• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,598 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 7: One Step Closer

If I were Sunset, where would I go, Rarity thought to herself as she compared everything she knew about the situation. She didn't go back to her homeland, I wonder why she didn't return to her home, maybe Twilight knows? She pulled out her phone and looked at the number that Sunset had called her from. All that she could tell was that it was a local Canterlot number. And there is the fact that one day Sunset's guitar disappeared over night. It suddenly hit Rarity like a ton of bricks. The answer had been so obvious that Rarity hadn't originally given it any thought.

"And now I feel like a fool for not seeing it before," Rarity said to herself.

"Why do you feel like a fool," Sweetie Belle asked as she was walking past her sister's room and Rarity had left her door open.

"I figured out where Sunset is," Rarity replied.

"That's terrific," Sweetie Belle exclaimed, "let's go so that I can apologize to her."

"It's not that simple," Rarity said, "let me explain. I know who Sunset has been staying with since her disappearance, and I know that they are in Canterlot. Unfortunately I don't know where in Canterlot that is. Besides you owe alot more people than just Sunset an apology."

"I know that I owe everyone an apology," Sweetie Belle said, "but I want, no, I need to apologize to Sunset first."

"How noble of you," Rarity said "I only hope that your friends feel the same way."

"I know that Scootaloo does," Sweetie Belle said, "I'm not sure about Applebloom."

"I'll leave it in your capable hands to make her see reason," Rarity said.

"And if she doesn't," Sweetie Belle asked.

"We tell AJ," Rarity said nonchalantly.


Scootaloo was distracted. Rainbow Dash could tell that much just by looking at the younger girl. Rainbow had been trying to teach Scootaloo how to be a better goalie in soccer, but Rainbow had managed to score three goals and Scoots hadn't even tried to stop them. She just stood there with a bb worried look on her face.

"Earth to Scootaloo," Rainbow called, "hey Scootaloo, snap out of it!"

"Huh, what was that Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo asked.

"What's wrong with you today Squirt," Rainbow said, "normally you pay complete attention to every word I say, but today you are distracted by something. What's wrong?"

Scootaloo hesitated, she knew that it was time to come clean about Anon-A-Miss, but she didn't want to lose Rainbow Dash as her mentor and pseudo big sister.

"I know who Anon-A-Miss really is," Scootaloo said after a moment.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "it's the traitor known as Sunset Shimmer."

"No," Scootaloo answered, "she is innocent."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. She looked Scootaloo over. She was beginning to suspect who the real culprit, or culprits were.

"How could you do this Scootaloo," Rainbow said, "the three of you turned the whole school against each other, but worse than that you framed an innocent person, one of my best friends!"

"I'm sorry Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo cried, "Sweetie Belle and I tried to stop, but Apple Bloom kept insisting that we keep posting. Please don't stop being my big sister, and please don't hate me."

"I could never hate you Squirt," Rainbow said, "I am extremely disappointed in your actions. But I guess that I wouldn't be the most awesome big sister if I didn't try to help you fix this mess."

"So you forgive me," Scootaloo asked.

"Yes Scootaloo," Rainbow replied, "I forgive you. I don't condone what you've done in the slightest, but I forgive you."

Seeing the younger girl weep tears of relief, as though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders was almost too much for Rainbow Dash and she enveloped Scootaloo in a warm embrace.


Apple Bloom was busy typing away at a new post for Anon-A-Miss. She couldn't believe all the bits gossip that the other students at CHS were sending in. There were rumors that Silver Spoon wasn't as wealthy as she seemed. Lyra kept sending in information about a lost kingdom made up of sentient ponies. Even more interesting was the photographs that Pipsqueak had sent in that showed Lyra and Bon-Bon kissing in the gym. Everything was gold! And as long as everybody thought that Sunset was behind it, then she and her friends would get away Scot free. Her only worry was that both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would chicken out and confess. That would ruin everything.

I can't do it myself, Applebloom thought to herself, Anon-A-Miss has become too large for one person to handle. Maybe I could bring Diamond Tiara in on it. Applebloom shuddered at the thought. She had been friends with Diamond Tiara in Elementary School, but during Middle School, Diamond Tiara had turned into a bully much like Sunset had once been, and Applebloom had been her primary target.

"Applejack, Applebloom," Granny Smith called from the kitchen, "supper is ready."

Applebloom got up from the computer, and headed downstairs. Applejack had just finished taking a shower after completing her after school chores around the farm.

"I'll be down in a minute," Applejack called from her room.

Applebloom entered the family dining room and looked at the amazing supper that Granny Smith had made. Home made fried chicken, mashed potatoes with home made gravy. Ice cold sweet tea, and to top it all off, piping hot apple cobbler. Looking at the meal, Applebloom suddenly got the feeling that she had forgotten something important. Then it dawned on her, she hadn't logged off of Anon-A-Miss MyStable page. Applebloom rushed up the stairs, taking them two at the time. The computer was located at the end of the hall so that anyone that needed to use it could access it. She found that the page was still up. She quickly moved the mouse cursor over the "log out" button and clicked it. Sighing in relief, Applebloom turned around and found Applejack standing right behind her. In her hand Applejack was holding a print-out of the user interface page for Anon-A-Miss.

"Applebloom," Applejack said angrily, "I want answers and I want them now!"

Author's Note:

See this fic isn't dead, and neither am I despite Real Life's best attempts to take me out.