• Published 7th May 2023
  • 1,194 Views, 137 Comments

Rosa - awf

A young pony born on Earth goes on an adventure to learn about her origins.

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Chapter 40: Crawling Back

Maybe Rosa was still in shock over how quickly things had fallen apart, but she felt calm and in control. She had made herself a place to sleep on a bench at the bus station. There were toilets, which - if a little disgusting - were open all night, and there was the sandwich machine, which had given her her dinner. It had taken most of the coins, but Rosa didn't care. She could mooch up a few more bucks in the morning and then she would buy provisions for her journey. It still wasn't exactly clear to her which way she needed to go, but Rosa was determined to make do. Maybe she would ask someone.

For now, what was left of the silk dress was enough to keep her warm through the night. The weather had been fine all week and the nights were getting quite warm this time of year. She refused to let herself think about Sky Light and focused on Lillian instead. She would go look for the girl back the way Rosa had initially been planning on going, before the pegasus had found her. Undoubtedly she would do a better job of it than the airborne Sky Light, who probably hadn't even looked all that closely. She just flew circles around the area, hoping she would spot the girl.

Lazy, ungrateful bitch!

Rosa put her hooves over her ears in a thoroughly useless attempt to shut out her own thoughts. It was not fair to think about the other mare like that. She had been her friend.

"I'm s-sorry," Rosa blubbered.

She turned around to get more comfortable on the hard, wooden bench and forcibly closed her eyes. Slowly, very slowly, exhaustion caught up to her and Rosa managed to fall asleep.

Voices woke her up. For a moment Rosa believed it was another dream, but then she realized that she was staring at the peeling paint of the wooden backrest. Someone laughed and Rosa froze up. Strangers. A group of them, right on the next bench! She turned her head very slowly, afraid of drawing attention to herself. Maybe they hadn't spotted her yet.

As she got the people in sight, Rosa held her breath to try and keep herself under control. They didn't look the friendly sort, or at least that was the way it seemed to her. One of them passed a lit cigarette to another.

He exhaled, then laughed again. "So, what did you do?" the smoker asked, obviously continuing a conversation from before.

Another one answered: "Told her to go fuck herself. I already got her the chem answers for free. Either pay up or put out, am I right?"

Everyone in the group laughed at that.

Rosa's lungs were burning, so she very carefully exhaled. It was a struggle against her own body to take the next breath calmly, without gasping, but she managed. There was a strange smell in the air - tobacco smoke and something Rosa couldn't quite place.

"Here, lemme have it," one of the young men said and reached for the cigarette. It looked like they were all smoking the same one.

Rosa glanced around for ways she might be able to sneak off. It was too bad everything was paved around the place, because it would be a pain in the ass to move carefully so her hooves didn't make a sound. Most of the area was pretty well lit, too. Her bench and the one with the teenagers were the only two in partial shadow. They would be bound to spot her the second she moved.

The situation was nearly making Rosa cry again. All she had wanted was to be left alone for one god damned night, but these guys just had to settle on the bench next to her for whatever it was they were doing! It was just so unfair!

A snippet of conversation caught Rosa's attention and woke her up from self-pity: "... saw another of those ponies again the other day."

Stupid! She should have been paying attention.

One of the boys - an older one, Rosa guessed by his deeper voice - chuckled. "Male or female?"

The original speaker gave this a moment's though. "Dunno. I didn't bend down to check."

"Did it have a collar?" someone else asked. "Or a uniform?"

"Nope. I think it was one of those feral ones."

"Idiot," one of his friends chided. "They aren't animals. There's no such thing as 'feral' pony. They're more like... hobos."

The entire group laughed at this, while Rosa's heart was trying to climb up her throat. She wanted to be anyplace else, but she was too afraid to move a muscle.

The deep-voiced one went on: "If you see it again, try and catch it. I heard you can fuck them."

This time a small whimper nearly escaped her. The other group was silent and Rosa clamped her hooves over her muzzle, afraid they might have heard her.

"Don't be gross, Mike," someone said. "Yuck. They're like animals. The fuck is wrong with you?!"

One of the boys turned her way and spat but didn't see Rosa.

"Well, I'm just saying," the one she guessed was called 'Mike' said defensively. He didn't get much further, because one of his friends interrupted him.

"You're fucked up. Just shut up and roll another one."

Grumbling, the young man fetched things from his pockets. Rosa heard a rustle of paper and they all gathered around to watch. It almost looked like some ritual. That might be her chance! She slipped from the bench, taking extra care not to let her hooves ring on the concrete. Then she took a gentle step. The plastic bag with the remainder of her coins was sitting there, but Rosa didn't dare take it. They'd jingle and give her away.

The group of humans had started talking again, but Rosa was not paying attention to the words. She slowly turned around so she was facing them. She would not let them out of her sight if she could help it.

It was working!

They had finished what they were doing and Rosa saw the flare of fire as they lit another cigarette. She reached out with her hind leg, but the ground wasn't where she had expected it to be. She really should have looked the other way. Rosa almost lost her balance as she stepped into a pothole and her hooves rang loudly in the night.

