• Published 7th May 2023
  • 1,194 Views, 137 Comments

Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 20: Obstinate

Rosa had spent as long as she could choosing dresses. Well, at least until Mr. Boone had started looking impatient. It wasn't polite to make the man wait, but it was just so much fun trying things on. The store specialized in pony apparel, which meant the choices were basically endless. Rosa really wanted to see how each piece looked on her! Lillian had been a great help and told Rosa what she liked or what was too flashy or too drab for her. The girl had a good sense for fashion.

By the time they were finished, Rosa's saddlebags were noticeably bulkier with the dresses and accessories she had picked. Mr. Boone had paid for all of it, but never complained, which was something Rosa was very grateful for. Now she had beautiful and airy things to wear for the summer!

On the way home she decided to broach a sensitive subject in the car. "Um, Mr. Boone? About Benjamin..."

The man glanced at her in the rear view mirror, then focused on the road again as was proper.

He didn't reply, so Rosa continued. "We've been studying, but I think he isn't taking me seriously yet..." she mumbled. Before Boone could form his own plan of talking with the boy and possibly ruining everything by demanding he pay attention to her, Rosa clarified: "I think he's... um, learning a lot, but he doesn't trust me."

"Do you want me to talk with him again?" Mr. Boone asked.

"Uh, no, sir," Rosa said with a squeak in her voice, "I'm sure I can change Benjamin's mind. I just wanted to... um, keep you informed."

He thought this over, then nodded to her in the mirror. "Okay. Let me know if you need my help."

She was relieved to hear that. It meant the man wouldn't interfere and there wouldn't be another argument, at least for now. "Of course, Mr. Boone."

That difficult task done, Rosa looked at Lillian who didn't seem to have understood their exchange. The girl had really come alive while picking out the dresses and hats which fit the mare, but she was back to her usual, quiet self in the car. Rosa would have to thank her properly once they got home.

With nothing more to talk about, all three of them lapsed into silence, and Rosa went watching the landscape slide past the window. It was mostly rolling hills and fields, with a few patches of forest every now and then. Things she wasn't used to from her life at the Pony School, but which she fond fascinating now that she had gotten her hooves dirty a couple of times. For a while Rosa tried to imagine what it would be like to have wings and fly above all of this natural beauty, but that line of thought quickly made her think about Paolo. If he really did make it into the Post Service, he would likely fly above the Boones' house every once in a while during the two years she would be working there. Somehow that thought filled Rosa with confidence. He was a good pony and she wished him all the best. Knowing he would be doing something he loved would make her happy. She would also have to remember to write him an encouraging letter. A small part of her, however, couldn't help imagining what it would have been like if he knew her house and landed in the backyard. Maybe when the Boone family was away in school and at work. Paolo could visit you for an hour or so.

They would kiss...

That line of thought was completely inappropriate and Rosa suppressed it as soon as she realized what was happening. It was too late to prevent the blush, but she sneaked a glance at Lillian and relaxed a little when she saw the girl was also staring out her window. It was still no way to behave for an Assistant Pony and Rosa tried very hard to clear her mind. She was supposed to think of her humans first and herself last, after all. It was just that... for a moment it had seemed unfair. Why should ponies be subservient to humans anyway?

Going back to watching the landscape, Rosa tried to let that feeling go. Her life wasn't bad, especially compared to some. Before she could stop it, the memory reared up and her ears went down.

"What's wrong?" Lillian asked. She must have spotted the movement from the corner of her eye. Even Mr. Boone glanced back at Rosa at his daughter's words.

"Oh, nothing!" she assured them both with a smile. No way she was telling Lillian what she had seen.

Luckily they seemed to take her word for it, but the girl still reached across the back seat and patted Rosa on the withers. The mare gave her arm a lick in return.

The rest of the drive passed in silence, except for the music on the radio and Rosa went back to thinking about her gardening. That was a safe topic which didn't cause her any more embarrassment.

