• Published 7th May 2023
  • 1,194 Views, 137 Comments

Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 71: Luna

When Rosa woke up, groggy, uncomfortable and yawning, the first thing she noticed was that Luna was no longer lying beside her. Memory flooded back instantly. She'd seen her wake up briefly during the day! The drugs must have been wearing off. Rosa glanced around and saw, in the light of the afternoon sun, both Sky Light and Starlight Glimmer sitting nearby and whispering something with Luna.

Rosa wondered why they hadn't woken her up for her turn at keeping watch. "Hey, wasn't it supposed to me my turn after yours?" she asked.

Three muzzles turned to her, all of them slightly surprised to see her upright.

"What?" Rosa said, suddenly embarrassed under all that scrutiny.

Sky Light walked over to give her a pat on her head with a wing. "Don't worry, I wasn't sleepy yet, so there was no point in waking you. Then these two were up and chatting, so it seems we'll be moving again soon anyway."

"Yeah, you looked like you needed sleep," Starlight added to that, looking at Rosa like she was some kind of a child. She didn't particularly like that look.

Even Luna had a slightly condescending expression on her muzzle. "I have had enough sleep in the past few months."

Rosa joined their crude circle and sat on her haunches. Even those few steps reminded her of how sore her muscles were and she stretched out her forelegs above her head in an effort to loosen the tightness. The motion made her yawn and the others politely waited before continuing their conversation.

"Whatever they put in me," Luna went back to saying, "my magic ebbed over a matter of weeks. I suspect it will take some time for it to return."

Starlight was nodding understandingly and Rosa decided to try and participate in the discussion. "Was that why my, uh, dreams were getting weaker?"

"Indeed," the alicorn confirmed, the condescending smile now replaced with a touch of pride.

"Why me, though? Why did you visit my dream?"

This made Luna frown a little bit. "I am not sure. Out of all the ponies in the world, you were the easiest to reach and near here. Perhaps it was your desire to save your friend, or perhaps there is something else that is special about you. No doubt we will see in time."

Being called 'special' had a certain thrill to it, especially when an alicorn was doing it. Rosa couldn't help but push her chest out slightly in pride.

Unfortunately Sky Light interrupted the moment of self-appreciation: "What do you mean near? We weren't anywhere near this place and we had to travel quite a bit to get here."

Luna inclined her head to acknowledge the question and patiently explained: "True. I did not mean 'near' in the geographical sense, but in the dreamscape. Things there do not line up with geography, and there is no such thing as 'distance', but some are easier to reach than others."

"Anyway," Starlight returned the conversation back on track, "I nearly blew out my horn with that teleport. I can do basic stuff, like levitation and fire and such, but not too much more for now."

Sky Light seemed a little worried at that news. "How much longer until you can call for help?"

"Maybe four or six hours? I don't want to try before that, or the headache will make me completely useless if we need to move fast. Any sign of pursuit?"

"No," Sky answered. "I guess they didn't see which way we teleported. It might take them some time to find the trail. I haven't seen any helicopters."

"W-What about drones?" Rosa added nervously.


"Drones? Like in the movies?"

Sky Light looked at her blankly, but Starlight seemed to understand. "Oh yes," the mare said, "they are like small helicopters without pilots. I saw some kids playing with one a few months back."

"Yeah, exactly!"

This news was making Sky Light a bit worried, but she put on a brave face. "Didn't see any of those either. We walked miles and miles, maybe we're safe. For now, at least."

"I don't think anywhere is really safe. I'll feel better when we find Cadence and the troops," Starlight pointed out.

"Troops?" Rosa burst out in surprise.

Luna fielded that question, facing Rosa and very slightly spreading her wings. Rosa remembered an old story from the dorm - the alicorns were supposedly battle-leaders. Seeing the fierce, dark mare like this made her believe it.

"Of course. A Princess of Equestria would not walk enemy lands without escort. Cadence has a contingent of her Crystal Guards, as well as the Royal Guard my sister had made us take. We will be safe when we meet with them."

