• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,326 Views, 120 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...


Twilight waited patiently outside Anon's home. But this patience was already wearing thin. He had taken three books from her personal collection, while most of them are leant out to competent unicorns. There was a few that were never meant to be used and had taken precautions to make sure they would never be used or misused.

The sign above the door for example was enchanted so any race could understand it, saves the effort of putting 'do not enter' in every language. Unfortunately, she had to specify the species in the spell which Twilight had forgotten to change when Anon arrived. She just hoped that he had not found a way to bypass the spell placed on the books.

As Twilight was deep in thought, her eyes never leaving the door. Starlight became quite impatient rather quickly. Twilight had barged into her room, going on about how Anon had borrowed a very dangerous book. Then they had rushed over here. And now they are waiting outside.

"Twilight, why are just waiting inside? I thought this was urgent." Starlight asks with a hint of confusion.

Twilight answers without looking away from the door. "It is urgent. But Anon is telling us to wait which probably means he is not in any immediate danger. Applejack also told me he threw a rude unicorn the other day and I don't want history to repeat."

Starlight simply answered with a nod before going back to waiting.

They did not have to wait much longer as they heard a muffled "Right, come in."

Twilight opened the door with her magic and they both stepped inside. They stopped when they saw both Anon and a light red coated mare sitting next to him. Anon was in a laid-back position, leaning against the corner of the couch while having his arms crossed. The mare however was sat normally, although clearly nervous.

Before Twilight could ask any question. Anon nodded to three books stacked on the coffee table by the door. "Books are on your right."

Starlight nodded to Twilight and walked to the books. "Did you use them?" Twilight asked bluntly.

"I used one of em."

"Which one?"

"Top one."

Twilight looked over to Starlight, who lit her horn and decoded the cover. With an 'oh no'. Starlight rotated the cover to Twilight in her magic.

Twilight physically cringed. "You can be really stupid sometimes, you know that!" Twilight said loudly.

Anon shrugged. "Never claimed to be smart. Also, you should probably just have that door locked."

Twilight stomped her hoof. "This is serious. You could have been hurt.

"I'm used to being hurt, and I don't have the sanity to be serious all the time. Just when I need to be."

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Well. It seems that no harm has come to you. And nothing seems to be amiss, I'm glad you are making friends and glad the summoning failed." Twilight opened her saddle bags as Starlight hovered the books into them. As they were about to leave, Anon looked at Azrael who took a deep breath then nodded at him.

"The summoning didn't fail. Actually, went quite well, all things considered."

"WHAT!" Twilight yelled as she spun around. "What do you mean it succeeded!? Where is-"

Twilight stopped herself as her head slowly turned from Anon to Azrael.

Azrael gave a sheepish smile as she waved. "Hello."

Twilights head snapped towards Anon again. "Explain."

"I did the ritual and summoned a mimis." Anon explained

"mîmos" Azrael correct.

"Yeah that. Anyway. Twilight Sparkle, meet Azrael Flare. She will be staying with me for the foreseeable future."

"Anonymous. I don't think you understand the seriousness of this. There is a reason why this was outlawed."

"Probably is. But I have managed to summon a good one." Anon said matter-of-factly

Twilight was silent for a few moments, deep in thought before she spoke again. "As the Princess of Friendship. I will let you befriend a demon. But if for any reason, she shows unjustified aggression, I will send her back."

Azrael sighed a sigh of relief. "Thank you princess. I promise to always listen to master." Azrael thanked, before realizing her mistake.

"God damn it Az. Twilight it's fine, it does not mean what you think it means. Just a slip up."

"O-k then. How will you handle sleeping arrangements? I'm assuming Azrael is on the couch, I could get a single mattress for now I guess."

"No need. I sleep with master." Azrael said with a cheeky smile.

"Fuck’s sake. You're doing this on purpose." Anon stated, in a half frustrated and half playful way.

Azrael stuck her tongue out at Anon. "That's for kicking me off the bed."

"I'll kick you through the wall if you prefer."

"Anonymous. Can you stop being so casual about this? I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." Twilight asked, rubbing her face with a forehoof.

Anon looked back towards Twilight before shrugging. "What can I say. I'm comfortable."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "You are more comfortable around a demon than ponies?" She asked with slight concern.

"I just don't like crowds. Also, I'm still not used to people, er ponies being so trusting. Kinda puts me on edge a bit."

Twilight sighed as she approached the door. "Well, that's something we can work on."

"Oh actually. Before you go. Mind doing that body examining thing? My ribs seem to be getting all the attention and it's starting to become painful to move." Anon asked, unconsciously rubbing his chest.

"I can have a look, sure. I'm not sure if I can fix it though. If it is anything worse than a fracture then it's too dangerous to try anything."


Twilight's horn lit up as Anon's torso began to be covered in a light purple aura.

After a minute of silence. Twilight stopped the spell. "Good news is I can heal you. Bad news is, it's going to be quite painful."

"Aight, go ahead." Anon answered

Twilight's horn lit once again as the magical aura returned on Anon's chest. The magic seemed to flare in certain places. Anon emitted pained grunts and winces as the bones were healed. Azrael looked concerned at times when Anon would grip a couch cushion.

After five minutes, her horned stopped glowing once again. Anon was visibly sweating as the pain died down. "Think that's the first time my ribs hurt for a good reason."

"You will be sore for a few hours. Try not to do too much. But you should be all good by tomorrow. That reminds me. Applejack said she gave you a job at the orchard which you start tomorrow I believe. Afterwards would you mind visiting me and Starlight in the castle. I would like to test some more of your capabilities."

Twilight turned to Azrael. "You may join us if you would like Azrael. Although there won't be much to do I'm afraid."

"That's fine. I don't mind." Azrael answered. "Thanks for not banishing me by the way."

Twilight and Starlight headed through the door. "As long as you abide by the rules of Equestria. Everything should work out. Hopefully. See you tomorrow."


"So, Sir. What would you like to do now?" Azrael asked, turning towards Anon.

"Should probably grab some actual food. Pain usually makes me hungry. You wanna come with?"

"Sure" Azrael answered, her tail swishing slightly.

Author's Note:

I am one day late again damn it. My internet was so borked yesterday.

Anyway. Thanks for reading as always.