just wanted to see how long it would take her to admit it.”

“Wait… you knew and still tortured her like that? How could you toy with somepony’s heart like that?”

Octavia shook her head. “But it was the most important part of it all.”

Dash frowned. “How?”

“If she was too afraid to admit it to me, how could I be certain that it work? When love is concerned, you cannot play with half truths and half admissions. The heart of one must be bared as a whole to the other, or they will never fit together. When she finally said it, I knew it would last.” Octavia cleared her throat and turned away, wiping a hoof across her eye.

Dash stared at her with her mouth hanging open. Octavia took one look at her and giggled. “But enough about my love life. Vinyl wouldn't think it would be proper. Let’s get those drinks!”

At that moment, the bartender returned with three martini glasses floating in her magic. She laid them on the bar in front of Dash and Octavia. Dash glanced at the green drink. “What is it?”

“I've been drinking appletini’s. They are absolutely marvelous here.”

“Oh, it’s like a cider then?”

“It's... definitely made from apples, if that's what you mean. It has cider in it.”

“Ooh!” Twilight said as she returned from around the bar. “A cider? I wonder if it’s anything like Applejack makes?”

Dash shrugged. “I doubt it. But it can’t hurt to find out.”

Twilight lifted her glass in the air, smiling at Dash. “How about a toast? To the most fun I’ve ever had dancing ever.”

Dash smirked. “I can toast to that.”

“To a wonderfully unexpected night of fun,” Octavia said. They clinked their glasses together and drank.

Dash was surprised as the fizzy liquid hit her tongue. The shock of flavor sent a shock through her spine, and the warm burning sensation of alcohol washed over her. She was no stranger to a good hard cider, having hung around Applejack long enough to have access to her private stash.

This drink was everything she expected from a fancy club. While she felt it held no candle to what her friend could make on a good harvest, it was a fond reminder of home, and she enjoyed each drop as she tilted the glass back and consumed it all in a single go.

She slammed the glass down with a refreshing ‘ahh,’ and went about smacking her lips to savor what flavor remained. A goofy grin had taken over her face, and she tapped the bar loudly with a hoof for another. After the brief moment of enjoyment, she turned her attention to see how Twilight had enjoyed herself.

The reaction was certainly not what she expected. Twilight’s glass was certainly empty, but the way her tongue hung out and how she scraped at it with her hooves was strange. She wheezed deep, raspy breaths and her eyes were watering to the point of spilling tears. Her face blazed a deep red, and her expression looked pained.

Alarmed, Dash sat up and grabbed Twilight with both hooves. “Twi! Are you alright?”

Twilight’s eyes wobbled a moment before they focused on her. They gave a slight twitch, and her mouth hung open. “What...was...that?”

Dash tilted her head. “Huh?”

“What in Celestia’s name did you make me drink? My mouth is on fire!”

Dash was dumbfounded. She expected a lot of things of Twilight: to be oblivious to her weak advances, or even the advances of others. To not have much stock in random events, or anything Pinkie did in an average day. To not have much of a tolerance for the nightlife scene. But the one thing she did not expect was this.

“Twi, have you never drank before?”

Twilight sputtered and wiped her mouth. “What? Of course I have. I have to drink something in my life, or else you die! Everything has to drink once in awhile.”

Octavia laughed. Dash blinked. “No, Twi. I meant have you ever drank alcohol before?”

“Alcohol...” Twilight muttered. She glanced at her glass, then at Dash’s. She did this a few times, before her eyes widened. “Alcohol? You gave me alcohol?!”

“I’ll take that as a no...”

Twilight glared at Dash. “How can you be flippant about this? I just drank a mental deterrent!” Twilight stood up and started pacing in tight circles, her eyes racing. “I’m going to end up in a dark alley with my I.Q leaking out of my ears!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Dash snapped. She hopped off her stool and cut in front of Twilight and her manic pacing. “First off, I have no idea who put that idea in your head, but that’s not going to happen. Now sit down before you wear a hole in the floor.”

Twilight complied, although she chose to fall to her rump then return to her chair. Dash facehoofed. “A drink now and then isn’t bad for you, Twi. Even a sophisticated mare like Octavia drinks now and then. As long as you don’t have too much. But... I should have been smart enough to ask whether or not you actually drank. And for that, I’m sorry.”

“Yes, Miss Twilight,” Octavia said. “It’s all about moderation. Even a sophisticated mare such as myself can have a little fun at times.”

Twilight’s eyes wobbled a moment, tracing the spot on the floor between Dash’s hooves, before she brought her head up to stare her in the face.

“I’m worrying too much again, aren’t I?”

Dash winked. “Little bit.”

Twilight exhaled. “You’re right, that you should have warned me. But I guess I should have realized something.”

“Eh.” Dash shrugged. “I didn’t figure you knew much about clubs, like how they usually serve alcohol, not tap water.”

“Aheh, yeah... not exactly in my reading material.”

Dash returned to her stool and urged Twilight back to her’s. She grunted as she climbed up, muttering under her breath. By the time she made it to the top, the bartender had returned with fresh drinks. Dash took her’s with a smile, but then carefully followed the second glass as it made its way over to Twilight.

She was staring at it, not making a sound. It was almost as if she was watching each individual bubble free itself from the bottom of the glass and breaking free on the surface.

“Are you sure you want another, Twi?” Dash said. “You can just have the one for the experience and leave it at that.”

Twilight didn’t respond at first, but eventually stammered out “N-no. I’ll have one more. Ponies do this to have fun, right? And we’re here to have fun. A second one couldn’t possibly hurt too much, right?”

Author's Note:

The Song referenced in this chapter is 20 Percent Cooler, by Ken Ashcorp. All lyrics and rights belong to Ken Ashcorp, and no plagiarism or copyright infringement is intended. Go check his other music out, it;s pretty awesome.