"I'll try after dark," Starlight said.

Without really thinking about it, Rosa glanced at the sun and estimated it was still afternoon. Full dark would be some four or five hours from now.

That seemed to be it for the discussion, but Rosa still had more questions. "Um, L-Luna? Sorry, I don't know how to, uh, how to address you properly."

The alicorn gave her another smile, but this time it was gentle and welcoming. "Luna will do, but if you insist on protocol, 'Princess Luna' is succinct and proper."

"Okay, um, P-Princess Luna. Why did the humans have you in there?"

Bringing this up made Luna avert her gaze and Rosa imagined she saw a tiny bit of a blush. "I was- negligent and allowed myself to be captured in a skirmish."

"Yeah, but what were they doing with you? Why not just, um- k-kill you?"

This actually made Luna think for a minute, but then she shrugged. "There could be a number of reasons. They sought to glean from me some understanding of alicorn magic and - quite likely - how to defend against it. They might also have been planning on using me as a bargaining tool against my sister."

"I'm glad we got you out."

"As am I."

Sky Light broke the ensuing silence. "So, what can we do for food? I'm not sure about this grazing stuff. I mean, what plants are even safe to eat?"

Luna looked around at the surrounding foliage, then shrugged. "The vegetation on Earth is different than on Equestria. I would not risk it, unless our situation becomes urgent."

"Have the humans fed you at all?" Sky Light asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Sometimes, but worry not. We alicorns are sturdy. We can do much, with little."

The news seemed to disappoint Sky. "I mean, it wouldn't be a huge problem for me to fly to some town or village and-"

"No," Rosa interrupted. Sky had been about to say 'steal some food', Rosa just knew it. For one, it would be immoral and for two, they were not that desperate yet. If Rosa could bear her grumbling, empty belly, so could Sky Light.

"I thought we'd get help from the resistance soon after we escaped," Starlight admitted, "so I didn't think to pack some food. I guess that was stupid."

"I didn't think of it either."

Sky Light also added her opinion: "Well, I was in a cell."

"We'll live through this night and by then I expect we will have met up with the resistance," Luna said firmly.

Rosa guessed that was the final decision. As an alicorn and a Princess, her word was probably law. She certainly sounded as if she was used to being obeyed without question.

Starlight shrugged a little and stood up. "In that case, I guess we can go toward that stream and drink, at least. One direction is as good as any other."

"Fine, it's this way," Sky said with a marked tone of reluctance and perhaps a bit too testily but no one complained. She set off into the forest and the rest of them followed.

Starlight seemed rested enough from her ordeal that she could walk unaided and Rosa, as an earth pony, would manage without too much trouble. Perhaps the one with most difficulty would be Luna. After all, she had probably spent months immobile on that table, so she might be weaker than she looked. Her height was intimidating, but Rosa couldn't help noticing how her ribs were showing through her skin. Just in case, she fell in step next to her, so she was close if Luna needed any help. Rosa had already carried her thus far, a little further would be no problem.

"What news of the world?" Luna asked Rosa once they had all settled into the routine of walking.

"Um, I don't know a whole lot. I didn't read too many newspapers after-" Rosa swallowed a lump, "-Lillian."

"Oh, the girl. I remember," the alicorn said. "She has not been found?"

All Rosa could do was shake her head sadly. Maybe Lillian had returned and Rosa simply hadn't heard about it yet. It was a better thought than the alternative.

"I am sorry," Luna said quietly.

"Thank you."

"Perhaps she will yet be found. It pays to be optimistic about these things until there is a reason not to."

"Yeah, m-maybe."

"Tell me of your time with her. I only caught glimpses from your dreams."

Rosa was not yet completely sure how she felt about someone just watching her dream, but if Starlight could be believed, Luna had been doing this for centuries. Maybe remembering the good times would make it easier to deal with this oppressive, painful uncertainty. Rosa began her story with how she first met the girl. Luna's slight smile didn't escape her notice and it lightened her heart a little.

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