• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,217 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Rude Awakening

Anon stirred in his sleep. Tossing and turning, his body twitches. Breathing heavily as cold sweat drenches the sheets he lies on. Flashes of a hazy memory break up the dark void of his mind.

There, in the hospital. Anon drenched in blood as he pins Red Heart down with his hands clasped around her throat, all the while tendrils of magic sprout from the human as they slash through the air, keeping others at bay. The veins in his arms bulging with intensity as his hands shake with rage. Red Heart desperately hitting and pushing Anon as Twilight tries to pry the human off the defenceless pony. Her muzzle drenched with Saliva as her airways are almost crushed, tears streaming from her blood shot eyes as they pool onto the floor, staining each fibre of coat they touch. Anon's own eyes were coated in blood as an intense green haze poured from his eyes and mouth. Each kick into her attacker becomes weaker and weaker as the life slowly drains from her eyes.

Helpless to just watch, the current Anon bangs on an invisible wall, separating him from his past self. His deafening screams at himself fall unheard.

Suddenly, the barrier keeping him at bay shatters, allowing him access to his own memory. Anon quickly rushes to the pony's aid as he delivers a heavy punch to the side of his past self's head, knocking him onto the ground. The rest of the dream dissipates, leaving Anon with himself. The human grabs his past self's shirt and punches him in the face with all his might, reeling back again. Anon delivers a second blow.

And a third.

And a fourth.

And a fifth.

The human continued this action, even after he can feel the flesh of his knuckles become shredded. Only after the tenth punch does the dream fade. Just as quickly, Anon snaps awake as he quickly sits up, knocking the covers off him. His heavy breathing become panicked and irregular, the quickened heart rate making him aware of everything around him.

The air is still but cold as slight wind from an open window caress his features, making his drenched frame ever colder. The clothes and what covers remain of his lower half stick to him with the aid of his clammy skin. His eyes see every detail around the room, including the warping and shifting of the darkness as his mind struggles to keep up. His heavy and irregular breathing thumps in his ears as each inhale of air becomes harder to complete.

Anon snaps out of his onset of hysteria, his eyes darting across the room as he blinks rapidly, giving his eyes much needed moisture. His breathing and heart slow down, returning to their respective rhythms. Removing the covers from his lower half and swinging his legs over the end of the bed. The human, with knowledge of his weakened lower half, pushes himself onto the floor in a standing position. Expecting it this time, Anon is able to stay stood with great effort and the aid of the bed support he gripped tightly.

"God I need a shower." The human stated to himself. But just as he was about to push off the bed frame in an attempt towards the attached bathroom, he notices something new about the now demolished bedside table. It wasn't actually just a table but had a singular draw which now laid on the floor, filled with debris and what seemed to be clothing. If he sat or knelt on the floor, it would be an ordeal to get up again. So instead Anon chose to sit back down and lean over the bed's side.

Apart from the debris, inside the draw was a grey t-shirt, underwear and joggers. Anon gave Twilight a lot of shit but if anything she was thorough. After taking out the clothing, the human also saw a spool of black thread with a needle, a thimble and a roll of bandages. Ok maybe she was too thorough.

Clothes held underneath his arm. The human traversed the room via the wall, walking alongside it as he pressed himself against the edges of the room, giving himself the much-needed support.

The door to the bathroom swung open as Anon clung to the door frame. Inside was a lighter colour room, simply furnished with a small white tub with brass feet which sat opposite to the sink with mirror and toilet. Using the room's small size, the human was quickly able to sit atop the rim of the tub. Looking above the tub, he saw no shower head. "Guess it's a bath then, probably a better choice anyway." He commented, turning the hot tap all the way.

Anon managed to bathe himself without issue, removing himself from the tub required more effort than he would like to admit, the clothing struggles shall never be mentioned to anyone or anypony.

The bedroom's main door opened as Anon stuck his head out, looking down the hallway, the human began traversing the castle's vast hallways via the wall., his stomach growling and grumbling along the way. "I swear to god. If they have locked up the kitchen and or pantry, someone is going to get hurt." Anon thought out loud.


"God, how long has it been? I never get this hungry." The human stated. After what felt like an eternity, Anon found the kitchen which to his satisfaction, was neither locked up nor empty. Many small stepladders and stools littered the pony sized kitchen, clearly for Twilight's little dragon.

Including the kitchen, Anon did find something almost as needed. A barstool with wheels. It was lowered to the ground and had what seemed to be flower, sugar and other ingredient stains. To which the human assumed it was used to haul heavy ingredients when Twilight was not around to help, honestly he felt a bit bad for the poor guy.

Anon threw a hung apron over the stains and quickly sat down, his struggling legs thanked him greatly. Even with the stool lowered to the ground, the human still towered over all the stoves and tables.

"God I could go for a cheese toastie right about now." Anon stated as he got to work

After finding all the ingredients and cookware. Anon placed a few slices of white bread on a large buttered frying-pan. While the bread cooked, the human slices up some cheese and a few jalapeƱos and placed them into a smaller frying-pan. In between flipping the bread, Anon stirred the cheese, adding garlic powder with salt and pepper, making sure not to burn the cheese. For the last few minutes of the bread cooking, the human took the smaller frying-pan and put it aside to cool slightly. Once the bread was removed, Anon poured the mixture onto the two slices of bread, scraping every drop as he finally covered the two finished grilled cheeses and cut them in half.

Anon stared at the food in his hands as his mouth watered. Taking the first bite, Anon closed his eyes as he spun himself once on the mobile chair. "That's how you make a fucking cheese toastie." The human said loudly. It was not long before the food he had made was devoured. While satisfied there was still one issue.

"I'm still hungry."

Author's Note:

It's 3AM because I lost power for half the day. I hate missing deadlines.

Anyway as always thank you so much for reading. Please yell at me for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

I have also just realized that it has been a full year since I started this story which is kind of hard to believe. I liked to think I have learned a few things over the year but who knows.

I can only hope that what I write can make someone happy. But enough 3AM ramblings, I'm going to pass out, peace.