Her reverie ended when they arrived home. Rosa gathered up her saddlebags and took them up to Lillian's room. Of course she had to stop there and try it all on again. The girl wouldn't have it any other way. Neither would Rosa, for that matter. To be completely fair, it was quite fun and Rosa didn't have any other obligations anyway, except for the laundry. Even vacuuming could wait until Monday.

"Here! Put this one on!" Lillian demanded with a big smile.

Rosa obliged and pulled the new maid dress up over her head. It was pretty much like the old one, no surprises there, but at least now she could wash one while wearing the other.

Lillian clumsily dropped the fabric on her head and Rosa shook it a little until she found the neck hole. The fabric was very light, so she was being extra careful she didn't tear it while getting her forelegs in the short sleeves. Then it was just a matter of straightening it and draping it over her rump. It didn't reach all the way to the floor, which was good. Rosa didn't want it to drag in the dirt.

She examine herself in the mirror again. "It's nice. Thank you for helping me pick it!"

The girl watched her with a big smile. "Yellow really suits you," she commented. It was true, Rosa had to admit. It went nicely with her coat. She wished her mane was a different color, but at least black didn't clash with the dress. She thought. She had never paid much attention to fashion, but Lillian seemed to know a bit and she approved Rosa's new look. For the final touch she put the hat on as well.

"How about now?"

Lillian gave her an appraising look, then just hugged the mare around the withers in lieu of an answer.

The gesture helped Rosa make a decision. "I think I'll wear this today. It's pretty warm."

Who knew, maybe if he saw her without the uniform even Benjamin would start thinking of her more like a person. The train of thought was interrupted when Rosa heard someone coming up the stairs. Slow, heavy footsteps. She guessed it was Mr. Boone even before she heard him breathing. She looked at the door just as his head poked in.

"Rosa? Please get the children, lunch will be ready in ten minutes."

"Of course, sir!"

Hoping the man would compliment her dress, Rosa turned to show him her side, but Mr. Boone just left. Well, he had seen it in the store, she guessed and turned back to give Lillian a nuzzle.

"Okay, you heard your father. Go wash your hands while I fetch your brother."

She walked with her to her brother's door, then continued on to the bathroom while Rosa took a breath and knocked.

There was no answer.


Still nothing.

Rosa pushed the door open and peeked inside. The room was empty. She didn't remember seeing the boy downstairs when they came in, but to be honest she hadn't really been really looking. He might have been in the kitchen, helping his mother or watching TV in the living room. He didn't have his phone, Rosa recalled, so it was probably TV. That, or he was in the garden for some reason. Rosa was about to close the door and go look for him when a scrap of white caught her eye. A piece of fabric poking from under the boy's bed. Sighing, Rosa went to fetch it. She was going downstairs and would be doing the laundry soon anyway. She hooked the underpants with her hoof and lifted them up. Then she froze.

They weren't his underwear. They were her panties. The ones she had forgotten in the bathroom, Rosa was sure of it. That was why the grownups hadn't mentioned it.

Benjamin had taken them.

But why?

Surely it wasn't to keep her out of trouble? Even if that was the case, why would he put them in his room? Confused, Rosa turned the fabric around. She noticed the stain. Surely she hadn't sullied them like that? She would have spotted it when she took them off, no?

She brought the cloth close and tentatively sniffed. The scent made her muzzle scrunch up in shock and Rosa let the item fall to the floor. That certainly wasn't a mare smell! She had never smelled that before, but she knew what it was with chilly certainty. It made her legs tremble and her gut clench up into a ball of ice.

Her mind raced.

Should she tell Mr. Boone? After that speech he'd given her on that first day, the thought of explaining that she had forgotten her panties out and his son was using them scared Rosa badly. Of course he would think this was her fault! It was! The man had warned her and Rosa went and left her damned panties in the bathroom. She sat down on the carpet and tried to think. Obviously she couldn't tell Mr. Boone. Even less so Mrs. Boone, not the way she saw the mare at the moment. This would be the perfect excuse to get rid of her. No way she was springing this on Lillian, either!

