• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,326 Views, 120 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

The Deal

Anon and the demon stared at each other. Neither saying a word.

"So..." Anon began, picking up his knife and sheathing it as he slipped it in his back pocket.

"You're a shapeshifter I presume?" He followed up, scratching the back of his neck trying to arrange the questions he wanted to ask.

The demon seemed slightly shocked at first before a mischievous smile grew on her face, flashing her jagged sharp teeth.

"How very, astute of you. You have dealt with my kind then I presume?" She asked, her tone that of wisdom but also of one who toys with their food.

"Nope, as far as I know. I'm the only of my species here. Also, one second." Anon states as he walks into his bedroom.

When Anon disappeared into his room, the demon took the time to look around the messy room. Not hearing the human return to the living room.

"Catch." Anon exclaimed as he threw some clothing at the demon.

Turning around just in time to get a pair of shorts and t-shirt to the face. She held out her hands as the clothing dropped into them.

Looking back up at Anon and seeing the clothing he is wearing; she shrugs and slides on the clothing. The shorts appeared to big when every time she pulled them up, they would simply fall down again.

"Pretty sure I have a belt here somewhere." Looking under a few cushions, he finds a worn black belt which he also tosses to her.

A minute later and the demon looks human, apart from the yellow eyes. Anon watches as she looks at herself, pulling and posing to see how the clothes form. Lost in her own thoughts, she is snapped out of them when Anon starts to speak again.

"So... What happens now? Have I evoked the wrath of Lucifer himself?" Anon joked


"Doesn't matter."

"Right. So, you summoned me, either by accident or not. We can make a contract, within the set time limit." She explained, opting to sit down cross-legged on the floor.

"I see. Before we continue, what's your name? I don't wanna just say you or demon."

"You’re asking me. For my name? That's a new one, either way I don't have one yet."


"We lesser demons, earn our names. I-I'm sorry but what the fuck is going on? By now I would either be preforming acts or cursing someone. Why the fuck am I here." The demon asked in curious frustration as Her body language changes from professional to casual.

Anon shrugs. "Honestly, no sane reason. Feel free to go back, I got nothing."

"I can't."


"What do you mean why? Did you get like a sticky note with just the bare minimum on it? Read the fucking book."



"Can't read the language." Anon stated, twiddling a piece of charcoal in one hand.

The demon stood up as she leaned and pointed towards the human.

"The fuck do you mean you can't read the language. You literally summoned me; you would need a decent understanding of this shit to do so."

Anon got up from the sofa and strode to the coffee table with the still opened book, although now on a random page. After picking it up he holds it out to the demon within arm’s reach, behind the circle.

"Yeah you're going to need to get closer, I can't leave the circle." The demon states, tapping her foot on the floor for emphasis.

She saw the look on his face and spoke before he could.

"I'm not lying because I can't. You used blood in the ritual, I can't lie to the blood link."


"Did you ever get bullied for not having a name?"



"Fucking seriously?" She questions angrily

Anon shrugs before handing her the book, which she promptly snatches.

The demon looks at the cover, before flipping the first few pages, only stopping for a second or so each page.

"Yeah I won't be able to help, like at all. It's enchanted with the 'Eyes only' spell or something equivalent."


" Sigh. In simple terms. It's a spell that covers the text and creates a random pattern. The spellcaster can create a whitelist using a creature’s spell signature. If you are on the whitelist and pour any amount of magic into it, the pattern will disappear for only the caster. Hence the name. 'Eyes only'.

"Ah, so I'm not on the whitelist, fair enough." Anon summarized, taking the book back and sitting it down on the nearest surface.

"So" Anon continued. "Going back to my previous question. What now?" He now stood in front of the demon in a relaxed posture.

"Well seeming someone stole-" "Borrowed" Anon cut her off

"Since you 'borrowed' the book and can't read the damn thing. The only other option is for us to make a contract, then you break the seal, I complete the contract and go, back. Home." She said, the last part making her sigh.

"So, I just set conditions, you complete them and that's it. Also, can you shapeshift into a pony?"

"Yes and yes."

"In that case. Have fun, don't do illegal shit, and try not to make a scene. I don't want this crap leading back to me." Anon listed as he smudged the circle with his shoe.

He then began talking towards his room. "I need a nap; this shit is stressful. Also give yourself a name, it’s annoying."

Closing the bedroom door, Anon flopped onto the bed as he rolled onto his back. Taking some bits and keys out of his pocket, he dumped them on the nightstand. Grabbing the pocketknife, he had and sliding it under the pillow like he always did.

Once he was comfortable, Anon moved onto his side, as he slid his hand underneath the pillow and placed his hand on the knife as he let sleep take him.

The demon stood there, going over the events of the past 20 minutes. Once she had composed herself. She took one step out of the circle and took a deep breath.

"The fuck am I getting into?"