• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,626 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 4: Makeover

Rarity and Fluttershy looked at each other. Both girls had hoped that Sunset would be here, but it seemed as though all traces of their friend were being erased

"MOVING VAN," both girls cried as they looked at each other. They ran down the stairs taking them two at a time. Rarity was worried that if she didn't hurry, then she would never see Sunset again.

"Lightfoot," Rarity ordered as she climbed into the front seat of her driver's car, "follow that moving van!"

"I'd love too," Lightfoot said, "did you happen to see which way it went?"

Rarity looked in both directions. There was no sign of the van. Only mid afternoon traffic zipping down the street.

ARRRGH, Rarity thought to herself, we were so close. Rarity knew that they had only missed Sunset by a few minutes. If only we could have gotten here earlier.

"You don't think that Sunset is moving away from Canterlot for good, do you," Fluttershy asked, her eyes starting to glisten as tears formed.

"I hope not," Rarity said hopefully, "Sunset isn't the kind of person to run away."

"You forget," Spike countered, "she ran away from Equestria when she didn't get what she wanted."

"But where would she go," Rarity thought aloud, "the world is a big place, and everyone Sunset knows is here in Canterlot."

Sweetie Belle just sat listening to the entire exchange. Fluttershy was weeping uncontrollably now and both Spike and Rarity were trying to comfort their friend. What have I done?

They managed to get Fluttershy to calm down before they dropped her off at home. Spike decided to stay with her in case she began to cry again.

As soon as they got home, Sweetie Belle, who seemed uncharacteristically quiet during the car ride we straight inside the house. Rarity seemed to hesitate before going inside.

"I'm sorry that we didn't find your friend," Lightfoot said, "I'll make some calls, see if any of my old contacts might know any way to help us find her."

"Thank you Lightfoot," Rarity said glumly, "I'm going to go lay down."

"Let me know if you need anything," Lightfoot said as Rarity went up to her room. Her eyes fell upon a stack of clothing that she had been working on for Sunset before Anon-A-Miss had destroyed their friendship. Rarity picked up the item on the top of the stack, feeling the soft worn leather between her fingers. Hopefully, Sunset will get the chance to wear this, she thought. Rarity set the best back down and sat at her vanity and began to remove her makeup. Then she noticed something that she had forgotten about. She had purchased it back before halloween, but hadn't used it.

"Now is as good of a time as any," she said as she stood up and went to her door and called, "Sweetie, I could use your help!"

"What's wrong," Sweetie Belle asked as she entered her sisters room. The first thing she noticed was that he sister was cutting her hair.

"Sweetie dear," Rarity said she snipped away at her purple locks with a pair of scissors, "I require your assistance."

"What are you doing," Sweetie said, confused by her sister's actions.

"I can assure you that I haven't lost my mind," Rarity said as she took a pair of electric clippers out of one of the drawers of her vanity and proceeded to shave the side of her head.

"You could have fooled me," quipped Sweetie Belle. She was quite sure that her sister had lost it. Rarity had always been proud of her hair, and spent nearly as much time styling it as she spent deciding what to wear, and here she was taking a razor and a pair of scissors to it.

"Um, ok," Sweetie Belle gulped, "what do you need me to do?"

"See that hair dye on top of my vanity," Rarity asked, Sweetie Belle nodded, not sure if she liked where this idea was headed.

"Bring it here," Rarity said, "now I'll need your help."

An hour later and Rarity's purple hair was gone. It had been replaced by a purple, turquoise, and cornflower yellow mohawk. She had chosen to change her attire as well, and she now wore a leather vest with silver studs and a pair or ripped back denim jeans. Needless to say, Sweetie Belle was speechless. Her sister had gone from one extreme to the other.

"My best work yet," Rarity said confidently as she looked at herself in her full length mirror. Sweetie Belle tried her hardest not to cringe, and Rarity's pet cat, Opalescence, looked at her and hissed loudly.

"Oh hush," Rarity admonished with a giggle.

"Can I ask why you did this," Sweetie Belle asked. She had remained silent while she had helped her sister, and now she wanted some answers.

"Simple darling," Rarity replied. Despite her new tough girl appearance, she retained her normal mannerisms. "I was making an outfit similar to this for Sunset, since she has always had a bad girl look to her. Now she is missing and I for one don't want to forget her."


Rarity had no trouble telling her parents why she had done what she had done during dinner, and while they were both shocked, they supported her and complimented the loyalty that she was showing to Sunset.

Rarity was just getting ready for bed when her smart phone began to ring. She looked at the screen and didn't recognize the number. Hesitantly she answered it.

"Hello, who is this," she asked politely.

"Rarity," Sunset said.

"Sunset," Rarity said sitting up, "where have you been darling? I've been so worried about you."

"I....," Sunset began, "I can't tell you where I am, I just want you to know that I'm safe and not in any danger."

"Fluttershy and Spike will be relieved to hear that."

"Spike is here? So that means that Twilight knows what's happening,"

"Yes dear," Rarity explained, "someone broke into your locker at school and I took the journal for safe keeping. I hope you don't mind, but I wrote the Princess and she suggested that I read a few of the earlier entries."

"That explains why the journal wasn't in the box with my stuff from school," Sunset said, "please keep it safe. I know that I can't return to Canterlot High right now."

"Yes," Rarity agreed, "Fluttershy and I are looking into the identity of Anon-A-Miss. When we find this cretin, there will be hell to pay."

"Thanks Rarity, I'm glad that atleast one person knows I'm not behind this," Sunset said, "I've got to go. Just do me a favor and stop searching for me, find Anon-A-Miss."

With that Sunset abruptly disconnected the phone call.

Rarity stared at her phone. Sunset had given her a mission, one that she couldn't ignore. And if I happen to find Sunset along the way, then that will make everything perfect.

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long. Between surgery and my new puppy things have been hectic around here lately. Atleast I don't have to deal with snow like the rest of the Country.