• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,626 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 3: Arrivals

The rain from the previous day had settled in to a light misting rain that morning.

I hope that she gets here soon, Rarity thought to herself, Fluttershy is much better with animals than I am. Rarity didn't like to admit it, but she was the most impatient of her friends. Rarity tried to dial Sunset's phone number in a vain attempt to reach her, but unsurprisingly, the number went straight to voicemail. I didn't think that it would work. Rarity silently prayed that, wherever she was, Sunset was safe.

"Rarity," a voice that she recognized as Fluttershy said, "who are we meeting, and where are the rest of the girls?"

"Spike is going to help us find Sunset," Rarity explained, "I am absolutely positively positive that Sunset is innocent."

"Princess Twilight isn't coming," Fluttershy asked sounding heartbroken.

"No, the two of us decided that she should remain in her world, just in case Sunset shows up," Rarity continued.

"You said that you can prove that Sunset isn't Anon-A-Miss," Fluttershy said after a moment, "start proving."

Rarity was quite shocked, maybe she had read Fluttershy wrong. She had never seen her animal loving friend be so assertive before. Carefully, she pulled Sunset's journal out of her backpack as she explained her doubts about Sunset's guilt and how she came to have possession of the magical journal. Opening it to the relevant entries, Rarity allowed Fluttershy to read Sunset's words. Lastly, Rarity pulled out the photo that she had taken from Sunset's locker.

"I remember that day," Fluttershy said softly, "the day we won the Battle of the Bands."

"Quite right," Rarity said, "look at Sunset's face, that is the genuine smile of friendship, not a fake one."

Tears were cascading from Fluttershy's face now, and Rarity reached out to hold her friend. Neither girl noticed that a light rain had begun to fall. They just stood there, one crying and the other comforting.

"She tried..." Fluttershy managed to say between sobs, "she tried to tell us the truth and we didn't believe her.... And now she is missing!"

"I can track her down," a new voice added. Both girls looked around frantically for the newcomer until they both noticed a small purple puppy with green ears.

"SPIKE," both girls said simultaneously.

"When did you get here Darling," Rarity asked.

"I showed up when you her showing Fluttershy the journal," Spike explained, "can we go inside please, I hate smelling like wet dog."

"Certainly Spike," Rarity replied, "we don't want to catch colds standing out here."

Rarity decided to leave the task of smuggling Spike around the school to Fluttershy, the animal loving teen had more experience than the fashionista did at that sort of thing. Rarity only hoped that Fluttershy wouldn't overwhelm Spike with her constant attention.

The trio met back up at lunch and snuck into the quiet music room. Rarity found herself looking at Sunset's seemingly abandoned guitar. She absentmindedly plucked at the instrument's strings. Neither girl noticed Principal Celestia look into the room.

"Oh sorry girls," she said, "I hope that I am not disturbing you."

Both girls shook their heads. Then Celestia noticed the familiar purple puppy.

"Hello Spike," Celestia said, "what brings you to Canterlot High, is Twilight with you?"

"No it's just me, Twilight is staying in Equestria just in case Sunset shows up there" he answered, "I'm helping Rarity and Fluttershy find Sunset Shimmer."

Principal Celestia hesitated briefly, "girls, why are you looking for Sunset?"

"We know that she isn't Anon-A-Miss," Rarity said, "we just don't know how to convince the rest of the school of that. You haven't heard anything from her have you?

"No I haven't," Celestia said, "I'll be sure to let you know immediately if I do"

"Thank you," both girls said as Principal Celestia left the room.

"Why don't we go by Sunset's apartment after school," Fluttershy said, "if she is alright, then she'll bound to be by her apartment at some point."

"That's a great idea Fluttershy," Spike said enthusiasticly.

"And maybe Spike," Rarity said hopefully, "you can get a scent and lead us to her.

"In this world I might look like a puppy," Spike replied, "but I am a dragon, and we're not known for our tracking skills."

"Damn," Rarity said, there goes that idea. Rarity couldn't shake the feeling that Principal Celestia knew more than she was admitting.

Sweetie Belle spent the ride home from school playing with Spike. The dragon-turned-puppy had the younger girl's complete attention, or so Rarity thought.

"Lightfoot," Rarity asked politely, "would it be possible for us to make a quick detour?"

"Certainly," her driver answered, "just as long as it doesn't make us drive across town."

"Heaven's no," Rarity replied, "Fluttershy and I would like to go by Sunset's apartment, that's all."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Lightfoot answered. It didn't take him long to drive them to Sunset's apartment building. A moving van was pulling out of the parking lot as Lightfoot pulled up to the building. He had barely put the car into park when Rarity opened her door and ran up the steps to Sunset's apartment, taking the steps two at a time in a most unladylike fashion. Fluttershy was just behind her. They knocked on the door but got no response. Rarity then looked in the windows and noticed that all of Sunset's belongings were missing from the apartment.

Author's Note:

I wanted to get this chapter done and published before I go to surgery on Tuesday.