• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,327 Views, 120 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Magic Lessons

After lunch, Luna headed to her room. She was about to open the door before a voice called out behind her.

"Luna, could I quickly talk with you?" Twilight said, quickly trotting up behind Luna.

The alicorn mare turned to twilight, now only a few metres away from her. "Of course Twilight, is something the matter?" Luna said, cocking her head slightly as she raised an eyebrow.

Twilight finished walking to her before speaking. "Oh, no. Nothing like that." Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. "I just wanted to ask you a few questions." Twilight took a moment to catch her breath.

"As long as it does not take too long, we do not mind answering some questions." Luna said glancing at her door, stifling a small yawn.

"Thank you. Anon said he had met you before and I just wanted to know more about it. With him demonstrating his magic I couldn't find a good time to bring it up." Twilight said with a small smile.

Luna nodded and smiled back. "We have met the human before, yes. It was last night in fact during one of his dreams. We won't give specifics to respect his privacy. I noticed the human had trouble sleeping due to nightmares, so we created a safe space in his dreams to converse with him about it. We then helped him get some much-needed rest." Luna finished with a nod.

Twilight's face dawned some guilt as the pieces fit together. "Ah I see, well thank you for the information. I won't keep you, have a good nap princess." Twilight finished with a small bow before stopping herself. "I forgot again." she said looking back at her wings.

"No worries Twilight, we will speak later this evening. Good day." Luna said, entering her room.

Meanwhile in the gardens. Anon was happily exploring, passing thought flower archways, flowerbeds, statues and a few activities for the older ponies like croquet and Bocce. Anon walks for an hour or so before sitting on a nearby bench and enjoying the scenery. Taking in the view, the human slowly looks left to right before spotting a lilac mare sitting on the bench next to him. He jumps slightly but manages to not scream or swear.

"If you could stop doing that, that would be great." Anon said in a deadpan voice.

Starlight chuckles slightly. "Sorry. Bad habit of mine, I always feel like I'm taking ponies away from their activates when I talk to them but I think that's just the guilt talking. Starlight explains, her gaze finding the ground as he body slumps slightly.

Anon raises an eyebrow and turns to Starlight, giving her his full attention. "Guilt? What do you have to be guilty about?" Anon asks in confusion more than curiosity.

Starlight's gaze leaves the ground and finds itself on Anon. "Oh, you know. Watching my best friend taken from me when he got his cutie mark, slowly going insane until I create a village where no one has a cutie mark so we are all the same, just so no one leaves me. Getting foiled by the elements and trying to basically destroy time and space as we know it. That kinda stuff. Starlight lists as she slowly slumps further into the bench.

The two sit in silence for minute or so before Anon can find his words. "I'm assuming you are reformed now though, right? Like one of the good guys- er stallions." Anon questioned, leaning against the backrest of the bench with an arm hung over.

"Oh yes of course, it just still eats at me. I have made a few friends, including the elements but it's something I still struggle with. I'm always worried ponies are gonna see me for the pony I was, not the pony I am." Starlight sighs as her gaze finds the floor once again.

Anon smiles softly at Starlight before speaking in a relaxed tone. "Alright then, three questions." Anon said holding up three fingers.

"Did the village forgive you?"

"Yes b-"

"Did Twilight forgive you?"

"She did-"

"Do any of your friends give a fuck about who you used to be?"

"N-no I guess not”.

Anon smiles, wraps an arm around Starlight and pulls her in so she is leaning on his shoulder. "Well then, seems like you have atoned."

The mare suddenly being hugged looks up at Anon with a confused look.

"Look, you are literally friends with the Elements of harmony, what other proof do you need? Plus Twilight has told me the story of how you, a magician, the chaos god guy and a reformed changeling literally saved Equestria which reformed the changelings themselves. You are a good pers-Pony, and you need to learn to accept yourself, otherwise how can you expect others to do the same." Anon said, letting his grip go slightly to allow Starlight room to breathe but still having his hand on her withers."

Starlight looks at Anon for a few seconds before giving him a quick hug, after they both sit in silence for a while, looking over the garden.