There was just one thing to do. Rosa would have to speak with Benjamin and let him know this kind of behaviour was not okay. It was disturbing, to say the least!

Of course this wouldn't bring the two any closer, but if nothing else Rosa was certain he wouldn't dare tell his parents. If it all went wrong she might be able to scare the boy in line by threatening to tell on him. The mere thought of doing that to Benjamin made Rosa feel dirty, but her eyes landed on the panties and she pressed her lips together in determination. She needed every advantage she could get with that boy.

Still, she wouldn't use that unless she was completely out of options. That decision made it a bit better.


Lillian had finished and Rosa hadn't even heard her come in, so distracted had she been!
She kicked the offending panties under the bed again and turned around in place so she was blocking the view.

"Oh! Done already? Um, your brother isn't in his room - come on, let's go find him."

Rosa made sure her body was in the way at all times as she walked up to Lillian and gently prodded her out of the room.

"Is something the matter?" the girl asked, voice hesitant and worried.

"No, no! I'm fine," Rosa lied, "Just- um, admiring Benjamin's posters." She glanced back for inspiration and then continued the cover up. "I never knew there were robots that big..."

It worked and the girl was distracted. "Meh, it's just a stupid movie," she confided. "It's not real."

As soon as they were out on the hallway Rosa pushed the door closed. She made sure her smile stayed put and walked the girl to the stairs. "Okay, let's get you to the dining room and then I'll go find your brother. Here, careful down the steps."

If Lillian found it strange that Rosa was narrating her actions, she didn't say it. Her hand represented a bit of reassuring warmth against Rosa's neck and the mare just let her mouth jabber while she tried to get over the shock. It was true that Benjamin was at that age when young boys were discovering themselves and their bodies. She had learned a bit about that in biology, but stealing panties was way out of line. She had to straighten him out before his father found out, or they would both be in a world of trouble. She wished she hadn't found out his secret. Yes, it would still be a right mess, but at least it wouldn't be her mess. It wouldn't be she who had to deal with it.

Maybe she could pretend she didn't know? That way if Mr. Boone did find out, Rosa might be spared? No, that went against what she had been taught in School. If she noticed any kind of a problem with the child she was Assisting, Rosa was supposed to bring it to their parents' attention as soon as possible. In this case she couldn't do that, but she had to do something about it.

Maybe if she had a heart to heart with Benjamin he would understand?

Rosa really, really hoped so.

While Lillian was watching cartoons in the evening seemed like a good time to speak with Benjamin. He didn't have his phone, but it looked like he would rather sit in his room than watch whatever show his sister liked. Rosa knocked on his door, waited for him to answer, then went in. The boy was on his bed with a comic book in his lap.

"What do you want?" he asked, already annoyed at the intrusion.

Rosa had thought long about how to broach the subject, but so far her best plan was to just get it out. "I know you took my panties from the bathroom, Benjamin."

If she hadn't watched his face closely Rosa might have missed it, but the boy glanced down to the edge of his bed, checking to see if the fabric was poking out.

"No I didn't!" he lied.

"I know you did. I found them," Rosa countered and kept her eyes on him even though it was hard.

"What were you doing in my room?! You shouldn't be in my room!"

She sighed with exasperation. "Never mind that. What were you doing with my panties?"

The boy pretended to be engrossed in his comic so he didn't have to look at the mare. "N-Nothing!" he claimed.

Of course Rosa hadn't expected him to tell her and she didn't want to push it too far. "You shouldn't do things like that, Benjamin! It's creepy! Imagine if your father or your mother found out."

His head shot up and the boy turned wide, frightened eyes on Rosa. "D-Did you t-tell them?!"