"What was that?!" one of the guys yelled and they all turned her way.

Rosa gave a squeak, turned, and ran away as fast as her legs would carry her. She prayed the head start would be enough and that the surprise would give her a few precious seconds.

"Please don't let them have a car! Please don't let them have motorbikes!" she whimpered to herself.

At the first opportunity Rosa ducked between two houses and kept running down the back alley. There were gardens and she trampled the flowers, feeling bad but doing it anyway. Hooves on earth were quieter. She was several blocks away before she slowed down to catch her breath. She didn't hear any pursuit and there was no sight of the gang.

It looked like she had gotten away - if only just barely. The whole experience was making Rosa shiver as she looked around, trying to see into every shadow. She really didn't want to be out at night, alone.

Her thoughts turned back to Sky Light.

Maybe she should go back and apologize? Was Rosa making too big of a deal out of what had happened? Yes the man had been scary, but he hadn't actually threatened her with the gun, had he? He just wore it where Rosa could see. Maybe it wasn't even intentional? In a job like his, maybe he had to keep it visible to deter people from attacking him? Had Rosa misunderstood a simple offer to give her some jobs?

She shook her head, trying to break out of this cycle. She kept going from anger, to regret, to fear, then back to anger. She couldn't stand this and Rosa knew she would never dare go to sleep anywhere in the city by herself again.

With a sinking feeling Rosa realized that she was going to go back to Sky.

Her plans to rescue Lillian by herself were stupid. She would never survive on the street. She was just a stupid filly without any world-smarts, intuition or instincts. She didn't have what it took. Maybe in a few years she could make it, but now Rosa was like a child. The thoughts almost tasted bitter as she admitted them to herself. Even now Rosa was sure she would go back to Sky Light and apologize. The pegasus was the closest thing Rosa had to a friend in this world. Yeah, Terry too.

She might have overreacted when she yelled at her. A bit.

There was a lighted clock above the entrance to a metro station. Past eleven. Ears lowered, tail hanging limply down and hooves dragging on the asphalt, Rosa started making her way back. She absolutely hated the feeling of helplessness, but she also didn't want a gang of humans to catch her and...

The thought was scary and Rosa's mind shrivelled away from it, but she thought it anyway: rape her.

Even if she avoided that, Rosa didn't want to die to a stray dog, or starvation, or some drug addict trying to rob her. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but there was not much choice. Anger had been making her stupid.

Well, at least Rosa had realized her own helplessness in the end, if not exactly in time to prevent her from storming out on Sky Light.

Could the mare even forgive that?

Rosa had to try. It was her only chance of making it in this dangerous world. Maybe not the only chance - Rosa could still try the pony gang at the truck stop - but she really didn't want to tangle with Butch. She would try grovelling to Sky Light, first.

The thought made her laugh mirthlessly. A few minutes ago she had been calling her a bitch and now she was thinking about what she would say to make Sky forgive her.


Trailing tears of both fear and shame, Rosa made her way back to the canal in the dark. Every now and then she had to stop and just concentrate on breathing, before another sobbing fit could overwhelm her. This was something Rosa wasn't looking forward to. The anxiety grew as adrenaline slowly drained from her system.

At long last Rosa made it down the canal stairs. She had paused midway to look at the van, but it was dark. She guessed they had already gone to sleep. Rosa took a few steps, then stopped and turned around. Maybe she would let the two sleep and come back in the morning? She could hide for a few more hours in some bushes or something. After all, Rosa had said those awful things to Sky Light.

Her hoof was already on the first step, but Rosa heard a weird noise from up above and froze in terror. Had something moved because someone was following her, or was it just the wind? Had the gang found her?

She swallowed a lump and changed her mind yet again to go home. The closest thing she had to one, anyway. Just in case, though, Rosa kept her ears turned back so she would hear if anyone tried to follow her.

Maybe that was why she hadn't noticed it at first, but there was something happening in the van, too. The back door was open and Rosa heard an occasional wet, squishy, slurping sound. She cocked her head to the side as she tried to understand it.


Were Terry and Sky Light kissing?!

Rosa thought for a second that she should go away, but then she heard the human give a sound between a grunt and a moan and curiosity got the better of her. Only a few more quiet, careful hoofsteps were enough, then Rosa stretched her head around the side to look.

"Eep!" She couldn't hold the surprised squeak in.

Sky Light lifted her head from Terry's midriff, flaring out her wings in fright. There was a bang as one of her hooves slipped from the mattress and hit the metal floor.

"Fuck!" Terry cursed and hurriedly started pulling up his pants. "Shit, shit, shit!"

Sky Light jumped away from the man, nearly pushing herself out of the van.

Rosa stepped aside, just barely avoiding getting slapped in the muzzle by a flailing wing.

In moments Sky spotted Rosa as she cowered behind the van's door. "Fucking shit, Rosa!" the mare swore, hurriedly wiping her muzzle with a foreleg. "Fuck your sneaking up on people!"

There was some jingling from inside as Terry buckled his pants, then a flop as he fell back on the mattress. "God damn it!" he said to no one in particular.