While the garden was nice and all, anon didn't have the patience to not do anything, so to occupy himself, the human conjured a yo-yo and began playing with it.

Starlight looked over the gardens before looking over at Anon, the yo-yo catches her eye. "Oh, I completely forgot" Starlight quickly commented before going through her saddle bag she had on the floor next to her.

As quickly as she opened the bag, she closed it with a stack of parchment and a quill in her magic. Starlight quickly mulls over the parchment before turning to Anon. "Twilight was going to go through some experiments with your magic. She got caught up with something and asked me to take her place." Starlight explains with a smile.

"Is this going to be the fun kind of experiment, or the Twilight kind?" Anon said with disinterest

Starlight goes through the stack again, this time separating a third of the paper and placing it back into the saddle back. "The Starlight kind." The unicorn said with a brighter smile.

"The Starlight kind huh, I can get behind that." Anon said scratching his chin.

The lilac mare hopped off the bench, slung the saddle bags over her frame a trotted off with the stack of parchment in her magical grasp. "Follow me." Starlight said in a happy tune.

The human quickly stood up and followed behind Starlight.

The pair walk for a few minutes in silence, Starlight going over the parchment stack while somehow avoiding obstacles, while the human was just taking in the scenery, not doing as well to avoid obstacles. Eventually a large sand pit the size of a football field came into view. The pit had a metre wide cobblestone path all the way round with wooden bleachers on either side.

"Here we are" Starlight said, gesturing to the sand pit. This broke Anon from his analysing gaze.

"And what is 'here' exactly?" Anon questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Starlight looked at the sand pit, then Anon, then the sand pit, then finishes on Anon with a quizzical look "Its, a sand pit..." Starlight said more confused than anything.

Anon sighed before replying. "Yeah, no shit, what's it used for?" Anon said gesturing with his arm.

"Oooh. It's used as a 'test of strength' for the guards here at the royal palace." Starlight said as she sat on her haunches and mockingly flexed then giggled.

Suddenly a thought dawns on Anon. "Wait, oh no no no. I am not fighting you, not even sparing. I would rather not get turned inside out. I like my organs where they are thank you." Anon huffed as he patted his stomach.

Starlight simply waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh don't worry, were not gonna be doing anything like that, besides that spell was outlawed centuries ago." Starlight reassured going over the stack of parchment again.

Anon could only gulp in response.

On the other side of the castle. twilight had just finished talking with Luna and began heading to the gardens to meet Starlight and Anon. She was about to pass through the hallway which lead to the throne room, before a long line of ponies caught her attention. Twilight had seen the lines for day court but there were way more than she had ever seen and they all seemed to be of a certain class.

With her curiosity peaked, Twilight trotted to the front of the line where two guards were, well standing guard and approached one of them.

The guard notices Twilight and salutes. "Good afternoon princess Twilight. Do you wish to speak to the princess Celestia?" the guard asked in a monotone but authoritative way.

"No, I was just curious. Do you happen to know what's with the huge line? I can't put my hoof on it but it seems off." Twilight says, rubbing her chin with her hoof.

"I'm not sure if this helps princess , but. Most of the ponies are present because of the Human creature. Asking why, what and how. Those sort of things, I don't know what the Human has done but it appears to have ticked off a large group of canterlot." The guard says now more relaxed.

Twilight smiled softly. "That was very helpful, thank you."

"Sorry Starlight, I'm going to be late" Twilight muttered to herself.

For the next hour and a half, Twilight took it upon herself to answer some of the more idiotic questions and demands the 'high class of Canterlot had. While draining, this took away more than half of the ponies for day court which a certain princess was more than happy about her efforts.

Afterwards, Twilight quickly made her way to the garden entrance.

"Now where are you Starli-"

Before Twilight could finish that sentence, an explosion could be heard from the guard section of the garden. Green and pink magic sparks seemed to shoot upwards before dissipating, leaving a small smoke cloud to rise.

Twilight froze as before snapping back to reality. Blinking a couple of times, she took a deep breath.

"I EVEN GAVE HER INSTRUCTIONS!" Twilight loudly states before rushing to see what headache awaits for her.