"Of course not," she shook her head.

That made him relax, but just a tiny bit. The anger was back almost immediately. "Well, it's none of your business! Just leave me alone!"

"It is my business, Benjamin. What you're doing is wrong!"

"Shut up! You're just a slave! You have to do what I say!"

That one stung a little. It was true, technically, but most humans were polite enough not to put it that way. "I'm an assistant pony!"

The boy barked a laugh. "Yeah right! Leave me alone. If you tell Father I'll say you put them there. He's going to believe me over you!"

It was a vain threat and they both knew it. Rosa almost felt embarrassed for the kid, so she took a step closer. What Benjamin really needed, she thought, was a good hug and maybe someone to talk to.

"I don't want to be your enemy, you know? Look... promise me you won't do that again and we'll both forget about it, okay?" She was so close she could smell his breath. They had had chicken for lunch, which wasn't the greatest thing for a pony to smell, but Rosa ignored it. "Please? I know we can be friends. I'll help you get your grades up and everything!"

He was thinking about it! Her heart started to race as Rosa realized she was on the verge of a breakthrough. She brought her muzzle closer so he would have something to pat. The slap came out of nowhere and caught her completely by surprise. Rosa nearly lost her balance as she jumped back.

"Stay the hell away from me, you..." Benjamin said, but then paused to find a bad enough name. "Stupid animal! Stop going through my stuff!"

"I wasn't!" Rosa said back, trying hard to keep the tears inside for now. "I came in to get you for lunch and I saw them!" The words had stung and now she was getting angry at the obstinate child. "Anyone could have seen it! You're lucky it was me and not your dad!"

Benjamin gave her a disgusted glare. "Screw you! We don't want you here. Why don't you just go away?!"

"I can't! I'm a slave, remember?!" Rosa nearly shouted, barely succeeding to keep her voice down. She didn't want Mr. or Mrs. Boone to come up and see what all the noise was about.

The boy didn't have an answer for that, so Rosa took the initiative and stomped a hoof. "Stay away from my panties or I will go tell your dad!"

As she was leaving, the boy yelled after her: "I hate you!"

Rosa slammed the door shut, then sat on the floor to get her breathing under control. It hurt. She had never imagined how much hearing those words would hurt. She had never expected to feel that way toward anyone, especially a child she was supposed to care for. The anger ebbed and all she was left with was shame. She should have handled that a lot better. For a moment Rosa considered going back in and apologizing, but her sensitive ears picked up sobbing. If she saw Benjamin crying it would just make it all worse. Fine! The little brat could cry and think about what he had done! Maybe then he would be sorry and she would be able to have a normal conversation with him.

It was all going wrong. Rosa walked to the stairs and looked down. All she could hear was the sound of Lillian's cartoons and the girl giggling as she watched them. She didn't feel any desire to go join her right then. Rosa heaved a sigh and let her head fall, then dragged her hooves to her room and jumped up on the bed. Maybe Mr. Boone should have asked for Amethyst instead. She had always been better at handling children than Rosa.

Perhaps she should ask her for advice?

No, that was too risky. Mr. Boone might read the letters before he sent them, or Instructor Martha might read it before she gave it to her friends. Rosa had no one to turn to. Her only real friend in that house was the girl and she definitely didn't want to involve her in these problems. The mare sniffled and wiped her muzzle with the edge of her blanket. It sucked that Benjamin was so obstinate. She had thought she was prepared to deal with the most difficult children, but this teenager just didn't respond to anything. Maybe the best she could hope for was a kind of ceasefire between the two of them until her time with the Boones was done.

Unfortunately she still had to tutor him. God knew how difficult that was going to get now. Rosa almost gave up and went to Mr. Boone. She could tell him everything and let him sort out his troublesome son. Except that would make the boy even more difficult, she had no doubt. He already hated her and Rosa didn't want to push that even further.

Her assignment had turned into a right mess so very quickly...

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