Sky Light advanced on Rosa, making the younger mare press herself against the ground in fear. "I'm sorry! I didn't-"

Rosa was seriously scared she might hoof her right in the muzzle. She would deserve it, too!

Luckily, Sky Light lowered her foreleg, folded up her wings and hanged her head down. She was panting from the fright she had just had. "What the fuck are you doing back here?" she demanded angrily.

Rosa's eyes were filling up and she couldn't quite master her tongue. "S-Sorry!" she wailed.

"She's back, isn't she?" Terry asked from the van.

Rosa still couldn't see him and she was a little grateful for that. Her muzzle was burning with shame and contrition.

"Yeah," Sky Light said forlornly. Then she pierced Rosa with another stare. "You can't even run away like a mare!" she hissed.

"I'm sorry! Please!" Rosa repeated, that being seemingly all she could say.

"Not even a single night," the pegasus went on, as if the other mare hadn't spoken at all. She thumped the flat tire with a hoof, making Rosa jump and squeak in fright.

This was it. She was about to tell her to go away and then Rosa would die on the streets. It was her life on the line, so Rosa swallowed the last bits of her pride and crawled closer. "Please don't make me go, Sky Light!" she bawled.

Her hooves found Shy's leg and clutched it. She even gave the fetlock a kiss.

"I'm sorry! I overreacted! I was wrong!"

"Yeah, I know," Sky said. She wasn't boiling with rage anymore, but she was still pretty mad.

"I didn't mean to sneak up like this! I got s-scared. I thought someone was following me! Please- I'm sorry!"

This close Rosa could smell... Terry on Sky's muzzle. It was not something she would ever admit, though. Rosa would do her very best to forget what she had seen. Sky Light with her mouth right around-

The pegasus read her expression like a book. "What do you want?" she demanded.

"Please let me stay! I'll do what you say, I promise!"

Sky started to sit on the ground, but then froze and straightened back up. Rosa become aware of the other smell. It was one she had occasionally scented from her older roommates, but only in the shower and only after one of the girls had been talking about a cute colt. Rosa knew what it meant, but she would never admit it.

Terry and Sky Light had been planning to... She was getting...

Rosa swallowed and forcefully dragged her mind back to the present, where Sky Light was thinking about her judgement. Rosa didn't dare make a sound, lest it might displease her.

"Fine. Fuck me, but fine. You're an idiot and an asshole, you understand that?"

The flood of relief almost made Rosa cry again, and she let out the breath she had been holding and grabbed the other mare around her withers. "Thank you!" Rosa whimpered.

After a moment Sky patted her back. "You're a piece of work, Rosa," Sky Light said, but there was not as much venom in it as before.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"As long as you know it," the mare said, then pushed Rosa away. "So what? Suddenly you're no longer afraid mobsters with guns are gonna get you?"

Rosa almost lied to her again, but then sighed and lowered her head. "I am. But I won't make it- out t-there... alone."

If her admission had shocked her, Sky Light didn't show it. She watched Rosa thoughtfully for a moment, then shook her head. "No, you wouldn't. At least you know it. Maybe you can grow up..."

That sounded hopeful.

"I'll make it up to you, I swear! I'll go mooching until you can pay Viktor back."

"Good. And I'll go and talk with Hoover to leave you alone, okay? We have- an understanding."

Rosa heard the pause there, but she didn't think about it further. She stood up and took a hoofstep to the van, wanting nothing more than to go to bed and have this horrible day end.

Sky Light's hoof stopped her. "Not so fast," she said. "First I need you to go to the toilet and wash up. Brush your teeth or whatever it is you do. Just make sure to stay away for an hour. No one will bother you in the old factory."

"B-But why-" Rosa started, then suddenly understood and the knowledge colored her cheeks a nice pink. "Oh."

"Yeah. At least an hour, understand?!" Sky Light ordered.

Rosa's ears were as flat as they went, but she still couldn't believe what Sky was implying. "You're going to-"

"YES!" the mare said, entirely out of patience. She pushed her annoying young friend away with a hoof and Rosa stumbled a few steps. "I'm horny as fuck and I'm gonna do this, understand?! I don't care what you think! Just go away and give me some privacy damn it!"

Rosa swallowed and opened her mouth to say something else, but the mare stepped closer and pushed her again. This time Rosa kept her footing, but she still took a step back.

"Not one word, do you understand?!" Sky Light said firmly. "Get lost before you see something you'll regret!"

As a matter of fact, Rosa already had, but she didn't want to see any more. Yes Sky Light had told her she... did it with Terry sometimes, but Rosa had never imagined she would ever see it.

She couldn't keep herself from whimpering softly as she hurried away. She didn't have her toothbrush, but now that she was moving Rosa was not going back to the van for at least two hours! She would wait, far enough so she wouldn't hear - or smell - anything, but near enough to run back if anyone tried to hurt her. The factory was abandoned, anyway. Sky Light had said no one would bother Rosa there and she believed the more experienced mare.

She heard the pegasus climb back up in the van and say: "Now, where were we?"

Her tone and her words made Rosa pick up her pace.

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