• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,325 Views, 120 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Medical Assistance

Nurse Redheart was posted at the reception desk. A section of the hospital had been closed off to the members of public for renovations, which meant there was an above average amount of nurses and doctors per functioning ward. Something the hospital was thankful for at least. Redheart herself had worked a lot of overtime this past week so this temporary change was a welcome one. She did however already miss the idle chatter that would occur when she entered a patient’s room. Whether for clean sheets or changing dressings, the nurse would always manage to strike up interesting conversations.

Today was a slow day for Redheart. With a cup of coffee in her hooves and a crossword puzzle in front of her, she was content. This was however changed when the nurse heard gasps and mummering in the lobby around her. Finishing the last gulp of coffee, she placed the now empty cup down and looked forward as a blue Pegasus looked back.

"Hey, Red," The rainbow pony said casually.

"Hey there Rainbow..." The nurse replied back, until she saw something shift behind the pony in front of her. Her pink mane had obscured everything above rainbow as it flowed past her nurse cap. Slowly looking upwards, the nurse saw the 'tall monkey' everyone keeps gossiping about towering over the Pegasus in front of her. Now noticing the giant, he seemed to be gripping his shoulder.

Redheart raises an eyebrow at the creature before looking back at Rainbow. "So, what assistance do you require?"

The colourful Pegasus put on a guilty expression. "I had a bad flying experience and I've damaged my wing, Anon here dislocated his shoulder catching me. You wouldn't happen to have any clinic rooms free?" She asked with a pleading smile.

Redheart rolled her eyes. It's always the same with this mare, this time she managed to injure someone else. Looking over to her colleague who hadn't spoken a word since they arrived. "Breeze would you-" The nurse started before seeing the scared expression on the mare’s face. "-Hold the fort while I deal with this." She finished.

Hopping off her chair, the white pony walked out from the reception desk and towards a separate part of the lobby. "Follow me." She called from over her shoulder. The pair did so without question.

The automatic doors opened, allowing two ponies and a human through into the new room. The rectangular white walled room had five basic wooden doors with corresponding numbers. Chairs lined the walls in-between doors, some with ponies waiting to be seen. Pressed against the left most wall was a barrel height table mounted to the wall. On the table was five white card stands, similar to brochure holders. These stands had a number and a long piece of card sticking out of it with information on it, such as the Doctor/Nurse that was assigned to the room and how long they would work there for.

Number three and two were empty, Redheart gave a quick glance to the ponies waiting for their turn. After counting less than five, she decided it was not worth clocking herself into the clinic and just decided to take the pair to the second room.

The door closed with a small click as Redheart hopped onto the office chair beside the rooms desk, after taking a few minutes to write some things down, she turned to the Pegasus and creature. "Who's first?"

Rainbow was about to speak but Anon beat her to it. "Get on the bed, I can wait."

The room was silent for a few moments before Dash began to snicker. Anon grabbed her muzzle with his free hand, "Don't." The human demanded in a lower tone then let go.

Without a word the Pegasus hopped onto the hospital bed as Redheart gathered her notes and turned to the mare. "Right. So, from what you said before, I'm assuming you hurt your wing and began falling when he caught you and dislocated his shoulder. Would you say that's correct?" The mare asked.

"Yeah." Dash replied simply.

"And how did you hurt your wing that led to this?"

Rainbow looked up in thought before replying. "I was in clouds dale, practising an Ariel move for the Wonderbolts anniversary performance in a couple months. After I finished and was landing I got really dizzy and toppled over, landing on my right wing. It hurt initially but just felt like a bruise. So, I slept on it before flying back to Ponyville and it felt fine if a bit stiff. So, I flew back to Ponyville and hear we are." Rainbow finished, throwing her hooves in the air for empathies.

The nurse looked at her notes for a few seconds in thought. "Did it hurt while flying to Ponyville?" She asked, not looking away from the paper.

"It kinda did at first then it felt like it was on fire after a few minutes. After I landed, it kinda went away, it hurts when I move it now though."

Redheart put the pencil down and wheeled over to Rainbow in the office chair. "Show me your wing." The nurse asked to which rainbow complied, turning around and spreading them out slightly.

"Where on your wing does it hurt?" The mare asked as she placed a hoof gently on the tips of her wings.

"Near the base." Dash replied.

"Can you feel anything when I press at the tip of your wing?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah, no pain." Rainbow replied swiftly with a shrug.

Redheart placed a hoof on either side of her right wing and began applying pressure at the tip and she moved down. "Tell me when it hurts and how much." The nurse added.

"Metacarpus is fine." The nurse muttered to herself feeling around the main appendage. "Radius is fine" She muttered again moving onto the base.

As she applied pressure, a loud wince could be heard from the mare in front. "Sorry." The nurse replied.

"This is gonna hurt a bit more, but I need to feel around ok." Redheart commented, her voice becoming more considerate.

Rainbow simply nodded.

Pressing again, Rainbow grunted before wincing a second time as Redheart felt around the base of her wing. What seemed like an eternity to rainbow was in reality less than thirty seconds. After letting go the nurse wheeled to the desk again as rainbow turned round. Redheart grabbed what looked like a form from a stack of papers and seemed to fill it out before turning around. "Seems you have broken your humerus, again. I think it's a small break, but we will X-ray it to be sure. I have filled out a form for you, just sign it and hand it in at the front desk and we will get you sorted. With the strain you have put on it, It's probably best you go now while I help your friend."

Rainbow glanced at Anon who gestured towards the door in reply.

"Thanks Red" Rainbow said as she walked out. Without a word the human sat on the bed as it creaked slightly from the pressure.

The nurse filed Rainbows notes before placing them near the edge of the table as she grabbed some more paper and wrote some more notes down. "What's your name and race." Redheart asked, looking over her shoulder. "Anonymous, Human".

After a few more seconds she wheeled over to the bed. "Arm please." which Anon complied, grunting slightly.

"Have you dislocated your shoulder before?" Redheart asked as she gently rotated the wrist. "A few times yeah." Anon replied back in monotone.

"Alright, should be an easy but painful fix. I can't give you anything because I don't know how your body will react. And we don't have the records from Canterlot."

"Fair enough, two of the times was without pain relief anyway so I'm good." At this Redheart raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"Don't ask." Anon said before the nurse could.

Redheart shrugged before lifting the rotated arm onto her shoulder. "I'm gonna hold it at the wrist and on three I will push backwards, then it should pop back into place."


"Two!" Reheart pushed backwards on her chair as the arm extended slightly. Then as the force pulled her back, she rotated the arm, and an audible click and loud grunt were heard.

"Fucking hell, what happened to three." Anon asked loudly, more in discomfort than upset as he flexed his hand. The nurse rolled back to the desk and finished writing notes down before filing it and adding it to the pile with Rainbows. She then rolled back to the human and bopped him on the head lightly. "No swearing." She said calmly before picking up a sling from a small cupboard.

"Put this on. It will take a few weeks to fully heal. Come back if it still hurts the same amount after a month." She said to him as she opened the door to let the human out. Anon put on the sling as they walked.

The pair walked back to reception and Redheart hopped behind the reception desk again. "Come back in an hour or two if you want to check on rainbow."

"Cheers doc." Anon commented before leaving. "I'm a nurse." Redheart replied as he began to leave. The human simply raised his good arm in acknowledgment before he left. To the right of the door was a couple of wooden benches. Anon decided to take a seat and wait for Applejack to arrive.

"Time for the waiting game."

Author's Note:

Hey, thanks for reading as usual.

I have no knowledge or practice in medicine so the medical practices might wrong, woops.

Let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes