• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,626 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 1: Frustrations

Author's Note:

This story is in no way related to any of my other works. I just wanted a break from the Sirens-verse and the idea for this story wiggled it's way into my brain.

Rarity rarely did anything that she considered "unladylike", however she couldn't help but get a small feeling of satisfaction as she kicked the can and watched it sail through the goal posts on Canterlot High's football field. She knew that she would not have kicked the can if she hadn't been so angry. Why would Sunset throw away our friendship, she thought privately, maybe everyone was right, and she was only using us this whole time. She didn't notice that the clouds had turned a sinister shade of grey. She didn't notice that is until the sudden downpour started.

"ARRRGH!" she yelled in frustration, "this sucks." With out another word she began to make her way back inside.

The halls between classes had always been a sanctuary for chaos, but ever since Anon-A-Miss had been created and Sunset began spreading the filthy rumors around the school and revealing the skeletons in everyone's closets, the hallways had become a powder keg. A powder keg on the verge of exploding.

As she walked down the hall, she observed former friends trying to tear out each other's throats. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were screaming at each other over something that Sunset had posted on the MyStable page. As were Bon-Bon and Lyra, even Muffins was getting into a screaming match with Bulk Biceps. So far only Sweetie Belle and her two Crusader friends hadn't been targeted, and for that Rarity was thankful. Atleast Miss Shimmer has some decency, she thought as she entered the cafeteria. Looking around quickly she was able to find her friends through the chaos. They were seated at their usual table, each with their heads down. Even Pinkie lacked her perpetual smile. Taking her normal seat next to Fluttershy, she looked at each of her friends. They each wore a look that reflected her mood.

"Has anyone seen Sunset," Rarity asked quietly.

"No," Rainbow said as she cracked her knuckles, "and it's a good thing, because I want to give her exactly what she deserves."

"She hasn't been around at all for the last couple of days," Fluttershy said so quietly that Rarity could barely hear her, "I even went by her apartment to check up on her, but she wasn't there."

"Why would ya do somethin like that fer," Applejack asked, "ya know that she is Anon-A-Miss."

Fluttershy didn't answer, she just hung her head in shame and cried. Maybe Rainbow and Applejack were right and she was too naive. Rarity put her hand comfortingly on Fluttershy's back and stared daggers at Applejack. Fluttershy meant well and had intended to mend their friendship, but Applejack had thrown those intentions back at Fluttershy's face.

"If I get my hands on that two-timing schemer," Rainbow said, "it's lights out for her. She'll wish that she never set foot through that portal."

"Calm down Dashie," Pinkie said, "leave some for the rest of us."

"You can have her," Rainbow replied, "after I'm done."

Rarity found herself disgusted with the current state of the conversation and quickly, but politely, excused herself from the table. She quietly re-entered the hallway. She wandered around aimlessly until she found herself standing in front of Sunset's locker. Someone had desecrated it and had emptied it's contents onto the hallway floor. It mostly contained school books. Rarity saw very little in the way of personal belongings. Then she locked eyes on one item in particular. An item that could spell disaster if it found itself in the wrong hands. Not saying a word, Rarity grabbed Sunset's journal and stuffed it in her backpack. Rarity looked at Sunset's locker. She noticed a picture taken just after the Battle of the Bands when they had defeated the Dazzlings. We all look so happy, Rarity thought, Was she playing with us this whole time? Her smile looks genuine. Rarity took the picture and put it in her purse.

"Rarity," Rarity heard Vice-Principal Luna say, "it's time for you to get to class."

"Yes ma'am," Rarity answered.

Honestly, she had trouble staying focused throughout the rest of the day. Every time she tried to focus on her school work, her mind drifted to Sunset. She was thankful when the day ended. Luckily, their driver was early. She and Sweetie Belle didn't have to wait for their ride home. Rarity didn't notice that Sweetie Belle was uncharacteristically quiet during the ride home. Normally her younger sister would bombard her and their driver, Lightfoot, with stories about her day, and the latest hijinks that she and her fellow Crusaders had found themselves in. Rarity sat, watching Canterlot pass by through the windows. The rain had softened to a steady drizzle since it's earlier downpour, but it showed no signs of stopping any time soon.

"What do you think Sunset will do next," Sweetie Belle asked suddenly.

"What," Rarity said.

"I said-" Sweetie Belle replied.

"No I heard you," Rarity said, "I just wasn't expecting the question."

"Ooh," Sweetie Belle said.

"Who knows what Sunset will do," Rarity shrugged, "she hasn't been seen for a couple of days."

Sunset I hope you haven't done anything rash, Rarity thought, you were so adamant that you weren't Anon-A-Miss, what if you are telling the truth.

"Do you think something happened to her," Sweetie Belle asked, a wave of fear clearly visible on her face.

"I'm sure that wherever she is, Sunset is perfectly safe," Rarity said, reaching out to comfort her sister, atleast I pray that she is.

Lucky for them, their house had a covered parking area that led up to the front door, so they didn't get wet.

"Thank you Lightfoot," Rarity said, "we shouldn't be needing a car this afternoon, you're welcome to go home for the day."

"Rarity," the large man said with a laugh, "I've been watching over you since before you could walk. I'll stay until your parents get home."

Lightfoot had worked for Rarity's parents for as long as she could remember. Officially the man was Their driver, but privately, Rarity was aware that he was also a bodyguard, hired to look after the girls after a failed kidnapping attempt when she had been a baby. Since then, the man had become family. He often helped the girls with their homework.

Sweetie Belle was already inside and watching television when Rarity entered the house. Rarity just wanted to escape from the frustrations of the day and went to her room. She reached into her purse to grab her smartphone, and she ended pulling out the picture that she had taken from Sunset's locker. Rarity gazed at it for a long time.

Sunset, she thought to herself, where are you?