• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,626 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 6: No Signal

Rarity was certain that Shadow Spade had gotten into Sweetie's head. Her younger sister was uncharacteristically quiet during the ride home.

"A penny for your thoughts Darling," Rarity said as Lightfoot turned the car into their street.

"Huh, oh nothing," Sweetie Belle replied as she watched the rain slide along the glass of the car's windows.

"This weather is just dreadful," Rarity said, trying to make small talk, "I do hope that it lets up soon."

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle replied, not really listening to what her older sister was saying, "Rarity, I need to tell you something."

"Well go ahead," Rarity said with baited breath, "I'm listening."

"I..." Sweetie Belle hesitated, "nevermind, it's not important."

Inwardly, Rarity sighed to herself. She knew that her sister was ready to admit the truth. The anguish behind her actions must have been tearing the younger girl up inside. Rarity had decided not to force the issue, Sweetie Belle would come clean when she was ready. I only hope that day comes soon. Rarity decided that she could no longer hold her tongue.

"Sweetie," Rarity began, "I know that you and your two friends are behind Anon-A-Miss, I just want to know why."

Sweetie Belle visibly tensed up.

"You're Shadow Spade," Sweetie replied, "aren't you?"

"Yes I am," Rarity said, "but that doesn't answer my question. Why, Sweetie, why would you tear apart everyone at school?"

"We weren't trying to tear everyone apart," Sweetie said, "we just wanted to remind everyone what kind of person Sunset was. We just wanted our sisters back."

"That doesn't give you the right to do what you three did," Rarity said, "and while I will forgive you, it will be a long time before I trust you again."

"You forgive me," Sweetie asked, confused.

"I said that I will forgive you," Rarity said softly, "but right now I can't, you have taken away several things that I hold precious."

Sweetie Belle just sat there looking at Rarity, waiting for her to continue.

"First you took my friend from me," Rarity said allowing some anger to penetrate her voice, "and then, through your actions you took the rest of my friends away from me, and lastly you took away my trust. You're going to have to work hard everyday from now on to earn my trust once again."

"I just wanted to spend time with you," Sweetie Belle replied, almost too quietly for Rarity to hear, "I thought..."

"You didn't think," Rarity snapped, "Sunset has been trying to overcome the degenerate that she had been in the past, but you and the rest CHS wouldn't give her the chance that she deserved, and now she is gone."

Sweetie Belle didn't know what to say. She thought back to the Battle of the Bands, and how Sunset had fought for all of them. No one at CHS had wanted to accept the fact that Sunset had indeed changed, no one except for the five girls that had become her friends. All we did was make things worse. Sweetie watched as her sister stormed into their house. Sweetie Belle pulled out her phone and dialed a number.

"Scootaloo," she said, "we need to talk."

Author's Note:

I want to apologize for how long it took for me to get this one posted. I've had a bit of a rough time lately, but it's nothing that is going to beat me, just know that there are many days when I just can't do anything. I know that this one is very short, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, so please bear with me.